So glad to get the real story. Because without the facts, all we would know is that a much older man with a history of infidelity had an affair with a younger journalist.

Sounds like she was a pro at manipulation and deceit. I’m sorry she manipulated you and Denise. That’s gross.

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6 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

"history of infidelity"

I don't think you know much about Kennedy's ex-wife. She had severe BPD, was an alcoholic, ran over the family dog, physically abused one of their daughters. It was a very difficult marriage and he sought divorce 3 times, since 1997. Initially, his BIL talked him out of it. Kennedy is very open about his flaws, he's never claimed to be a perfect man but what was reported as his "sex diary" was actually part of his 12-step program, it recorded all interactions with women and was meant for his sponsor. Throughout '00s before they separated in 2010, he gave up political opportunities for her, to help her recover. He twice turned down his dad's NY Senate seat uncontested, there was lobbying to get him to run for president in '08 and he quelled those talks. This was at the height of his fame as the environmental champion.

I remember thinking in 2004 democrats should have pressured him to run because he was the most incisive, eloquent critic of George W. Bush's policies - Patriot Act, Iraq war, decimation of environmental standards that he'd helped to establish over the preceding 20 years, and 'Crimes Against Nature' was the book of the year.

Listen to his 2008 testimony pushing back against Bush's Midnight Rulemaking that was pandering to law-breaking mining companies and destroying the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky and West Virginia,


What he predicted would happen in a decade exactly happened because we kept voting for, as Bobby put it, "indentured servants" to law-breaking companies


It would be a great travesty if Bobby never becomes President. As a former democrat, my hope is he can somehow reclaim the democratic party in 2028 after they lose this year and realize that supporting censorship, endless wars, open borders, vaccine mandates, and running establishment puppets is not a viable strategy.

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Exactly my point! We need facts - because the picture painted of RFK Jr is so distorted. You and I are on the same page. The misleading narrative omits a lot.

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If you need facts you need to look somewhere else. This woman isn’t capable of telling the truth.

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He also told a judge he had “a brain worm” because he didn’t want to pay spousal support to her while they were in the process of divorcing.

And then, after she died by suicide he fought to have her buried with his family, against her family’s wishes. And then had her exhumed and moved away to a spot outside the family area without their knowledge or permission.

Does it matter that his diary was part of a 12 step program? He still slept with dozens of other women and wrote it down. Let’s not shield him from his choices.

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You posted this exact comment on other stories about him & Nuzzi. I guess you must really hate him.

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I don’t copy and paste comments. So no, I didn’t do that.

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It just amazes me how women love pointing out how many women men have slept with by the time they’re past middle age. Who cares? I have girlfriends with equally long lists. Americans are so beyond hung up on sex. It’s so puritanical.

I wonder how many men Elizabeth Taylor slept with? She was married seven times. Humans are sexual beings. Get over it.

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Suburban mom here who still believes in RFK Jr and his deep passion for helping our country. Very obvious that he was set up. If we were basing politics on sex scandals look how Harris got to where she is 🤷‍♀️

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Exactly! When people mention how they don’t like Trump because of his prior infidelities I’m like do you even know one shred of info about Kamala? She and her husband have been involved in affairs. Her prior infidelities are what set her up to run for President today!

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We’ve lived in California for decades now and we know Harris’s record how she weaponized her platform to keep jailed youth incarcerated past their release dates because she needed them for labor. She’s dishonest and lacks compassion and she slept her way to the top.

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You should considering voting against private prisons. The prison industrial complex needs to change; it’s modern slavery.

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We’ll start by voting against Kamala. That’s step one.

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Kamala is not the person who conceived of the prison industrial complex lmao. A bunch of Trump’s friends profit from it, though.

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Never said she did.

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This is total crap.

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Wow, didn't know about this regarding Harris, I've heard of the Montel Williams thing

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Her multi year affair with Willy Brown while he was married is what put her on the map!

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They were separated.

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He squired her around and opened doors for in exchange for the relationship as he did for other woman. He was a known philanderer. San Fran politics is disgustingly corrupt and they were all participating at the highest levels.

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Again, he was not together with his wife at the time. They’d been separated for years and later divorced.

RFK Jr. is still very much married to Cheryl Hines. It’s odd to lay blame solely on Olivia when he participated or we wouldn’t be having this discussion at all.

He’s 70, he knows better.

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She had an affair with married Willie Brown for years and that is how she got her first job and moved up through the ranks. He bought her a bmw at one point.

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Willie Brown and his wife had been separated for over a decade when he met Kamala. They dated briefly. It’s not a scandal and it wasn’t a secret.

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Doesn’t matter separated or not. Married is married. We know she was guilty of fornication but also adultery . He too, but he’s not running for president.

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Tell RFK Jr that. He cheated many times on every woman he’s married. So did Trump. See: Laura Loomer right now.

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You don’t know about Willie Brown ? She bent her knees for him. It’s very well known in California, how she got her start.

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That’s some bullshit, lol. Willie Brown didn’t help her pass the toughest bar exam in the country, he didn’t elect her to be DA of SF, he didn’t elect her to be AG of CA.

Anything to diminish a woman’s accomplishments I guess.

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If women want to be judged on their accomplishments perhaps they shouldn’t bang their way to the top 🤷‍♀️

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Misogyny is popular here, I see.

You think she slept her to way to an elected position? LMAO.

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Kamala is a big fat ho and everyone knows it

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She got zero votes when she ran....and now stole all Joe's primary votes while he was asleep. Baby killer.

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Misogyny, and incorrect. But anything to hate on a woman I guess. Why do I expect any more from commenters on an article like this one.

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Her accomplishments?? Yes, she’s done so much for SF, her state and now for the country. And wow, it sounds like your other cousin might also be Willie Brown’s cousin too. 🤣

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Cara, you sound goofy.

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Preach! It’s ridiculous that people don’t care to put her under a microscope the ways she climbed the ladder.

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Because the majority of the media backs her.

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He did exactly nothing wrong as far as I can understand.

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Oh, you mean the Republican lies about Kamala?

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You mean “knee pads Kamala”? That Kamala??

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Please tell me what other nonsense your “news” sources tell you about Kamala.

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All we need are her own words & actions to this point in time. No news sources needed. Vast majority of those are her unpaid campaign aides.

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Go ahead and point me to words she’s spoken that make you think she did any of the stuff Cara implies she did.

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Just like I’d love to know what nonsense you “news” sources say about trump. Oh that’s right…your “news” sources are bought and paid for by the left.

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Girl…I listen to Trump’s own speeches lmao. Are you gonna tell me that shit is paid for by the left?

“They’re eating cats and dogs in Ohio!!” 😅

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These are obviously women who hate women, or they’d never vote for the orange piece of shit!🙄

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Nope. Not even close. But good try!

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Nah, she’s right. You have some internalized misogyny to work through.

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All we know is she grew up middle class and had a lawn probably with fake grass.

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What a mess. Makes me wonder if he was being set up from the start.

Thanks for the further insight.

It’s a dirty business, isn’t it?

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My thoughts as well. New York Magazine might be in on it as well… suspending her to give further light to a story they created.

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Yes, but the lack of integrity and character a person must have, to be part of a scheme like that, is indicative of one's lack of emotional and personal development. Healthy, self-actualized adults don't operate this way.

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completely agree with you

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Of course he was being set up. No question about it

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But he fell for it!!!!!!!

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I don’t like the message that he was bombarded with porn and it was difficult for him to resist. He’s old enough to resist. I’d rather the message be that he’s a horny creep but the country needs him anyway.

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I saw Jessica’s comments today about RFK being reckless and that he’s not a victim. I appreciated that clarification of her point of view.

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Not all mens fault have been to beach lately see string bathing suits women wear...you'll wear

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And he was “set up” for the 37 women he slept with when married to his second wife? He journaled about them all and she found his journal.

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It wasn’t a journal. It was an assignment in his addiction recovery program, to write about all the people you’ve wronged. His ex wife didn’t just “find” it, she went searching for it. He talks about this in one of his long form interviews.

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And you believe his word?

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Yes we do.

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I don’t.

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What interview was this?

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This was a fascinating interview. I just happened to listen to it today. https://youtu.be/BBEUJcRSZnU?si=WMv-NFtnr6pRXZBU

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Oh KW, you’re here again wreaking havoc I see…

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She cannot help herself. Truly deranged.

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I’m not “wreaking havoc”. I’m commenting. As are you.

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I’m not a fan of Kennedy other than his stance on children and disease. And, I didn’t know about the “37 women thing” or the interview he did - which I will listen to now. Having said that, if it’s true that naming the women was part of his addiction recovery process, then what this bunny boiler journalist attempted to do to him is even more sociopathic than I originally thought. She deliberately targeted a weakness of his in order to get her hit piece that ultimately failed. The fact that he blocked her repeatedly is a testament to him attempting to do the right thing especially in fighting an addiction. So yeah, this suburban mom will give him credit. And, yes I still feel awful for his wife Cheryl.

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Love this reply. Agree 100%. He was absolutely trying to do the right thing. I hope he and Cheryl have a strong enough foundation to get through this. I sense that they do.

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Just felt like she found his weakness and zeroed in on that. Sadly it’s a vulnerability a lot of men have.

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From the “diary “ they found? Show me the proof.

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Mary committed suicide, so she’s not here to attest. But his philandering was a contributing factor.

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we are not responsible for other’s decisions no matter how heinous they are. This was her choice.

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I called it a contributing factor.

This same logic can apply to Olivia, btw. RFKJ owns his choices, as do we all.

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Olivia smells like CIA journalist.

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She's a classic honey pot. Olivia was seemingly looking for a full affair with a Kennedy and a best-selling tell-all to seal her place in history. A part of me wants to give RFK Jr some credit for stopping before it got started. However, I'm too disappointed in him for his poor judgement and angry with him for how this potentially damages Trump. They could have been a dynamic duo, but this is a bad reminder of Trump's past infidelities and sordid locker room talk.

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Sounds like he blocked and then she would bait him with a lie about a hit piece. It sounds like one way sexting. If she was the dude it would be sexual harassment.

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Borderline Personality move. She basically STALKED the man.

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He blocked here repeatedly as I’m reading this. He interviewed with her only once. He only unblocked her to get the info on upcoming smear stories she wanted to share. So exactly what are you disappointed in? Jeeez. That’s pretty disciplined, considering her anti MeToo trickery, from my vantage point.

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Most men have done crap like this. Look at Harris/Walz, didn’t Walz impregnate the nanny? That’s worse than this if you ask me.

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That was Kamala’s husband Doug. Walz is the one who let Minneapolis burn and put tampons in the boys bathroom.

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Minneapolis was burned in part by Boogaloo boys who traveled from Texas. They lit the police station on fire, IIRC.

Trans and agender people exist who may use boy’s bathrooms. Boys also have sisters and friends, and the girls room is gonna run out of period products first.

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Omg get out of here. If you need a tampon you need to use the bathroom for people with ovaries and a uterus

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And if you come back to reality, you’ll realize that there are 2 genders. And only one of them needs tampons.

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I didn’t ask who burned it (we all know who did that). My comment was Walz let it burn (which he did).

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The law requires schools to provide feminine hygeine. So girls weren't bleeding in school unprepared which happens. Schools chose to stock where it makes sense for them. Many schools use locker rooms and rest rooms differently for activities.

Why are you so afraid of tampons?

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Absolutely agree!

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That was my very first thought also.

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I'd say so. It's much easier to be that ruthless if it's planned. You can be friendly whilst setting up dialogue to benefit your cause and the other people only think of it as it comes across to them.

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That’s exactly how I took it

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The title of this article is perfect. Olivia’s talent as a journalist is known, but it appears her greatest talent is to be evil for her own gain.

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Another great article.

I feel like Olivia is the kind of woman that would host your baby shower while sleeping with your husband. 🤬

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She is not a girl's girl.

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Why would you want to be with someone who would sleep with ‘that kind of woman’?

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RFKjr was being set up from the start to take the bait from Nuzzi. She wanted to break a sex scandal wide open right before the election, and when she didn’t get what she wanted, she released the tiny tidbits she wanted, taken out of context, to try to paint a false narrative.

Basic synopsis: psycho stalker

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YES. Sociopathic behavior with zero fucks for who gets hurt

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This was exactly my thoughts. She sounds like a sociopath.

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Zero fucks. Period. Boy has MeToo lost its way.

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This has nothing to do with #MeToo

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Lol, agree with your synopsis.

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This is a man that goes and picks up a gum wrapper that missed his pitch into a trashcan on his way to catch a late flight. He’s not perfect but he seems like he’s always trying to be better. I didn’t believe the gossip.

Thanks for sharing all of this. I’m still RFK & JRK all the way! 🫶🏻

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Absolutely a fan and supporter of Bobby Kennedy! Olivia, not so much. She shouldn’t be allowed to be employed in this field anymore. Terrible tactics and terrible person!

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I feel the same way!

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Suburban mom here. I don't give a damn about anyone's personal life. I just want wars to end, our food safer, and big pharma held responsible. I still stand behind Bobby!

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And my kids to die of preventable diseases! RFK 2024!

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Anyone who thinks Big Pharma has our best interests at heart needs to get their head checked.

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Newsflash- many, many of his supporters have children who are vaccinated. A bunch of us even had our kids get the COVID vaccine as soon as it was available. (And yet, our pediatricians have been saying since 2022 that the risk v. benefit isn’t there when we ask if we should get it. In NYC, nonetheless.) But if you really just love propaganda more than nuance, you do you.

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He's not going to get vaccines banned, so you can still chose marginal, short lived protection with a host of ill side effects if you want. He'll fight for their safety and people's choice in the matter.

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Vaccine misinfo.

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Men are not perfect! Women are not perfect! I hope Bobby is sincere that would help America so much!

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So insightful. And it’s all growth.

You’re growing because you’re realizing that you will draw in those whose sights are set on very different agendas. And you’re understanding they will use you to further their own careers.

Appreciate your honesty and your willingness to say hard things to expose truth for the rest of us.

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The biggest thing to hand clap in this...Jessica's husband not liking her tryingto befriend Jessica. My husband isn't a people person by nature. Neither of us are. But as women we want to have women friends sometimes that are fun and as a Scorpio myself, I like different types of ppl. So I've been in woman friendships where my husband instantly dislikes them. The whole short lived, love bombed fast friends shtick...he disliked them. What do you know, I'm not friends with ANY of them. The husbands, especially Long term husbands that know us well...they ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. If you're a woman reading this and has a friend that your long term husband has been vocal about, not in a nasty way. But just a meh, I don't like her. Listen and look. It's called the Kennedy curse for a reason. Women fawn all over them, they either cheat, or get close, or it isn't believed that they resisted. Can't win for losing.

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Very true!!! Love that Mike warned Jessica!

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Mike is a good one! Mad respect for his good judgment and looking out for Jessica.

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My thoughts about Mike as well. Men see stuff with our girlfriends that we miss

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My husband can tell me exactly what he doesn't like and why. It's not that I can't see it, more so it wasn't directed at me if that makes sense. Same goes for Jessica. She knew this journalist had bad habits all the things...but she wasn't focusing that stuff on HER until recently. It hits different when they turn those neg based traits on us. The men sit back and watch us all interact. Smart women listen when their hunnies say something. We are lucky when we have men that care to give the advice. I'm glad Jessica has her husband

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Anyone who couldn’t see through this attack on Kennedy as just that…. 45 days from an election… is probably voting for Kamala 🤣

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Why does it matter? He’s not running for President.

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Ya, ok, but he's ENDORSING someone running for president (Trump).That connection is now tainted. An attack on him is an attack on everythijg/everyone he stands for, including whom he is ENDORSING for president.

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No one really cares about the personal life of someone who is endorsing someone else to be president.

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I smelled a rat. There was no reason to confess an “emotional affair.” It’s more like sexual entrapment and emotional derangement on her part. Pathetic.

He wasn’t sending pictures, she was perusing him, relentless. Gold digger, fame #ucker are terms that come to mind. Obviously she’s a dangerous manipulator that craves attention and likes to play games. Olivia is never to be trusted, she showed her true colors and it’s ugly.

I stand with Bobby and hope Cheryl has the vision to see this is just another wanna-be obsessed with her hubs.

Bobby + Cheryl Forever

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She’s giving Amber Heard vibes - also, look up histrionic personality disorder symptoms - she sounds like a classic example!

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Nailed it!

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That’s it right there, the obsessiveness & lack of consciousness are big signs of a histrionic woman. Let me tell you, from personal experience with one who was involved with my former husband. They wreak havoc on every relationship they have including their own children and they walk away with their head held high. Their level of dishonesty & manipulation is vile.

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I had a bad feeling about her after reading your interview with her. This doesn’t change how I feel about RFK jr other than it confirms just how important he really is for this election and they will do anything to take him out. She is the definition of a “jezebel spirit” !

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I had the same feeling! This whole thing is crazy.

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And I feel for Jessica. She embodies integrity and got taken advantage of by what seems to be a jealous, insecure woman who will stop at nothing for attention and power.

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Same! Showed some Narcissistic tendencies while at the same time shouting loudly that Trump is the biggest Narcissist of them all. Not saying- that he isn’t self inflated, but felt like she was writing what people in powerful positions wanted to hear

from her while also not completely crapping on Trumps

Base. She’s been courting the dems for approval and advancement and this is just seems to be another avenue of reaching that goal.

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Trump is absolutely a narcissist. Nothing changes that.

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That’s your opinion KW. No one really cares about it.

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You don’t speak for others.

The opinion of medical professionals is what I base my opinion on. Ignore if you choose to.

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Let me guess, left leaning medical professionals that appear on CNN or MSNBC? Several medical professionals have said Kamala lacks intelligence, so….

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I’m disappointed Jess that you wrote a line about Bobby not being able to resist the unrelenting porn-bombing Olivia was doing.

He didn’t have to unblock her - if she emailed and said “there’s a hit piece coming” he could have said “tell my publicist about it” or “I won’t talk to you without Cheryl/another trusted person present, and if you send me one unsolicited photo I’ll have you charged with sexual harassment.” But he didn’t.

I think Olivia seems absolutely vile for what she has done but he isn’t some innocent little boy. Unfortunately he knew what he was doing. He should never have responded to a single one of those messages.

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The point is, he's human. Hopefully. He and Cheryl can weather this. We need him front and center to make America healthy again. Trump and Melania did candid interviews after the "grab 'em" story broke. These things can be gotten past.

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Correction. There was supposed to be a comma after "Hopefully" and the "he" not capitalized.

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I completely agree with you. Yes, Olivia is vile and conniving. Women like her disgust me. But the onus was on RFK, Jr to do the right thing - he is married and he was the one running for office. He should have blocked her indefinitely. It became a pattern and he was culpable in it.

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It seems like you took her saying he was "unable to resist" as some kind of defense of him/his actions. It wasn't. It makes him look silly, a little cowardly -- which I'm sure she hated to do (make him look bad). OBVIOUSLY he never should have replied 🙄 People make mistakes. Sounds like he was baited into this one.

What else was she supposed to write? She didnt make it out like he was completely innocent. She has INTEGRITY, unlike Olivia.

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In my reading voice it sounded almost sympathetic “Once unblocked, she bombarded him with increasingly pornographic photos and videos that he found difficult to resist. After brief exchanges, he would block her again.”

“He found difficult to resist” could have been “videos that he entertained with brief exchanges, before coming to his senses and blocking her again.”

I am obviously not an expert, I’m just sharing my own comments based off how it came across to me.

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I understand your point. I just don't think that was intended as a defense of his actions. As somewhat of a friend, I think it's understandable she would hesitate to be too harsh but as someone with integrity, she had to tell the unflattering truth 🤷🏻‍♀️ I feel like she did this well. The reader knows he shouldn't have done it, she didn't need to spell it out any further IMO.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly. It sounds like Olivia was relentless. And yes, he should have continued to block her, but he didn't and Jessica said that. Jessica did not have to say anything at all!!

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No doubt this article would have been difficult to write. It’s still a great article, I just didn’t like how that one line was written. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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She sounded sympathetic and was giving him a pass for sure. If he was my husband, I would show him the door.

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He’s had dozens of affairs and he knows women are a weakness of his. He’s 70. Time for him to take responsibility.

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I completely agree with you and commented similar. He did not have to yo-yo blocking and unblocking. He couldn’t resist is how I see it. He’s not a victim.

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I did not take this as Jessica saying he is a victim. She is stating what she was told, including that he plans to take legal action. That is just her reporting not an opinion.

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The thing is though, it was reported that people found out because HE bragged about it. If it was a set up, wouldn’t Olivia have leaked it? I feel like Jess is being manipulated by Bobby because she looks up to him so much. I dont believe he’s an innocent victim. He’s a grown ass man and he’s responsible for his choices.

Those of us who have been affected by infidelity (myself included) find it easier to blame the woman, but it is the MAN who vowed to be faithful till death do us part. And the fact is, he has done it before. Men don’t stop cheating if they have it in their character.

He did it to his first 2 wives, I’m sure he’s cheated on Cheryl before.

Let’s normalized NOT giving passes to dirtbags who cheat on their wives.

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How do you know that he bragged about it? Do you think the Daily Beast (where Olivia once worked) is honest?

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Why are we believing everything else from the article except that one piece? Is it possible that a married man is lying about an affair to cover his ass? That’s generally what they do when they get caught. I think he’s taking advantage of our Jess here because she looks up to him. Because she knows him and has seen how great he is up close, she probably can’t imagine him behaving like this. But this detail does not sound far fetched to me.

I’m tired of giving men a pass because “boys will be boys”.

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How do we even know he ever blocked her. I hope she has some proof to back this up. Otherwise it looks like she's just blaming the woman because that woman made her look like a fool.

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Women can be vile too. And women can be to blame just as much as a man.

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How bout they’re both responsible? RFK Jr. is married. He has been a philanderer all his life, he admits to that himself.

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Agreed. Disappointing how weak men are.

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LOL, it's not just men who cheat. Not just men who are "weak".

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Much more common for them though.

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I agree Jules. Loved the article and the clarity but I didn’t like the last line of the article. I hold everyone to high moral standards. I’m not a boys will be boys type person. If someone f up with something like this when married, even if it’s they are “taking the bait” then I lose respect and trust for the person. If his wife can’t trust him, then I don’t trust him. I hope an investigation will clear him completely. I guess we will see.

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These are my feelings as well about the article & the whole situation.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

"if you send me one unsolicited photo I’ll have you charged with sexual harassment"

If you think Bobby would respond that way, you really don't know the kind of person he is. Even now, I would expect him not to want to ruin her career.

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Her article literally says he is preparing legal action.

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

GDB is investigating. We'll see. But if he could help it, he'd not want to ruin her career. He described Sirhan Sirhan as "a sweet, old man", for all the things some of his extended family have said, he only says "I love them, they're entitled to their political views."

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I wasn’t meaning he would try to ruin her career, but that threatening legal action against any unwanted photos etc. might have shown her he was serious and not just playing hard to get.

Ironically, Olivia worked for Anthony Weiner - looks like she learned from the best, and she deserves the same level of societal disgust and cancellation as he got.

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Well, maybe he tried to resist but could not. That is what it sounds like here. He is human. Jessica did not make it out like he is an innocent little boy and he would probably laugh at you saying that.

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Tried to resist but could not? Children have no self control. Men should be able to control themselves and remain monogamous. That’s why I suggest it makes him sound like an innocent young person who couldn’t resist. That’s all I’m saying.

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This type of response makes me wonder if “he’s only human” would be your take on your husband having this relationship with someone other than you. If it’s not, then you probably might want to rethink your perspective one way or another.

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Thiiiiiis. Why are people being so lenient to this man who has a record of cheating on his partners?

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He’s “been human,” as you put it, in all of his marriages.

Being loyal is not that hard. I’ve been married for 18 years and managed not to cheat.

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Also I don’t believe he blocked her. She could have just sent the pics/info from the new number she texted him from.

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So it sounds like there wasn’t a digital affair then, just her spamming him with porn— right? Or did he reciprocate at all? Your writing makes it sound like he didn’t. What are his statements on this?

How damaging for his reputation, even a correction will make this hard to erase in people’s minds. Such dirty tricks.

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Jessica stated, “Nobby has Security expert Gavin de Becker currently investigating the situation for civil litigation that he intends to file, as well as for potential criminal referrals.” So my take is Bobby didn’t reciprocate at all!

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Exactly, he shut her down and she wouldn’t stop and now he does need to pursue litigation if possible because she’ll do it again to someone else and evil not stopped will result in far worse destruction of other people . Her fiancée dodged a bullet.

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I don’t think it’s damaging to his reputation. It’s her reputation that has been tarnished.

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Unfortunately the reporting is that there was an “affair”, so regardless of any corrections that get issued, a lot of people saw that news. It’s hard to erase the first news you see and a lot of people never see the retraction.

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This! This is my most hated thing in "reporting". Ppl love a click bate rage porn drama. But the second ppl are like hey, oops. That's not right. We were mistaken. No one EVER looks at that, they also don't ever go back to reread the rewritten original story. I think that's probably why it seems that RFK is going a legal route.

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This is how Trump operates. He lies and no one pays attention to the fact check.

As they say, “the lie makes it around the block before the truth has time to get its pants on”

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KW, why in the hell of all post are you bring up Trump....again. This post was about RFK and his infidelity. I'm beginning to suspect you're obsessed. No matter what post you comment on. It's all Trump all the time, orange man bad. And I've fact checked you multiple times in comment sections about Trump, White Nationalists etc but you keep on keeping on. Let's not get on Kamala and her never being fact checked and laughing like a loon, I don't want to hear about Trump and his not liking a fact check and how he works, but you're blind to your own view points. You are notorious for basic white bread Dem talking points. Which you accuse others of doing. It's sad really. It's giving Trump Derangement Syndrome

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Yes! She is a classic case of TDS

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I’m not the first person to bring up Trump here. It’s literally in the article. But go off.

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They do that on purpose! So infuriating, I’m happy Bobby didn’t take the bait but unfortunately the damage in people’s minds has already been done. I’m not the first to think that anyone in politics is a choir boy, find me the politician without a sex scandal skeleton. I care about policy, I’m still team Trump//Kennedy

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People are getting smart to these dirty tricks.

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I heard from another friend of Bobby's that there was no encouragement from his side. He's also the kind of person who would be careful not to damage Nuzzi's career if he could help it. It seems like she played herself too regardless of her original intentions.

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“Once unblocked, she bombarded him with increasingly pornographic photos and videos that he found difficult to resist. After brief exchanges, he would block her again.”

Sounds like he did engage with her, which makes me sad.

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Reportedly the story got out because he was bragging to his friends, which fits with his previous behavior during affairs.

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19 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago


by Daily Beast (CIA)

When Jessica herself was so naive and she was trusted with so much access, no one can be trusted. You don't think they'll report Kennedy sharing the details as "bragging"?

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LMAO you think the Daily Beast is the CIA?

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What is Smith Mundt Modernization Act?

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She wouldn’t bother looking that up because her “news” sources don’t talk about that.

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I’ve lived in the UK and traveled extensively, I’m familiar with VOA.

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Because you know him KW? Or let me guess, your other cousin works for the CIA🤣🤣

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Cara, read more sources. You might learn somethin’.

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I remember recently when you ran into James O'Keefe and Olivia was there. She turned around and started walking away very quickly. James was joking about it and asking her why she was running away. Kind of like those people that he exposes in his videos. I thought it was so odd.

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So remember this and thinking...no Jessica, go with James!

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Me too, I would much rather hear from him!

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James is the king of the honey pot scheme, I think he knew exactly who Olivia was

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Yes! I thought it was odd too.

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