I love that you’re invited to such personal moments of theirs- I think it’s something special that they seem to not see you as “just” a journalist, but someone they genuinely like having around. I really appreciate how you don’t chase the story & seek evidence to back it, but rather investigate the lead and ride the wave wherever it takes you. It’s been a wild ride thus far and am loving where you take us fans!

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It's to their advantage, obviously. Not sure why you think it's out of generosity.

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Congrats to Tulsi and team. RFK and Kash next. Not tired of winning!

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I love Denise's photos. Makes me feel like I was there.

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Tulsi will be our first female president.

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Agree. :)

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I love this so much. Until you,, I never would have thought Tulsi and Meghan were friends. John McCain never met a war he didn't want us in and that seems the opposite of Tulsi. I've loved Tulsi since seeing her on Tucker years ago. My now 18 year old son has had a low-grade crush on her since he was about 13. He loved how she was never disrepectful to Tucker but stuck to her guns and calmly stated her case. She is a class act. I'm so happy she was confirmed. Oh - and FUCK Mitch McConnell for voting against her! Oh - And I LOVE Marla Maples. She is beyond adorable. Her kindness is palpable.

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Congratulations to Tulsi. I could do without McCain being there. She's an elitist that gave us 4 years of hell during Trumps first 4 years and then gave us Biden with her rhetoric and self pity party with defending her Dad that gave us the thumbs down to America and our Healthcare. Thanks McCain. We are still paying for that selfish vote. She is out of touch with everyday Americans.

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Yes I came to ask that too: who still likes Meghan McCain, she’s 0% relevant. Her dad was the deciding vote against overturning Obamacare. If I ever saw her I would completely ignore her

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What an incredible time you are witnessing and sharing with us! ♥️🇺🇸♥️

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Tulsi has been confirmed.

For those of you on the Left, ration your tears. You still have 47 months of whining to do.

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Great article, Tulsi is steadfast and refreshing! A deep dive on Edward Snowden, then Julian Assange, through your unique lens would be awesome!

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I’m hoping Snowden gets a full pardon.

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I just love her. She will do amazing things for this country and show little girls everywhere that they can accomplish great things by doing good and standing firm in their convictions. Congratulations to Tulsi and her support team.

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Thank you for sharing the backstory of Tulsi- these stories are the human side of politics and I love feeling a part of it.

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She looks tan, happy, healthy & glowing in all your pics from today! I swear the media must put grey dull filters on anyone that hate just like they would do with Trump. From now on, I only trust Denise’s photos to determine what someone ACTUALLY looks like. 🤣

& so far, they all look more beautiful and kind compared to the pics from the legacy media.

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So happy for Tulsi!!

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Wild to think that Tulsi was once floated as a VP pick for Bernie Sanders (2016?), and now she’s here with an entirely different trajectory. If nothing else, it proves just how unpredictable (and entertaining) politics can be. Have fun Jessica. Now don't lose a shoe to the security belt in the process.

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And Bernie voted no for her confirmation. What a weasel.

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In 2017 Gabbard went to Syria on a personal fact finding mission and essentially established for herself that Russia was correct in arming Dictator Assad against regime fighters whom she characterized as truly bad actors (ie not “moderate”). At that point - and regardless of truthful characterizations - Sanders had to part ways with her as he was going to continue to focus on Assad as the *primary* bad actor in the region and not give any nod to Russia. She took a different direction from Sanders and not the other way around.

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Jessica, I need to know what Mark Kelly and Meghan were discussing in the photo you posted! So disappointed in him for not only not voting for Tulsi but for telling lies about Bobby while filibustering today. She does not look happy!! Go Meghan! And YAY for Tulsi! Looking forward to more reports from cold country!

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I'm loving all your reports of all the behind the scenes happenings!

Thank you for all you do.

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