On Inauguration Day, President Joe Biden preemptively pardoned mass murderer Anthony Fauci as well as establishment criminals like Liz Cheney and Biden’s own family. Everything the establishment warned Trump would do, they themselves did... President Trump’s Inauguration speech signaled his intention to undo an era of blatant ugliness and nihilism, and I pray that America triumphs over the darkness.

Beautiful writing. We are the media now. The era of Mass Media propagandists shilling for their Deep State masters is over. Yet we must remain vigilant because they are now posing as "independents". Will be posting a deep dive on the Trump Derangement Substack slop merchants tomorrow...

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Shane, I felt the anxiety through your words all the way to the end. I think, and this is just my opinion, that those of us who truly understand what took place over the last four years all have PTSD (a severe form of anxiety). The fear for President Trump’s life yesterday, the manipulation spawned through the media, and the level of gaslighting and minimizing— it was catastrophic. It sounds like you walked through a war zone as the last artillery sounds off, hoping the war is over. I’m with you; I hope it is, too.

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I watched live from New Zealand and even being so far away I felt the same for your country too.. well spoken indeed 🩵

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Watching the inauguration live I was scared something bad would happen, thankfully it did not. Good to know the dread wasn’t in my head tho.

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“Everything the establishment warned Trump would do, they themselves did” - exactly, that is the playbook of the left. It’s so obvious and still so many are deceived or blind to it. I am so angry about Fauci’s pardon. He is a master of lies and death - what does that sound like? Yep, Satan himself! Lots of continued prayers for the Trump administration moving forward and I am just so damn relived the border is finally closed.

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Loved this piece, Shane!

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This was a master class in writing. Thank you for all you do. May God continue to keep you, your family, Jess, her family .... well and safe.

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Seems there are a few swamp creatures who made their way into the comments.

Great read, thanks for putting us ‘in the room’.

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They cannot help themselves

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The pardons were the conclusion to the biggest scam in the history of the presidency. Beware the next scam in the making. This piece isn’t ours, but is our current weekly recommendation: https://thewholetruthpublications.substack.com/p/pre-empting-the-next-mainstream-media?r=4dg1kb

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I am reading comments above about your “ master class” writing. In the real world this piece never would have made it through the 8th grade. You called Dr. Fauci a “ mass murderer” but you do nothing to source your “absolute” statement. Please reference substantiated studies that would indicate Dr. Fauci is indeed a “mass murderer.” At least 5 studies and properly peer reviewed with at least 10 references each. I could go on and on about your careless and reactionary emotional writing but I guess your goal is to insight more hate and conflict among your “Maget” readers.

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You are late to this party. These many sources have been shared on substack since 2021. Not to mention Judy Mikovits' book about faucis crimes during AIDS. You are sorely misinformed. Perhaps do some honest research. Funny your name is Karen

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Nope, not misinformed. I’m new to Substack, so I haven’t read what you have read. Dr Fauci devoted his life to science. I think he should be commended for his life’s work. He is not a “mass murderer”. I have a masters of science degree in nursing education. Referencing and researching peer reviewed studies was a big part of my education and training. I will consider the book you referenced. Yes my name is Karin and I couldn’t be prouder. Thx for your reply.

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Also consider reading "The Real Anthony Fauci" one of the most scientifically referenced books out there. This book and it's references has never been disputed. Also consider who funded the studies to which you refer. Yea I have a master's degree too. It's irrelevant to critical thinking and wisdom. Good luck Karin

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Thx. Appreciate your source and information.

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Anytime I see magat - or more than likely purposefully misspelled in your case - I know I’m reading the words of an imbecile.

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Yes, that was immature of me but at times the ignorance most of the MAGA party pontificates, and the lies they believe, gets to my heart and soul. I reacted poorly. Apologies.

Re: imbecile, 🤷‍♀️, I have a masters of science degree in nursing education and peer review objective data was a huge part of my career. I have a lot of problems falling for the MAGA lies and rhetoric. If that makes me an imbecile in your eyes then so be it.

The progressive liberals aren’t going away, sorry. I’m also pro - choice, family and children. Thx for your reply.

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Thank you for your response. I also apologize for the imbecile comment.

I’m old enough to remember when people with different views could converse without the name calling. It would be nice to get back to those days.

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You’re not an imbecile Karin, you’re a brainwashed sheep. Not too late to wake up though. Name some of these “lies” MAGA believes.

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See reply below re: lies…

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Karin this is a blog, not a research paper, get a grip. You sound jabbed to the gills. What are you now, about 9 boosters in?

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New to Substack - learning. I read the article on the free press, assumed it was it was API worthy or at least a bit credible. I feel if you make an absolute/argument statement, regardless, support it with resources and references. Lies - 1. Trump didn’t fix Ukraine in 24 hours. 2. The water in Calif is being used to protect some small fish (smelt). He know’s nothing about how the water is distributed in Calif. It is a very complex and contractual. 3. Women love me- nope not ALL women, at least 50% don’t approve of Trump what so ever. Anyway, I regress. I’ll stop now before I go further down the rabbit hole. I might be 1 vaccine short, due for another Covid but other than that all caught up. Thx for your reply.

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Though you are a brilliant writer, I question why you were at such an event?… To be anywhere near anyone celebrating such a person as a pedophile, liar, racist, bigoted person who doesn’t even care about the earth is a shame. How come you spoke to none of this?… I’m a mother, and I pray that my child will have something of this earth left behind for him to enjoy!… let freedom ring, let there be peace!… And please let there be justice for someone who thinks it’s OK to disrespect people of other genders and races than his own, not to mention class… I just don’t understand why so many people have chosen this person to lead our country.

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Pedophile, liar, racist. You’re clearly talking about former President Biden, correct? Don’t worry! His term is mercifully over!

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Fear not! You are just misinformed

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I totally agree. It’s creepy to see all these men celebrating a man who mocked a disabled person and boasted about grabbing a woman’s pussy. I could go on and on. And the lazy retort is “but what about Biden”…as if one cancels out the other

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You are such a moron and can't think for yourself, that much is obvious. Perhaps you'll move away with the others, oh wait they never really do move away do they. At least President Trump keeps his promises.

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Great writing, Shane! I loved it.

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What a disgusting waste of words this was. JFC.

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There was a large study done recently and the outcome concluded the most miserable and depressed women voted blue. They are also on the highest levels of antidepressants - maybe try seeing things from a new lens and your mood will lift.

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Can you reference that study or let me know where I can read it? I’d like to know the sample size, how it was conducted, etc. I’m white a liberal and do none of those things you mentioned from the study. Except for the outcome of the election, I’m a very happy person.

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The ignorant fool is always the happiest!

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There is no known cure for your syndrome

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Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain

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Pardon my future French and lack of eloquence, but I’ve got opinions about all of you. Opinions I’ve kept to myself out of grace and, frankly, fear of exile from both sides. When are we going to wake up and realize this is no longer a Dems vs. Cons thing? They’ve been pitting the two parties against each other since the dawn of time. Everyone needs to wake the fuck up and understand: this is an us (the American people) vs. them (billionaires, power-hungry politicians FROM BOTH SIDES, and greedy lobbyists gaslighting us into whatever agenda they’ve cooked up to better fill their small dick and bulging pockets) situation. And please believe me when I say I am just as cynical and realistic as the next emotionally intelligent person. I hate the DNC as much as I hate the RNC. But this isn't cute anymore

It’s not about abortions. It’s not about immigration. It’s not about fucking sports and bathrooms, you weird genitalia obsessed (both sides) psychos. It’s not about religion. It’s not about critical race theory. It’s not about #MeToo. It’s not about January 6th. It's not about vaccines. It's not about COVID. (well its a little about covid because both parties decided to gamble with our physical existence at the expense of our mental)

It’s about how the five richest men in the world have seen their wealth grow by 155% since 2020 while the federal minimum wage is still $7.25 an hour (which hasn't changed since TWO THOUSAND FUCKING NINE!!). It’s about being able to get sick without losing your life savings or your home. It’s about being able to provide for your family on a 40-hour-a-week job. Seriously, why the fuck is it not called a minimum livable wage? It’s about the right to protect your property, yourself and your family with the Second Amendment without having to worry that sending your child to school means they might not come home. It’s about loving thy neighbor without the fear of them taking your livelihood. But guess what? That fear is driven by THEM—the billionaires, politicians, and their enablers—because they’ve convinced US that we’re not smart enough, good enough, or capable enough to do our jobs at a fair, market-rate wage.

We’ve lost the plot—and that’s been intentional.

And don’t get me wrong—I want to be rich. I want to be comfortable. I like nice things. I want to provide for a family of four and buy a house in Los Angeles on $150,000 a year. I want nice clothes, nice furniture, and the freedom to go out to dinner whenever I want. I want to support my local economy with my money because I love food, going out, and socializing—and of course I like these things, because I grew up on capitalism and targeted advertising!

But if THEY want us to do it, why are they so reluctant to give us the money to make it possible?

Hell, I want to make more than $150,000! I want to take nice vacations and give my kids the life and support they deserve. But I don’t want any of that to come off the backs of people who got the short end of the stick.

I want a single mom of three who may or may not have made bad decisions in her life to still have a way out and a shot at doing the same as me. The American Dream? It’s a moving goalpost. It’s an uphill battle that doesn’t need to be a fucking battle. Throw some people a rope, for God’s sake.

We are, quite literally, the gladiators in the Colosseum. They’ve somehow convinced us that we’re each other’s enemies and that the only way out is to slaughter one another. Because that’s it—the parties aren’t conservatives and liberals anymore. This is a class war. We’re all fucking broke. This whole country is broke, and we shouldn’t be!!

I’ve been watching Jessica (for 15+ years) quickly descend into a narrative I’m afraid she’ll never come back from. She hides behind the guise of silly political gossip, all the while feeding into the very machine that claimed to have radicalized her in the first place. Her pendulum has SWUNG.

She’s become exactly what she once disliked about herself and other Democrats when she was one—but now, with the confidence of followers and her own self-righteousness, she’s vengefully retaliating. Whether it’s against some insecure, woke, “purple-haired” woman desperate to prove herself, or an equally insecure, intolerable 5’10” blonde Oceanside mom loudly convincing herself of her anti-racism and her disdain for the homeless, it’s all part of the same exhausting cycle.

It pains me to watch people praise billionaires like Elon Musk (WHO ISN’T EVEN AMERICAN, YOU FREAKY, PATRIOTIC, HYPOCRITICAL FREAKS—and let’s be real, if he wasn’t white and from Africa, he wouldn’t be where he is today) just as much as it pains me to see people glorify dirty establishment Democrats like Hillary Clinton and whoever hides behind the title of the DNC (WHO ROBBED THE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS OF A FIGHTING CHANCE BY BEING A NARCISSISTIC, VENGEFUL, SORE LOSER SAD GIRL).

Of course, DC is on edge—people are conflicted yet still desperate to believe in a better future. But that future doesn’t come with the richest men in the world sitting in the front row of a presidential inauguration, while the newly appointed cabinet is relegated to the second row. It doesn’t come with the so-called “smartest man alive” throwing a Nazi salute to a cheering crowd.

And I refuse to let the argument rest on "ohhh, HE's AuStiC"—biiiitch, come on, lol. And don’t even get me started on Zionists doing mental gymnastics to justify his actions. He's literally a descendant of Nazis. I truly don't know his motive behind what he did yesterday, but I can tell you with certain that he knows what the fuck a nazi salute is lmao. And the sound he made?! Whether it was a joke or a misunderstanding or whatever the fuck. He just spoke to a alive and well subgroup in America and gave silent support to whatever they're pathetic, inbred idealogies

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I support and love my Jewish and Israeli friends, and their right to exist and have a homeland, just as much as I condemn the genocide of the Palestinians.

I am not a sensationalist, and I’m not trying to throw blanket statements or explanations around. I’ve spent the better part of my adult life trying to see the better in both sides, but I’m losing hope.

I lost hope with the Democrats a long time ago when they started to show their power-hungry motives and lack of sincere care for the American people. I lost hope when their narrative became that anyone who voted red was a dumb, bad person. And I lost hope when Trump became the poster child for hate.

I genuinely hope for a better future. I live in LA, and I’ve been brought to my knees and to tears seeing how the community has rallied behind Angelenos affected by the fires. I just wish I could bottle up this feeling and give it to everyone.

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Wow. That was a therapy session to get through. So much anger. I say this with sincerity. Get help.

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Doesn’t really sound sincere.

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She needs help.

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Good lord. Imagine writing all that and not realizing what the MAGA movement is all about. WE ARE THE ANSWER TO THE SWAMP.

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Hands down, the best comment I have ever read. I missed it the first time around. Hopefully “the people” will pressure Trump to be the President he promised to be.

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Love the description and observation of the portraits! So well written

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Shane, I felt like I was there WITH you. Only gifted writers can do this.

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You had me on the edge of my seat. Very engaging recounting of your experience.

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