Poisoned pilot suits sent from China????? Another story within a story. Intrigued.

You always leave us wanting more 😉

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I want to know more about the pilot and his stories with Wexner! And there has to be more about his visit to Epstein’s. Please share!!

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I left out two of his stories because they are so crazy I worried readers wouldn’t believe them 😵‍💫

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Tell us, please

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No we would! We aren’t pre-2020’ers here, we’ve ridden the ride the past 3 years and our minds are blown WAY open.

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We've lived through the past 3 years. I never would have belived people actually support pretend women over real women - I can believe anything as long as it doesn't come from the media or politician.

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Haha I just said what you said before I read your comment

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If the Armie stories didn’t scare us away....come on, spill the tea!

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Denise’s photos bring EVERYTHING to another level! While I’m cringing at your lack of rest after procedure, I’m applauding your impeccable taste. Denise is 🤌🏻😘 I hope Leon is healing nicely at home! Xoxo

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Thank you! It’s so fun having her capture the imagery to pair with stories ❤️

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It’s an absolute delight!! I REALLY love your guys vibe too💁🏼‍♀️✌🏻🫶🏻♥️

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I’m laughing that you met one of “us”!

I don’t usually tell strangers that I’m wearing a wig, but married, religious Jewish women cover their hair, with hats, scarves or wigs. Not for our husbands, though.

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I was so hooked on her stories. They were so much fun. I learned a lot in those 3 hours. 💁🏻‍♀️

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Definitely wanna go to park city in January now!!😂😂

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Meet you there!

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We should plan a party!!!🎉🎉

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Kraus Krew coming in HoT! Watch out Park City! Get the bone broth ready

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Things get booked up around Sundance, so plan early! I hosted some friends in SLC that week who were here to ski (it’s a good time to ski in park city bc the rooms are booked up for the festival). A lot of Airbnb’s accommodate big families, so if you have a group of people that want to go, that’s another cost effective way to do it.

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You should write a substack about the pilot. Also I love Utah and I had a little leaf in the back of my phone that I pulled from a tree in park city for the last 5 years. Oddly enough my parents were just on vacation there and my dad died so it’s not my favorite place anymore. This took a turn didn’t it. Anyway your writing is intriguing. Always. And. Forever.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Kelly. I know all about how tragic circumstances can change an environment.

The pilot had wild tales. I should ask him if he'd be willing to share more about all of them!

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That would be sickkk to read. Tragic things... hopefully leon doesn’t hate Mexico and or dirt bikes

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Come back to Utah . I understand and it is hard to return . I live not far from Park City and also love it . I adore Arches National Park and know Exactly where Gabby and Brian were stopped and talked to the police prior to her being murdered . Even tho I didn’t know her , it is jarring to be there knowing what happened but I can’t give up Arches so I am returning this summer . Returning places can be cathartic I think .

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Calendar: Party with JKR and gang in Park City. Jan 2024!

I realize this was all trivial, as far as GP was concerned, but it would’ve at least been nice if she’d stopped for a minute and thanked the legal process and all those involved during the week.

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Agree. And yes, let’s do it!!

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Interesting to read your take. I had friends in the courtroom and the whole thing has been pretty surreal. Not sorry it’s over, but it made for some fun discussions after hours. Crazy to see pics of Lizzy in your feed. Words collide. ❤️

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I can’t get past the poisoned uniform. Why was this not in the news? I remember maybe 15 yrs ago, maybe longer … the baby food they sent us was tainted…. Also… dog food.

Seems they are in for the long game.

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What a wonderful post to wake up to. You’re such an incredible storyteller, thank you sharing your talent with us. I’ve had a reduction (and four reconstructions after the surgeon botched it), and understand the frustration of feeling well but being unable to move freely. I hope you’re well and truly on the mend.

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Had no clue he's George W. Bush's nephew! I see it now! So great! Thank you for this!

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Glad I’m not the only one

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The people you meet and stories you hear never ceases to amaze me! It's wild! I love Denise's photos and the details you always bring to these stories. I hope you are recovering well as well as Leon. ❤️

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Loved your coverage, per usual. Ive always been a Gwenyth fan on screen, but in real life always knew she was a privileged beotch. One look at her brand website and a look at her house tour on Arch Digest and you’ll see what I mean. But there’s still something about her that doesn’t repel me like the Kardashians do. I suppose it’s because she has class and style that can’t be denied, unlike Kim and fam.

And praying for swift recovery for Leon. 🙏🏼💕

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I was never a Gwenyth fan. That said, I never believed her to be at fault once I heard Terry's version. His witnesses were awful - especially the daughters. I was surprised I left the trial actually kinda not hating her. She held her own during cross and was not rude or condesending. Still not a fan but do love that she left Terry with kind words.

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Love everything you write, Jessica!! Always interesting, always thought provoking, and you actually seem to insert us into each moment! Heal well, and hope Leon heals well, and thanks again!

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I think I will be joining you in Park City come January.. I mean..

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Let’s plan a party!

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GP demonstrated she was confident in who she is and the truth, regardless of how it would impact her brand. It showed how absurd civil law is and how lawsuits are used to extort/intimidate people rather than justice. Every raised eyebrow/puckered lip was a sign of authenticity. She could literally AFFORD to be real in court. Because that trial WAS a waste of time and resources. Terry WAS lying and got as far as he did bc of greedy lawyers and a backwards legal system. GP being genuine is what makes this so memeable, even if the larger truth and her subversion are ignored. Someone being emotionally honest in court being seen as privileged is doubly ironic. Because 1) we all know court is not a place for honesty and 2) you literally have to be in a position of privilege to engage in expressive honesty.

BTW, niche celeb content is by far my favorite topic you cover! The mundane and absurd pieces of the rich and famous/infamous’ lives are so intriguing. For whatever reason, I’m more interested in Ghislaine’s outdated bathroom, that looks like Bathfitters came in and glued MDF over an antique cast iron clawfoot tub, than the Epstein client list. The gems in the stories are the breadcrumbs about the people involved that show the world who they are. Personally, I find truth more often in the trivial/mundane and farce in the “good vs evil” discussions.

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