In recent weeks, my inbox has become a sounding board for political excitement, frustrations, suggestions, and concerns. One of you recently begged that I “figure out a way” to get Kennedy paired up with Trump because this is the “only way” we can “save America.” While I certainly don’t have the power to negotiate or manifest fantasy tickets, I am willing to post your letters for public consideration and discussion.
As always, thank you for writing!
Written by Autumn Consoli
Feb 11, 2024
“Hey Jessica,
First of all, I’m a huge fan of your work. Your coverage has been such a fresh reprieve from the clown show this country has become over the last four years. You’re providing true and honest coverage, but done with a sense of sentimentality and style. You bring humanity to every person you cover, and this world needs more of that. From the presidential candidates to Ghislaine, you’re able to remind us that these are human beings, that their lives and who they are runs so much deeper than just the biased media headlines. So thank you, and please keep doing exactly what you're doing.
I’m reaching out to make a request. I wrote something for RFK, regarding a special way in which he impacted my life. If there’s an opportunity, please pass it along.
With sincerity,
“Hey Bobby,
My name is Autumn, and I’m a 36 year old mother to an almost 2 year old from California and I wanted to share something with you.
My father passed away on February 3rd 2024 from pneumonia and congestive heart failure. He was 74 years old. He received the Covid vaccine + 3 boosters. Up until he was given those drugs, he was a strong, active, healthy person.
The year that followed after his 4th dose was so contrary to all the years he’d lived before, and I watched his health and physicality slowly dwindle.
Right after Thanksgiving, his wife visited France and when she came home she was sick, and whatever she had he got too. For the next 2 months he was sick on and off, improving for a couple days then feeling awful again, but the entire time he acted as though he was simply fighting off a cold as he had done countless times before. The immune system that got him back on his feet so quickly in the past, had been weakened. His most prevalent symptom was tiredness and exhaustion.
By February 3rd he collapsed and was taken by ambulance to the closest ER. He had developed pneumonia and congestive heart failure and was struggling to breathe. I can still hear the sound, like he was drowning, as if he wasn’t sitting in a hospital bed, he was trapped at the bottom of a lake.
His heart gave out by 7:21 am the following day. The doctors, the media, the entire Covid narrative will say that this “insidious virus” was what caused my father’s death, but that is not the truth. Those experimental vaccines did.
My dad was a democrat and over the years our political opinions started to differ greatly. He never had social media, and he trusted his government, their institutions and the medical professionals responsible for his care. He couldn’t even fathom that conspiracy could be at play, because he genuinely believed it was safe, effective and a way to help people, especially those who are more vulnerable.
I thought and felt the exact opposite to be true. Where he saw integrity, I saw lies and corruption. He loathed Trump and I thought he was the lesser of two evils. We used to engage in some very heated, very passionate political discourse. We would debate and disagree but it was fun, not hateful. Those intense conversations with my dad are some of my fondest moments with him, because it made me feel like such my father’s daughter.
He taught me how to think for myself, ask questions, use critical thinking, support with facts and evidence and always always always live with integrity and stand up for what I believe in. We loved to fight about politics.
I said all that to say this: the day that he died, the last conversation we had, I asked him “what do you think about RFK Jr?” And it was the first time we had agreed on anything political in the last decade. He replied, “I like him! I like his environmental policies. When I was a kid, the Kennedys always seemed like they truly wanted to help people.”
You have my vote Bobby, and you would’ve had my dad’s too. Your stance towards big-pharma, the poison jabs and unfair mandates is a huge part of it. But also, I think you’re the only one who can save this country from itself, by bringing people together after we’ve been pushed so severely to tear each other apart.”
Written by Peter Eisenbarth
Jan 23, 2024
Do you know who I might be able to send an email to on Bobby’s team?
I sent an email a couple weeks back with some suggestions that I think could really help him. I’m not silly enough to think I know it or that my suggestions are total game changers. But I feel like his strategy is off base so far and there is certainly enough time to get it all on track. I haven’t heard anything back for a couple weeks (I sent to their general email I think).
Anyway, thanks in advance for taking the time to read this random email. I appreciate any suggestions you may have.“I have donated to Bobby, bought merch, etc. Hundreds of thousands have as well I get it. I know I’m not special.
But I think my point is:We have one chance at this thing and I don’t remember a more important election in my lifetime and I’m almost 50 years old.
I do not agree with everything Bobby has said and believes, but that is okay. I do believe he’s the most authentic, honest/genuine and committed candidate running and that is what is most important to me.
Having said that, while I think he has done an outstanding job on all his tv and pod appearances… But I do not believe his ground game has been strong. More transparently stated— we have a limited window to build momentum towards those who are on the fence right now. Those already on board that’s great, but those already on board are not enough to win this election.
He is a passionate speaker, a genuine human being. THAT is what needs to sold and branded more, literally every day in the field with the people. He has a gift, let’s utilize it to the utmost advantage.
I understand the big plate fundraisers are necessary. And I know he was in Nebraska last month and some other brief stops. I see he’s scheduled to be in Hawaii and West Virginia soon with other stops like Michigan etc.
But why hasn’t he been hitting Iowa hard when all the press has been there the last month including this upcoming week? It’s not only free press, more importantly it’s the opportunity to change minds, to give those who thought they knew how they were voting perhaps room for pause. Yes, I realize this example is setting up shop at the spot of a Republican primary. But all the better! Hitting up Pizza Ranches, VFW’s, High School gyms, retirement communities is paramount right now!
Think there isn’t money in that? See Exhibit: Bernie Sanders past donation model.Mass numbers add up.
100 cities at least need to be visited. It doesn’t take an actuary to realize that’s 5 cities a week for 5 months. Then he can go back to where he feels he can capitalize the most after assessing the data.
Whale watching bids, Aspen gatherings are all part of the campaign, I understand the importance of it. But from someone (and others I know who support him) it’s coming off as disconnected from what will win him the nomination in November.
I’ve voted Perot, W. Bush first term, and Dems ever since then. I am repulsed by what both parties have become. And I know what Bobby could do for this country.
But respectfully, we aren’t going to get there with this current strategy to date.
Bowling alleys, factories, small diners, college campuses, Veteran Hospitals, churches and town square speeches are a must! Roll the sleeves up, have him show the “guns” off and sip some club sodas in multiple middle America bars.Everyone loves Cheryl. Let’s try and get her out with him in some of these spots.
My Dad, also an independent like me, knocked on doors over 50 years ago for Bobby’s dad. Thousands are ready to do the same for his son, but we need YOUR help getting this message across.
The clock is ticking. Let’s GO!”
autumn. your letter is beautiful.
and as the daughter of a 74 year old man who has always voted democrat, I hear every word. when I was little, it was explained to me like this: we vote democrat because we will die making sure everyone has equal access to everything we enjoy. we will give them half of what we have because we are lucky to have so much. of course now, at 44, I realize it's more complex than that. 2020 took away my innocence, I think. I woke up. I started paying attention. and it's all changed. anyway. thank you. thank you for sharing your father's story. he would be so proud of you.
Love both letters and couldn’t agree more with Bobby needing to wear out some shoes. I am sporting my Kennedy merch regularly and I want to knock on doors. We need a grassroots movement too. Let’s do it!