autumn. your letter is beautiful.

and as the daughter of a 74 year old man who has always voted democrat, I hear every word. when I was little, it was explained to me like this: we vote democrat because we will die making sure everyone has equal access to everything we enjoy. we will give them half of what we have because we are lucky to have so much. of course now, at 44, I realize it's more complex than that. 2020 took away my innocence, I think. I woke up. I started paying attention. and it's all changed. anyway. thank you. thank you for sharing your father's story. he would be so proud of you.

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Hannah you are so many of us.

2020 was certainly a monumental shift.

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Love both letters and couldn’t agree more with Bobby needing to wear out some shoes. I am sporting my Kennedy merch regularly and I want to knock on doors. We need a grassroots movement too. Let’s do it!

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The goosebumps these gave me.. I LOVE THAT YOU POSTED THIS. Showing me every single day that the way I think and feel is matched by numerous others-it gives me hope for this dumpster fire we are living in. People seem to forget, it’s nearly impossible to agree with everything anyone says or does. No candidate will ever be all encompassing IMO, Bobby checks all my major boxes. I am even more excited for what your coverage will bring, such a delightful ride to be on!

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One hundred percent agree with the letter regarding Bobby’s ground game! Trump’s game no pun intended here trumps everyone with his tenacity for being everywhere and getting to know the little guy. He shows up at fire stations and small town diners, factories and VFW’s. Bobby needs to do more of the same, especially now after the Super Bowl ad exposure.

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It's the Uniparty (aka Globalist, Deep State, Cabal) vs. Trump/? or RFK/? or Trump/RFK

Everyone running on the Republican side beside Trump and maybe Vivek (jury still out on Vivek) is a Deep State actor - Globalist Neo Con working with Pharma & the military industrial complex - such as Nikki Haley.

Allowing pharma to poison our kids and our parents. Money laundering our tax dollars via foreign countries under the guise of foreign aid. Preying on our bleeding hearts while stabbing us in the back.

We have always had a Uniparty - with the illusion of choice. It never mattered much if the Blue team or the Red team won - we basically ended up with the same outcome, yet we remained divided. Our votes may never have mattered.

But in 2020 it became more than obvious. And now they aren't even trying to pretend our votes matter anymore. They will not allow another outsider to gain access to the White House again. Even if they must use our court system. Just watching what they are doing to RFK now should make people realize this wasn’t/isn’t about Trump. This is about any outsider trying to change the way the Deep State runs things in this country and globally. Trump set their plan back 4 years. Trump for all his flaws broke the facade of the illusory two-party system and opened our eyes to the state-run media that has had us programmed in a trance for so long.

Trump has been a catalyst for much awakening. He’s a Bull in a China Shop yes, but a much-needed wake up call to the fact that we have been under a spell that is terrible for us as a society.

We need to snap out of it. We need to see things for what they are and not how we wish they were. It’s going to get much worse before it gets better.

The Uniparty is going to go down fighting and as we have seen from 2020 – 2022 they don’t care how many people are harmed because of them trying to remain in power.

Let me remind you that they mandated an experimental gene therapy with no long term safety data, and no carcinogenic testing on the population as a requirement to earn a living all the while knowing that the therapy wasn’t for anyone’s benefit. They said it was to protect people when they knew it didn’t do that. In fact, in May 2021 just 4 months before they mandated it, they were ready to issue a press release about the risk of myocarditis in young men, but didn't. Instead they doubled down and mandated it for the very group of people that would suffer the most harms - HS and college aged men. Yes, our government and anyone who push this shot is criminal and has blood on their hands. To me this includes all the propaganda pigs in Hollywood that shilled for the shot.

They will literally watch us all die and suffer rather than relinquish power again. If you think I am being hyperbolic, consider what they have already accomplished without ramifications. It’s hard to believe. But here we are.

I have no idea how the next 9 months are going to play out but expect non-stop chaos and false flags and an even a worsening of the economy. So many large corporations are preparing for a very unpredictable year by laying off many employees. This has started recently. They are preparing for something or trying to create something. Either way I think Trump and or RFK will have a very hard time standing up for the people because of the corruption that has engulfed this country and The West as a whole. God Bless us!

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The main purpose of the numerous-to-come false flags is to take our LEGAL guns. I was surprised that an indicent didn't happen during the SuperBowl. How nice of them to wait a few days after. All I can say is before you gasp at the next item screeeching that we must take the guns... look deeply into it for yourself and find who/what is behind the gun grab. You might find the same old crisis actors spewing the same old gun grab BS, and they will continue to spew until their Soros checks dry up. And that will NEVER happen. So, we must fight against these UNConstiitutional gun grab scenarios.

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You are right. However, there is an estimated 300M guns legally owned in the United States. Good luck to those who try to take them from the American's who legally own them.

Another theory is that false flag mass shootings and gun grab scares actually drives up sales of guns. Politicians helping gun sales. I wouldn't be surprised. I am sure they own stock. They WIN either way. It's all about money.

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I truly hope and pray that you are right. However, one of the tests during the jab hysteria was to learn how obedient US citizens would be when told to wear masks. TPTB really were surprised that the little sheep put those masks on right away; they thought that no American would EVER agree to wear a mask.

So, hopefully, people have learned that they've been scammed and lied to and will push back/refuse when they try their gun grab. IMO, what's happening is truly GOOD v EVIL and those evil forces are no longer hiding. Pray... and fight back when you see evil.

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I think you are 100% correct. The evil is out for everyone to see. It’s scary. I have to remind myself to “look for the good” everyday. Evil hid better when there were consequences. Now evil is rewarded and courage and goodness are punished. Crazy times we live in!

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I 💯 agree with everything you said Lori! What’s even more alarming is that so many people don’t see this. I think that they are not researching the facts which are out there. Maybe they are just listening to the propaganda spread by the media? I don’t get it. Now they are calling Trump a orange Cheeto and a rapist. One can’t even try to reason with them. I’ve tried. You said it so well that all I can add is God help us all!

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This paragraph - "But in 2020 it became more than obvious. And now they aren't even trying to pretend our votes matter anymore. They will not allow another outsider to gain access to the White House again. Even if they must use our court system. Just watching what they are doing to RFK now should make people realize this wasn’t/isn’t about Trump. This is about any outsider trying to change the way the Deep State runs things in this country and globally. Trump set their plan back 4 years. Trump for all his flaws broke the facade of the illusory two-party system and opened our eyes to the state-run media that has had us programmed in a trance for so long."

You are spot on! Some of us woke up to that UniParty deceit. We were asleep just too long. Trump said "I knew it was bad, just not THIS bad" (paraphrased). I just hope the rest of country wakes before its too late.

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Great comments! I usually don’t read long comments, but yours drew me in. I agree with you-right on! Well said.

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Wow!! Yes for more open letters to save our country!

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Thank you for posting! Very enlightening. Maybe keep writing about him weekly. Let's give RFKJ as much press as possible! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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I'd say that's def the goal here :)

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Autumn, I am so sorry for your loss. I feel for you, my dad is 81 and started having memory issues and diagnosed with dementia after his first set of jabs. He’s had three boosters, flu shots and RSV, shingles. I just went into his immunization record and had no idea how many he’s had since 2020. It is devastating to see our family members be the experiments. I just got him in to work with a functional doctor and one of things we will work on is detox from all this crap and heal the root causes. And sadly even though I begged, if this doctor speaks truth to the jabs I think they will finally listen. Feeling for you Autumn and sending your heart a hug! My parents still have CNN brain and believe the RFK and Trump narratives.

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I want to express my gratitude for sharing these letters. I fully support both of them. Hannah, my deepest condolences for your loss. The letter you wrote was truly beautiful. Personally, I have suffered the loss of three family members due to Covid and the vaccine, and no one can convince me otherwise. My older brother who is 72 just had triple bypass surgery. He’s never had an issue with his heart before. He took all the vaccines and all the boosters. Unfortunately, you could never convince him that it had to do with getting the vaccines. I also believe that this pandemic was specifically let loose to kill the elderly. I believe it was made in the lab. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want but, that’s what I believe. Additionally, I would like to touch on the topic of taxes that we are currently paying. My bookkeeper recently informed me that I only received 60 cents for every dollar I earned. I still owe 10,000! I have now had to adjust everything to make this new tax bracket. It is disheartening to witness the lack of awareness among Americans in understanding the current situation. With billions of dollars being sent overseas, there is no chance for us to succeed. Unfortunately, we are only growing poorer as time goes on. Thank you once again Jessica, we need more people to speak out in hopes that that others will receive.

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Autumn - Your letter was beautiful. I am so incredibly sorry what happened to your dad. It is heartbreaking to see what has happened to so many good, decent, trusting people as a result of the greed and malice coming from pharma and our own government with these toxic shots and maddening to think that our government lets this continue. What in the world is going on?

Thank you for speaking for so many.

As for an Trump/RFK ticket. That would be incredible. Truly.

Unfortunate for the American people who would like this pairing; RFK has said that he can't because his wife, Cheryl wouldn't support it. Well, because she's in Hollywood and everyone in Hollywood is supposed to be against Trump now, you see, so she probably wouldn't be able to work or socialize with her peers. I think Cheryl should take one for the team in this case, but who am I to say anything. ;)

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Jessica, you are a God Send!!! I just sat down to write a letter to the campaign (against my husbands advice) and opened your substack first. I share many of the same feelings these letters have expressed. We need to see RFK Jr meeting Americans of every race, religion and economic background all across the country. Too many people don't even acknowledge him as a candidate. While ballot access is obviously a huge hurdle his campaign needs to be 4 times stronger than any other candidate.

Thank you again for all you have done to shine a light, you are a true gift to all of us whose voices have been muted.

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And 100% agree with the Bernie tactics! He was everywhere filling up venues. I worked in downtown SF and heard a huge roaring sound that spooked me. I went to see and it was Bernie with a huge group of nurses. RFK needs to pick someone who was on that team during the time to help implement this strategy!

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I’ve been Waiting for him to come closer to Arkansas! My family is excited to see him and support but he hasnt been close enough.

Maybe I need to look at myself too, I haven’t donated yet and he has stressed how crucial it is to his campaign and if he did have more people willing to commit $5 a month maybe he would have the time to get out there more!

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RFK Jr has my vote. I hope more Americans will wake up and do the same.

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I love that you're sharing these letters and I'm so grateful I found you. I'm a new subscriber here and feel like I've found my people. I'd call myself a conservative with a strong liberal streak, probably more Libertarian, and this 2-party system is not working for me anymore. The one thing the two parties will agree on is not allowing a third alternative choice. I've been following Bobby along time because of his work, and it made so much sense to me when he threw his hat in the ring. I identify with so much of what has been said in these letters. I've been talking to my family and friends, both conservative and liberal, to consider voting for him. I pray we can help get Bobby on the ticket in every state.

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Crying tears of gratitude and hope from Vancouver, Canada. You guys can do this! #RFKJr2024

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