The majority of the greatest public meltdowns have come from women. Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton. The trifecta. We’re always happy to watch.
We watch Black men like Dennis Rodman dress like a bride and marry himself, Kanye announce on live TV that Kim K almost swallowed the abortion pill that would have prevented North West from entering this world. Dave Chappelle.
When it comes to the mental dissolution of a democratic white man, our proof is a bit different. Dare I tease that the tides are changing?
In the summer of 2024, the public reached a point of no return with Joe Biden. His incoherent rambling, his inability to walk or stand, his continued drastic change of appearance—he couldn’t hold it together anymore.
Joe Biden’s mental decline, in combination with the absolutely horrible PR of his son Hunter Biden’s criminal trials, played a part in the Democratic dysfunction of 2024. It was frightening when Biden referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin,” and just a few weeks before that he flubbed his competency during his debate with Donald Trump.
Even on Trump’s best behavior, there was no stopping Joe Biden from being incoherent. America watched as Biden consistently stuttered and painfully failed to access the next words meant to come out of his mouth. Biden took our historically sacred debate night and blurted out, “…having sex with a porn star on the night—and—while your wife was pregnant?”
It was just a few days ago that I learned how crowded and understaffed mental health units in America have become. My friend was admitted for a stint that would last about a week, medicated enough to stop his incoherent ranting. His long-winded belief that he was sent from God to expose Trump as the anti-Christ was followed by a manic midnight cruise that left his car totaled against a telephone pole after a “wrong turn” in a crowded neighborhood.
After a few days of pharmaceuticals, a nurse gave him his phone back, and he texted, “The staff here is so unprofessional. I just want to jerk off.”
Porn site rates went through the roof during the pandemic. Anxiety fuels hypersexuality.
“What happens in a psych unit? Is it just therapy all day?” I ask my healthcare management confidant.
“Yeah right. There’s not enough staff for that. You’re basically hanging out in a big living room, watching TV in a locked unit.”
“How do they decide if you can leave? What are the markers they’re looking for?”
“I think just…by how crazy you sound. The things you say. Are you still ranting or not?”
Jack Schlossberg was introduced to our social media screens in the summer of 2024 as a quirky Kennedy. The internet loved the way he danced provocatively in public, with silly hip-hopping and a habit of biting his finger like a slutty kitten. Memes compared him to his Grey Gardens ancestors, as his charm emulated the same endearing delusion as our beloved Edies.
I thought for sure Jack would just be trolling TikTok and Instagram as a nepo-goof during the election, surely too aware that his presence was not that of a man of coherence. So imagine my surprise when Vogue tapped Jack as their one-sided political correspondent during the 2024 presidential race.
As Jack made his way to the DNC and beyond on behalf of culture-flopping Vogue, I couldn’t help but imagine a young boy getting ready for his school play, stomping his feet and begging his mom to stay home. Jack is not meant to be tamed; he should be roaming free. Schlossberg’s presentation of political facts sounded more like a rehearsed list written by Vogue’s political interns than a natural cadence of Mr. Schlossberg’s true persona.
Present day, post-election, Jack is not the same optimistic, holding-it-together gentleman he portrayed during his time with Vogue. In just the last week, Schlossberg has posted photos, tweets, and Instagram content of Elon Musk “suck[ing] on eggs to handle stress.” He has photoshopped content of Elon with an egg in his mouth, captioning it “UNCOOKED EGGS to cope??” and another graphic of DoGE co-leader Vivek Ramaswamy getting sodomized by a grape popsicle.
“Pod save my LIMP DICK. If you don’t push back I WILL DO IT FOR YOU. Time for something new…” Jack rants before posting photos of himself doing ballet.
Jack pauses for a day before continuing his next round of unverified rumors and hasty graphics, this time demanding RFK Jr. submit a stool sample.
Is Jack okay?

"Lots to spare. Much to be revealed.” — Jack’s latest threat to RFK
In the summer of 2021, then 25-year-old New Yorker Tommy Marcus raised over $7 million online to provide aid to Afghan refugees affected by the Taliban. Marcus, better known online as QuentinQuarantino (QQ), went on to confirm with his press team that his admirable deed would get him as much internet clout as possible.
Now with over 1.1 million followers on Instagram, the “QQ” man has recently found himself in an online dispute with journalist Jessica Reed Kraus. On Wednesday, November 27, 2024, QQ reposted a photo of Jessica’s teenaged son wearing a pro-Trump shirt, adding captions that accused the teenager of normalizing rape. When asked to remove the photo of Kraus’ son, he refused. Tommy Marcus’ moral compass, which saved the lives of so many war-torn families, was suddenly nowhere to be found.
For a mother in charge and her team of internet sleuths, some weren’t willing to turn a blind eye to problematic online slander against a child. Marcus began sending voice notes to Kraus’ defenders, and those notes were posted on her Instagram page. What we heard was unbelievable.
The shaking, shouting, breathless voice of Tommy Marcus didn’t sound like a successful businessman with an understanding of politics and moral correctness. Marcus sounded like a manic man, lost in a haze of overwhelming stress and mixed chopping points. Why not just bow out?
A few hours later, Marcus shared an Instagram grid post that seemed to sheepishly admit to a mental unraveling of the masses:
“You’re going to come in contact with an awful lot of people who are at their absolute breaking point this season. Friends, family, co-workers, teachers, strangers in the grocery store, retail workers. While it may be the merriest time of the year for some, it’s the saddest, loneliest, most stressful, most heartbreaking for so many others. We’re all busy, but we’re not too busy to be kind, caring, and patient. Remember the best thing you can give someone right now is love.”
Another definition for woke should be concentrating on a minor point while completely excluding the bigger picture. The liberals micromanaged themselves into their current ditch. It’s focus so grand that what is going on around you becomes eclipsed. It fits right in with the selfie and and helicopter parenting. Trump did things wrong. We know that. Still, he’s the only person capable of fighting the globalists. We love what the man stands for. We want our borders secure, our money going to hurricane victims, our food supply without poisons and our voices to be free. These narcissist tirades are laughable. Start getting embarrassed! You have completely lost perspective!
The sooner we understand that “social-emotional education” has fostered a victim mentality—prioritizing “feelings” over thoughts—and that sharing “trauma” or self-recording temper tantrums has become an excuse for lacking self-respect and dignity, the sooner we can help “them” truly heal. Many of these individuals are unable to rationalize their emotional patterns at all. Screaming about a supposed rapist while using a phone created by child slaves around the world is nothing short of astounding. As my best friend likes to say, audacity is on sale this year.