Another definition for woke should be concentrating on a minor point while completely excluding the bigger picture. The liberals micromanaged themselves into their current ditch. It’s focus so grand that what is going on around you becomes eclipsed. It fits right in with the selfie and and helicopter parenting. Trump did things wrong. We know that. Still, he’s the only person capable of fighting the globalists. We love what the man stands for. We want our borders secure, our money going to hurricane victims, our food supply without poisons and our voices to be free. These narcissist tirades are laughable. Start getting embarrassed! You have completely lost perspective!

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Yes!!! As my husband put it the other night at Thanksgiving dinner (hehe): Trump may or may not live up to all that ppl expect from him and he's def not perfect, but it can't be denied that he's a brick through the window of the status quo.

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Yup we need 'disruptors'!

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Excellent analogy!

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So well-said. Thank you for sharing that.

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^seconded 🫡👏

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The sooner we understand that “social-emotional education” has fostered a victim mentality—prioritizing “feelings” over thoughts—and that sharing “trauma” or self-recording temper tantrums has become an excuse for lacking self-respect and dignity, the sooner we can help “them” truly heal. Many of these individuals are unable to rationalize their emotional patterns at all. Screaming about a supposed rapist while using a phone created by child slaves around the world is nothing short of astounding. As my best friend likes to say, audacity is on sale this year.

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I'm of the belief that audacity is free for everyone, as frequently as it is making appearances around the nation and the globe!

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How many of them are victims of flippantly prescribed antidepressants and other unproven drugs that continue to plague this nation with irrational, incoherent behaviors?

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It’s a freaking fire sale

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Yeah and u have a cell phone right? Ur just as bad trumper

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Did you just try to communicate because it’s hard to understand you through all of that ignorance and name calling.

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So angry. You will be in my prayers.

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She is going to heal the liberals. That will stop child slave labor that creates the very phone she is using.

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Who are you trying to heal exactly? Liberals?

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@mindee you seem very angry about someone trying to genuinely help others. You need to look inward in times like these and see what those hateful and angry emotions are trying to tell you. It’s not good for you to be so full of hate and rage because of the comments section. I’ll pray for you.

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Thank you Danielle! 🙏

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Readers will get whatever perception they want from my words; that’s not my business. However, there’s no need to put words into text that clearly aren’t there.

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Could you explain what you are trying to “heal”? I did make the assumption that you are labeling liberals as emotionally unstable because of the post you replied on.

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Again, so angry and full of hate at someone for their opinion. You will be in my families prayers during this difficult time as you heal from TDS and attacking people for zero reason. You need to find Jesus.

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Just trying to figure out how to heal Danielle! Can seem to get the answer though. I’m sure your prayers will help. Thank you again 🙏

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Well you should reach out to your insurance company then, not the comment section on Substack. Maybe buy a journal or something. Some people find it helpful to go outside, scream, record it and put it on the internet, maybe that’s your thing? You do you, but I can assure you, the comment section of Substack is not where you should start. But we will Keep praying for you through your TDS journey.

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I will explain it to you as soon as you can rationally explain to me how I (with my words) labeled liberals as emotionally unstable in my response to a written post, thanks.

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My last reply was trying to explain why I made the assumption that you were labeling liberals as emotionally unstable…because you made a comment on a post about two liberals that were emotionally unstable. Was that assumption wrong? Do you believe that both parties show signs of emotionally unstable?

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I’m pretty sure that my post and how you read it is not my business. Nor is it my responsibility to explain your assumptions to you. Feel and think how you want—that’s your right, as it is mine to communicate with clarity. Whatever you think, you think. I’m pretty sure, unless I’m mistaken, that the word “liberal” was not part of my text. But listen, people will see and believe based on their narrative, not mine, and I’m good with that, thanks!

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JFK would be ashamed of his grandson, but proud of his nephew. MAGA is "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."

Rob Reiner just checked himself into an institution. Ellen Degeneres is leaving America, Reid Hoffman might too. Hollywood and MSM are unraveling, plus many of them are on the Diddy and Epstein lists.

Kamala is still drunk and ranting about her Downfall: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/downfall-kamala-2024-election

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Absolutely insanity watching this unfolding in real time. 😬😭🫥🫠 The book The Coddling of the American Mind dives deep into the issue, especially in the second ‘Untruth’: ‘Feelings Are Facts.’ It explains how the growing emphasis on emotional reasoning—where subjective feelings are treated as objective truth—has shaped education and broader culture. This shift often discourages resilience and critical thinking, instead fostering environments where discomfort is avoided at all costs. It’s a fascinating read that sheds light on the unintended consequences of this mindset!

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Brilliant. I'll look up that book.

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Let me know what you think!

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The fact people film themselves having massive meltdowns is somerhing I will never get used to. To force oneself to ugly cry sans tears takes this to a level none of us should witness. I don't recall any of 'us' having meltdowns when Biden stole 2020. We were forced to watch cities be destroyed and to take a shot many of us innately knew would cause us harm but we still did not melt down. If we complained we were effectively silenced. We are not the same and I'm so grateful for that.

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This 👏👏👏

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I'm so sorry for your friend. I pray he is OK.

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100% maybe even a million percent! I’m sick of the meltdowns. We survived the last 4 years, welcome to prosperity it’s too bad normal people had to drag you here

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Jack Schlossberg is not OK. He's a political correspondent for Vogue. That's all he could get after a Harvard and Yale education? So he's trying to be relevant by writing nasty posts and now threatening RFKJ. In the past he has called him a "prick" and "good for Russia." He told people to vote for Biden when it was clear as day he was incompetent. He has ZERO credibility. This QQ guy is next level. Even the worst of the worst leave children out of it.

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Jack Schlossberg: the end result of "White Dudes for Harris".

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Is it just me or has it become more apparent than ever that we are all living in separate realities? Everyone seems to have their own version of the truth and are simply shocked/appalled that the others don’t share in that version. I hope that we can all empathize we these people in some way and the complete chaos that they must be experiencing in order to behave this way. My hope is that this will serve as an initiator of sorts that ushers in some seriously necessary transformation. Pluto is in Aquarius after all right? 😳

I don’t know I can’t keep up with it all 🙃

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Pluto is certainly in Aquarius 🤭

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100%. I feel like both sides are arguing the same points, just completely opposite of each other. If politics were removed, we may find that we are all fighting for exactly the same things.

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What a bunch of fucking babies. Both of those dudes should probably lay off the pills and stay off the internet.

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Unstable men = violence. Be warned.

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Exactly. That's why it's still so scary that Biden okayed Ukraine shooting large missiles deeper into Russia (committing more violence) and still has his finger on the nuclear trigger when he's so obviously deeply cognitively impaired...and unstable

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They are the ones out there making pipe bomb threats after all

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Schlossberg is an embarrassment on all fronts. His grandma must be spinning in her grave at his base behavior and sense of self importance. As far as QQ & his fans? Puleese.

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I want to know why many people are completely unhinged about the election results. I mean really. President Trump was already in office. How was life so horribly bad compared to the last 4 years? It’s completely insane and irrational.

I will continue to say: no God, no peace. Know God, know peace. The lack of Jesus is very telling.

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Jack is clearly troubled….raiding medicine cabinets is my guess

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We seem to be in a season of fragile self indulgence. Feelings more important than facts or common sense. A lack of tolerance for different ideas or opinions. And the over the top over dramatic reactions to this election are concerning. In my opinion I see a lot of what looks like mental illness. Fragile people with zero coping skills. And they have know problem with displaying these behaviors on social media. Many are quite young. I Can’t imagine what their lives will look like with no ability to cope with life’s disappointments.

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Let us not forget that Biden’d electorate was 100% injected. That means ALL on them. This means neurological damage population wide. If I were on trial I would insist on a jury of peers. The vaccinated are not my peers.

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I’m sorry Jessica had to deal with the vicious behaviour of this Marcus person , I hope by exposing it that indeed the nasty ridiculousness of those who hide behind social media ( because for sure they wouldn’t cope in real life with decent polite and proper human interaction ) will be dissipated.

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Jack Schlossberg sucks. He’s so weird and awkward and watching him makes me feel secondhand embarrassment. If he wasn’t a Kennedy he would have been bullied into submission by his peers decades ago. He is what happens when a person without any natural charm is born into immense wealth and privilege. His shit personality went unchecked and now he’s been unleashed on the world as an adult.

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The difference between Jack and John Jr. is staggering. John would be appalled.

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