I have been waiting to hear Nick’s story since you first said he went missing!!

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Same! Will be keen to follow this story and pray for a revisiting of Truth

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So I’m “guessing” they won’t allow him to have visitors. I’m wondering if you could have media access as a journalist. Maybe a newly discovered sister? I truly believe he is innocent especially listening to him in his own voice unpacking these things.

I’ve been telling everyone I know to check his story out. Thank you for not dropping this story when he was “transferred”.

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The level of corruption throughout all our agencies is disheartening. It drives one to question what’s really behind this evil… which dives one into much bigger spiritual implications.

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More times I think things like this are out of laziness, incompetence and people not caring who gets hurt as long as they keep their jobs. We are lost as a society.

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That too. It's the blackmailing on most of them that our agencies keep on everyone in order to control them, it's the agenda of a minor subset that controls the larger set and a whole coverup of the nature of our reality, our history and beings here on this planet implicated in our creation etc...

That's my short sense of it.

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Gut wrenching - tell Don Jr to tell his dad to pardon Nick!

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Thank you for covering this & working so hard to uncover the truth. I think about Nick often - please let him know there are people who believe in him & are praying for justice🙏

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Jessica, have you heard of Josh Dubin? He’s an unbelievable resource, he’s handle on IG is @Dubin.josh, he may be helpful and resourceful.

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I am a New Yorker and thank you for covering this story. I am increasingly more and more disgusted with the justice system in this state. It’s beyond corrupt. We the people need to do something about it. We’ve been fed lies for so long who knows what to believe. I hope Tulsi and Kash get someone to look at this.

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This is such a gross injustice. It's sickening this can happen. No trust in the system. What a failure.

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Justice for Nick ❤️

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Makes you wonder how many more people like nick are in jail because of inconvenient truths , it’s not just one person that is able to fineagle a case like nicks it’s many working together probably somehow telling themselves they are destroying someone’s life for a good reason . Thank you for being in his corner

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This case has had my head spinning since you first brought it to light and I cannot wait to hear the rest of what you have uncovered!! It’s crazy to think that this man I don’t even know has been on my mind so much bc of your coverage… and what a sick and twisted system we have running this country… so many lies and so much deceit happening right under our noses… it’s unfathomable….I am so glad to hear he’s still alive ! 🙏🙏🙏 I can’t even begin to imagine WHO and WHY all the lies and cover ups with this man and this story… freaking INSANE!!

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Because I think he was Epsteins cell mate and was telling the story.

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So glad you will be able to work on this now! Nick needs justice!

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Can Trump pardon him?

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He could.

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Please, please!

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What kind of world are we living in. 💔

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Pure evil.

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I did not think you would hear from Nick again. So glad I was wrong and that he's still alive! Who is William Young? Also WHY was evidence withheld from the jury? Looking forward to hearing more. Nick is lucky to have you! So are we!

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I was wondering if William Young had some other motive or just wanted to close the case. If he did investigate and found it was the cartels, was he worried they would come after him so he "saved" himself and his family? So many questions.... Thank you for your work, Jessica!

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Tragic. This reads like an upended version of Breaking Bad. Praying for Nick and his family

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