10 hrs agoLiked by Emilie Hagen

I hope both Dems and Republicans can agree that anyone involved in his parties and sex trafficking, etc.. should go away for a long time!

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Me too!

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Abusers belong in prison, full stop. Diddy, Ghislaine, Epstein, and anyone who engaged in abuse with them.

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I think the difference between his connection to Trump and the various Democrat politicians is, he was photographed around Trump before he became actively involved in politics. Back then Trump was admired, especially by the Rap community, for his wealth and business acumen. Of course Diddy would want to be photographed around Trump, to sell the impression that he is a wealthy,powerful businessman too. But when it came to politics and political candidates, he was 100% in the pocket of the Democrats.

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Appears the only “Help for Haiti” was the Clintons helping themselves. Where did all those funds go?

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The Clinton Foundation.

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Oh yes- it’s widely known the Haitians hate the Clintons. They promised to help rebuild the country after a devastating hurricane, raised billions of dollars for the Haitians benefit and in the end received substantially little benefit. A quick search online can get you more details.

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Did the Clinton Foundation assist with the 100K Haitian refugees that have been brought to the USA?

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ChatGPT--"Many Haitians and observers criticize the Clinton Foundation for its role in managing aid and reconstruction efforts in Haiti following the earthquake. Critics argue that billions of dollars in international aid were mishandled or misdirected, rather than directly benefiting the Haitian people. They believe the Clintons had too much control over the allocation of these resources.

Failed Reconstruction Promises: One of the most controversial projects was the construction of an industrial park in Caracol, which was supposed to provide thousands of jobs. However, the project did not live up to expectations, leading to further dissatisfaction. Critics argue that it enriched foreign businesses more than it benefited local Haitians​."(Kbb.com) (auto123.com)

That and a Haitian family I knew in Los Angeles, actually moved because of the debacle in Caracol. ChatGPT is not assessing what happened harshly enough in my view. Search it up on Google or better yet ask anyone from Haiti what they think of the Clintons.

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Chat GPT is not a source. I was asking for an actual documented source.

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If you care enough, you can do the research to find specific sources too. 😉

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It's frustrating to see high-profile cases time and time again in the news where individuals seem to get away with their crimes while their victims suffer the consequences. In the case of the crimes associated with Epstein and his circle, it's disheartening that only one woman, GM, has been imprisoned while none of the men have faced the same fate. There's concern that if someone like Diddy were to be held accountable, it might be viewed as targeting a wealthy black man while letting wealthy white men off the hook for similar offenses. This unequal treatment only serves to deepen divisions. Justice must be applied equally and fairly to all individuals, regardless of background or status.

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Just another degenerate creep being exposed. But, I wonder why??? Will he Epstein himself?

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I think the reason why is because a very brave young woman came forward and exposed his abuse to her. I think it’s so unfortunate that this article focuses on politics and not the woman who were victims of this man. This has nothing to do with politics and I don’t really agree that it should be made into a political conversation. This is about women being abused, the experiences women have around powerful men (both democrats and republicans), and getting justice for those women.

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This is a long and invasive series. This is just one portion of it. We have another long one that touches on those aspect ready to go right after this.

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Invasive? Do you mean intensive?

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We have written multiple articles highlighting the brave women who came forward in parts 1-3. We announced that this series would be taking different angles. If you'd like to hear more about the women check out Parts 1-3. There's also more articles that don't focus on politics on the way

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10 hrs agoLiked by Emilie Hagen

While I agree, having two of his victims, come forward, took a lot of courage, and they along with his countless others deserve justice, I think the broader picture is also important. This abuse, and potential criminal enterprise did not exist in a vacuum. It is a picture of power, and the privilege of indulging in these criminal acts untouched. How did someone so prominent in political circles, so involved in our nations leader ship, get away with these horrible acts? How did someone so close to eyes that are supposed to protect the good in our country go unnoticed? Similar to the Weinstein, the Epstein. But Diddy offers the celebrity flare. The popular. The hip. His story, I believe, will offer a glimpse into how we are played as fools. How power turns a blind eye to money. And how money and power create a sense of protection and control. I am hoping this doesn’t turn into a dead end like Epstein has. We need some exposure of the secrets before it’s time for election, bc there are absolutely conflicts of interest and individuals that are either in positions of direct power or are given space for strong influence that do not deserve that luxury.

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I appreciate your opinion too. I still believe the focus should stay on the women. I think the fact that he was arrested by Homeland Security and is sitting in a federal jail cell is the broader picture being addressed, no? The facts are a woman came forward, exposed him, and now it's being addressed by the government. They can't really do much until people start talking. I think some of the other stuff being discussed is assumption and speculation. I took many photographs with ex-coworkers that I did not love, that I did not spend quality time with, that I did not know well. That doesn't mean I knew about their whole life, what they did every night, or was a big supporter of theirs. The facts of who, what, where will come out in trial. I think speculation is just noise - that creates misinformation and takes the focus off the women who are fighting him and got us this far.

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Nailed it!

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Diddy's story isn't just about women being abused - he also raped children and men.

Diddy's story is about corruption and violence in the entertainment industry- he's the middle manager. The monsters who pull his strings will be protected by the FBI - monsters like the owners/producers of music labels.

Diddy's story is about a Black man who sold his soul in exchange for money, power and political clout. He's not the only one, unfortunate. I hope Pitbull isn't part of this gang of thugs.

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Sean Combs was an owner of a music label and a producer.

I don’t know who would be “above” him rank-wise, tbh.

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Clive Davis

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Could be, but everything sources have discussed (“sources” being Cassie, who filed suit last November with detailed allegations, and Jaguar Wright, who has been speaking up for years) focuses on Sean Combs.

I have yet to hear Clive Davis mentioned other than that he knows Diddy.

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Yes- I wonder why they are going after Diddy now. What convoluted reason is there? Because now we know- nothing is straight forward. Seems Diddy’s parties and actions have been widely known in various circles for years upon years. So why now was he arrested? 🤔🤔🤔

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This! The timing has me scratching my head.

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Cassie (his ex gf who was sexually abused by him) filed suit 11/16/23. His homes were raided in the spring. Justice takes time.

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He's to arrogant to kill himself - he'll make it a racist issue. The irony being there is no greater racist then he is. I know this for fact because I also dealt with him.

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Wow, you dealt with him?

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His response in the La studios where the shooting took place was “n!gas being n!ggas”

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*epstein didn’t kill himself

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So you think they'll kill him?

There is no way in hell the timing of this is not related to the elections. He has the goods and dirt on someone.

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This has been a long time coming and has been discussed in the hip hop community for a year or more.

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It makes me wonder

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He was surely a supporter of the Democrats whether because he truly believed in their views or because most of Hollywood is on the Left. It was no surprise that the MSM, like Jimmy Kimmel, try desperately to link him to Trump. As another person pointed out, he was photographed with Trump before he went into politics. The list of counts against him are unlike any I've ever seen--sex trafficking, racketeering, transportation to engage in prostitution, kidnapping, forced labor, bribery and other crimes. I feel for the victims and it looks like there were so many. It's hard to understand how so many people went along with it as, in my opinion, some politicians and celebrities must have known about some of his abhorrent behavior. JLo? Looks like this will go to trial and we will surely have Jessica on it. (If he doesn't get Epsteined) Dum Diddy dum is done. I wrote about it before the shit hit the fan. Thanks for the interesting read Emilie! https://sabrinalabow.substack.com/p/dum-diddy-dum-totd

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Everyone knew. Weinstein twin.

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Justin??? WILL you speak out? Or did you absorb your demons?

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Who is Justin?

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Bieber. Do you truly not know?

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KW is a troll.

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I know and I promised myself I wouldn’t get sucked into her web. 🤣

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No, I’m not. Asking for clarity is not trolling, geez.

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I didn’t know what Justin they meant. There is more than one famous singer named Justin.

Are you always rude when people ask a simple question?

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Quit projecting, lady.

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Tis the season as in election season when all the skeletons come flying out of the closets! One has to wonder where this is going and why now? He's been dirty for years if not decades. My monies on this is a take-down - Epstein Part Duex

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Where are all the usual libs coming to defend this man? Funny how they stay silent on sick people.

I do hope Diddy isn’t silenced and will have opportunity to tell all.

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There’s nothing to defend. He’s a sick fuck and needs to be in prison.

Why would you think “libs” would defend sexual abuse? We don’t do that.

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Libs defend biological males in WOMEN's spaces. They also defend Drag Queen story hour for kids as well as gender reassignment surgeries and life long meds (sometimes for minors)......They also want teachers to hide children's gender confusion from their parents...Libs also not talking about Clinton being Epstein's biggest buddy

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Bingo! Excellent points.

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No, none of them were relevant.

Dems don’t support sexual abuse. Al Franken stepped down for way less. Clinton’s actions as president are widely considered abusive.

We don’t downplay sexual abuse on the left. We out it. Period.

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Transphobic red herring.

Misunderstanding of drag queens.

Another red herring about gender identity and safety for trans kids.

Misinfo about the Clinton family.

Do you have an actual response or just nonsequiturs?

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Oh there you are. Well good for you.

How do you feel about Obama and Oprah and Kamala and who knows what other democrats being buds with Diddly?

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Being photographed together makes people “buddies”?

There are pics of Donald Trump with Diddy, too. Surprise! Famous people take photos together. More at 11.

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I remember the whole get out the vote campaign before 2008, it was all over MTV and I was so happy because I wanted more young people to vote. I was frustrated when all these celebs pushed the vote or die thing then stated who they were voting for. I was like- NO! Let people do their research and choose who to vote for. I stopped paying attention to politics after that because I was so upset about it. So I've been done with celebs for a long time, glad others are seeing it too.

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Thank you for covering a side of this no one else is covering. Don Jr's remarks were interesting and this all reeks of Diddy and McGill being deep state assets

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Diddy is a distraction and a diversion. However, folks won't see that. He is a sacrificial lamb for the bigger picture. My question is where are the real indictments??? he is a music guy. Where are the real players? Where are the politicians who thrive on this trafficking? We can't believe what we see.

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I’m not sure why you need politicians to be involved.

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Because politicians ARE involved. SMH.

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Don't you just love being told what to do and how to think by the "not a troll or a bot?"

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No, this person asked “where are the politicians who thrived…”

Wait for evidence. Don’t just assume. That is luckily not how the law works, as much as you might want it to be that way.

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I come from the music industry for 18 years from the independent side. I am also a New Yorker. I went to Puffy's parties before he got into music industry. I remember the 90's when Puffy was building Bad Boy. I was aware of things via third degree of separation. If you want to believe that Puffy is doing this on his own then I can't continue. It is a music guy and party promoter. If anything the politicians came to him. The powerful people who are hiding came to him. Puffy was massive from the early 90's to 2010 in music and fashion. So he met a lot of people obviously. So I say where are the real players? Puffy does not come from that. He was put on to it. So I ask where are the politicians?

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If you saw politicians in his circle taking part in abuse then they should be named. But going to a popular musical artist for an endorsement (and to be clear, I don’t like puffy, he’s always been a creep and can’t produce for shit) is not a reason to think a politician is involved. An endorsement != friendship or knowledge of a person being an abuser.

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I am talking about the system and process. the apparatus to set a trafficking system. Puffy's power don't go that far. yes he has the glitter and glamour but not the power structure. people are reacting with emotion not thought. As I said where are the politicians. Rape abuse that is regular music business operation. Trafficking takes power structure. Puffy I will say is not built like that. Where are the politicians and corporate execs? I am state that till further notice. I am not a puffy fan but I can tell when some is taking a railroad operation. Puffy is a diversion. Where is the real meat and potatoes. Always a pleasure having a dialogue.

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I disagree that puff lacks the systematized power. Russell Simmons was an abuser too, and left for Bali. Sometimes the system is what it seems.

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Oooo I’ve been waiting for this all day - so happy Green Girl is on the HiH squad!! 💪

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Great article, excellent readability and very informative

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I really hope that his celebrity clientele gets exposed, the same as the Epstein list. The Clinton connections especially seem so intertwined within all of this. At some point, these people need to be held accountable.

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I hope I'm wrong. I don't believe anything is going to be revealed in the Diddy case. LE raided his home months ago. Any "sensitive" videos or other evidence has probably been taken care of and the public and/or courts will never have it. Diddy may go down, no one else will...

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