“You Can’t Say That!" One Guaranteed Way To Get Canceled
Mike Lerner's take on the controversy at Daily Wire
If you've been following the rift between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro, you know the havoc it's wreaked on conservative circles — igniting heated feuds based on divided ideological views. Conservatives are siding with one or the other. And based on my DMs, plenty of Liberals are finding themselves agreeing with either Shapiro or Owens "for the first time ever."
Owens, a firebrand commentator known for her unapologetic views, was ousted from the platform following her critique of Israeli policies and the assertion that "Christ is King." Shapiro publicly denounced Owens' stance, labeling her behavior as "disgraceful," which escalated into a full-blown online war of words. As of Friday, the two have publicly agreed to sit down (without a moderator - not on Ben's channel) to debate the issue "like two adults."
The clash is significant in that it underscores a growing disconnect, particularly in the conservative movement, raising questions about the boundaries of acceptable discourse within right-wing media. Mike Lerner presents his take on the feud.
As always, feel free to comment below.

A lot of you might be confused right now. My last name, I know. Is this guy Jewish? No, I don’t have that type of power and fortunately for me, my mother is a Latin American Catholic and raised my brothers and me, (and maybe even a little reluctantly my father) that Christ is INDEED King. That right there, is what I’m talking about. Say it with me, “Christ is King.” We’re all canceled.
I wish I were joking, but given the recent news in conservative media and Con Inc. influencer circles, saying the very phrase is cause for being fired from one of the biggest, if not THE biggest conservative platform in the world. On March 22nd, just a couple weeks ago, firebrand conservative commentator, Candace Owens, was axed from the Daily Wire. Jeremy Boreing, CEO of the Daily Wire, didn’t give a direct explanation of Candace’s firing, but in a recent X space, Lauren Chen asked “Would you hire someone who is critical of Israel?” Jeremy answered “…I pay people to speak, I’m not just a platform where everybody can just start their own account and say the things they wanna say, I, I pay people, and I’m not going to pay people to say things that go beyond certain lines of what I believe, why would I do that?” He later says “Why would I have done all the things that I’ve done, if I didn’t actually have a core set of beliefs, why would I pay people to say things on…through the mechanisms I’ve built that I don’t agree with…” So where did he and Candace differ in political ideology?
Let’s take a brief walk through Candace’s history at The Daily Wire, looking at some of the bigger stories she’s covered. She unmasked the Black Lives Matter organization as a money making grift, she produced a docuseries about the dangers of childhood vaccinations. She produced another docuseries, “Convicting a Murderer”, a rebuttal to Netlfix’s hit docuseries, “Making a Murderer.” She covered Ye’s public circus after comments about Jewish power in Hollywood were made public on X. She did a deep dive into the history of modern Psychology. During the last two years Candace has touched on almost every popular cultural topic on her daily podcast “Candace,” she’s toured the US speaking at colleges and events, and has appeared on numerous hit podcasts as a guest. All the while, on maybe a rare occasion here and there, she diverted from the common ideologies shared with all of the Daily Wire’s talking heads.
It wasn’t until October 7th of last year that a line was seemingly drawn into the Israeli sand. Did Candace side with Hamas? Was she supportive of the attack? Is she unabashedly “pro-Palestine”? Was she showing up to inner city protests sporting the Palestinian flag or sitting in on city cease fire votes? Nope. Candace, like any normal level headed, non hawkish Conservative wanted little if any US government aid sent to Israel, a position similar to our involvement in Ukraine. She called out Israel’s indiscriminate bombing campaign on Gaza, resulting in the loss of thousands of innocent Palestinian lives, including babies and young children. And she waited to make any concrete policy or ideological statement before any details were given to the American public. Co Founder of the Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, publicly said of Candace during an event “…her behavior during this has been disgraceful…she still works for my company…and I think she’s been absolutely disgraceful…I think that her faux sophistication on these particular issues has been ridiculous…it’s not sophistication, it’s ridiculous and everyone can see the moves she’s making and the things that she’s saying and it’s disreputable.” They went toe to toe on X, exchanging blows when Ben ultimately told her to quit if she “couldn’t serve two masters.”
The craziest part of all this culminated in Candace’s public defense against a disgusting Rabbi Schmuley, a Rabbi who sells sex toys, along with his unhinged daughter, who has been virtually stalking Candace ever since she came to the defense of her friend Ye, two years ago. Once Candace’s views on the the war in Israel were made clear, the Rabbi’s slanderous and unhinged rants intensified. She was labeled as pushing the dreaded “blood libel” because she liked a tweet where someone merely pointed out Shmuley was lying about Candace supposedly telling her followers to kill Jews. It wasn’t until Candace hosted another Rabbi, Rabbi Barclay, on her show who conveniently said that the definition of anti-semitism is always changing, and accused Owens of being an anti-semite because, I guess she wasn’t lining up to join the IDF. Candace also stood up to the Rabbi in her Christianity and valiantly declared “Christ is King”, the phrase heard around the world. Again, Barclay labeled her an anti-semite and the rest of the culturally Jewish media called it a “dogwhistle.” It wasn’t long after that interview where they made the call and decided to fire their most well liked personality.
Her whole history was disregarded. It never mattered if Candace worked for Dennis Prager, the founder of Prager U, has Jewish friends and supporters, and never uttered one word about hating any Jewish people. The hypocrisy of new right wing media is screaming at us. Say whatever you want about Blacks, Latinos, the gays, the trans, the Dems, the Women, whatever, and whoever, but don’t you dare, don’t you even think about taking the side opposite of Israel and forget about saying “Christ is King”— you can’t say that!
I think DW shot themselves in the foot here. I was actually listening to Ben lately, more than Candace, and support Israel 100%. BUT, the way Ben took offense at what she was saying was so childish.
Conservatives should never use the term “dog whistle”. That’s for liberals. And Candace’s former DW colleague, Andrew Klavan, did just that in explaining her firing. And then he said she had hate in her heart and sympathized with Hitler. That’s just absurd. ‘Christ is King’ is true, not an antisemitic slur. Give. Me. A. Break.
I cancelled my DW membership over this. And I hope others did too. I think the biggest irony of all this was when they hired Candace, they put up big billboards with her beautiful picture and the word: UNCANCELLABLE. 👀👀👀
I really appreciated your guest writer. I wasn’t offended at all. The comment section, however, has given me a headache.