Apr 9Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I think DW shot themselves in the foot here. I was actually listening to Ben lately, more than Candace, and support Israel 100%. BUT, the way Ben took offense at what she was saying was so childish.

Conservatives should never use the term “dog whistle”. That’s for liberals. And Candace’s former DW colleague, Andrew Klavan, did just that in explaining her firing. And then he said she had hate in her heart and sympathized with Hitler. That’s just absurd. ‘Christ is King’ is true, not an antisemitic slur. Give. Me. A. Break.

I cancelled my DW membership over this. And I hope others did too. I think the biggest irony of all this was when they hired Candace, they put up big billboards with her beautiful picture and the word: UNCANCELLABLE. 👀👀👀

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Apr 9Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I really appreciated your guest writer. I wasn’t offended at all. The comment section, however, has given me a headache.

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Apr 9Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Listen guys…Jessica has always tried to allow all sides to be heard through her or now others (guest writers) and let us make up our own minds about how we feel. There is no need to attack anyone though you are free to form your opinion and express it. If you don’t agree that is perfectly fine.

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Apr 9Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Can we not have a civilized discussion about topics we disagree on? Enough with the hysterics dotted with multiple exclamation points- I can’t. This is the exact same reason Candice was fired. Let’s try for some personal growth here people.

Great article Mike.

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I believe Candace was trying to be provocative in her language deliberately. I say this as a full-blooded Christ is King Catholic. In certain situations I do not tell my Protestant friends - Mary is Queen. Am I anti-Protestant. Yes, I would say in the true sense I am. Am I anti the Jewish believes too, yes I am. Do I go around being provocative with my speech - no, it’s rude. In the right circumstances I do. That’s called discernment. I believe the Jewish people in Israel have every right to fight Hamas. They are terrorists. The son of Hamas has exposed much about the people in Palestine (which is the name the Romans gave the land after the philistines). They HATE people. Candace had no perspective regarding what happened on October 7th and debating what The Jewish people should do next. What should they do. No one says or offers any good solutions. Why don’t the Arab countries want the Palestinians? Perhaps they know more than is being said. There is a time to express grief for the Palestian people. Now was not the time to do that or flaunting our privileged knowledge that Christ is King.

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Apr 9Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Christ was Jewish. Have a great day everyone!

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The fact that he starts with “I don’t have that kind of power” says EVERYTHING and you wouldn’t need to keep reading to know where he stands on this issue. As a Christian myself I find it so MIND-BLOWING to think that if Jesus, a religious Jew, were alive today he would be living in Israel - banned from living in Palestinian Territories, under threat of death and extermination by millions of radical Islamists and their groups - and Christian’s think for one second the right stance would be to stand against his state Israel and declare Jesus’ sovereignty?? Give me a freaking break. I could go over so many points Mike brought up, but at this point it’s not even worth it. Jessica I appreciate your spectrum of views but giving this guy a platform ain’t it sis 🙃

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I haven’t been able to follow this controversy. I am a Christian with unwavering support for Israel. I wish they could figure some common ground.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Hey Jessica, thanks for this article and for showcasing a VARIETY of viewpoints. That's why I follow houseinhabit. Keep it up! We don't have to like someone or agree with their communication style to benefit from understanding their perspective. In fact - if you can keep yourself grounded, you might find you AGREE with this writers perspective about cancel culture and how it is willing to ignore a woman's ENTIRE catalogue of work in order to safeguard specific media narratives.

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I’d be more inclined to support CO if I had not been following her for years and have watched her pick fight after fight with anyone who disagrees with her. Her lawsuits have largely gone nowhere, I’ve not once heard her ever apologize or admit she’s been wrong, etc. I’m just over her drama. She wasn’t a fit for the DW from the beginning. And I fully admit I enjoy Ben Shapiro but I don’t agree with everything he says. He just seems to be more mature. Matt Walsh doesn’t agree with Ben on Israel, or foreign affairs and is a staunch Christian but he has his job. I think CO wanted out and she did whatever she could to make that happen.

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Apr 9Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

This article could have been written better. I felt like I was reading something off of Reddit vs the normal flow. But it’s probably because I’ve been so pampered with Jessica’s style of writing. While I do lean towards this view, the tone was off-putting. I wish it was more thoughtfully laid out. It felt very one-sided when I’m used to hearing multiple sides. Even if the author wants us to conclude with his perspective, I thought he could have done a better job leading us there.

But I appreciate you opening up your platform and allowing diverse voices!

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What’s interesting to me is that DW knew of Shumleys vicious ongoing assault against Candice, one of their prominent employees and did nothing in her defense... that was very telling all by itself. People can have different opinions and positions on things but I’ve lost all respect for Ben Shapiro... given his position and having wherewithal to speak as succinctly as he does, he could have voiced his opinion, but kept the unity… It was evident in his conversation and his words, that exposed his heart that he had no intentions of maintaining unity in his workplace. Sad, since he’s the owner of that company.

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Is this supposed to be clever? Because it's honestly just trash. I'm not familiar with who Mike Lerner is, but if this is how he writes/thinks/expresses himself...no, thank you.

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Candace Owens has some good moments but she gets unhinged. Her rabid conspiracy theory against France’s ‘first lady’, Madame Macron is looney. Their love story is already a bit crazy, but Brigitte is very private and devoted to her role. If she were born a man, who’s business is it? It would be easily proven with birth certificates. That poor lady. But Candace won’t let it alone.

Ben Shapiro has hosts on his platform who don’t share his views on Israel/IDF/foriegn aid to Israel. I don’t think it’s about that. Candace just needs to work for herself. I don’t think she does well with a boss.

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Hey Mike - “I don’t have that kind of power” is giving Nazi Germany 😳 please go read a Holocaust history book.

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This is really bad, lazy writing. I don’t care where you fall on this issue. This informs no one of what truly has been going on between these two. The author seems to purposely be leaving out pretty much all details of the nuance behind this feud to prop up his side. It’s a total disservice the reading audience who has grown to expect top notch reporting and story telling from this Substack. Jessica, with all do respect, cuz I love what you do….this is crap. And maybe worse, boring as hell. Find better guest writers or post less and continue to go it alone.

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