I think DW shot themselves in the foot here. I was actually listening to Ben lately, more than Candace, and support Israel 100%. BUT, the way Ben took offense at what she was saying was so childish.

Conservatives should never use the term “dog whistle”. That’s for liberals. And Candace’s former DW colleague, Andrew Klavan, did just that in explaining her firing. And then he said she had hate in her heart and sympathized with Hitler. That’s just absurd. ‘Christ is King’ is true, not an antisemitic slur. Give. Me. A. Break.

I cancelled my DW membership over this. And I hope others did too. I think the biggest irony of all this was when they hired Candace, they put up big billboards with her beautiful picture and the word: UNCANCELLABLE. 👀👀👀

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I listen to Andrew and he NEVER said she “sympathized with Hitler “ Nonsense no need to make things worse by making things up .

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“When you start saying things like ‘some of those books Hitler burned weren’t so bad. You know, I was shocked-‘ this was something Candace actually said, ‘I was surprised to learn that the books Hitler was burning or the Nazis were burning, they weren’t good books. They were bad books, they were socialist books,” began Klavan. “Burning a book is the act of a a savage, first of all,” he added before insisting that Owens’s comments on the matter were a “dog whistle.”

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I really appreciated your guest writer. I wasn’t offended at all. The comment section, however, has given me a headache.

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Methinks they doth protest too much.

Everybody on Substack should see the Macbeth from a few years ago with Frances McDormand, the actor from Fargo.

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Listen guys…Jessica has always tried to allow all sides to be heard through her or now others (guest writers) and let us make up our own minds about how we feel. There is no need to attack anyone though you are free to form your opinion and express it. If you don’t agree that is perfectly fine.

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So far on this comments thread I have read that Palestinians are hateful terrorists and blah blah blah. Some wonderful blanket statements that seem to not surprise anyone. Seems that saying anything human about Palestinians would be antisemitic according to this logic. I didn’t know we were so vilified. No wonder Johnny Depp is with us. Eve Barlow on the other hand is a staunch Zionist. But once Ben fired Candace, the discussion is finally being had. Yipppeeeee

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Can we not have a civilized discussion about topics we disagree on? Enough with the hysterics dotted with multiple exclamation points- I can’t. This is the exact same reason Candice was fired. Let’s try for some personal growth here people.

Great article Mike.

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The hysteria is always a turn off. It’s one guys opinion. Let’s Talk about it — without theatrics.

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It’s one guys opinion on a platform with a million plus followers. That’s why it matters. The Holocaust started with opinions and words and people throwing around bias against the Jews. Jokes and pokes at them. Please Jess, the Holocaust really wasn’t all that long ago. 💔 Words like what this man is spewing has no place on a platform like yours - you are sooo much better than that.

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Agreed. It’s a big swing and a miss. Just because this is a guest author doesn’t give Jessica any less accountability to the facts.

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I believe Candace was trying to be provocative in her language deliberately. I say this as a full-blooded Christ is King Catholic. In certain situations I do not tell my Protestant friends - Mary is Queen. Am I anti-Protestant. Yes, I would say in the true sense I am. Am I anti the Jewish believes too, yes I am. Do I go around being provocative with my speech - no, it’s rude. In the right circumstances I do. That’s called discernment. I believe the Jewish people in Israel have every right to fight Hamas. They are terrorists. The son of Hamas has exposed much about the people in Palestine (which is the name the Romans gave the land after the philistines). They HATE people. Candace had no perspective regarding what happened on October 7th and debating what The Jewish people should do next. What should they do. No one says or offers any good solutions. Why don’t the Arab countries want the Palestinians? Perhaps they know more than is being said. There is a time to express grief for the Palestian people. Now was not the time to do that or flaunting our privileged knowledge that Christ is King.

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Yes! I agree with all this. Candace is a provocateur. “Christ is King” and ‘I can’t serve two masters’ will get you fired when you’re talking to your boss. She’s done good work but I don’t believe she has perspective on much outside of America and when she gets pushback she’s like a caged tiger. She got fired not for her beliefs, but for her actions as an employee towards her boss.

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Well said.

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What 'actions toward her boss' are you talking about?

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Thank you so much!! I agree completely!! It’s the timing. Yes Christ is King but right now you choose to pull the God card?

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You have made some very big ted statement about a particular group based on some guy who was paid by Israeli propaganda machine. Why should the Palestinians who have always been there pay the price of for Germany ( and Europe/USA) sins....kicked out of there homes, have there livelihood taken away by burning 500 year old olives trees. Zionist began this war by using terrorism before 1948...look up stern gang, they made a terrorist their first prime minister.

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I believe I know the history. This has been a fight since the late 1800’s. I will not try to defend the past. How could I, we in America (and many countries the same) took over America. The fact remains Palestine never wanted to live next to the Jewish people and they were conquered. They never excepted that reality and are bitter - therefore they embraced constant terrorism. Any deals made in the past they always broke. Why are they not wanted by Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc.? They hate the Jewish people. Most embrace terrorism against the Jewish people. The British gave them the land after WW2. When the Palestinians were angry and the Jewish people didn’t care because they needed a safe place to live. They fought and won. They tried to make a 2 state solution but it could never work because of hate.

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Question your beliefs (namely that you know the history) learn more about our history. From Palestinians not from Zionist MSM. We took in Jewish refugees fleeing the nazi regime, into our homes and villages. We took them in and little did we know that our homes and lands would be stolen. If you are going to say anything about our history speak to or read about Palestinians. Wondering why no other countries “take us” is like asking someone from NJ why they don’t just move to NC. When there is no Justice there is no peace. No need to reduce our massacre to “hate”, because there is nothing more hateful than what is being wielded upon Palestinians since OCtober 7th.

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Give peace a chance! The two state solution albeit unsatisfying is the only one around that could work as it would attract generalized international support. As for the hate btw Jews and Palestinians war and weapons won’t solve that. I am pro a two state solution: both Jews and Palestinians have the right to leave in peace. How would they do that given the hate and violence btw them? Don’t know.

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Apartheid Israel is an occupying power over the indigenous population. The first time we see a genocide live on our phones. It’s not a matter of just hating each other and why can’t we all get along, or let’s give peace a chance…. Palestinians are a defenseless indigenous population who have the right to life, and justice. After 75 years of this horror. It has to stop. It’s a scandal that Israel would rather u didn’t think about, put simply.

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“The first time we see genocide live on our phones” - did you just join the modern world and get a phone today? You don’t give a shit about the real 10 genocides happening across the globe right now. Your comments are embarrassing

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For those who are interested in one Jewish writer's take on the conflict, check out Dainel Matte's tick tok videos - he has two - you nay not agree with his analysis but as a Jew who has lived in Palestine and knows the history, he may have something to say to those who are only voicing opinions. Christ is King might indeed be offensive to many, but having Easter Sunday ignored in favor of trans day by our Catholic president offended a lot more of us than I suspect were offended by Christ is King.

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Now is not the time to express grief? So therefore let’s keep killing Palestinians (with your US tax dollars) who were born to hate? So you don’t go around being provocative in your speech? This Palestinian is confused.

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Don’t invade countries that don’t belong to you, then hide amongst innocent civilians so you don’t get killed. Simple. Return the hostages, be grateful for the glory that was Gaza and learn to live peacefully beside your neighbours. If not, move to another country that was colonized by Arab’s they are all over the Middle East and enjoy your way of life in a place that it already exists. I Love that all the pro-Palestinian people are now posting before and after pictures of how beautiful Gaza was trying to show that Israel has destroyed it… but I thought it was an open air prison and concentration camp. Y’all need to get your story straight. ✌🏽

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You’re ignorant! Or maybe you’re saying to Israel not to take land that doesn’t belong to you? People in Gaza ARE trapped there, they have no freedom to leave and if they get PERMISSION they rarely can return. So yes a fucking prison. Why should Palestinians have to move? Why should other countries have to take them in? Maybe all the European & frankly a huge bunch of New York Jews should go back to where they come from and then Palestine would be free! Read a fucking map and NON ZIONIST history book you moron.

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I agree with you on all points. I’ve read that the Arab countries won’t take the Palestinians because they fear Israel will coop the territories and not let them return. I guess dying and starving is preferable to refugee status.

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Christ was Jewish. Have a great day everyone!

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Not only was Christ Jewish but a kosher keeping, Shabbat keeping, tzit tzit wearing, never miss a temple service during the feast - religious Jew. People have some Roman Catholic version of Him in their head and it’s utter nonsense.

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There's a whole nother book that came out after He died.

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Are you speaking about the New Testament? And yes, the NT speaks on His life as a religious Jew.

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Yes, he was Jewish Palestinian.

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This is so absurd. And false. The world “Palestinian” didn’t exist until Yasir Arafat, of Egyptian descent, declared the Arab settlers who colonized Jewish land “Palestinians.”

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Name your sources if you have any, in whatever universe you live in.

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You are so wrong it’s laughable

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I am Christian Palestinian. We exist and existing doesn’t mean hating. From the river to the sea we should all be free.

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Hey Jessica, thanks for this article and for showcasing a VARIETY of viewpoints. That's why I follow houseinhabit. Keep it up! We don't have to like someone or agree with their communication style to benefit from understanding their perspective. In fact - if you can keep yourself grounded, you might find you AGREE with this writers perspective about cancel culture and how it is willing to ignore a woman's ENTIRE catalogue of work in order to safeguard specific media narratives.

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Also - just looked at Mike's page/body of work. INCREDIBLE!

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The fact that he starts with “I don’t have that kind of power” says EVERYTHING and you wouldn’t need to keep reading to know where he stands on this issue. As a Christian myself I find it so MIND-BLOWING to think that if Jesus, a religious Jew, were alive today he would be living in Israel - banned from living in Palestinian Territories, under threat of death and extermination by millions of radical Islamists and their groups - and Christian’s think for one second the right stance would be to stand against his state Israel and declare Jesus’ sovereignty?? Give me a freaking break. I could go over so many points Mike brought up, but at this point it’s not even worth it. Jessica I appreciate your spectrum of views but giving this guy a platform ain’t it sis 🙃

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I haven’t been able to follow this controversy. I am a Christian with unwavering support for Israel. I wish they could figure some common ground.

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I have been to Israel twice and Christians are viewed with contempt there by many Jews. They are spit upon and attacked regularly. Your sympathies should be with the Palestinian Christians whose churches are being bombed by Israel. The idea that Christians should support a Jewish state in Palestine to bring about the Rapture is a made-up heresy by Zionists who funded the Scofield Bible to brainwash Christians. Christians ruled the Holy Land until the 7th century --and then again during the Crusader period in the 12th century --and they always banned Jews from Jerusalem on a theological basis (Muslims let Jews settle there, not Christians). I urge you to study the history of Zionism -- it has no basis in Christianity and is hostile to Jesus Christ.

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I am Christian and have been to Israel multiple times and have been treated with the upmost respect. Sorry, do not believe a word you say.

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This is absurd and false.

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The original commenter, Kamran, said she had in fact been to Israel multiple times, so Christians being treated poorly was in fact her experience (not a video). You can’t argue with someone else’s experience.

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I can tell you that it’s rubbish, as I have probably spent more time in Israel, and we all know that the Christians are actually more likely to be persecuted in Arab lands than elsewhere. Religious fanatics of all sorts are drawn to the Holy Land, hence the odd spitting incident, but Christian tourists are warmly welcomed by the government and general population of Israel. Several days before October 7th there was a huge march of Christian pilgrims through the streets of Jerusalem. I was there and most Jews were touched by their support. They came from all over the world, many Latin American and African. The municipality closed off all the main streets for the parade, which would never happen in a moslem city, who are you kidding?

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Doesn’t make it true. Do you know how many Christians go to Israel to visit the Holy Land? I saw more Christians in Jerusalem than Jews. Churches also do a lot of excavation work in Israel. I promise you the Substack comments of house in habit is not the place to learn about Israel.

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What is false? That Christians are treated with contempt? There are videos of Jewish men spitting on nuns.

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Oh wow you saw a video? Well then gee. You must have really experienced Israel first hand. There are bad people of all religions if you haven’t noticed. But what makes Israel so beautiful is that people of any religion can visit the land and learn about what is important to them. It is not just a Holy Land to Jews but also Christians. I visited churches, New Testament sites of interest, as well as sites relevant to Judaism. I ate lunch in a Druze town. My Jewish Israeli tour guide shared with me how much he enjoys taking Christians on tours around Israel because there are so many important Christian sites to visit and how interesting they all are. I don’t expect to change your mind since you “saw a video” but I know in my gut what I’ve experienced with my own eyes.

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She saw a few “videos “ well then it is settled . I too have spent time in Israel on an archeological dig and found the people like people EVERYWHERE some nice some less so . You can’t change lack of knowledge especially when people have YouTube as their source . Also the “knowledge “ is actually false . The Jews along with the other 11 tribes were given the land by God Himself after wandering 40 years in the wilderness..which I walked through . The land belonged to the House of Israel long before Christ came AND long long before Islam and Mohammed. Israel allows Muslims and Christians to hold offices , own property and work there . They have a Muslim Supreme Court justice . NO Jews are allowed to practice their religion openly or hold office in the majority of Muslim countries. Certainly not Palestine , the Jews left in 2005 .

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Yes! Well said, Jennifer! 👏🏼

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Yes - I saw quite a few videos, actually. You just stated there are bad people in all religions. Yet you apparently hold anyone in Isreal outside of that. Whatever. I'm glad I don't know you in real life. You are quite bombastic.

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That’s okay, I’m embarrassed for you and your ignorance in these Substack comments.

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Tell them straight girl.....only in america do we wear this veil that isreal can't do bo wrong

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I’m a Christian and lived in Israel and was never ever treated with contempt by Jews or Israelis but quite the opposite. & even if I did experience any contempt by a Jewish person - I would completely and totally humble myself because of the horrid history between Jews and Christians, namely but not limited to the anti Semitic (false) beliefs taught by and held by the church through their history - The disgusting apathy of the church during the Holocaust - the Spanish Inquisition, first crusade and many other pogroms all by Christians. Yeah. We deserve every bit of contempt. 💔😭

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This sounds like christian guilt....no one today deserves to be treated unfairly

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I definitely feel guilty as a Christian because the antisemitism that drove many Jews to death through history is STILL rampant in many Christians beliefs today. It’s not a thing of the past. Thankfully not ONE Jew treated me unfairly or ugly or with contempt like I said but the point is, I understand if they did.

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To say it's ok for someone to treat you badly for something you didn't do is absurd. This is the most ridiculous comment I've read on this post. And did you know that Christians are the most persecuted religion/group in the history? It's not Jews contrary to what the media would have you believe.

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Such a lie Icannot.

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Not being cheeky. Genuinely asking - why do you have "unwavering support for Isreal?"

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It's calle Aipac....oh and money...its money

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I’d be more inclined to support CO if I had not been following her for years and have watched her pick fight after fight with anyone who disagrees with her. Her lawsuits have largely gone nowhere, I’ve not once heard her ever apologize or admit she’s been wrong, etc. I’m just over her drama. She wasn’t a fit for the DW from the beginning. And I fully admit I enjoy Ben Shapiro but I don’t agree with everything he says. He just seems to be more mature. Matt Walsh doesn’t agree with Ben on Israel, or foreign affairs and is a staunch Christian but he has his job. I think CO wanted out and she did whatever she could to make that happen.

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This article could have been written better. I felt like I was reading something off of Reddit vs the normal flow. But it’s probably because I’ve been so pampered with Jessica’s style of writing. While I do lean towards this view, the tone was off-putting. I wish it was more thoughtfully laid out. It felt very one-sided when I’m used to hearing multiple sides. Even if the author wants us to conclude with his perspective, I thought he could have done a better job leading us there.

But I appreciate you opening up your platform and allowing diverse voices!

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Well said!

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What’s interesting to me is that DW knew of Shumleys vicious ongoing assault against Candice, one of their prominent employees and did nothing in her defense... that was very telling all by itself. People can have different opinions and positions on things but I’ve lost all respect for Ben Shapiro... given his position and having wherewithal to speak as succinctly as he does, he could have voiced his opinion, but kept the unity… It was evident in his conversation and his words, that exposed his heart that he had no intentions of maintaining unity in his workplace. Sad, since he’s the owner of that company.

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I agree.

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Is this supposed to be clever? Because it's honestly just trash. I'm not familiar with who Mike Lerner is, but if this is how he writes/thinks/expresses himself...no, thank you.

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Mike is todays guest writer

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Guest writers are welcome. But to encounter a writer on this platform who is sloppy and simple-minded, especially when it involves a topic as nuanced as Israel/Gaza, is surprising.

Also, considering how long you’ve (seemingly) purposefully avoided addressing the Israel/Gaza conflict, this feels like a sledgehammer of a way to start.

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There is nothing nuanced about Israel/Gaza. It is a genocide and an ethnic cleansing by a brutal occupier for over 75 years

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Because you heard that from tik tok?

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Thank God for TikTok. You should also check out the IOF (Israel occupation forces) gleefully sharing their war crimes on tik tok. The best part of all this is Israelis are documenting and boasting about their war crimes and genocidal hate speech on tik tok and instagram. Who cares about The Hague or the ICJ explicitly calling it a war crime?

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completely agree with you. It’s very clear this writer is covering up for what Candace really said and did as well. We can all read and hear what happened and this ain’t it. It reminds me of how the msm clips videos of Trump to prove their narrative.

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What is trash? He essentially stated facts.

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Candace Owens has some good moments but she gets unhinged. Her rabid conspiracy theory against France’s ‘first lady’, Madame Macron is looney. Their love story is already a bit crazy, but Brigitte is very private and devoted to her role. If she were born a man, who’s business is it? It would be easily proven with birth certificates. That poor lady. But Candace won’t let it alone.

Ben Shapiro has hosts on his platform who don’t share his views on Israel/IDF/foriegn aid to Israel. I don’t think it’s about that. Candace just needs to work for herself. I don’t think she does well with a boss.

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EXACTLY…Matt Walsh is NO supporter of Any war and is still on the platform . Candace has several conspiracies that she pushes , she tends to speak before real research and then when called out tried to use Christ to beat up on Ben . Bad idea to USE The Savior like that .

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highly encourage you to listen to this! It explains the difference on the stance that Matt Walsh takes on Israel vs. the one Candace did and where that invisible line is drawn.


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I encourage you to listen to this as it describes the difference on the stance that Matt Walsh takes on Israel vs. the one that Candace does. There is a difference.https://youtu.be/MB94F5iUIBo?si=CaLTzkajyJPpaAxl

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Becaus the pro-Palestinian protesters are out of hand. They bring nothing but hate and violence and they should be bang. The Jews are standing her singing songs. There is a huge difference, we are not the same.

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What are u talking about? In Isreal they chear and have parties on the Gaza boarder and stop aid coming in to the Palestinians. Leaving thousands of people without medication and food.

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This is really bad, lazy writing. I don’t care where you fall on this issue. This informs no one of what truly has been going on between these two. The author seems to purposely be leaving out pretty much all details of the nuance behind this feud to prop up his side. It’s a total disservice the reading audience who has grown to expect top notch reporting and story telling from this Substack. Jessica, with all do respect, cuz I love what you do….this is crap. And maybe worse, boring as hell. Find better guest writers or post less and continue to go it alone.

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Hey Mike - “I don’t have that kind of power” is giving Nazi Germany 😳 please go read a Holocaust history book.

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He's being facetious, because by blood he's Jewish. It has to come through your mom.

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