Scary path we are going down- one day you might be thrown in jail for questioning/ being curious. No thank you.

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This is a bankruptcy case in response to a civil judgment. Nothing about this involves criminal allegations.

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This should have never happened in the first place. Egregious abuse of court system - he has a right to question the whys and hows - the fact it hurts the parents is not his problem.

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But he doesn’t have the right to defame anyone. No one does. It’s the same reason Johnny Depp sued Amber Heard.

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Completely agree.

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First four paragraphs need DATES and links to decision and actions.

The author needs to put this into some historical context for those who are reading this for the first time.

Never assume the audience follows the storyline as much as the author!

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So I take it you didn’t listen to the podcast part.

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Did you listen to the podcast hun? 12mins in the headline

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Alex jones is a leech! He’s a sycophant and a digesting human being. He needs to be held accountable to lying and libeling those grieving parents!!! Duck alex jones!

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The whole premise is that you're allowed to question things, it's our right to free speech and free press. Suing him is a big red flag to all free media out there.

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Freedom of speech doesn't then also equal freedom from consequence of that speech.

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No one is saying you’re not allowed to question things. Freedom of speech doesn’t give anyone free rein to defame anyone. Jones was found liable for defamation, and he filed for bankruptcy in response to the civil judgment against him.

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Alex Jones is the Dude! Your just a victim of mind control. Wake up before you get in line for your mercury inoculation.

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So critics to have unbiased reporters in the courtroom; the MSM synopses are often so different than those of independent reporters!

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I didn’t follow this case. Can someone clarify for me?

Did Alex Jones say Sandy Hook did not happen or did he say it happened but it was a false flag by the g’vmt? As in - g’vmt found a shooter? This is setting precedent like J6 that if we misstep they will lock us up and/or ruin us.

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I want to know too

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The MSM shows the worst photos of Alex Jones they have, painting him as a monster. Alex made a huge mistake. A $1.5B mistake? I don't think so. Also, NBC News is saying "the site infowars.com is down. There is no more infowars.com." Wrong! They just keep lying. It's unbelievable. Here is the clip--https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/judge-review-alex-jones-attempt-block-infowars-sale-onion-rcna181377

Here is the site--https://www.infowars.com

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This is a bankruptcy case, which is when the court oversees the sale of assets to the benefit of creditors, the people or entities the bankrupted person owes. It’s not a trial on what Alex Jones said or didn’t say. He was already found liable for defamation by TWO separate juries in TWO states, Connecticut and Texas. Jones filed for bankruptcy two years ago, and the sale of his assets in this bankruptcy court is a result of that.

I haven’t read the trustee’s court filings, but I suspect that The Onion’s bid was likely the “best” bid because the average yield to owed families was raised when some decided to forgo any proceeds from the Onion’s purchase. That’s normally within the scope of the bankruptcy trustee, and I expect that the trustee will come with examples of similar, comparable sales to the hearing next month. It’s unlikely that the judge will select the other bid. It’s more likely the judge would order a new sale/auction IF the judge doesn’t confirm the auction as it currently stands.

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