He pardoned my husband from prison. He and three other men had been sentenced to 30+ years for crimes they didn’t commit, stemming from an issue while they were serving in Iraq.
President Trump saw straight through the media bias and DOJ corruption YEARS before the rest of the world but was not able to pardon them until he was leaving office in December of 2020.
I take issue with some things he says and does but what I don’t question is this: the man loves America and is always doing what he thinks the right thing is.
Trump loves America and demonstrates his love all the time. The press doesn’t want anyone to know of his kindness and generosity.
And I suspect he really isn’t so loud about it because it comes from a space so genuine that it isn’t about him.
It’s about his ability to be able to do such things and he doesn’t limit them because it’s signed off on by DJT. It’s very humbling in a way because the decency of his actions speaks greatly to his character.
It impacted me so much that he donated his presidential salary. No one does that. But he did.
Thank you for sharing this story.
Adding Morgan and her family to a very lengthy prayer list.
Before his first election there was a reddit thread. It was started as a bash Trump post. It said if you've ever interacted with Trump in person, tell us how he was. It ended up being a huge thread listing all the times he's called someone, given money, paid off a debt, keeps 100 dollar bills in his pocket to give as tips. On and on. Reddit locked it and you have to find it on the way back machine since it did not go in their favor.
He wasn't disrespectful, he was stating the truth. Groupies want to be grabbed by the pussy, since the beginning of time. Trump is actually very respectful towards women. He put women in charge of construction projects before it was required by the mob. His C Suite has been mostly women that kick ass. Weak people don't survive in his orbit. Women who give their power away by being easily offended should stay in the kitchen, don't go out in the real world😉
Oh geez bless your heart! You must be the only perfect person in the world that has never offended anyone. Move on! I’ve heard women say worse. Yeah let’s vote for the hair sniffing pedo!
Don’t take the bait Amy President Trump is a fantastic man .....so human he is in touch and has touched the American people great Man will only vote for him!
Can you imagine a world where we look over the fact that a man can treat woman this way and women are so mesmorized by him, he’s got them in such an abusive relationship chokehold, that he makes them think it’s ok to treat them this way. Would you want your son talking that way? Would you want some guy talking to your daughter that way? He has a LONG history of offensive and disrespectful comments about women. I would never allow my children to act this way, so I definitely think it’s ok for our president to do so. Also, he’s a racist. So there’s that.
I’m sure you also voted for the president that got a BJ in the Oval Office while married but that’s ok right? It’s ok if you do it just don’t talk about it 🤣I’m also sure you are so worried how women are treated by men that you support biological men competing in women sports as well. You just proved that you are a sheep when you spewed he was racist believing everything MSM tells you. Brainwashed! I certainly do believe there are times when Trump could have used a filter but I would take him any day over that demented evil treasonous racist Biden. Last time I checked Biden was the only one that told blacks they weren’t black if they didn’t vote for him. Democrats throw it right in your face and you still don’t see it. How did you end up on Jessica’s fair and unbiased page anyway?!
Oh gladly. If someone I vote for does something that I don’t approve of or is not morally aligned with my beliefs, I’m gonna say something. I voted for them. They work for me. I’m not enamored with them and I surely don’t hold them up on some sort of godly pedestal thinking they can do no wrong.
1. I wasn’t old enough to vote for Clinton when we was president. 2. I don’t think biological men should play in women’s sports unless they never hit puberty and are on hormones to block all masculinity. 3. Trump IS racist and I listed SEVERAL reasons why. 4. Biden was wrong for saying that and I said it then and I’ll say it again and again. Because I’m not obsessed with him and I’m not in a cult. 5. I’ve been following Jessica since the depp trial. 6. She is FAR from unbiased.
You can’t do one good thing and negate 20. That’s not how it works. Same as everyone saying he’s such a swell guy. Just because you do 1 good thing, it doesn’t get rid of the 1000 other things he’s done bad. And yes… RACIST.
What about him, embracing birtherism, referring to African nations as
"shithole countries," telling congresswomen of color to go back to where they came from, calling Mexican immigrants "rapists," refusing to denounce white supremacists during a presidential debate. Banning Muslims from entering the US, suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage, calling Covid the China virus or kung flu, in the 70’s he refused to rent to Black tenants and lied to Black applicants about whether apartments were available, Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas, good people on both sides… list goes on and on.
We are also talking about using rhetoric and creating policies that marginalize people of color. He is not concerned with hiding his bad behavior which leads his followers to believe they can do the same. Presidential rhetoric is so important. It's not a disconnect from the real record. What a president says is often one of the things that has the biggest impact on our country. So there’s no way to claim that he’s NOT racist. What do you define as racism?
Throughout my life, there has been numerous stories of Trump doing kind things for people. Jennifer Hudson’s mom and brother’s murder, Trump put her up in his building. The baby who needed special medical treatment but no one would fly the baby to the city they needed the medical treatment in, so Trump gave his plane to transport the family and baby. During the 80’s he would give loans to black people who came to him for a loan when banks refused to help them. He’s flawed and made mistakes but I recall more good headlines about Trump than negative prior to 2015.
Exactly, why focus on the negative we are all flawed and defected it’s what makes us humans the Democrats and FJB are out of touch they believe they are the royalty of America they going to come down to earth with a big bump 2024 please God!
Yip Barak Obama loping off the plane behind the President who can’t string a sentence together, all meeting a President who has had the worst behavior on record in the Oval Office of any man before or after him and Melm has the goad to tell us about pre President Trump comment - go figure it’s a crazy world.
1st off they don’t have his name on them! They say God Bless America. 2nd the money is not going to his legal fees. Do 2 minor research before you start spreading further rumors. People not doing research is how we ended up in this mess.
If people spent just a few minutes a day looking for things… THEY COULD FIND THEM! But most are too busy being bottle fed by MSM and leftist parrots!
For those who would criticize President Trump, as using the death of this young officer, as a political opportunity, I would remind you he was invited based on his strong support of the policeman association.
My best friend was riding in an Uber from Palm beach airport and somehow she got on trump topic with Uber driver and he was saying how his dad had worked at Mar largo for Trump for 30years and how amazing President Trump is and how he’d give him $300 bucks when he saw him sometimes…he said he was nicest man…
thank you for showing the side people chose to ignore or dont want to even know about because it doesn't fit with their narrative. your insight on this campaign is amazing, thank you bringing the human side of President Trump to the surface!!
I listened to today's episode of Tara Palmeri's 'Somebody's Gotta Win' (truly a fair journalist and great pod) and she had on Robin Leeds to discuss tonight's fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall. I guess Leeds is a political consultant, in the arena since 1993, and organizer of tonight's event. The complete lack of awareness re: the star studded fundraiser, cost to attend (tickets start at $250 a pop and I believe go as high as $250,000 - or more - for a photo with Bill, Barack and Joe) and how DJT is a "fascist, threat to democracy" was truly astonishing. I thought these people learned their lesson after 2016, but it appears they have not. They're doubling down on the Democrat talking points and writing off average, every day Americans who feel they were better off with Trump. More than that though, the inability to even recognize him as human, when truthfully, lately, he's really coming across as measured and dare I say, presidential -- I'm dumbfounded. What a complete misstep for President Biden to not attend this officer's funeral and honor his sacrifice, life and family. The priorities are clear and the juxtaposition on this date in particular, just wow.
One last thing, Worthington's athletic club is amazing and I grew up going to it with my parents and then as an adult. I've since moved away but it's truly a mecca of greatness from equipment and trainers to classes, the pools, cafe, etc.
Thank you for sharing this story, Jessica. It has been widely noted that President Trump exhibits great generosity and compassion towards others. Many videos have demonstrated this characteristic, and the one you shared is no exception in its beauty. It is likely that such displays of compassion contribute to the polarized opinions of him. Shame on those that share such hatred. I have heard that the “darkness cannot comprehend the light.” I believe that it’s true.
I am honestly impressed by the compassion DJT has exhibited. I'm doubly impressed that he doesn't talk about it or wave it on a banner for good publicity. And, while Biden and these asshole Hollywood jerks throw a party at Madison square garden to congratulate themselves, innocent women are being beaten in the face in NYC leading to much injury and concussions in some cases. Bravo Biden....your presidency continues to amaze.
I love to see this side. It makes me remember what is important. Politics and politicians are good to keep an eye on but it's family/health/kindness/G-d that bring meaning to life.
He pardoned my husband from prison. He and three other men had been sentenced to 30+ years for crimes they didn’t commit, stemming from an issue while they were serving in Iraq.
President Trump saw straight through the media bias and DOJ corruption YEARS before the rest of the world but was not able to pardon them until he was leaving office in December of 2020.
I take issue with some things he says and does but what I don’t question is this: the man loves America and is always doing what he thinks the right thing is.
And he saved my husbands life. 🇺🇸🩵
Trump loves America and demonstrates his love all the time. The press doesn’t want anyone to know of his kindness and generosity.
And I suspect he really isn’t so loud about it because it comes from a space so genuine that it isn’t about him.
It’s about his ability to be able to do such things and he doesn’t limit them because it’s signed off on by DJT. It’s very humbling in a way because the decency of his actions speaks greatly to his character.
It impacted me so much that he donated his presidential salary. No one does that. But he did.
Thank you for sharing this story.
Adding Morgan and her family to a very lengthy prayer list.
Before his first election there was a reddit thread. It was started as a bash Trump post. It said if you've ever interacted with Trump in person, tell us how he was. It ended up being a huge thread listing all the times he's called someone, given money, paid off a debt, keeps 100 dollar bills in his pocket to give as tips. On and on. Reddit locked it and you have to find it on the way back machine since it did not go in their favor.
Was this before or after he grabbed her by the puss 🐱?
That is really just so outdated and do you really want to start that game of presidential comparisons?
What’s outdated?
The pussy grab. Yes, groupies want to be grabbed, that's their focus😂😂you obviously have never been around celebrities😉
That’s a very strange, non chalant way to look at how disrespectful he was, is and will always be towards women.
He wasn't disrespectful, he was stating the truth. Groupies want to be grabbed by the pussy, since the beginning of time. Trump is actually very respectful towards women. He put women in charge of construction projects before it was required by the mob. His C Suite has been mostly women that kick ass. Weak people don't survive in his orbit. Women who give their power away by being easily offended should stay in the kitchen, don't go out in the real world😉
A-hole! Sarah
Oh geez bless your heart! You must be the only perfect person in the world that has never offended anyone. Move on! I’ve heard women say worse. Yeah let’s vote for the hair sniffing pedo!
Don’t take the bait Amy President Trump is a fantastic man .....so human he is in touch and has touched the American people great Man will only vote for him!
I drank in fields with criminals as a teen. I’ve definitely said worse’s
Can you imagine a world where we look over the fact that a man can treat woman this way and women are so mesmorized by him, he’s got them in such an abusive relationship chokehold, that he makes them think it’s ok to treat them this way. Would you want your son talking that way? Would you want some guy talking to your daughter that way? He has a LONG history of offensive and disrespectful comments about women. I would never allow my children to act this way, so I definitely think it’s ok for our president to do so. Also, he’s a racist. So there’s that.
I’m sure you also voted for the president that got a BJ in the Oval Office while married but that’s ok right? It’s ok if you do it just don’t talk about it 🤣I’m also sure you are so worried how women are treated by men that you support biological men competing in women sports as well. You just proved that you are a sheep when you spewed he was racist believing everything MSM tells you. Brainwashed! I certainly do believe there are times when Trump could have used a filter but I would take him any day over that demented evil treasonous racist Biden. Last time I checked Biden was the only one that told blacks they weren’t black if they didn’t vote for him. Democrats throw it right in your face and you still don’t see it. How did you end up on Jessica’s fair and unbiased page anyway?!
Oh gladly. If someone I vote for does something that I don’t approve of or is not morally aligned with my beliefs, I’m gonna say something. I voted for them. They work for me. I’m not enamored with them and I surely don’t hold them up on some sort of godly pedestal thinking they can do no wrong.
1. I wasn’t old enough to vote for Clinton when we was president. 2. I don’t think biological men should play in women’s sports unless they never hit puberty and are on hormones to block all masculinity. 3. Trump IS racist and I listed SEVERAL reasons why. 4. Biden was wrong for saying that and I said it then and I’ll say it again and again. Because I’m not obsessed with him and I’m not in a cult. 5. I’ve been following Jessica since the depp trial. 6. She is FAR from unbiased.
Yea, he’s so racist that he signed a bill that will permanently restore funding to historically black colleges and universities.
You can’t do one good thing and negate 20. That’s not how it works. Same as everyone saying he’s such a swell guy. Just because you do 1 good thing, it doesn’t get rid of the 1000 other things he’s done bad. And yes… RACIST.
What about him, embracing birtherism, referring to African nations as
"shithole countries," telling congresswomen of color to go back to where they came from, calling Mexican immigrants "rapists," refusing to denounce white supremacists during a presidential debate. Banning Muslims from entering the US, suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage, calling Covid the China virus or kung flu, in the 70’s he refused to rent to Black tenants and lied to Black applicants about whether apartments were available, Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas, good people on both sides… list goes on and on.
We are also talking about using rhetoric and creating policies that marginalize people of color. He is not concerned with hiding his bad behavior which leads his followers to believe they can do the same. Presidential rhetoric is so important. It's not a disconnect from the real record. What a president says is often one of the things that has the biggest impact on our country. So there’s no way to claim that he’s NOT racist. What do you define as racism?
You're just repeating MSM garbage 🙄
Oh, bless your heart… those are just called FACTS dear. Doesn’t matter where they come from. Facts are facts. 😉
Ask Tara Reade….
Some people may be ok with that. I cannot vote for someone who I disagree with morally.
Throughout my life, there has been numerous stories of Trump doing kind things for people. Jennifer Hudson’s mom and brother’s murder, Trump put her up in his building. The baby who needed special medical treatment but no one would fly the baby to the city they needed the medical treatment in, so Trump gave his plane to transport the family and baby. During the 80’s he would give loans to black people who came to him for a loan when banks refused to help them. He’s flawed and made mistakes but I recall more good headlines about Trump than negative prior to 2015.
Exactly, why focus on the negative we are all flawed and defected it’s what makes us humans the Democrats and FJB are out of touch they believe they are the royalty of America they going to come down to earth with a big bump 2024 please God!
Trump loves America.
And people.
Meanwhile across town we have an extraordinary display of non alignment … raising funds for an inauthentic person, campaign, and legacy;
pretending to like and support a fumbling, ill, mean spirited fool.
Yip Barak Obama loping off the plane behind the President who can’t string a sentence together, all meeting a President who has had the worst behavior on record in the Oval Office of any man before or after him and Melm has the goad to tell us about pre President Trump comment - go figure it’s a crazy world.
Selling bibles with his name on it is not a Christian thing to do. Also, the money goes to pay his legal bills.
How do you know it’s not a Christian thing to do? Are you the spokesperson for Jesus?
😂😂😂 i
Cry harder
1st off they don’t have his name on them! They say God Bless America. 2nd the money is not going to his legal fees. Do 2 minor research before you start spreading further rumors. People not doing research is how we ended up in this mess.
If people spent just a few minutes a day looking for things… THEY COULD FIND THEM! But most are too busy being bottle fed by MSM and leftist parrots!
We can always count on a Bitter Betty 😉
How is that not a Christian thing to do? Please explain.
For those who would criticize President Trump, as using the death of this young officer, as a political opportunity, I would remind you he was invited based on his strong support of the policeman association.
And he’s a New Yorker, who has always supported the New York Police Department and fire departments!
My best friend was riding in an Uber from Palm beach airport and somehow she got on trump topic with Uber driver and he was saying how his dad had worked at Mar largo for Trump for 30years and how amazing President Trump is and how he’d give him $300 bucks when he saw him sometimes…he said he was nicest man…
thank you for showing the side people chose to ignore or dont want to even know about because it doesn't fit with their narrative. your insight on this campaign is amazing, thank you bringing the human side of President Trump to the surface!!
Human kindness is alive and real with Trump…
I listened to today's episode of Tara Palmeri's 'Somebody's Gotta Win' (truly a fair journalist and great pod) and she had on Robin Leeds to discuss tonight's fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall. I guess Leeds is a political consultant, in the arena since 1993, and organizer of tonight's event. The complete lack of awareness re: the star studded fundraiser, cost to attend (tickets start at $250 a pop and I believe go as high as $250,000 - or more - for a photo with Bill, Barack and Joe) and how DJT is a "fascist, threat to democracy" was truly astonishing. I thought these people learned their lesson after 2016, but it appears they have not. They're doubling down on the Democrat talking points and writing off average, every day Americans who feel they were better off with Trump. More than that though, the inability to even recognize him as human, when truthfully, lately, he's really coming across as measured and dare I say, presidential -- I'm dumbfounded. What a complete misstep for President Biden to not attend this officer's funeral and honor his sacrifice, life and family. The priorities are clear and the juxtaposition on this date in particular, just wow.
One last thing, Worthington's athletic club is amazing and I grew up going to it with my parents and then as an adult. I've since moved away but it's truly a mecca of greatness from equipment and trainers to classes, the pools, cafe, etc.
Thanks for sharing this, Jess!
Thank you for sharing this story, Jessica. It has been widely noted that President Trump exhibits great generosity and compassion towards others. Many videos have demonstrated this characteristic, and the one you shared is no exception in its beauty. It is likely that such displays of compassion contribute to the polarized opinions of him. Shame on those that share such hatred. I have heard that the “darkness cannot comprehend the light.” I believe that it’s true.
I am honestly impressed by the compassion DJT has exhibited. I'm doubly impressed that he doesn't talk about it or wave it on a banner for good publicity. And, while Biden and these asshole Hollywood jerks throw a party at Madison square garden to congratulate themselves, innocent women are being beaten in the face in NYC leading to much injury and concussions in some cases. Bravo Biden....your presidency continues to amaze.
I love to see this side. It makes me remember what is important. Politics and politicians are good to keep an eye on but it's family/health/kindness/G-d that bring meaning to life.
I love this. Thanks for sharing
Have you guys seen the Dana White interview? He shares about when he talked to Trump the day Ivana died? Got me all teary!
That was great thank you for that!
Loved the interview love Dana and President Trump so human.
Thank you for sharing this story. It's amazing to see all sides of a story or a person and it should be. Thank you again.