We will get answers to these questions when we get answers about the Las Vegas shooting. And who leaked the Dobbs decision. And the files from the Warren Commission. And and and and and…

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If this is how this situation is handled, thinking about lower level issues being glazed over like this, is enough to make my head spin. Seems like these people get put in high places and then shuffle papers until they get their cut and die. God help us, that’s the only way

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What has occurred in the last 14 days here..has been absolutely insane. It is so surreal.

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It’s SOOOOO SUREAL. Not sure we’re even fully capable of processing everything we’ve just been through.

I’m worried it’s just the beginning.

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Jess, I’m terrified you’re right.

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The best is my lib friends posting what a hero Biden is for stepping down. Well, Trump took a bullet to the face and he’s not stepping down. Make it make sense!

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My head is spinning

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It’s almost nauseating right?!

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She is just a cog in the machine. They need to dig deeper.

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Congressional hearings always seem to me like the ultimate form of political theater. A chance to make a bombastic statement or accusation that will get them in the news cycle so they can look like they care. (My rep made the Doritos comment which is perfect example…) It’s so disheartening that we will likely never know the answers to any of this, just like so many other things. Cheatle is just a piece in their games.

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100% agree. She knew she was the fall guy. Doesn’t matter any investigation, somebody’s head gotta roll.

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I'd like to see her bank records now and for the next 10 years. Someone is funding her besides our tax dollars. I wonder where she will live (without ever having to work again) when this dust settles.

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I’d likely say she had no idea she was going to be the fall guy. It’s why she’s so unprepared. Curious if she is just as flabbergasted as the rest of us and doesn’t have answers to provide bc no one is giving them to her either. ♟️

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I think she’s COLD. And knows A LOT.

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Her lyin eyes say it all.

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She is trained to be stonefaced and perhaps she may know a lot about many of things? But perhaps preeminent situation such as this? Maybe not. You would be surprised at how many entities are involved in things such as this and the surrounding ones have no idea. It happens all the time, it’s been happening for decades.

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I agree that she was probably set up/ manipulated/ lied to by the other players including FBI, CIA and Whitehouse. She is their scapegoat and that has just been made apparent to her. (Going to guess they have her for doing something illegal too and now she is CMA mode).

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That’s my theory as well

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Good point! I am curious about that, too.

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Yep! Something to pacify the masses!

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Exactly. These Congressional hearings never have results, just drama. Then on to the next one.

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I will say, I do generally agree with my congressman and am very happy with what he has supported legislation/policy wise, I just think the whole hearing thing is so over the top

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The fact AOC -the craziest nut in the squirrels nest of DC- brought up collusion against the former president just goes to show how far off this whole thing is from being an "accident"....

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Someone needs to ask how come the major news networks were covering this rally and airing it live when they typically haven't been at recent rallies. Does anyone know the actual statistics on this?

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Good question...

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Possibly they always have someone covering, just not always newsworthy

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I never thought about it this way. 🤯 but truly.

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Because there were stories he was going to announce his VP pick. That’s why.

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His VP announcement wasn't expected until the convention, I thought.

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There was speculation in at least some news networks that it was going to be announced at that Saturday’s rally. Generally we know the VP selection before the convention. That’s true of both parties.

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The blunt corruption of our system is bonkers. I hate feeling like im reading too far into things or too much conspiracy tea. Is the united states this fucked or am i crazy?

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To answer your question - yes and no. 😬

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It was noted that she had to be subpoenaed in order to appear. She should be ashamed and embarrassed of her lack of professionalism. And yet, still today no answers, just more questions like- who can we trust? Why is not one of those Reps pursuing these questions aggressively until answered???

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It's all scripted, someone asks "the tough questions", then no results and on to the next one.

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THIS!! Even w the best, most dramatic impactful questions… in this hearing and in others… there’s NEVER a complete halt and expectation of answers!!

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K Fowler you are so right!

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My one question: Who is running our country? It certainly isn’t Joe Biden or Kamal Harris. When I actually agree with most of what AOC asked, it makes me wonder if anyone can answer my question honestly.

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Yeah for Lucifer...I hope she was a better stripper than member of Congress...she's a failure of a human being, even for a MAGAT

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Retired police officer and an embarrassment to our country. Shame on you. Clown loser. Go spew your hate on your own substack.

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Jul 23Edited

The ballistic reports is the real issue - after watching someone else synopsis this morning I think it was the snipers 2nd bullet that hit the metal roof in front of him - and the metal debris from that is what pierced Trumps ear. The man that died and the two that were injured were on a completely different trajectory. No doubt there were two shooters.


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Shrapnel from a metal roof, doesn't travel a 150 yards because of a bullet, so no, doesn't hold up to the smell test, and there was no closer building between Trump an the shooter, whoever put that theory out is full of crap

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Plus the photo capture of the bullet actually whizzing by Trump’s head after hit hit him.

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I was referring to the sniper behind Trump not the shooter watch the video and listen to the shots

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Sorry to do this, but just a couple more things, the sound of the shots mean nothing from the video, you cannot know direction they came from, and if there was a second shooter, and if they were proficient, they would have taken a body mass shot and not a head shot, or shot again when he was exposed as he stood up again

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I'm sorry if the second shooter was behind Trump it would have hit someone in front of him, the place was packed and second I would be shocked if you could create any shrapnel from a metal roof by shooting it, it's just not thick enough, the theory is still absolute crap, sorry but the probability is basically 0

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I've seen perhaps 20 video from experts that were so proficient I had difficulty understanding them. There is no doubt there are not two shooters. One man pointed out how one bullet travels in a downward position while the other is going upwards.

In the back right corner of the bleachers is where one man is shot but in his right arm. He explains (rightfully so) how high the bleachers are and how much higher than man is standing in comparison to Trump and therefore the trajectory is wrong - that it could be the same gun.

He talks about the other man that was also shot in the bleachers same level but all the way down at the other end. I believe he said it was the same bullet that shot both men. The 1st man standing in the corner that got shot in the arm - you can see the small puff of smoke behind him where he believes the bullet ricocheted and hit him. I've many video's and this particular one was one of the best. I don't recall where I saw it but if I can find it I will send it along.

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Ok watched the video, and the there theory is again crap, so for there claim that a bullet traveled at an upward angle means a second shooter was on the ground prepared to shoot, this is why that doesn't work.

1. All the people outside the fence line would have noticed someone sitting there with a rifle ready to shoot, because the shots were so close together

2. We will say the closest that person could have been was 150 yards, because he wouldn't been able to get through the metal detectors, so 150 yards through a steel chain link fence, would have made a somewhat accurate shot almost impossible, windage changes a bullets trajectory, imagine what a chain link fence would do

3. The music accompaniment to the video makes me question the theorists validity

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I can't find the actual synopsis but this person copied part of "that" video and how it explained two shooters


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AOC actually asked an intelligent question?

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While I appreciate that Ms. "Buck stops with me but I'm staying" actually left, I'm not relieved by her departure and I'm disappointed that this questioning didn't accomplish anything. (Thanks for these unanswered Qs, btw!)

I don't think SS, its future revamp, and all the info that we've learned since then have done much to assuage people's potential fears for their Congresspeople. I don't want anyone in Govt dead and it boggles me how SS can be trusted after this. Thank God for the 2nd Amendment; may God protect us all.

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All good questions for which the American people need answers. Another question surrounds use of personal device (in context of capturing all audio). She said she sometimes uses a personal device when dealing with foreign people "some apps don't work for communication"? Does she expect American people to believe that a device issued by US Gov't (Secret Service) is not capable of communication with foreign people? Or is this a possible explanation for use of personal device and potential communications that are key to events on June 13th?

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Disturbing, sounds like a lot of NEGLIGENCE!

People need to be held accountable when they do poorly at their job! That includes ALL LEVELS of our government.

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Another question I did not see …

Why did they let Trump go on stage at all or at least remove him sooner???

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