Can I sue Chrissie for emotional distress and undue physical harm? I fully have the shakes from @HouseinHabit story withdrawals! How am I supposed to be the most provocative and interesting conversationalist in the room until this is resolved? I can't possibly go back to the days of mainstream headlines and topics. Going into social isolation until I see that sexy circle again atop my IG.
You got me, Steph! Yes, admittedly that would be a problem, though I do sincerely miss the regular posts however lonely and desperate that may make me, it hasn't officially devolved into the shakes yet (though i am engaging in a comments chat which is a new symptom for me). I should be careful with hyperbole. I must confess, this particular account is my escape from being surrounded by TOO many people and TOO much real life.
But the fact the you are a reader and I presume supporter signals to me that you are open minded and academically curious which I think makes you interesting so whether you choose to live that life as a hermit with severe allergies and therefore unable to touch grass or lead a full and social journey surrounded by piles of friends..."good job and good luck."
Ohhh i see it now. Your name is Steph. I thought I read Karen. My silly eyes playing tricks on me again. It’s time for you to start following some comedians on IG so they can teach you about a little word called “humor.”
I am writing in support of my friend Jessica in regards to the suspension of her Instagram account, @houseinhabit, which was unjustly taken down as a result of a coordinated campaign of mass reporting and solicitation for reporting by certain individuals.
I would like to provide you with detailed information regarding this situation in the hopes of seeking a fair resolution and the reinstatement of her account.
Background: The Instagram account, @houseinhabit, has been a platform for civic journalism to a community of over 1.2 million followers who appreciate the content she creates and shares.
She has always adhered to Instagram's community guidelines and terms of service, ensuring that content complied with all platform rules.
Incident Details: Over the past several days, she became the target of a calculated campaign of online harassment led by certain individuals who sought to manipulate the system by encouraging their followers on both Instagram and TikTok to mass report her account.
This campaign involved false reporting, spam reporting, and even solicitation for reporting by influential accounts, ultimately resulting in her Instagram account's suspension.
Let me emphasize that the content shared on her account did not violate Instagram's community guidelines or terms of service.
Jessica has always been dedicated to creating an engaging online space, and she can provide evidence that substantiates adherence to the platform's rules.
She has never encouraged bullying; as a journalist, she reports on topical issues.
Request for Reinstatement: We, the readers, kindly request a thorough review of the suspension of her account, @houseinhabit, and ask for its immediate reinstatement.
The shaking doesn’t work for me and when I refresh it just says I have no internet connection 🤔 annoying. They should make it easier to appeal and not just cancel.
This is insane. My friend had her insta business account hacked and after a campaign to have the blackmailers account taken down, insta refused to do it and she is now losing her business.
I just don’t understand this. Then a coordinated take down of an account gets suspended immediately.
Jess, I just want you to know that I am a survivor of sexual abuse. I have never found your account to be offensive to sexual assault survivors. You ask questions, but that is okay. As I have learned in therapy (after thousands of dollars hahaha) the uncomfortable is where healing happens. And the uncomfortable is often where the truth hides. I’ve lived in 20 years of shame and embarrassment because of what happened to me, like many blamed myself. But what I’ve learned is that I also have the power to help myself. What you do doesn’t impact my healing journey, if anything, you help a lot with the much needed laughs and great stories of your boys. I just wanted you to know that. Never stop making us laugh with Hayes’ fabulous insights and never stop sharing your truth because if there is anything the world needs now it is laughter and honesty. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sent an email. Not as nice as yours, but I’m older and have more insurance. 😂 it still requests reinstatement without being insulting. Hoping someone with a clear head and an objective stance can review it and see that it’s simply a smear campaign.
It is crazy how fast people respond to & jump on the bully’s “shut them down” train. She’s the one online openly calling for people to report you... Who’s harassing who here? You didn’t call for any of that from your audience. I personally don’t understand how her audience doesn’t see that.
You reported a woman that just got done testifying against a convicted serial rapist and is being harassed constantly and probably for the rest of her life by the cult she was able to leave? That is the woman you reported? For a stranger you follow on social media?
Testifying against an alleged rapist doesn’t give anyone the right to smear an innocent party. Chrissie’s bad choices are her choices. She should be thanking Jess as it’s due to HouseinHabit that she’s gained 20k followers overnight. Take your drama back to Chrissie. There’s no place for it here.
I fail to understand how you overlook the hypocrisy of your comment, Mindy.
With this logic, one could reasonably argue sex offenders who were victimized as children should receive more lenient sentences.
Unacceptable to report her account for harassment because she has been harassed? Unacceptable to report a sexual assault assailant because he was assaulted?
Jessica’s defense in this whole thing is that she was simply asking questions. But what she was really doing was insinuating that she had some dirt that would expose Chrissie. That we (yes we, I was a follower up until now) needed to be prepared for something dark that she would expose about her from anon sources. That is how this whole thing started. Enough people rallied around chrissie and her account was suspended. That is what happened and somehow everyone is painting Jessica in the victim in this whole thing, it’s not true.
Not all women are good women. And not all women tell the truth. The game that Chrissy is playing goes both ways. More people stand for truth than for vindictive and callous lies.
As a woman, it’s filth like Chrissie who makes it bad for women who really were raped! She’s a liar! She’s a thirsty vindictive liar! She hasn’t earned the term “victim” She know it, you know it and I know it! This “HE RAPED ME” BS is the battle cry of the unstable! The only difference between them and prostitutes is that you can pay a prostitute to leave, the Chrissie’s have to be thrown out like yesterday’s trash! Trust me, this pig will get what’s coming to her! LIAR LIAR LIAR
Hi Jen!! I didn’t! Thank you for going out of your way to let me know. Keep me posted on if she figured out if lasers started the fires in Maui, if Obama is really gay, if Britney really is a meth user, and if Meghan markle truly is a raging narcissist. You know, the important stuff that really matters.
What I also find insane is how people have taken the time to search & find a post I made over a year ago and leave rude comments (which I deleted- no response). To have that kind of time to creep on random pages & be rude there too.
It looks like you guys went after House In Habit again. I really wish you guys would do homework before suspending accounts. It seems sort of like a knee-jerk reaction. I thought society had moved past canceling social media accounts? Didn’t Elon start a new trend and all the cool kids are doing it? Free speech! It’s a zippy little idea.
Shutting down an account without a proper vetting reads as elementary, immature and biased. That’s not you, is it?
Reinstate the civil journalist and stop knee jerk reacting to cry babies with hurt feelings.
I just commented on a post on IG about this and said that whenever someone viciously attacks the “other side” simply for asking questions and wanting to analyze all angles instead of just following the narrative and accepting that as the truth, it never looks good. It has the opposite reaction, at least amongst those that have critical thinking skills and can see through the BS picture that the media, etc. wants to paint. I have always loved your desire to get to the bottom of things even if it makes you unpopular with the masses. I am hoping that this gets resolved. I do have to admit that I was utterly shocked when I saw that she had actually told her followers to go to your account and report it...hmmm, that’s just TOO suspicious in my eyes and that’s when I really stopped to think about this whole case more even though I wasn’t that invested at the beginning. Usually whenever the opposition is silenced and it’s done via extreme odds, that means they were onto something...keep fighting the good fight, we are behind you! ❤️
Learned about your suspension from Shane Cashman, another truth seeker. The only way to ensure truth is to have MORE speech, not less. Only cowards lay on the other side of that moral line.
Email sent. I have questions. 1) when is Russel Brand going to interview on his Live Free show? You are a perfect fit. You have the mutual connection of Bari Weiss who was just on the show. 2) Shall all 1 million of us go over and follow you on Rumble instead? You and work related reasons are the ONLY reasons I get on IG at ALL. 3) What else can we do to help?
I still don't understand why she got her panties in a wad in the first place. I have been following all your posts and I never saw anything defamatory to her character or story, whatsoever. Unless I missed something. She sounds a tad manic if you ask me.
Because she is vindictive and knows she cannot be questioned as a “victim”
Believe all women. Even when they wish rape on Robert Downey Jrs daughter. Even when they blackmail celebrities in front of the whole world. Even when they direct their audience to attack another woman for sharing opinions they don’t like.
I completely agree. It's ludicrous. How can anyone assert the validity of a claim without proper questioning? The entire notion that we should blindly believe anyone is dangerous and exploitative. It's a standing invitation for corrupt individuals to abuse anyone they can. How credulous can one be?
I thought I missed something too. I never saw anything negative posted about her on your account. I guess when you grow up in Scientology (as I'm assuming she did) you learn from the best in terms of how to smear people and try to take them down. How hypocritical of her to engage in exactly the same behavior and tactics that church unleashed to silence her!
The woman who made those public threats against RDJ’s daughter is STILL on Instagram despite REPEATED reports by many people to remove her from the platform for over two years now, for her relentless bullying of anyone who opposes her vicious public smear campaign against Armie Hammer, (perpetrated in collusion with his ex-wife, btw) who was cleared of any wrongdoing by the Los Angeles District Attorney after a lengthy investigation initiated by this same person, who was coincidentally his mistress/stalker, who begged him for sexual favors years later, AFTER the alleged incident, and less than 2 weeks after he announced his divorce in July 2020. It’s not difficult to connect the dots here.
Inexplicably, Instagram allowed her attacks against him and his defenders to flourish and thrive, while many calling her out publicly were removed. These are facts, not opinions, the truth of which is immutable. Yet it seems that Instagram chooses to allow opinions to rule over facts, especially if those opinions invite many users to hop on their bandwagon.
The fuckery of #MeToo is indeed in full force. Societal pressure demands it, and herd mentality, led by the willfully ignorant, reigns supreme on social media. Where are all the people with critical thinking skills and the courage to speak truth to power?
Can I sue Chrissie for emotional distress and undue physical harm? I fully have the shakes from @HouseinHabit story withdrawals! How am I supposed to be the most provocative and interesting conversationalist in the room until this is resolved? I can't possibly go back to the days of mainstream headlines and topics. Going into social isolation until I see that sexy circle again atop my IG.
This is hilarious. Thank you, Tonya! 😆❤️
if you have withdrawals from a deleted IG account, you probably need to touch grass and make some real friends
Humor...that's what it's called😁
You got me, Steph! Yes, admittedly that would be a problem, though I do sincerely miss the regular posts however lonely and desperate that may make me, it hasn't officially devolved into the shakes yet (though i am engaging in a comments chat which is a new symptom for me). I should be careful with hyperbole. I must confess, this particular account is my escape from being surrounded by TOO many people and TOO much real life.
But the fact the you are a reader and I presume supporter signals to me that you are open minded and academically curious which I think makes you interesting so whether you choose to live that life as a hermit with severe allergies and therefore unable to touch grass or lead a full and social journey surrounded by piles of friends..."good job and good luck."
The fact u felt compelled to drivel on for so long in response to Steph is hilarious. Thank u for the giggles even though I didn't read it.
What are you giggling at, then? Not being facetious. I’m giggling but I did read it. Just asking.
She was making a joke Steph 🙄
Maybe take your own advice. Or a nap.
Did it ever occur to you that Steph could be making a joke as well? 🤯
Ohhh i see it now. Your name is Steph. I thought I read Karen. My silly eyes playing tricks on me again. It’s time for you to start following some comedians on IG so they can teach you about a little word called “humor.”
...Yet here you are!
Same, I can’t cope lol
Get help if you are in distress. JessiKKKa can’t help with that.
I agree!! I can’t go back!
We can do a class action lawsuit!
Truth! 🙌🏻👏🏻💥🔥
Oh honey, we filing a class-action suit. My withdrawals are real
here is what I sent.
I copied your words and changed the pronouns.
this is crazy.
Dear Instagram Support Team,
I hope this message finds you well.
I am writing in support of my friend Jessica in regards to the suspension of her Instagram account, @houseinhabit, which was unjustly taken down as a result of a coordinated campaign of mass reporting and solicitation for reporting by certain individuals.
I would like to provide you with detailed information regarding this situation in the hopes of seeking a fair resolution and the reinstatement of her account.
Background: The Instagram account, @houseinhabit, has been a platform for civic journalism to a community of over 1.2 million followers who appreciate the content she creates and shares.
She has always adhered to Instagram's community guidelines and terms of service, ensuring that content complied with all platform rules.
Incident Details: Over the past several days, she became the target of a calculated campaign of online harassment led by certain individuals who sought to manipulate the system by encouraging their followers on both Instagram and TikTok to mass report her account.
This campaign involved false reporting, spam reporting, and even solicitation for reporting by influential accounts, ultimately resulting in her Instagram account's suspension.
Let me emphasize that the content shared on her account did not violate Instagram's community guidelines or terms of service.
Jessica has always been dedicated to creating an engaging online space, and she can provide evidence that substantiates adherence to the platform's rules.
She has never encouraged bullying; as a journalist, she reports on topical issues.
Request for Reinstatement: We, the readers, kindly request a thorough review of the suspension of her account, @houseinhabit, and ask for its immediate reinstatement.
Thank you Hannah, just copied and sent!
Thank you Hannah, I have copied your text and emailed IG too.
Hope Jess gets this resolved ASAP 🤞🏼
This bullshit is getting ridiculous, every time she voices an alternative perspective the sheep come out to bring her down.
I used the reporting feature within Instagram:
I went to HIH page (which shows no followers or posts) & I shook my phone.
Then I clicked “Report a problem”
I allowed it to send diagnostics (take a screen shot)
Then I copied & pasted YOUR text (thank you!) and sent it to Instagram!
Hopefully if we all send emails & report within the app we can get her back up sooner!!
The shaking doesn’t work for me and when I refresh it just says I have no internet connection 🤔 annoying. They should make it easier to appeal and not just cancel.
I'll be doing the same! Thank you for this!
Thanks Hannah! Used this for my email, too.
Thank you! I just sent a copy!
Thank you! Copied what you wrote and sent it 🙏🏻
Thank you for this Hannah!
Thank you for doing this! Just sent my email.
Thanks Hannah, copied and sent.
This is insane. My friend had her insta business account hacked and after a campaign to have the blackmailers account taken down, insta refused to do it and she is now losing her business.
I just don’t understand this. Then a coordinated take down of an account gets suspended immediately.
thank you! copied and sent
Thank you for this! Just sent an email to Instagram.
Sent, thanks for sharing this.
Copied and emailed!
Thank you! Sent! 🙌🏼
Thank you Hannah! copied and sent!
Jess, I just want you to know that I am a survivor of sexual abuse. I have never found your account to be offensive to sexual assault survivors. You ask questions, but that is okay. As I have learned in therapy (after thousands of dollars hahaha) the uncomfortable is where healing happens. And the uncomfortable is often where the truth hides. I’ve lived in 20 years of shame and embarrassment because of what happened to me, like many blamed myself. But what I’ve learned is that I also have the power to help myself. What you do doesn’t impact my healing journey, if anything, you help a lot with the much needed laughs and great stories of your boys. I just wanted you to know that. Never stop making us laugh with Hayes’ fabulous insights and never stop sharing your truth because if there is anything the world needs now it is laughter and honesty. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You write for us we’ll write for you too 😡
Deal ❤️
Keep going!
JRK and JKR both fighting cancellation. Feels like some synchronicity in the initials 😂
Super interesting connection - little things here and there. So tired of the cancel culture - they will not win.
Don't forget the owl connections either!
Sent an email. Not as nice as yours, but I’m older and have more insurance. 😂 it still requests reinstatement without being insulting. Hoping someone with a clear head and an objective stance can review it and see that it’s simply a smear campaign.
love a good Fried Green Tomatoes callback 🥰🥰🥰
✊🏼 “To Wandaaaa!!”
love a good Fried Green Tomatoes callback 🥰🥰🥰
Well this just pissed me off enough to finally subscribe to Substack so I hope their stupidity makes you more money! Email sent.
Worth every penny!
Me too!!
this substack backup though🙌🏻 freedom of speech still prevails.
It is crazy how fast people respond to & jump on the bully’s “shut them down” train. She’s the one online openly calling for people to report you... Who’s harassing who here? You didn’t call for any of that from your audience. I personally don’t understand how her audience doesn’t see that.
i may or may not have reported chrissy’s insta for harassment 🤷🏼♀️
You reported a woman that just got done testifying against a convicted serial rapist and is being harassed constantly and probably for the rest of her life by the cult she was able to leave? That is the woman you reported? For a stranger you follow on social media?
Sure. If she’s harassing someone then she deserves to be reported.
Interesting logic there Amanda! Where else could that apply?
I was just asking questions
Why are you on her substack if she's so terrible?
I have freedom of speech!
Mmm hmm okay 🙄
Yes, Mindy, because now she is doing the harassing. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Try and keep up.
Ok, thanks Jen. I was just asking questions! No harm in that
Yes, li’l ol’ you…just asking innocent questions with no ill intent behind them, right?
How are you missing my point? How?? Please reread what you asked me and then ask yourself if you can direct that anyone else...
Testifying against an alleged rapist doesn’t give anyone the right to smear an innocent party. Chrissie’s bad choices are her choices. She should be thanking Jess as it’s due to HouseinHabit that she’s gained 20k followers overnight. Take your drama back to Chrissie. There’s no place for it here.
Damn. I really wanted to be a part of this. Just asking innocent questions, there’s no harm in that.
Don’t bring that shit here. The exit door is on your right. Use it.
Hey Mindy....Why was Chrissie asking her followers to report Jessica?
I don’t know Samantha, she drew Jessica’s name out of hat?
I fail to understand how you overlook the hypocrisy of your comment, Mindy.
With this logic, one could reasonably argue sex offenders who were victimized as children should receive more lenient sentences.
Unacceptable to report her account for harassment because she has been harassed? Unacceptable to report a sexual assault assailant because he was assaulted?
What am I missing?
It was meant to be hypocritical to prove a point. That’s what you are missing.
Can you please elaborate? I don’t understand.
Jessica’s defense in this whole thing is that she was simply asking questions. But what she was really doing was insinuating that she had some dirt that would expose Chrissie. That we (yes we, I was a follower up until now) needed to be prepared for something dark that she would expose about her from anon sources. That is how this whole thing started. Enough people rallied around chrissie and her account was suspended. That is what happened and somehow everyone is painting Jessica in the victim in this whole thing, it’s not true.
Not all women are good women. And not all women tell the truth. The game that Chrissy is playing goes both ways. More people stand for truth than for vindictive and callous lies.
Being a victim is no excuse for harassing and threatening people on IG stories as she has been doing. I reported her too 🤷🏼♀️
As a woman, it’s filth like Chrissie who makes it bad for women who really were raped! She’s a liar! She’s a thirsty vindictive liar! She hasn’t earned the term “victim” She know it, you know it and I know it! This “HE RAPED ME” BS is the battle cry of the unstable! The only difference between them and prostitutes is that you can pay a prostitute to leave, the Chrissie’s have to be thrown out like yesterday’s trash! Trust me, this pig will get what’s coming to her! LIAR LIAR LIAR
I wonder why Chrissey said she was getting harassed?
Hey Mindy!! 👋🏻 Did you see Jessica got her account back and that IG specifically noted she didn’t violate any terms of their service?
Hi Jen!! I didn’t! Thank you for going out of your way to let me know. Keep me posted on if she figured out if lasers started the fires in Maui, if Obama is really gay, if Britney really is a meth user, and if Meghan markle truly is a raging narcissist. You know, the important stuff that really matters.
You should focus on your 19 cats!
I did too
I don't understand how she even has an audience!
What I also find insane is how people have taken the time to search & find a post I made over a year ago and leave rude comments (which I deleted- no response). To have that kind of time to creep on random pages & be rude there too.
Right, she actually asked all her followers to report HIH then was whining the next day when the same thing was happening to her 😂
Hello Instagram Workers and Platform DeThroners -
It looks like you guys went after House In Habit again. I really wish you guys would do homework before suspending accounts. It seems sort of like a knee-jerk reaction. I thought society had moved past canceling social media accounts? Didn’t Elon start a new trend and all the cool kids are doing it? Free speech! It’s a zippy little idea.
Shutting down an account without a proper vetting reads as elementary, immature and biased. That’s not you, is it?
Reinstate the civil journalist and stop knee jerk reacting to cry babies with hurt feelings.
The Free World
They're gonna have to work harder to censor you. They don't understand that you have hard-core followers that will pivot with you😁
I'll quit IG entirely if they don't bring Jessica back.
Same, Jess is the only reason I am there
Me too!
I alluded to that in my email ☺️ nicely though 😁
I agree.
Yup 🙋🏽♀️
I love how your haters pay you money to come on here and bash you 🤣🤣🤣
me too. How can I not be flattered?
Not possible…aren’t those called fans? 💀
...its free
You obviously don’t know how many literally pay her the $7 and post comments
I think 8,000+….She makes about $700K per year off this
If you’ve got a creative gift that you love to use and share… AND have figured out a way to make money off it, hey, YAY!
Write. On.
Especially if you’re making it off Trumpers 🙌🏼
Silly, Go find your balls, Timmy
Good for Jessica!
People can comment for free though. I haven’t paid anything, and yet I’m commenting...
This post is public, most of her stuff is for paid subscribers.
How did this change to free?
I just commented on a post on IG about this and said that whenever someone viciously attacks the “other side” simply for asking questions and wanting to analyze all angles instead of just following the narrative and accepting that as the truth, it never looks good. It has the opposite reaction, at least amongst those that have critical thinking skills and can see through the BS picture that the media, etc. wants to paint. I have always loved your desire to get to the bottom of things even if it makes you unpopular with the masses. I am hoping that this gets resolved. I do have to admit that I was utterly shocked when I saw that she had actually told her followers to go to your account and report it...hmmm, that’s just TOO suspicious in my eyes and that’s when I really stopped to think about this whole case more even though I wasn’t that invested at the beginning. Usually whenever the opposition is silenced and it’s done via extreme odds, that means they were onto something...keep fighting the good fight, we are behind you! ❤️
Right! It never looks good.
Learned about your suspension from Shane Cashman, another truth seeker. The only way to ensure truth is to have MORE speech, not less. Only cowards lay on the other side of that moral line.
Email sent. I have questions. 1) when is Russel Brand going to interview on his Live Free show? You are a perfect fit. You have the mutual connection of Bari Weiss who was just on the show. 2) Shall all 1 million of us go over and follow you on Rumble instead? You and work related reasons are the ONLY reasons I get on IG at ALL. 3) What else can we do to help?
I’m taking the Russel this week actually ❤️
OMG! Yes!! This is perfection. (He’s also my hall pass so I’m extra excited for you)
Yay!!!! It's gonna be epic, love Russell!
You’re gonna talk to Russel Brand!?!?! Yay!🎉
So looking forward to that !!
I still don't understand why she got her panties in a wad in the first place. I have been following all your posts and I never saw anything defamatory to her character or story, whatsoever. Unless I missed something. She sounds a tad manic if you ask me.
Because she is vindictive and knows she cannot be questioned as a “victim”
Believe all women. Even when they wish rape on Robert Downey Jrs daughter. Even when they blackmail celebrities in front of the whole world. Even when they direct their audience to attack another woman for sharing opinions they don’t like.
The fuckery of #MeToo …
I completely agree. It's ludicrous. How can anyone assert the validity of a claim without proper questioning? The entire notion that we should blindly believe anyone is dangerous and exploitative. It's a standing invitation for corrupt individuals to abuse anyone they can. How credulous can one be?
I thought I missed something too. I never saw anything negative posted about her on your account. I guess when you grow up in Scientology (as I'm assuming she did) you learn from the best in terms of how to smear people and try to take them down. How hypocritical of her to engage in exactly the same behavior and tactics that church unleashed to silence her!
Good point. She was radicalized against taking accountability and being questioned.
The woman who made those public threats against RDJ’s daughter is STILL on Instagram despite REPEATED reports by many people to remove her from the platform for over two years now, for her relentless bullying of anyone who opposes her vicious public smear campaign against Armie Hammer, (perpetrated in collusion with his ex-wife, btw) who was cleared of any wrongdoing by the Los Angeles District Attorney after a lengthy investigation initiated by this same person, who was coincidentally his mistress/stalker, who begged him for sexual favors years later, AFTER the alleged incident, and less than 2 weeks after he announced his divorce in July 2020. It’s not difficult to connect the dots here.
Inexplicably, Instagram allowed her attacks against him and his defenders to flourish and thrive, while many calling her out publicly were removed. These are facts, not opinions, the truth of which is immutable. Yet it seems that Instagram chooses to allow opinions to rule over facts, especially if those opinions invite many users to hop on their bandwagon.
The fuckery of #MeToo is indeed in full force. Societal pressure demands it, and herd mentality, led by the willfully ignorant, reigns supreme on social media. Where are all the people with critical thinking skills and the courage to speak truth to power?
🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨Nailed It 🎯🎯🎯🎯