Is it always the dog walker?

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She's been imprisoned for sex-trafficking, but NO LIST has ever been provided. None. Not one name. That's a seriously protected house of cards.

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Ghislaine, her father, Jean-Luc Brunel, and Jeffrey Epstein were employed by the Israeli government.

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Her grin screams sociopath. We know she knows, and her grin tells those who know..."I know." She will be out of prison in a year, two tops. They, of those who shall not be named, are working on it now. And in the mean time, the "news" cycle will be all spectacle and Bravo TV nonsense. And when she is out, propaby in Isreal or Brazil, or New Hampshire, 😜 JK, she will be holding court once again. It's up to rebel, misfits lIke Jessica and Whitney to keep our eyes fixed on what is really going on. What IS really going on?

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I might have to take this mugshot to my stylist tomorrow... that’s a good head of hair

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I don’t think she’s evil, just completely Machiavellian. I don’t know the details on all the victims, but IMO, I think a fair number of them were opportunistic and understood the transactional nature of their relationship. Maxwell probably legitimately thought she was helping these girls use their sexual capital for all it’s worth. Going from an underage prostitute to being paid millions in hush money isn’t THE worst thing that could have happened to someone in VG’s position. It’s all sick, but sex for money and/or to be close to power has gone on long before this case.

However, I can’t understand why Maxwell thinks anyone will buy her bad boyfriend excuse and feel sorry for her bc she has to eat prison food? She clearly can’t hide who she is, so she might as well go balls to the wall on the “I was only trying to help them” argument. Or, better yet, direct attention to the men in power doing business with Epstein. I think the world would be far more forgiving of her if she just said, I know about some very vile secrets of powerful people and am just trying to stay alive. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Spot on.

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I totally agree.

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I don’t really understand who the victims were. Because like you say, from what I’ve seen they were opportunistic and understood the transactional nature of their relationship. I don’t think of these young women as victims. I made decisions as an older teen that I don’t blame anyone else for but myself. I knew what was up. When I hear “sex traffic victims” I think of kidnapped children forced into slavery. Am I missing something? I’ll probably get slaughtered for my comment or perhaps it’s ignorance but I’d like to know. If in face we know? Or is everyone a victim now? Because I’m todays world that’s how it feels.

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No, this is fair . When I share these conversations with those close to her, you’ll see why this is more complicated than “evil woman / sex trafficking monster.”

Your comment reminded me of someone I talked to who started her sentence with “I’d probably be shot for saying this….”

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Yeah, I feel like there’s a big difference between this case and luring a 14 year old off the internet so they can be abducted at the mall and forced into sex slavery. Did Maxwell lock the girls up and not allow them to communicate with the outside world? I could see how bringing girls from overseas on the pretense of a modeling contract would be predatory. But the docs I’ve seen focused on college girls who referred friends to give Epstein massages because it “beat waiting tables”.

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Ghislaine Maxwell, Robert Maxwell, and Jean-Luc Brunel were all employees of the Israeli government.

Where was the Attorney General of the United States when a high-profile multi-billionaire international human trafficking suspect placed into federal custody turned up deceased under very suspicious circumstances? Should Bill Barr be considered a person of interest?


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This is the majority of it, yes. College aged girls. In trial Carolyn was the only underage victim to testify and she views Virginia the same as Ghislaine. So that whole dynamic is about to get very complicated when Virginia goes to trial in spring.

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Ghislaine Maxwell, Robert Maxwell, and Jean-Luc Brunel were all employees of the Israeli government . . . Where was the Attorney General of the United States when a high-profile multi-billionaire international human trafficking suspect placed into federal custody turned up deceased under very suspicious circumstances? Should Bill Barr be considered a person of interest? https://cwspangle.substack.com/i/124760165/of-the-magic-kingdom-of-darkness-of-the-benefit-that-proceedeth-from-such-darkness-and-to-whom-it-accrueth

Attorney General William Barr was obligated to look into Adam Schiff and the fact that he was at Ed Buck’s place 16 times, because as a member of Congress, if Schiff saw any illegal activity, he was obligated by law to report it . . . https://truepundit.com/clinton-whistleblower-feds-investigating-adam-schiffs-disturbing-behavior-at-ed-bucks-meth-sex-house/

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Oct 20, 2022
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Ghislaine Maxwell's father funded and trained Jeffrey Epstein for the Israeli government.

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Right. Without G he was just another awkward billionaire. She, and her connections, are what set him apart.

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Classic Capricorn-Aquarius couple!

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Another awkward billionaire 🤣😂

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Another awkward Jewish pervert . . .

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I think that’s why it’s hard for me to accept that simply being younger and even less powerful in certain cases necessarily means all these girls were taken advantage of. Sometimes the personality dynamics between two people plays a bigger role in who manipulates who. Look at Heard and Depp/Musk.

I totally don’t think Ghislaine feels guilty! Her moral compass was warped by her father. Maybe this set her up to be used by Epstein, but I imagine she was just as into what they were doing as he was. Epstein always seemed like more of a grifter than Maxwell.

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They all worked for the Israeli government.

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Oct 20, 2022
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I don’t think she’s remorseful. I think more regretful. But the reason she doesn’t out them is a bit complicated. I think legally she’s trapped and knows it. But I’ll expand on that soon.

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I look forward to your writings every week. I’m hooked, like a great book. Sometimes I say “ aaawwwweeee, that’s it? I just want the stories to go on and on. Excellently written. God Bless.

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thank you! What a compliment. XX

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You are such a gifted writer. Just the right amount of sarcasm, humor and brilliant and eloquent writing!! Thank you for entertaining us so well!!

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Thank you, Jill!

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Have you read Whitney Webb one nation under black mail yet?

Also this is finally starting to come out in the uk. https://www.frontpagedetectives.com/p/royal-pedophile-investigation-lord-mountbatten-cover-up

The story goes he was lose in a london park and got caught by the Met. He was also writing his bio at the time and going slightly senile. His security was dropped, and it was fed to IRA- everyone in Uk thinks he died for political reasons, in fact it was because of this.

Everyone also says how gracious the queen was since the IRA has killed him. Forgetting she was the Boss, would have been informed about the park incident, and thus gave the nod!

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For years the BBC repeatedly failed to stop "monstrous" abuse by DJ Jimmy Savile and broadcaster Stuart Hall because of a "culture of fear," an inquiry had said... You can thank pro-EU Conservatives Theresa May, Amber Rudd, and David Cameron for the cover up of such scandals in England.

May was Home Secretary under Jewish Cameron for six years prior to her hand picked idiot Amber Rudd... they had time to pass anti-free speech laws about Jews and Muslims, but let them both run roughshod raping children all over Britain... kind of like America with Pizzagate (Comet Ping Pong) or Pedophile Island with Jews Epstein, Weiner, Weinstein, and Dershowitz, minus the Muslim hijab wearing douche bags... https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/black-liberation-news-uganda-declares

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Proof That MI5 Are Running The Paedo Rings . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vuXMoIbfrU

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YES. She is incredible. Protect this woman at all costs. She is fearless and sharp as a whip. I try and listen to her podcast whenever I can.

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Rotherham Hypocrisy From Teresa May – Has She Forgotten About The Inquiry Into MP Paedo’s . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V7HOKRL0K8

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The BRF has lots to lose with all their scandals of the pervy persuasion finally getting the light of day. It is no wonder they have a quid pro quo relationship with the royal rota. I know MM is a much-hated character in their storyline, particularly amongst the hoi polloi, DailyFail reading crowd, but is an annoyingly annoying starlet who speaks in new-age twaddle really the problem? Or is she the perfect scapegoat to keep the mass's hate satiated? I find the MM hate train suspect, it seems way over the top. Please don't come at me, I am not MM sycophant, nor to I salivate with high school mean gurl rage towards her either. She is deffo annoying, off for sure. But the BRF's soft power and pull with the power elite allows them to hide characters of such ill repute, I wonder why we bother with a starlet at all. Just sayin...

Edit: Spelling

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There was talk that it was deflection for the PoW affair with a certain Lady in Norfolk. The DM very nearly printed it, the bylines where very double entendre, and then they had Richard Kay step on. You only have to read between the lines about her husbands 25 year Parisian friendship with a guy who got in the Max factor heiress inheritance scam.

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A Rose by any other name.... 🙈🙉🙊

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I remember as a teenager watching the Maxwell's always being on the news. Lady Ghislaine and her Father. Parties, Rubbing elbows with Politicians and Hollywood, Luxury and more. I remember when Robert died. It was big news and all the buzz. It made me think of Natalie Wood's death and made me suspicious of fowl play. Do you remember seeing them back in the 80's too?

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I remember Robert Maxwells ‘death ‘being big news too and the brothers being questioned , where did all that money go and did he even die?

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Good question.

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I don't remember them at all! I recall the first time I was made aware of Ghislaine was in the Vogue-style sections. She was wearing that pink and green outfit. I remember wondering who she was. I remember thinking she was pretty, but a mystery to me then.

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She looks smug 😏 it should be called her Smug Shot.

I hope she gets all she deserves.

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100% she believes everyone was “winning” and she did nothing wrong. To play the devils advocate here, she’s right. She “gave” poo girls a chance to make money. They do it now of there own free will with OnlyFans. The difference is this was back in the 90’s and early 2000’s when internet didn’t exist. But those girls could have chooses to not go back. I strongly believe as much of a victim as some are (Anne) some of those women were and still are just as “evil” as Maxwell. It’s okay to except that you standards were lowered for the sake of free travel to places at the price of innocence and free will being taken. NOW can you say these were young girls that didn’t know any better? 1000% but she’s not wrong to say everyone’s a victim of something. Does the fact she thinks she’s innocent that’s just serves to prove her disconnected life from REAL life. However I find it discomforting that the whole spotlight is on her and not the men she served. I think the name dropping is a plan. The interview is a plan. And it’s just a chess game for the rich and perverted. I feel like she’s still providing her services to these dirty old men and in return they prove money or some form of currency that’s LITERALLY keeping her alive. Because you don’t face prison for sex trafficking and not get the realness smacked into you unless your “experiencing” is lighten by a force you don’t control. The book is still there, the boxes of pictures and face is still sitting in the FBI building. And they have zero intentions of exposing it. If ANYTHING the raid was a good intention turned covered up of hard core evidence. Ciltons teams has done a amazing job keeping him out of the light when we all know how dirty and close he was with Jeffrey. There’s zero chance he was now in any of those pictures. But you can’t have a former US president get exposed to that degree without sending the whole nation into chaos. And at a time like this unfortunately it’s better for her to keep dancing in the spot light and entertaining us with crumbs of info than to get the real story.

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Oct 18, 2022
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She can't turn them in. I'll try and explain why that is soon.

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She'll be assassinated by her former employer . . . Israeli Mossad . . .

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I agree we all have dated the floor relationships that teach us, what we do not want and need and help us figure out what we do want and need. But I can say with complete confidence, they were never sex trafficker’s or rapists, or pimping out under aged girls.

So yeah, I don’t buy her sob story about the food in prison or the death threats ensuing in prisons to a well known fact for anyone involved in children being abused especially sexually! You bet she will hold the straight back of arrogance and disassociation to her crimes.

She got caught! She’s in a system that deals with people who do these crimes! No glory here.

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She was working for the Israeli government, her father trained and funded Jeffrey Epstein.

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She signal to the Prince, Clinton and Trump that she wont rat them out. She doesn't want to be mysteriously killed.

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President Trump has nothing to do with it.

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Vaseline omg. Can we just talk about how perfect her brows are and how her bob is better than mine! Better layers! I'm here for all of it!! Yesssss

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