OMG is it you? 😀

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Love your question Curious 😆.

Tiny 😉 Robbins, yuck . Love Mike Rowe. Can you imagine those two heartthrobs in the Whitehouse!? All kidding aside. I believe Mike Rowe is an upstanding honorable smart man who values family and freedom. He’s got my vote.

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He posted on X yesterday as he was boarding a flight that he saw the news release of him being on the VP list. “Airports are funny places..” Doesn’t sound like he had any idea about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I thought the same thing at first. LOL!! That would be incredible!

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Tulsi is a surfer 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Marianne Williamson

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When Jessica said healing, this was the name that popped into my mind.

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This was my guess!

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I hope not

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I thought that as well, after reading “healer”

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👇🏻The praying it's Tulsi button

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Being a native Northern Californian the choice of Oakland very much surprised me. Oakland has turned down a horrible homeless, lawless, woke road. Very interesting to select that city.

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I think Oakland is a smart choice as it brings massive attention to the the horrific degradation of marginalized populations being ravaged by the decisions and management of the current administration. It’s representative of many cities in our nation facing the same.

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And you ta Newsom country. No better way to contrast the RFK way.

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TOTALLY! Oakland is the social experiment of Newsom’s political extortion of CA residents in real time. It’s the equivalent of a teacher sharing a shitty school project with the class as an example of what NOT to do.

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This is EXACTLY why I thought he chose this location and smart to do so to highlight the issues he is willing to tackle.

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The fact that it is home to the first In n Out ever in the company’s history to be forced to close out of the sheer inability to be safe for employees or guests is the clincher. 😂🍔

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I’m in Sacramento and I fully agree.

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Love this thought! I think you nailed it.

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That might be exactly why he chose it! It shows everything that's going sideways. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Mike has stated more times than I can count that he doesn’t want to be involved in politics. But I wonder if this is enough to change that. I think Tulsi or Yang will be his pick

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Never said he wasn’t asked- said he’s said more than once he wouldn’t like to be involved.

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His wife, Cheryl Hines. LOL

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When you mentioned healing and compassionate, Marianne Williamson comes to mind like mentioned. That would be amazing! A mix of healthy masculine and healthy feminine is what we need🙏🏻

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Gonna guess Charles Eisenstein based on those clues.

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I wish

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Yeah. Low probability but would be great to see.

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If it’s Rand Paul + RFJK I’ll have died and gone to leadership heaven 😭. But I would guess that he would be intentional about choosing someone more “diverse”, like a woman or POC.

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Rand Paul would be who I want the most out of those choices! I’m hoping it’s not Tulsi. As for who I want outside of those choices, Dave Smith would be amazing!

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Rand Paul said an interview the other day that he definitely wouldn't accept it if offered. Dave Smith would never join the ticket of somebody who supported the war in Israel.

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Darn I would love Rand in there. But yeah I heard the same thing about Dave Smith. He initially was supportive of RFK Jr until the Israel backing which I understand.

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Dave would be an amazing vice!

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Dave Smith is the GOAT

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Aubrey Marcus is from California and he has been a huge help with the campaign. I think he surfs too? He hosted the Christmas event and will be at the wellness event in Austin. If that is the case, I am ALL IN.

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RFK Jr would lose the suburban (now conservative leaning, previously liberal) moms to the Aubrey Marcus for the sheer “open relationship” narrative of his story. Plus, he’s another kid whose dad and stepdad were rolling in the dough so Marcus had nothing to lose or do except turn to exercise, drugs, and spirituality. Also, FleshLight as part of his origin story will kill the vote from the needed conservatives. So, a very problematic choice from the jump. Plus there are podcasts about how he essentially tried to create a cult (on accident or not but the language was a certain way…). Just too problematic an option for someone like RFK Jr to give a second thought. Also, I only commented this because I saw you be the second person to mention him.

Oh, and also the Onnit culture was very well known in Austin as a group who like to “party”. Again, not a great look after the Hunter stuff. :(

That said, I know he’s helped a lot of people get healthy, find a spiritual path, find careers and networks, and has done a good service to many. Have had lots of friends work for him, workout with Onnit or Black Swan, attend his retreats, etc. And they are all amazing people doing good in the world.

Marcus as a donor with almost unlimited funds is a good donor, however!

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We really need to stop looking at people under a microscope like this. If the elected VP is a good person, that is all I care about because this isn't the 1800s anymore. We all need to open up a bit more and love people for who they are and how they come. Acceptance is healing and loving people for who they are and what makes THEM happy will inevitably make the world a better place. Just because conservatives think it's wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong.

Aubrey Marcus is a great guy. Who cares if he made a FleshLight. At least he isn't afraid to hide from who he is. I am sure people who see this as something bad or taboo have done 'worse' things. Growing up, conservatives were the first people to cheat on their spouse and hide it from the world. So many divorces stemmed from that. What is worse? Whose decision is that to even make? Not mine, not yours, not conservatives, not liberals, not anyone. What is right for someone is their own business.

Side note: I use Onnit and I don't party.

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I think we absolutely should look at each candidate with a microscope. Every choice in their lives indicates the morals, ethics and priorities of these people who are making decisions that affect every one of us. It always amazes me when people vote for someone just because they are attractive or a "nice, likable person". Its like going to an incompetent surgeon just because he has a good bedside manner. Both scenarios happen way too often.

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I said Aubrey was a great guy. I didn't say I think he's attractive. I think he's well-balanced, intelligent, kind, and YOUNGER. We need a younger person to take this position. I think it's amazing he's passionate about his health on all levels, including but not limited to sexual health. Do I think THAT needs to be under a microscope? No. He's a successful entrepreneur, he's willing to try things to make his partner happy, and people love him. GREAT. What are we even examining here? Let me also add that this was my best guess and there's no proof that he's even going to fill this position. I think Aubrey has compassion, empathy, balance, and the ability to make good decisions. I think he would back RFK Jr. but also challenge him. They compliment each other well.

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I truly appreciate your response. To clarify: Fleshlight was created by his stepfather. Also, Onnit is a supplement line, as you alluded to, as well as a gym in the Austin area. I can not speak the the culture within the past 5 years but as late as 2018 it was an open secret the partying of the team and leadership at that gym. No judgement from myself - but simply an observation that America is not at a place of acceptance that you (as stated in your response) are at.

But I do love the heart with which you expressed yourself <3

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Oh, and also the microscope matters at the top because it exposes the weak spots where they are open to manipulation and blackmail. It’s important for us to know.

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Please let it be Mike Rowe. 🤞🏼

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I know Dave Smith declined but if he had a change of heart and decided to join RFKJ, he’d win back a lot of lost votes. And if no one follows Dave Smith look up Part of the Problem podcast- he’s the only political commentator I trust and reaonate with these days!

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I would be so happy if they teamed up! But I understand why Dave wouldn’t now.

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Dr Mercola is my guess based on the clues

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No way, Dr. Mercola is way too polarizing

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Interesting guess, as Mercola has interfaced with and written about RFK Jr a number of times. However he recently had the issue with Chase Bank closing his, all his execs and their families bank accounts, so this would get interesting.

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I heard Tulsi turned it down?

Also... WHY Oakland?? Isn’t the zombie apocalypse in control of that city?!!

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