"The dirty secret everyone in the conservative movement is ignoring right now is that white suburban conservative female voters are HIGHLY interested in RFK."
-A conservative Christian suburban mom in Michigan. I don’t know what I’ll do at this point. I think I’d prefer RFK over Trump but I don’t want my vote to be a throwaway and end up with Dems in office again.
Can you please explain how we are “fucked” if DJT and RFK don’t join forces? I am honestly interested in why you believe this? Trump has dementia and does not care about you or me. RFK has some good ideas but I don’t think there is enough of a base to get him in the VP ticket. Please help me understand, with facts. Thanks!
If they don’t join forces they will split the sane voters and we will end up with all the batshit lunatics in our country calling the election for Biden. Straight fucked.
As you tried to point out, he has dementia. He doesn’t exactly give the impression of being a strong and competent leader. With all the issues we’re currently facing like terrible immigration policies, rising inflation, homelessness, crime rates and an impending World War it would be wise to have a President that can at least speak in complete sentences and walk up a flight of stairs. Anyone that thinks he’s competent for the presidency is fucking high or severely delusional.
Have you gone grocery shopping? Paid car insurance? Or any other bill? Under every Biden policy our country and middle class is WORSE. Not to mention the destruction Biden’s open fence policy is causing in America - including the influx of fentanyl.
It’s almost like the Biden Admin is trying to wipe out the middle class. The housing market is insane right now. How can most people afford a 750k mortgage for 1600 sq feet?? INSANITY!
As a Christian how do you feel about abortion - it is my understanding that RFK latest position is that he does not support any legislation regarding “a woman’s right to choose”. And he doesn’t support a 15wk ban. How could any Christian support abortion? I’m curious - not judging.
This is tricky. I’m personally pro life, however I don’t EVER see our country completely banning abortion so I’d like to see candidates who are in favor of a 12 week ban. I think in Michigan, Tudor Dixon lost to Whitmer in the governors race (which is mind blowing considering what an actual tyrant she was during Covid) because she was full stop pro life- no exceptions for rape, incest, etc. I know several woman at my Catholic Church who are pro choice. I don’t really get it either but a candidate dying on the pro life hill will never get elected.
I agree with you completely. No candidate should take a hard stance on this (abortion) because it is not a black and white issue. However, it is obvious now (with advancements in science) that unlimited access to abortion is not tenable.
Trump has made this point. Exceptions are necessary.
It's absolutely a black and white issue. Life begins at conception. This is an obvious and indisputable fact. Of course the left has worked for decades to normalize the practice.
If the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother or the fetus then of course that would be the only exception.
It's not a black and white issue. What does 'pregnancy threatens the life of the mother' mean to you? Like only life or death or being able to support yourself and your other children? It's complicated and should be out of politics all together. It's a HEALTH issue, not a political one.
NOTHING in the world is absolutely black and white.
It is a political issue because it involves ending the life of someone else for ideological, theological or social reasons. By definition that means politics.
It's a health issue when the mother's or the baby's life is critically endangered if not ended as determined by a COMPETENT doctor (ideally one who does not do, and has never done, the abortion themselves to avoid bias).
Essentially, whatever does the greatest good or the least harm. The willingness or ability of the mother to care for the child is irrelevant.
I agree with you - but that position will not win another election. That is a fact. Biden is already making abortion a main issue of his campaign.
If you want to get things done you cannot rest on one issue. Trump already overturned roe v wade. He should be a saint to “Christians”. And people need to wake up up reality.
That the left has brayed endlessly and focused unimaginable resources on keeping the masses brainwashed regarding abortion tells you that it is their most sacred ritual.
I think it's a bridge too far for a politician to take a hard stance on. But I'll remind you that in 2016 when Trump was running he said he was going to be selecting pro-life justices and he was elected. So does the church have an infiltration problem? I think so.
Totally agree!!! The abortion issue is costing Republicans. I’m pro life but feel there should be exceptions and women have a right to reproductive health care!! No man should be making that decision!!!!
I disagree. I think that type of blind loyalty is what got us into this mess in the first place. It’s not like RFK is just some random dude. The Kennedy name holds a lot of weight in the political realm across many ages and demographics. Theres a lot of moderates in this country that haven’t shown up to the polls because they simply did not want to have to choose between the lesser of two evils, but with RFK they see their thoughts and opinions being vocalized for once.
I am a conservative woman and after listening to RFK on Joe Rogans podcast I was pleasantly surprised. RFK is a man you really feel wants the best for his Country. Trump and RFK would be the perfect ticket. Trump is brilliant at running this country, and RFK could bring back integrity to the FDA.
Southern Suburban(ish) SAHM here, RFK is a heavy topic for discussion here. I think the biggest reason there’s a lot of back and forth is people don’t know if RFK can win. And the possibility that they go with him over Trump and that leads to a Democrat victory.
The biggest huddle I see, people wondering: CAN WE WIN?
People are afraid to bet on him because they aren't sure if he's a viable candidate. That's why the world would be so much easier in he and Trump just locked hands. Four years later, Kennedy runs on his own and by then, everyone loves and believes in him.
That disappointed me when I saw that clip. Cheryl Hines seems smart and reasonable, but apparently is suffering from TDS (trump derangement syndrome). She should take a page out of Jessica’s book and take some time to get to know him. I really believe a Trump-Kennedy ticket would be a no-brainer for many people. I’m wishing for it every day.
Single mom, conservative millennial, southern suburban-ish Christian here (whew!), and I have to agree with this post. I think the GOP did a good job of creating abortion discussions as an “issue” when it was barely on Christians’ radar in a ploy to grab their votes - and it worked. This issue alone has most Christians in a chokehold, and they are willing to vote in alignment with horrible candidates who have records of decimating Christian values elsewhere, when they wouldn’t do so otherwise with any other issue.
I grew up holding signs in pro-life rallies on major thoroughfares in my city, not knowing any better or realising the horror many women go through to have to make the decision for abortive health care. I am mortified at the lack of love, support, and post-care partnership by the Church for these women, families, and even staff in these health centers.
I wish we could realise getting our country on track as a whole is just as - if not more - important than this single check box, and get behind some change that will help unite the country and allow for some bipartisan work across the aisles. Who knows, maybe we could even set up a positive environment for maternal care not only pre-birth but also ongoing afterward to allow more mothers to CHOOSE life, instead of having it forced on them!
Prior to your stories and coverage, I have been so turned off to politics by the extreme views, bad-mouthing, and lack of any sustainable change by either side and so grossed out by FOX and CNN news coverage, that I had altogether stopped following any media - actively avoiding it whenever possible. I am sure I wouldn’t know (good) things about RFK if not for you and other independent sources being willing to cover him when it hasn’t been beneficial to do so.
I am a conservative man and no fan of the other Kennedys and I would vote for RFK in a heartbeat. He’s smart, thoughtful and approachable. I don’t agree with him on everything but neither do I expect to agree with anyone on everything. He is a Democrat that conservatives should be happy to support.
RFK Jr is still far too left for me. As a liberal - which he really is - his stance on abortion alone will not get my vote. As a Christian conservative, I will not compromise on that issue. And I do not see how anyone who claims Christ as their Savior could ever vote for a pro-choice candidate.
I did vote for them being on the same ticket though. That would be a very interesting partnership.
I think that's why this is so interesting. It's really testing some people's priorities. Different issues matter to different people. I respect them all.
Even when I was super liberal I never hated anyone for being pro-life. I also don't understand why women can't talk more respectfully to one another about it.
I volunteer at a faith based women’s clinic. Learning how to empathize with women struggling with whether to carry or not has changed ME. I’m still going to encourage them to choose life, but I don’t judge them and we are there to help point them to post-abortion resources, if they make that choice. I agree with you, though. I wish we could have discussion without fighting.
I have to disagree. We came to earth gifted with free agency. An abortion is a private, medical procedure that should only be the concern of a patient and their doctor. Not a political agenda. Politicians should never have gotten involved in the matter of abortion.
I personally would not have an abortion, and I can say that with finality now because my child bearing years are over. I would never force my opinions on anyone else. Each person on this earth will be held accountable for their own choices. The Lord will judge each person accordingly. If another woman chooses to have an abortion, that’s her choice. Free agency means we get to make choices for ourselves. I do not agree with abortion, but I will not take away someone else’s free agency because I don’t agree with what they’re doing.
As Christians, it is up to us to love everyone, like Christ did, no matter what. Leave the judging to the Lord. Love people where they are at.
I’m not suggesting that we don’t love women who abort their babies. Quite opposite actually. But if you claim the title Christian, then you must choose life. There’s no free agency to choose to kill another human being. Just because he/she isn’t fully developed doesn’t make he/she any less human. Killing is evil. Period.
But I do not hate and nor do I judge. But I will unapologetically tell them what they’re doing when they walk into my clinic.
If you are truly a Christ follower you would not want anyone to murder their baby. I’m sorry that you don’t understand that as a Christian, I will not support it. Good day to you.
Tonni, I don’t want anyone to kill their baby. Christ would not stand for taking away someone’s freedom though. If you recall, Christ was the one in heaven who stood for everyone to have free agency to choose on earth. Satan wanted to take everyone’s choice away.
I do not support abortion. I also do not support taking away one’s free agency.
You can change hearts & minds with love more often than you can change heart & minds with forceful efforts and taking away their choices.
It’s wrong. Just like abortion is wrong.
We will just have to agree to disagree.
You have mentioned a few times that you work at a women’s clinic, which is amazing. I’m sure women who come to you for help have had their hearts changed by love, compassion, and more knowledge. I am almost certain you don’t chain women down to a table and force them to choose to carry their babies to full term and delivery. They are given choices. You are not taking away their free agency.
Please explain why you don’t think it’s OK for a woman to have the freedom to kill her baby or child after it’s born if she realizes she doesn’t want it? You either believe that fetus, prior to being born, is a living creature with a right to life autonomous from the rights of the mother, or you don’t. You can’t have both. You can’t say it’s not OK for me, but it’s OK for other people. Or else you’re saying it’s not OK for me to murder babies/children but it’s OK for other people to murder babies/children if it’s not convenient for them at any point. Because the Christian thing is to allow free choice? Yes, God believes in humans being allowed to freely choose their pathway. But He also expects His people to choose to protect children and not to hurt them and He made that very clear.
Never said abortion was okay. I am stating that taking away someone’s free agency to make their own choices, is not okay either. You will not be held accountable for someone else’s choices. You will be held accountable for how you treat other people though.
And again.. I take care of these women who are making these choices. Nothing wrong with what I’m doing. And I’ve helped them to keep their babies. You might go volunteer at a women’s clinic to see what happens when they hear the beating heart at 5-6 weeks. Stop judging when you aren’t helping.
The fetus is not a group of cells. Have you had a baby? Did you look at the ultrasound and think “look at that clump of cells, how boring! I’ll care about it once it’s born but right now it’s just a meaningless clump of cells”? I highly doubt it.
But you would vote for a man convicted of rape and “likes to just grab woman by the pussy?” His words. How would Christ feel about that. I know Christ would love him, as he does all of creation, but I doubt Christ would recommend voting for him.
He wasn’t convicted of rape. That trial is a farce and most know it.
How do you know Trump hasn’t repented for those comments? I sure don’t know what’s in his heart, but God does. For me, he is my only voting option. I don’t have to like him to vote for him. His policies align more with mine. I’m not his judge and neither are you.
The jury acquitted him of rape. The clown judge “changed” it. No, still not a rapist. But keep arguing over a case that will be appealed. Judge all you want, McJudgey.
A major concern is that the divide could legitimately hand Biden the election…and I don’t know if that fear is enough to convince me to vote for Trump versus RFK JR. This feels like a serious moral quandary.
It seems that perhaps the size and influence of our demographic (a quick glance back just a few years should do it) would warrant careful consideration from both campaigns.
I’m sad they won’t be a dream team together. I think one of your sources hit the nail on the head when they said the two together would be a powerhouse giving us conservative voters and our country what we need to head in the right direction. I feel like this is the most interesting voting year ever!
I’m #RFKjr2024 all the way and I see RFKJr more of a threat to Biden than to Trump, honestly. I don’t care if Trump wins - I don’t like the guy but we will be way better off with Trump in office than Biden, words that my former self 5 years ago would drop dead if she knew I would say something like this now. I won’t vote for Trump - for so many reasons- but I don’t care if he wins. I will happily give my vote to RFKjr. I am a politically homeless former Dem, Christian, city dweller and I am about 2 minutes from putting an RFKjr lawn sign in my yard, which is in a neighborhood of people who all voted for Biden and might do it again even though they don’t like him unless they see that maybe, just maybe, they should color outside the lines a little and vote for Kennedy instead. I am hoping.... maybe I will be able to convince a few of them, you never know. My fight is not with convincing Trump voters to abandon their guy, but rather Biden voters to abandon theirs.
I'm also former fiscal libertarian who leaned left socially but switched to a more conservative stance on most issues while witnessing the tyrannical covid behavior from the government and my 'liberal friends'. I've been familiar with RFJ JR through his CDF and always knew him to be intelligent, thoughtful, brave -- the rogue Kennedy. That said, I'm really concerned on what judges he'd pick, and 2nd amendment views. On the flip-side: Trump's stubborn defending of Warp Speed and lockdowns still don't sit well with me.
As someone who aligns with neither party, would never want to see a Trump/RFK ticket. It would ruin RFKs credibility completely. Trump wants a VP that is loyal to him — RFK is interesting because he is going against the Rep and Dem dogma that is driven by political parties, special interests and lobbyists. He’s played in this space as an attorney and through discovery of his cases, has access to information that isn’t generally shared or discussed because he’s not beholden to a party platform.
Also, abortion is no longer a federal issue — SCOTUS has determined this is a states’ issue. Holding out on voting for president over the abortion issue is a fundamental misunderstanding of States rights. Whoever is elected will likely have to deal with a divided congress - your never going to get abortion legislation passed there. Take that issue to your Governor and state legislature.
I understand the draw to RFK. I have to weigh in voting for Trump not only the good he did but the radical response that led to cities burning. With the good comes the bad and I worry what the Dems have planned will be worse. What kind of wrench would it throw in their plan to elect RFK? Another concern is that RFK is a like a royal democrat, when the chips are down will he tow their party line once in? We know where Trump stands, he’s a chest beater who tells the world his thoughts, RFK still has the elitist lifestyle. I saw an interview on a red carpet with him and his wife, when asked if he would be Trumps VP pick, he said “not if I want to survive my marriage”. Does his wife hate Trump and is just another Hollywood starlit? These are my concerns that keep me from leaning fully into RFK.
Yes i’ve heard him say it in interviews. She hates him.. So sadly I think he was being truthful under the guise of a joke. Although, I bet if she met him she would end up liking him. Lol.
I believe Trump pissed a lot of Hollywood off during his Apprentice years. He’s cocky and arrogant and it rubs people the wrong way. I get it, my only concern with spouses who hate their partners boss or party is the behind the scenes where a spouse does have sway power over their significant other. If backbiting wasn’t so prevalent it wouldn’t concern me. I do hope RFK is given a position in Trumps cabinet even if it’s not VP. The good RFK can do in the right position would be tremendous for the country.
I would love it if Trump and RFK Jr would team up! I love Trump and his policies and I like RFK Jr.
Questions: 1. What are people saying about RFK Jr’s chances of winning a general election? 2. If they are saying they do not believe he can win a general election, how do they feel about their vote for RFK Jr. in the end could take votes from Trump and we could have four more years of a Biden presidency?
Just curious because that is really a big concern!
Keep polling! One of the reasons the LA times was the only survey to predict trump winning was bc they surveyed the same people over time. Their panel was a lot smaller than 77k too! It’ll be interesting to see how opinions change throughout the year.
Spot on. I’m RFK Jr. due to the fact that Trump let us down in the last 6 mos of his presidency. I was disappointed with his inability to pull the trigger on the pandemic language and efforts.
Once Kennedy jumped in I was already familiar with his stance on big issues. I’m very supportive of his campaign. It frightens me that, as many have already stated, it could split the ticket and we end up with four more years of the war mongering clown show. So I’m split for certain as to how I’ll vote.
I love this. I feel like it has to be Kennedy. I’d prefer Trump over Biden, and I also love the idea of a Trump/RFK ticket, but so many people hate Trump to the point of irrationality. It would be four more years of people throwing fits every time he makes a move.
We have to get the word out to join “We The People” Party as to get on the ballot new party needs 75,000 votes as opposed to 1/4 of 1 million votes as an independent. And forgive me if I’m not getting it completely right but that’s cause I just became a citizen I’m English and I don’t know anything about the American system except that it’s super corrupt and if he gets 75,000 votes from everyone signing up to the people, then he will be on the ballot.
I was actually in communication with someone from his campaign this week about this -- trying to get information so I can share and hopefully explain this new title / party.
We need to get the word out, but it needs to be as simple as possible for people to understand. So it doesn't scare them away.
I was trying to find a way to swoop in and ask you about this the other day! Honestly it kind of got buried in my Kennedy team emails and I was like what! This was sent two weeks ago! I changed my voter reg as soon as I saw. This needs to be widespread information if he has a chance.
-A conservative Christian suburban mom in Michigan. I don’t know what I’ll do at this point. I think I’d prefer RFK over Trump but I don’t want my vote to be a throwaway and end up with Dems in office again.
This is what so many right now are thinking / saying.
Can you please tell Trump and RFK they really have no choice but to join forces? We’re all fucked if they don’t 🫣
Can you please explain how we are “fucked” if DJT and RFK don’t join forces? I am honestly interested in why you believe this? Trump has dementia and does not care about you or me. RFK has some good ideas but I don’t think there is enough of a base to get him in the VP ticket. Please help me understand, with facts. Thanks!
You spelled Biden wrong.
Thanks for pointing that out. Such an intelligent, thoughtful response.
If they don’t join forces they will split the sane voters and we will end up with all the batshit lunatics in our country calling the election for Biden. Straight fucked.
Please Mark. Mom and dad are trying to have a conversation.
Why is having Biden again “straight fucked?” Facts please, not opinions or emotions.
As you tried to point out, he has dementia. He doesn’t exactly give the impression of being a strong and competent leader. With all the issues we’re currently facing like terrible immigration policies, rising inflation, homelessness, crime rates and an impending World War it would be wise to have a President that can at least speak in complete sentences and walk up a flight of stairs. Anyone that thinks he’s competent for the presidency is fucking high or severely delusional.
Took the words right out of my mouth
Have you gone grocery shopping? Paid car insurance? Or any other bill? Under every Biden policy our country and middle class is WORSE. Not to mention the destruction Biden’s open fence policy is causing in America - including the influx of fentanyl.
It’s almost like the Biden Admin is trying to wipe out the middle class. The housing market is insane right now. How can most people afford a 750k mortgage for 1600 sq feet?? INSANITY!
Cheryl told RFKjr no way to joining with Trump. I’ll be surprised if does simply based on that.
I know she’s blowing it for us
She is what ruins him for me. Unequivocally can not support an man married to and controlled by a MAGA-hating Hollywood shrew.
As a Christian how do you feel about abortion - it is my understanding that RFK latest position is that he does not support any legislation regarding “a woman’s right to choose”. And he doesn’t support a 15wk ban. How could any Christian support abortion? I’m curious - not judging.
This is tricky. I’m personally pro life, however I don’t EVER see our country completely banning abortion so I’d like to see candidates who are in favor of a 12 week ban. I think in Michigan, Tudor Dixon lost to Whitmer in the governors race (which is mind blowing considering what an actual tyrant she was during Covid) because she was full stop pro life- no exceptions for rape, incest, etc. I know several woman at my Catholic Church who are pro choice. I don’t really get it either but a candidate dying on the pro life hill will never get elected.
I agree with you completely. No candidate should take a hard stance on this (abortion) because it is not a black and white issue. However, it is obvious now (with advancements in science) that unlimited access to abortion is not tenable.
Trump has made this point. Exceptions are necessary.
It's absolutely a black and white issue. Life begins at conception. This is an obvious and indisputable fact. Of course the left has worked for decades to normalize the practice.
If the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother or the fetus then of course that would be the only exception.
It's not a black and white issue. What does 'pregnancy threatens the life of the mother' mean to you? Like only life or death or being able to support yourself and your other children? It's complicated and should be out of politics all together. It's a HEALTH issue, not a political one.
NOTHING in the world is absolutely black and white.
It is a political issue because it involves ending the life of someone else for ideological, theological or social reasons. By definition that means politics.
It's a health issue when the mother's or the baby's life is critically endangered if not ended as determined by a COMPETENT doctor (ideally one who does not do, and has never done, the abortion themselves to avoid bias).
Essentially, whatever does the greatest good or the least harm. The willingness or ability of the mother to care for the child is irrelevant.
I agree with you - but that position will not win another election. That is a fact. Biden is already making abortion a main issue of his campaign.
If you want to get things done you cannot rest on one issue. Trump already overturned roe v wade. He should be a saint to “Christians”. And people need to wake up up reality.
That the left has brayed endlessly and focused unimaginable resources on keeping the masses brainwashed regarding abortion tells you that it is their most sacred ritual.
I think it's a bridge too far for a politician to take a hard stance on. But I'll remind you that in 2016 when Trump was running he said he was going to be selecting pro-life justices and he was elected. So does the church have an infiltration problem? I think so.
Totally agree!!! The abortion issue is costing Republicans. I’m pro life but feel there should be exceptions and women have a right to reproductive health care!! No man should be making that decision!!!!
It will if you don't vote for Trump. It's time for hard truths as opposed to wishful thinking.
I disagree. I think that type of blind loyalty is what got us into this mess in the first place. It’s not like RFK is just some random dude. The Kennedy name holds a lot of weight in the political realm across many ages and demographics. Theres a lot of moderates in this country that haven’t shown up to the polls because they simply did not want to have to choose between the lesser of two evils, but with RFK they see their thoughts and opinions being vocalized for once.
Couldn't agree more.
Vote Trump don’t go back you will only be increasing the Dems lunacy.
My thoughts exactly
At least your concerned and engaged with what's going on.
I am a conservative woman and after listening to RFK on Joe Rogans podcast I was pleasantly surprised. RFK is a man you really feel wants the best for his Country. Trump and RFK would be the perfect ticket. Trump is brilliant at running this country, and RFK could bring back integrity to the FDA.
Trump/RFK 2024 🙋🏽♀️🇺🇸
Then put him in charge of the FDA. That’s not the job of the VP. Other ideas - make him the Attorney General.
Southern Suburban(ish) SAHM here, RFK is a heavy topic for discussion here. I think the biggest reason there’s a lot of back and forth is people don’t know if RFK can win. And the possibility that they go with him over Trump and that leads to a Democrat victory.
The biggest huddle I see, people wondering: CAN WE WIN?
People are afraid to bet on him because they aren't sure if he's a viable candidate. That's why the world would be so much easier in he and Trump just locked hands. Four years later, Kennedy runs on his own and by then, everyone loves and believes in him.
Absolutely agreed! Thank you for all you do Jessica
Someone needs to have a conversation with his wife! In an interview asking about a Trump/RFK ticket he blamed her that their marriage wouldn’t last… 🥴
That disappointed me when I saw that clip. Cheryl Hines seems smart and reasonable, but apparently is suffering from TDS (trump derangement syndrome). She should take a page out of Jessica’s book and take some time to get to know him. I really believe a Trump-Kennedy ticket would be a no-brainer for many people. I’m wishing for it every day.
Yes, exactly! Can we win?! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
This!!!!!!! 100%
Single mom, conservative millennial, southern suburban-ish Christian here (whew!), and I have to agree with this post. I think the GOP did a good job of creating abortion discussions as an “issue” when it was barely on Christians’ radar in a ploy to grab their votes - and it worked. This issue alone has most Christians in a chokehold, and they are willing to vote in alignment with horrible candidates who have records of decimating Christian values elsewhere, when they wouldn’t do so otherwise with any other issue.
I grew up holding signs in pro-life rallies on major thoroughfares in my city, not knowing any better or realising the horror many women go through to have to make the decision for abortive health care. I am mortified at the lack of love, support, and post-care partnership by the Church for these women, families, and even staff in these health centers.
I wish we could realise getting our country on track as a whole is just as - if not more - important than this single check box, and get behind some change that will help unite the country and allow for some bipartisan work across the aisles. Who knows, maybe we could even set up a positive environment for maternal care not only pre-birth but also ongoing afterward to allow more mothers to CHOOSE life, instead of having it forced on them!
Prior to your stories and coverage, I have been so turned off to politics by the extreme views, bad-mouthing, and lack of any sustainable change by either side and so grossed out by FOX and CNN news coverage, that I had altogether stopped following any media - actively avoiding it whenever possible. I am sure I wouldn’t know (good) things about RFK if not for you and other independent sources being willing to cover him when it hasn’t been beneficial to do so.
everything you said here!!
Well put!
Yes, thank you for your comments, and I agree!
I am a conservative man and no fan of the other Kennedys and I would vote for RFK in a heartbeat. He’s smart, thoughtful and approachable. I don’t agree with him on everything but neither do I expect to agree with anyone on everything. He is a Democrat that conservatives should be happy to support.
RFK Jr is still far too left for me. As a liberal - which he really is - his stance on abortion alone will not get my vote. As a Christian conservative, I will not compromise on that issue. And I do not see how anyone who claims Christ as their Savior could ever vote for a pro-choice candidate.
I did vote for them being on the same ticket though. That would be a very interesting partnership.
I think that's why this is so interesting. It's really testing some people's priorities. Different issues matter to different people. I respect them all.
Even when I was super liberal I never hated anyone for being pro-life. I also don't understand why women can't talk more respectfully to one another about it.
I volunteer at a faith based women’s clinic. Learning how to empathize with women struggling with whether to carry or not has changed ME. I’m still going to encourage them to choose life, but I don’t judge them and we are there to help point them to post-abortion resources, if they make that choice. I agree with you, though. I wish we could have discussion without fighting.
I have to disagree. We came to earth gifted with free agency. An abortion is a private, medical procedure that should only be the concern of a patient and their doctor. Not a political agenda. Politicians should never have gotten involved in the matter of abortion.
I personally would not have an abortion, and I can say that with finality now because my child bearing years are over. I would never force my opinions on anyone else. Each person on this earth will be held accountable for their own choices. The Lord will judge each person accordingly. If another woman chooses to have an abortion, that’s her choice. Free agency means we get to make choices for ourselves. I do not agree with abortion, but I will not take away someone else’s free agency because I don’t agree with what they’re doing.
As Christians, it is up to us to love everyone, like Christ did, no matter what. Leave the judging to the Lord. Love people where they are at.
I’m not suggesting that we don’t love women who abort their babies. Quite opposite actually. But if you claim the title Christian, then you must choose life. There’s no free agency to choose to kill another human being. Just because he/she isn’t fully developed doesn’t make he/she any less human. Killing is evil. Period.
But I do not hate and nor do I judge. But I will unapologetically tell them what they’re doing when they walk into my clinic.
I’m sorry, you seem to be responding as if I was personally attacking you.
I politely disagreed with you.
Your automatic assumption that I’m not helping is unkind. There is no judgment coming from me either.
I’m simply, politely, disagreeing with your stance.
If you are truly a Christ follower you would not want anyone to murder their baby. I’m sorry that you don’t understand that as a Christian, I will not support it. Good day to you.
Tonni, I don’t want anyone to kill their baby. Christ would not stand for taking away someone’s freedom though. If you recall, Christ was the one in heaven who stood for everyone to have free agency to choose on earth. Satan wanted to take everyone’s choice away.
I do not support abortion. I also do not support taking away one’s free agency.
You can change hearts & minds with love more often than you can change heart & minds with forceful efforts and taking away their choices.
It’s wrong. Just like abortion is wrong.
We will just have to agree to disagree.
You have mentioned a few times that you work at a women’s clinic, which is amazing. I’m sure women who come to you for help have had their hearts changed by love, compassion, and more knowledge. I am almost certain you don’t chain women down to a table and force them to choose to carry their babies to full term and delivery. They are given choices. You are not taking away their free agency.
Please explain why you don’t think it’s OK for a woman to have the freedom to kill her baby or child after it’s born if she realizes she doesn’t want it? You either believe that fetus, prior to being born, is a living creature with a right to life autonomous from the rights of the mother, or you don’t. You can’t have both. You can’t say it’s not OK for me, but it’s OK for other people. Or else you’re saying it’s not OK for me to murder babies/children but it’s OK for other people to murder babies/children if it’s not convenient for them at any point. Because the Christian thing is to allow free choice? Yes, God believes in humans being allowed to freely choose their pathway. But He also expects His people to choose to protect children and not to hurt them and He made that very clear.
Never said abortion was okay. I am stating that taking away someone’s free agency to make their own choices, is not okay either. You will not be held accountable for someone else’s choices. You will be held accountable for how you treat other people though.
And again.. I take care of these women who are making these choices. Nothing wrong with what I’m doing. And I’ve helped them to keep their babies. You might go volunteer at a women’s clinic to see what happens when they hear the beating heart at 5-6 weeks. Stop judging when you aren’t helping.
Totally agree!
And as a Christian, I still choose life although someone else does not. Taking away someone else’s free agency is not Christ-like either.
Is Jesus okay with killing His children? Then it’s not ok.
A group of cells is not necessarily a human being. I think we need to look at that a bit more clearly. I’m a Christian and I am pro choice.
The fetus is not a group of cells. Have you had a baby? Did you look at the ultrasound and think “look at that clump of cells, how boring! I’ll care about it once it’s born but right now it’s just a meaningless clump of cells”? I highly doubt it.
I have! Before the ultrasound yea it was pretty boring.
But you would vote for a man convicted of rape and “likes to just grab woman by the pussy?” His words. How would Christ feel about that. I know Christ would love him, as he does all of creation, but I doubt Christ would recommend voting for him.
He wasn’t convicted of rape. That trial is a farce and most know it.
How do you know Trump hasn’t repented for those comments? I sure don’t know what’s in his heart, but God does. For me, he is my only voting option. I don’t have to like him to vote for him. His policies align more with mine. I’m not his judge and neither are you.
How do most know it? Facts. He was convicted in a court of law.
The jury acquitted him of rape. The clown judge “changed” it. No, still not a rapist. But keep arguing over a case that will be appealed. Judge all you want, McJudgey.
Hey Mark, you forgot “he makes fun of the handicapped.” If you are still pulling out fake talking points from 2016, you got nothing buddy.
lolllllll. He was never convicted of rape.
This is the RED flag in the entire theory that true “Christian woman” would ever really consider RFK given his position on abortion. Period.
Conservative, suburban voter here…I can attest to every single word of this. Every one.
So interesting! you know I love anything deemed a "dirty secret" LOL
A major concern is that the divide could legitimately hand Biden the election…and I don’t know if that fear is enough to convince me to vote for Trump versus RFK JR. This feels like a serious moral quandary.
I agree. It's a terrifying outcome. So this divide could work against those (ME!) who want anything but 4 more years of Biden.
It seems that perhaps the size and influence of our demographic (a quick glance back just a few years should do it) would warrant careful consideration from both campaigns.
That absolutely cannot happen 😭. I have feared that as well, but I’m hopeful we won’t get to that place.
I’m sad they won’t be a dream team together. I think one of your sources hit the nail on the head when they said the two together would be a powerhouse giving us conservative voters and our country what we need to head in the right direction. I feel like this is the most interesting voting year ever!
Absolutely! Everyday is more fascinating to me. I'm glad you think so too.
I’m #RFKjr2024 all the way and I see RFKJr more of a threat to Biden than to Trump, honestly. I don’t care if Trump wins - I don’t like the guy but we will be way better off with Trump in office than Biden, words that my former self 5 years ago would drop dead if she knew I would say something like this now. I won’t vote for Trump - for so many reasons- but I don’t care if he wins. I will happily give my vote to RFKjr. I am a politically homeless former Dem, Christian, city dweller and I am about 2 minutes from putting an RFKjr lawn sign in my yard, which is in a neighborhood of people who all voted for Biden and might do it again even though they don’t like him unless they see that maybe, just maybe, they should color outside the lines a little and vote for Kennedy instead. I am hoping.... maybe I will be able to convince a few of them, you never know. My fight is not with convincing Trump voters to abandon their guy, but rather Biden voters to abandon theirs.
I hope you are right! Get that sign out!
As a once libertarian, turned conservative woman- I like RFK.
I think he’s genuine and would balance Trump as a VP perfectly.
I disagree with many of RFK’s policies (gun control, welfare/government assistance).
To me he lacks the commanding presence, strength, and dominance that Trump possesses, but he has a je ne sais quoi to him that’s alluring.
He’s the quiet guy who carries a big stick.
Some of these issues you mention I am not well informed on. So I will read up on them. Thank you for pointing them out.
Please give us some info on RFK’s views on our second amendment rights. Please.
I'm also former fiscal libertarian who leaned left socially but switched to a more conservative stance on most issues while witnessing the tyrannical covid behavior from the government and my 'liberal friends'. I've been familiar with RFJ JR through his CDF and always knew him to be intelligent, thoughtful, brave -- the rogue Kennedy. That said, I'm really concerned on what judges he'd pick, and 2nd amendment views. On the flip-side: Trump's stubborn defending of Warp Speed and lockdowns still don't sit well with me.
As someone who aligns with neither party, would never want to see a Trump/RFK ticket. It would ruin RFKs credibility completely. Trump wants a VP that is loyal to him — RFK is interesting because he is going against the Rep and Dem dogma that is driven by political parties, special interests and lobbyists. He’s played in this space as an attorney and through discovery of his cases, has access to information that isn’t generally shared or discussed because he’s not beholden to a party platform.
Also, abortion is no longer a federal issue — SCOTUS has determined this is a states’ issue. Holding out on voting for president over the abortion issue is a fundamental misunderstanding of States rights. Whoever is elected will likely have to deal with a divided congress - your never going to get abortion legislation passed there. Take that issue to your Governor and state legislature.
I understand the draw to RFK. I have to weigh in voting for Trump not only the good he did but the radical response that led to cities burning. With the good comes the bad and I worry what the Dems have planned will be worse. What kind of wrench would it throw in their plan to elect RFK? Another concern is that RFK is a like a royal democrat, when the chips are down will he tow their party line once in? We know where Trump stands, he’s a chest beater who tells the world his thoughts, RFK still has the elitist lifestyle. I saw an interview on a red carpet with him and his wife, when asked if he would be Trumps VP pick, he said “not if I want to survive my marriage”. Does his wife hate Trump and is just another Hollywood starlit? These are my concerns that keep me from leaning fully into RFK.
I agree - his wife has hate for Trump and this could push many of us (conservative thinking of change) away. GREAT POINT!
Yes i’ve heard him say it in interviews. She hates him.. So sadly I think he was being truthful under the guise of a joke. Although, I bet if she met him she would end up liking him. Lol.
I believe Trump pissed a lot of Hollywood off during his Apprentice years. He’s cocky and arrogant and it rubs people the wrong way. I get it, my only concern with spouses who hate their partners boss or party is the behind the scenes where a spouse does have sway power over their significant other. If backbiting wasn’t so prevalent it wouldn’t concern me. I do hope RFK is given a position in Trumps cabinet even if it’s not VP. The good RFK can do in the right position would be tremendous for the country.
I’ve been found out. 😂 Please keep these posts coming on Substack!
Signed, a very devoted Insta follower who’s detoxing from her social media addiction
Oh, there is SO MUCH ahead. I could post twice a day right now and still not be caught up! I just keep saying, one post down, 300 more to go LOL
For how long?!
Only God knows. 🥲 But I miss your Insta stories the most. 🤍
You can’t detox right now? Jessica is on fire!!! Jk I support your good choices 💜
Praying that your detox works Laura
I would love it if Trump and RFK Jr would team up! I love Trump and his policies and I like RFK Jr.
Questions: 1. What are people saying about RFK Jr’s chances of winning a general election? 2. If they are saying they do not believe he can win a general election, how do they feel about their vote for RFK Jr. in the end could take votes from Trump and we could have four more years of a Biden presidency?
Just curious because that is really a big concern!
I'll try and track this for you. I'll run new polls soon!
I’m very interested in the polls you create. With the large audience you have, it’s telling!!
Keep polling! One of the reasons the LA times was the only survey to predict trump winning was bc they surveyed the same people over time. Their panel was a lot smaller than 77k too! It’ll be interesting to see how opinions change throughout the year.
Massive concern it should be the only thing on our brains running up to Nov 2024
The only reason RFK decided to run is qualified people came to him with outlines showing him the path to victory. Meaning he absolutely has a chance.
Spot on. I’m RFK Jr. due to the fact that Trump let us down in the last 6 mos of his presidency. I was disappointed with his inability to pull the trigger on the pandemic language and efforts.
Once Kennedy jumped in I was already familiar with his stance on big issues. I’m very supportive of his campaign. It frightens me that, as many have already stated, it could split the ticket and we end up with four more years of the war mongering clown show. So I’m split for certain as to how I’ll vote.
I love this. I feel like it has to be Kennedy. I’d prefer Trump over Biden, and I also love the idea of a Trump/RFK ticket, but so many people hate Trump to the point of irrationality. It would be four more years of people throwing fits every time he makes a move.
Kennedy is the remedy.
No disrespect but so many people also love Trump to the point of irrationality.
All of this!
Saw him last night in LA
We have to get the word out to join “We The People” Party as to get on the ballot new party needs 75,000 votes as opposed to 1/4 of 1 million votes as an independent. And forgive me if I’m not getting it completely right but that’s cause I just became a citizen I’m English and I don’t know anything about the American system except that it’s super corrupt and if he gets 75,000 votes from everyone signing up to the people, then he will be on the ballot.
I'm so glad you brought this up, Leanne!
I was actually in communication with someone from his campaign this week about this -- trying to get information so I can share and hopefully explain this new title / party.
We need to get the word out, but it needs to be as simple as possible for people to understand. So it doesn't scare them away.
I was trying to find a way to swoop in and ask you about this the other day! Honestly it kind of got buried in my Kennedy team emails and I was like what! This was sent two weeks ago! I changed my voter reg as soon as I saw. This needs to be widespread information if he has a chance.