Jun 8Liked by Brianna, Jessica Reed Kraus

Ironically the drug use and firearm are probably the smallest of his crimes. Peddling his father’s influence to foreign nations is far more serious.

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Using your drug addicted son to collect millions of dollars for the family is cruel. This family is the mob.

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Hillary 's brother did the exact same then you wonder where the Bidens learned it from!

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And refresh my memory… how did Brother Hugh Rodham die?

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This has probably been going on for much longer. 😳

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Brianna

Remember when Biden said he was going to “restore dignity” in the White House? These people are Jerry Springer level white trash with money. Except the money comes from selling all of us out. 10% to the Big Guy.

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TOTAL WHITE TRASH! Joe's brother's and sister have been trading on his name for decades and make Hunter look saintly. Then of course you have Jill who was having an affair with Joe while still married. I bet she's counting the days till he pops his clogs. Once he's out of the WH watch how fast she takes off.

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I am unsure of whom to vote for now. Everyone seems corrupt. Even Trump with rumors Elon Musk could be an advisor. Lord help us.

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Anyone but Joe. Please.

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Broken record here… “ if Melania Trump had jet setted across the Atlantic on tax payers’ dime……” the media would have exploded and if the President’s 54 year old son gets off and the media does their usual gloss job….. it’s really all so offensive.

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I’ve been thinking about this all morning. It’s a point I’ll make in the IG recap. Imagine the media coverage / angle is this was trumps son and wife on private jet on tax payers dime.

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I like to empathize a rarely mentioned fact…. Hunter is not a “kid”. He’s 54….he was 48 when committing all these illegal acts…..

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Hunter is still an asshole running from his responsibilities. He refuses to pay his ex-wife her court ordered spousal and child support. He refused ( or didn’t stick up for) her to get secret service protection while Joe was VP. Now his second wife goes on solo international vacations surrounded by Secret Service. He’s just gross.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Clutching his book so we can all

see it… 🙃🎭

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Jun 8Liked by Brianna

Where are the ‘let’s get tough on gun control’ celebs, politicians, activists, etc? Oh, wait, they don’t go after their own…

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There is something so wrong with this family. Two out of three Biden children are addicts. The one son who maybe wasn’t an addict, married an addict. Then she dates her late husband’s brother. Hunter is behind on child and spousal support (while paying $20k in rent a month for his second family) but you won’t hear that anywhere. Again, imagine if Don jr was doing that…

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Jun 8Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

If Jill Biden were not there solely an intimidation tactic to remind people who they are - why not sit in the back? Why is it that all these politicians are all spawned from totally white trash families? Oh that's right, it's a prerequisite which is why they go into politics - because they can't make it in the real world of honest living. Bill Clinton - father and brother, alcoholics. Hillary Clintons brother Tony, no different than the Bidens, selling political favors! Nancy Pelosi and her scumbag family - the brother who was part of a gang of teenage men who brutally raped two young girls (I believe they were 13 & 11) who all went to prison albeit her brother! We won't even get into all the Kennedy's and their transgressions.

Then you have Chris Christie's niece who was arrested on an airplane for drunken behavior. The list goes on and on and on.

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Isn’t Jill Hunter’s step-mother, technically? Did she adopt the boys?

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step yes and would assume adopted

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Hunter Biden is a Nepo baby of the highest order. Jill Biden is parked in front to have an effect on the jury. His addiction is next level. Why in the world would someone record themselves going 172 mph smoking crack on the way to Las Vegas to meet hookers? These offspring of the rich and powerful flout the law because they think their wealth and status places them above it. Plus their parents are too busy to bother themselves with actually parenting their children. It will be interesting to see if any of the contents of the notorious laptop will be revealed. Then we may find out the more important aspect of Hunter Biden's criminality. sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Thousands of normal folks like us are in prison for far less. He will walk free, I’m sorry to say. No way he does 25 years. This criminal family is beyond corrupt and yet it’s the Trump family they choose to crucify. It’s truly disgusting.

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“a sex worker he spent significant quality time with” 🫣😎😬😂

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As a Trump supporter, this trial is silly. I am much more concerned about his foreign business dealings and unpaid taxes. I bet thousands of drug addicts have bought guns and lied. Let's see if the government gets to the big stuff. Willing to bet a deal was made that if he goes through this trial, the other bigger issues will never make it to court.

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Yah, I feel like this is just to appease us while they ignore the bigger stuff.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

The whole family is nothing but blow.

Any way. All ways. Forever Way.

Trying to put shiny on a white washed tomb, as Jesus made mention of back in the day.

They’re just grave diggers of their own dirty legacy and papa is the crypt keeper in the big house.

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If I were the Marketing Director of David Yurman jewelry,... hands down, I would attempt to hire Melissa Biden as one of the main/top faces to represent the brand!

I have yet to find a flaw in her fashion & eyeglasses game.

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Interesting point, Michael. I fear you’re sending me down a Getty image rabbit hole to examine this…

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This is shallow but please please do a post on Melissa Biden’s sunglasses.

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Until a few months ago, she dressed like his strippers. You’re seeing her now with a stylist.

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Who’s the stylist?!

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We must know

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Jun 8Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

God bless her stylist and her working with her stylist!

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There have been many rumors as to what is on the laptop. Probably far worse than what we know. This administration is corrupt for sure. They buried this information, and the media went along with it. Along with many others, I was censored and shadow banned on Instagram for discussing and sharing the laptop information. Scary times.

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I’m pretty sure Dr. Jill was present in the courtroom to intimidate family members. She holds the purse strings at this time and if you want to be a part of the cash flow, you’ll do as she tells you.

She should be charged for elder abuse if nothing more. The big guy has declined, it’s obvious now. But that’s not stopping any of these lows class wealthy people from acting properly.

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Isn’t an Alcoholic always an Alcoholic because its an addiction? You don’t have to be drinking alcohol to be an alcoholic, you only need to be addicted to it to be one. His own timeframe shows he was addicted or at least he viewed himself as addicted...

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Yes, the prosecution must prove he was in active addiction. The line is very blurred by compassion and what we know about addiction. Most cases of this nature don’t end up in trial. It is an interesting ending to the laptop saga.

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He was using. That is active addiction. I tire of all the splitting of fine hairs…..only available to those that can afford high priced lawyers like Abbe Lowell….

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Hunter sounds like a fun guy to party with!

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How many times do you think the "Big Guy" wished it was Hunter and not Beua who passed away? The kids an arrogant little prick and this is all nothing but a show trial. Just when you think all the cards have been exploited - race, homophobia and now the antisemitism card, along comes the addict card. Who knew?

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I don't know what the "Big Guy" thinks nor do I care, really. Families are often very fucked up, that's hardly news.

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Not if you want all the fun to be photographed 😉

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Maybe I'll put on some KISS makeup before I party with him? Gene Simmons, I think. This era of social media really is ruled by a mob of neo-Puritans who all sound totally boring to me. Hunter is more of a lively sort. And who in their right mind would apply for anything and say, "Oh by the way, I love taking Class A drugs!" How many other people have lied about this activity on gun applications?

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That’s nothing to do with it. Lots of people like to party, do you think they get sweetheart bullshit deals when they break countless laws? How many addicts having to serve years in prison that this asshole’s father helped inact?! I could give a flying fuck how much he wants to smoke crack while toting a gun and cavorting with strippers, it is the blatant hypocrisy and obvious bribery and corruption that is the problem.

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Hey, this is an era where a former president goes around favorably comparing himself to Al Capone. I'd say Hunter is just going with the zeitgeist. Nobody ever said life was fair, either. It ain't.

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