Questioning Sandy Hook parents who lost their first graders and libeling and stalking those parents while they suffered is an unforgivable thing. Anyone who believe his rants needs their head examined.

I have no respect for this kind of "news reporting" that hits survivors whose children have been shot and then denies doing it. And people act lije he's the one with keen insight about these imagined conspiracies.

I hate that this post gives more attention and advertises his mindless , baseless accusations.

I taught first grade.

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Would you agree the media/people/maddow promoting Trump was not actually shot and staged it himself are despicable? Right now you can ask Chtgpt and it says: “There has not been a confirmed assassination attempt on Donald Trump during a rally where a person died. While there have been security incidents and concerns at some of Trump’s rallies over the years, none involved an assassination attempt where someone was killed.”

Are you ok with that?

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How do you balance that against the 20 dead children in a pile with a dead teacher's aide covering their body. ?

And Trump supported Alex Jones.7

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Do a little bit more digging Melissa. Don’t take everything the news or our government spits out. Haven’t you learned anything the past five years and even now with the hurricane situation!

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I know that Sandy Hook happened . I know that 20 first graders died. I know that Alex Jones hired people to stalk parents and accuse them. I know that Jones made money while he broadcast these lies.

Tami : don't tell me to dig a little further.These things were all proven tirelessly in court with lots of support.

I worked in a classroom in which the

teacher was shot at Vegas shooting. and I dealt with kindergarteners crying"My teacher is dead."

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I am not discounting how tragic Sandy Hook was nor am I stating that I am an Alex Jones fan. Simply stating that the media is not our friend so we have to use our discernment. We have been lied to about so much.

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When the Sandy Hook story broke, the coverage was suspect to me. I, to this day, believe it was an operation of some sort. Just like the assassination attempt on Trump. And just like the Las Vegas Jason Aldean festival shooting. And the Jussie Smollet "attack" that Kamala planned. In all these cases (except maybe Jussie) the authorities hemmed and hawed and waffled and hid motives, timelines, and the truth from us in order to protect their agendas. They have so much control of the media that they can do this in most cases. The tragedy unfolding from Hurricane Helene right now is an exception because we now have X (thank God for Elon) where true on the ground stories can be told without MSM filters. I believe almost zero that the MSM feeds us unless they are covering live events, and then only if there are multiple people covering it and I can watch it from several viewpoints and corroborate. MSM is in it only for themselves. They name drop their network every few sentences because they are promoting their brand. That is all.

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I’m still waiting for the truth about Las Vegas. Add another cover up to the ongoing list.

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We had a very weird mall shooting here in Allen Texas.... happened to be on an election day.... in a very red county. People died and it was tragic. BUT the story and coverage of it was highly, highly suspect. There was something very wrong and very staged.

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Sorry, I disagree. I don’t believe most anything the MSM tells me anymore. Lying pack of liars. The government is counting on people like you to take away our freedom of speech.

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The government is counting on people who believe in Sandy Hook to take away our freedom of speech? WOW. No wonder why the “ruling” class doesn’t want people like you in charge.

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How do you “know” Jones hired people to stalk parents”?

I didn’t/don’t follow Jones closely but your statement I’ve never heard before.

As for “things proven in court” we all know more than ever how manipulated that can be if you court shop & judge shop.

From what I have read is that Jones never attacked the parents/families personally in any way that a legal case of damages should have been brought. He questioned the scenario & who was ultimately responsible. Was this tragedy a psyop (not meaning it didn’t happen, but that it didn’t happen like media & others portrayed. Someone or some group or, God-forbid, some government was the mastermind. I don’t know but I’ve begun to question everything.

No one wants to believe we have anyone in our government who could be so evil & corrupt to organize such horrible things… such as an assassination of a president or presidential candidate. But…..

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It was proven in a court of law. That’s how we know.

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Because the courts never convict innocent people.

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Hi Melissa, I totally understand where you’re coming from, however I’d like to paid a different picture.

Historically, there’s a term know as “false flags.” These are stories and scenarios planted in the news to tell the population a specific story. While the details may be here or there, the reaction is key.

False flags and propaganda have been as old as time. The US and all governments use these techniques all the time. A lot of times, these are called “conspiracy theories,” but when one looks at the evidence, there’s a decision to make.

Take the trump assassination for example. Many doctors have said there should have been more blood on his ear just due to the speed of the bullet. One can say this is a false flag.

So I just wanted to come by and introduce that perspective of things to the equation. Here’s an article if you’re interested In exploring further: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/false-flags-and-fake-false-flags

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Are you sure you have accurate information. Also do you not believe in your first amendment right?

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Yes, I have accurate information. I also have real life experiences with how these shootings effect lives. First amendment doesn't mean people- esp those under 21 -should have AR15 rifles. And parents are often purchasing them for the kids .

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Zoom out and put your emotions aside for a moment - what’s the end goal? Once you know the end goal you can war game different scenarios to get there. You want to have a population that’s docile and unarmed? You make them terrified, isolated and distracted. You inflict trauma so they’re easily manipulated.

They know how people are going to react so they manufacture the most awful story possible knowing parents will find it inexcusable. They want him off the air and people like you are the ones who think it’s okay to pick and choose who gets constitutional rights. That’s not how it works. Also words aren’t violence and acting like your feelings trump someone’s rights is ridiculous.

I thought Alex was an absolute cook until 6 months ago. I stopped watching tv, got off social media and weird things start happening bc you’re no longer being feed the narrative. All the people they’ve gotten you to cancel have had very strong opinions about certain narratives being pushed. There’s a reason you have a visceral reaction to him- you’ve been programmed. I believe he was set up, he was exposing too much and they needed to shut him up and making an example out

Of him, sandy hook was an easy way to do it. I’ve worked in gop politics since 2014 but was an huge HRC supporter, I was so upset hearing the things these Qanon people were coming in and saying, I went to therapy after the 2016 election, know what I’ve done the last few months? APOLOGIZE. Bc I was wrong.

Don’t you find it convenient how all Qanon talk was censored yet it’s starting to come out that maybe there’s something there? Why all the movies highlighting how crazy they were?

Now what you need to look into is red flag laws and predictive policing. They’re coming for your kids either by threatening to put you in jail for what they do or by taking custody of you don’t agree with their gender preferences.

Again, zoom out and you can see that all roads lead to the same outcome, an outcome that’s been written about and talked about since the 60’s. Emotions = easy to manipulate. It’s science and well proven. We’re all being brainwashed, wake up.

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No, but the 2nd amendment does. How many more gun laws do you want added to the very long list already in existence?

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I believe Alex Jones. I don’t think he’s denying anyone died. I believe the g’vmt finds mentally unstable youth and help them carry out the shootings. They want us in fear. They want our guns. They need us to comply and this is a tactic. Read Chaos and you’ll see that the CIA used mind control for the Manson murders. It’s deep and if you’re not open to learning the dark, ugly truth you’ll stay in your safe space and call the exposers of deception, liars.

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When you can’t separate information, piece it apart and consider it aside from your emotions, you jeopardize being taken advantage of.

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Alex is the same as Trump for me. I never cared for Trump and never knew Alex Jones until recently. Now, the more the neolibs attack them, the stronger grows my support & affection. There’s something to it when they attack them so vehemently. If they weren’t speaking truth there would be zero reason to try everything, even assassin attempts, to take them down.

Side note: I was in a small church group with a lady who grew up with Alex. At 6 years old he was reading books his father read. He questioned everything. She laughs about it all today, knowing him as a child, then seeing him now.

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Alex Jones has been right and he has been wrong. So have we all. He is a big voice and needs to be heard

Appreciate the coverage.

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I'm relatively new to A.Jones..just in the gossip regarding him saying hoax etc.more recently him owing all that money and InfoWars being sold. My question is why is this not free speech? Which part of whatever he said was defamatory vs bad taste etc.? Honest question. Why aren't the flat earthers in trouble? What about the moon landing being fake? Why not go after the 911 deniers? The Westbrook Baptist Church celebrating death of soldiers??? I thought free speech by definition includes the speech we don't like. Who decides what gets censored? The fact checkers? I don't remember hearing he doubted anyone's death( I could be wrong) lying is not illegal unless under oath..

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Alex Jones and his listeners actively stalked and harassed the Sandy Hook families for years. What they did was criminal, and Alex invited all of it, which is why he was charged and convicted and ordered to pay quite a lot of money.

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20 parents were suffering the loss of their 6 year olds and Alex Jones was paying people to stalk them. And he said it was staged and denied their deaths.

How does free speech get supported by that?. It was a hateful act to make these accusations, and our court of law found him guilty.Now he's "free" to continue these crazy theories and continue fooling people to buy his products.

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Someone send this lady a Xanax and a constitution.

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Stalking is not protected in the constitution.

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Best comment ever!

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Great comment! You win!

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You’ve been asked before, but please provide proof he was paid. Do you honestly believe everything you’re told? All of these school shootings have some evidence of suspicion. Why are only schools targeted? No shootings - other than at President’s - during the summer. Why don’t they shoot up hospitals or old folks homes or corporations?

People really need to open their eyes. This country, and world, is not what you believe it is.

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It's incorrect to say that only schools are targeted.

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Ok. Tell me where, other than schools, are multiple people shot & killed.

If you’re talking Chicago, then yes, people die in shootings in that very blue city nightly. I’m talking about mass shootings.

Oops, Las Vegas. But no one talks about it at all.

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The most common mass shooting sites are workplaces. Other places include concerts, nightclubs and restaurants, churches, retail locations, theatres, public areas (parades), private residences.

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Duly noted. What do you suggest we do to stop all the murder?

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If it happens somewhere else it’s never anywhere that’d take an economic hit by lower attendance. Only white kids who grew up online or with video games or ex military, the military ones have clear antisocial motives and all report hearting voices. Give voice to skull a quick search. The whole thing is to manipulate you to go along with their agenda with leads to the same end goal - unarmed population. The red flag laws are crazy, I highly suggest anyone with teenage boys to have them purge as much as possible bc even a sarcastic joke from 10 years ago in a video game chat log can get them on a list. Even their Fitbit data can be used against them if indicators such as lack of sleep can be used as a data point.

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Thank you! I have two white grandsons and am terrified about their future. Thank God their parents send them outside daily for fresh air and play. Limited tv, no iPhone/ipods and no video games at this point.

I’ll look into the things you mentioned. Appreciate it.

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Malls. Grocery stores. Political rallies.

People talk about the Vegas shooting all the time. My childhood best friend’s mom was there.

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If Harris wins, her and her evil regime get to decide. That’s very very very frightening. We cannot let it happen or we are all doomed.

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Look, I appreciate the curiosity. Somebody has to do it and I appreciate that, Jessica. I like that you allow the space of all people.

Personally, I can't look at or read anything to do with him. I did read this article. It made my stomach flop. As a first grade teacher who recently went through an actual lockdown (not a drill) a month ago, I cannot and will not give that man space. I had to barricade my classroom door with furniture in my room, I kept 20 kids calm, 9 of which do not speak English and 3 that are special education. My kids were so brave. We were quiet. We listened as police swept the halls. We could shadows from my classroom windows circling the building, we could hear the helicopters flying around- law enforcement and local news. My family only found out about it because it was breaking news. I really thought my last text to my husband was this, "we are on a lockdown and it is not a drill. I love you." It did turn out, thankfully, that it was a swatter situation. Thank GOD. In the minutes we waited, I was waiting to hear gunfire. All I could hear was the police and I had to be strong enough, emotionally, to not start crying in relief when I heard them yell "CLEAR!" in my hallway. So I say all of that to say, Alex Jones is a nobody. He doesn't understand the damage he has done and that is very sad.

I am such a fan of Jessica and live for her updates and amazing articles.

Writing my comment here is the only thing I'll do in terms of giving him any thought and if that's cancel culture, then that's fine by me with him. He's nothing. That's all he'll ever be.

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My son was on full lockdown last week. Last I heard they said it was a foreign entity that called saying they had hostages in our school. It’s very scary.

SH was strange though. I remember when it happened and I was obsessed with it. I don’t think it was wrong to ask questions given the odd events surrounding it. No video, the dad - Robbie Parker - his interview where he is laughing (not even just like a nervous laugh he was more jovial - is struck me as SO odd - it was that interview and his behavior that sent me on my quest for more information) right before he goes to the mic. The helicopter, lack of information, security cameras supposedly but no footage. There was also some major political things going on with border in Tucson regarding guns and the 2nd amendment and ATF. On top of all that - the district a decade prior made the schools change their locks to locking from the inside and SH did not do that. Also there were lots of YouTube channels at the time asking a lot of questions and speculating about different things so it wasn’t just Alex Jones - not defending his position but he most certainly wasn’t the only person questions about SH.

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Its horrible that you had that experience and other lock downs and its even more horrible that children have to worry about shooters. BUT what if, and just what if, the shootings are manipulated (and created) by our own government just for their own political agendas??? To create this very fear (which is actually the definition of terrorism). Wouldn't you want to know so we can put an end to the damage it is causing our own American citizens?

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Sort of like a 9/11/2001 event? The more I read, the more I believe that was planned and carried out by our very government.

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3 days after sandy hook I said it seemed off. I was alive for columbine like most of us on here and I’ll never forget it. The most coverage. The most footage. And it was in 99 when media wasn’t like it was in 2012. It was weird that there is nothing. No kids running outside. No scared teachers. Maybe it was just cause it was kids but all I have to say is I remember every piece of footage from columbine.

Also all I keep thinking is what a wild ride you’re on. None of this was on your bingo card I bet.

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There was quite a lot of footage of Sandy Hook.

It happened.

Alex Jones will be repaying the families he lied about for the rest of his life.

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I didn’t say it didn’t happen. I said I didn’t see any footage.

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The fact that the numbers went down from 30K to 600 is telling. That means ppl are waking up! I love Tucker's quote about the "throbbing middle finger.." But his most brilliant is this--"Happy countries don’t elect Donald Trump president. Desperate ones do. In retrospect, the lesson seemed obvious: Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump.” That one really hit the nail on the head. Best photo is of you and Tucker! Awesome reporting Jessica! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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I believe in freedom of speech but I can’t stand Alex Jones. I think he’s full of shit and I’m not surprised to read he has had a drinking problem and is sober now. Everything about him screams alcoholic (no offense to the alcoholics). My personal belief is that the only reason why he was able to “predict” 9/11 is probably because he watched the exact same interview on ABC that my sister and I watched in 1998 where Jon Miller interviewed Osama Bin Laden and he said he was going to fly planes into buildings. I am really very sick of people acting like he’s some sort of prophet or has insider knowledge because of this. My sister and I were teenagers when we watched that interview. We both knew the morning of 9/11 who did it. It’s not because we had insider knowledge of some government conspiracy. It’s because we watched a news program on a free channel available to everyone with an antenna and a TV.

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Except we know 9/11 didn't actually go down as "they" and you described. I couldn't stand Alex Jones. My mom and sister love him (well, my mom died 3 years go but until then she did). Back then, I made fun of my mom and sister for their conspiracy theories. Damned if everyone of them didn't prove true - other than the Iraqi dinar revaluing. I'll be a millionare if it does but there's no way it will! I digress. I started really listening to what Alex was saying. I think listening to RFK's voice and loving what he said paved the way for me to accept Alex's voice and to hear his words. He is honest. He, like Tucker, RFK, Tulsi, Candace, Jessica ... don't demand you believe any certain way - they provide info and encourge homework. It checks out. I think some have TDS - except for Alex Jones. They hate him just because they're supposed to. Sandy Hook didn't make sense. Many don't. Actually, none of these mass shootings make sense. Bohemiem Grove is factual - as is MK Ulta. Project Paperclip .....The alphabet agencies are against us as is this governent. I'm grateful there are free thinkers and reporters out to help guide us into truth because our souls know we've been fed a steady diet of lies. Great article, Jessica. Thank you and Denise for great photos and stories.

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Love that you’re standing calmly in the center of all this chaos and bringing us the inside scoop. Also, you look great. Your hair color looks different somehow with flash photography? Keep it up 💅

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I noticed the hair color too. Very flattering.

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Great read Jessica! Loved all the photos and quotes. Loving your Substack.

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I did go and look up Obama’s nanny and sure enough. As far as the Sandy event…I don’t rule out the government had something to do with it like 911, JFK… who truly knows! Like taking out Trump if something didnt touch a nerve and he was just running his mouth why even go after either of them? He has been right more times than not and it’s all they can hope for is to shut anyone who speaks out against the machine! Thanks for showing us bts!!! I’m here for it!!!!

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"Tucker is America's beloved golden retriever" ...... yes!

& every golden always looks the same, just like Tucker always looks the same in that blue check shirt! lol

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My husband and I met Tucker in Nashville. He was presenting at the bitcoin conference and stayed in our hotel. We ran into him and got to talking. Honestly so genuine and sweet. He is fiercely intelligent but is so personable and humble that he was comfortable to talk with! He laughed at all our jokes and we have the pics to prove it. Lol I wish I could bottle up his laugh... seriously considering making it my ringtone.

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I grew up near Newtown. The stories I heard from friends whose kids were there that day were just awful. I appreciate you explaining the appeal of Alex Jones. I can understand where people are coming from. But, I really can't with him.

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Alex Jones, for me, is the Conspiracy Theory Gate Keeper. When he lets me in, I listen. His predictions have mostly been spot on, so I’ll be tuning in for a long time.

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We want more Tucker details please ❤️❤️❤️

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More coming!

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Anything about his dad being project mockingbird? I’m enjoying the role he’s playing in all this, but there’s definitely a Catholic agenda creeping through. Candace Owens’ husband and father are pretty interesting as well. Once you figure out the archetypes and how people react to certain situations (which the cia and Alex jones have) it’s extremely obvious what’s happening. Trump is playing a character Roy Cohn groomed for this very moment bc it’s all been scripted. It’s been the same sides pitted against each other, just look at each president since Kennedy and it’s clear as day. Now they’ve just teamed up and Trump is the foil to the globalist agenda. But then you have Jared and his connections to MBS and Bibi… and Kimberly Gilfoyl aka former Mrs Newsom in Don jr’s ear? Newsom and Harris were bffs and also rose to prominence with the help of the Gettys. It’s insane how the easy it is to see the connections but only people like Alex make them and then get called crazy.

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