Just when I thought that I couldn’t adore your brain and your style more, you bring up the moon ‘landing’ and the ultimate problem narrative (it never happened). You’re the female Rogan (with a journalist approach) that I never knew I needed in my life. You’re going to be my 2025 coping mechanism! 💥
The female Rogan would be smoking weed and using the F word and wouldn’t have countless Christian moms following her… when I heard about Joe Rogan and how big he was, not just his weight, but in status, eyeballs, I tried to listen to him and couldn’t get through five minutes just from the ignorance and stupidity he exudes, I didn’t even get to all the F words and him being stoned, influencing kids in the worst way, especially looking at the way our society and young culture has devolved with their speech, legalize, GMO, poison marijuana in the stores selling stuff that doesn’t even resemble anything that ever grow outdoors in the history of weed. I would definitely re-examine Joe Rogan, but only for a minute because maybe it’s some kind of mine virus that they are unleashing with that guy. Jessica Reed Kraus is in a class by herself…. I think she makes Joe Rogan look like a pustule of filth…. A disease… a tumor, did I would give a lengthy chemo treatment, then use the chemo from decades ago, some old stale meds, manufactured in Mexico from the Chinese…. :) but you definitely got the right woman to praise.! She is extremely unique…
Somebody commented that Jessica read Krause what is the female Joe Rogan. You lost me when I said that Joe Rogan smokes weed and uses the F word? Saying that Jessica Reed Kraus does not do that on her platform. I would never compare Jessica to Joe Rogan because I think Joe Rogan is a bad influence because he uses the F word and he was smoking on his show. Either you didn’t understand what I was saying., or you love smoking weed so much and love the F word, that anybody who is against somebody using that on a public platform, would just lose your interest? So I didn’t quite get how I lost you.
Now that I think about it, I would say you’re into Joe Rogan… you were praising him…. And that is sad…. Because he is a horrible influence on our society….. that’s why most of the world doesn’t pay attention to him
Joe Rogan uses the F word…. I hate that word I do not use it. He also smokes weed which causes many children to stumble. It is against God….. I do not smoke weed… if somebody was the female version of Joe Rogan, they would be using the F word and smoking marijuana…. I lost you because I used those words.? I wasn’t using those words as my own…. I was describing Joe Rogan…. And anybody who would be a female version of Joe Rogan would have a foul mouth and they would be smoking marijuana….. so I’m wondering did I lose you because you thought I was somebody who uses those things? That would be wrong because I do not.. I despise those things. Or did I lose you because you love the F word and you love marijuana or you are OK with it being used in front of millions of people like a female Joe Rogan or a regular Joe Rogan the male version ? And I highly doubt anybody’s lost when they hear certain things….. it’s a figure of speech that really doesn’t make sense… unless you’re really lost in life… then it would make sense… but I hope you understand I do not use foul language I do not use marijuana… Joe Rogan does I can’t stand Joe Rogan because he is basically causing a lot of gods children to speak horribly and to smoke marijuana. I would hate to see anybody like a female become a female version of him that would be gross, and it would be ungodly.
And I didn’t stop by…. Jessica Reed Kraus put me on her platform, I never knew what this was. I was never on social media in my life until she met me and recorded me, and then started publishing me on this platform…. Or I would have never engaged, because I already knew that most of the conversations were more vapid than Joe Rogan, if that’s even possible…. And I will say it again comparing Jessica Reed Kraus to Joe Rogan.? that’s a huge insult to Jessica…. She would never act or sound, or presents herself like that reprobate Rogan…. Jessica is on another solar system., and Rogan It’s like that by a waste material that’s floating around near the Russian and Chinese space stations
Sir, with all due respect, I was minding my business and leaving a comment in reply to a post that I subscribe to and pay to enjoy. You STOPPED BY my comment and decided to share your two cents with me unsolicited (as I didn’t ask you directly what your thoughts are on my comment or anyone else you apparently don’t like.) Whatever issues you have with other strangers is your right, good for you. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself on this platform, just not at the expense of attacking people or chasing them if they don’t agree with you. Again, thanks for stopping by.
I feel like we need the world to pause a month so we can just go down some major conspiracy rabbit holes like the moon “landing” and so many more and nothing else!
Yes agreed. I discovered you when I saw you photographing rfkjr stuff and I've been following him with Children's Health Defense since 2016 and then again met him 2019 in Trenton NJ & Wash DC and rest is history. I also subscribed to you after you confessed that you were waking up and enjoying following both Rfkjr & Trump. It happened organically like you said.
Drea deserves such kudos for being one of the ONLY celebrities to speak out about wokeism and Hollywood wusses. Thank you for platforming her. Whatever happened to Nicholas Tartaglione? Please keep tabs on him and Ghislaine Maxwell. Whether she is guilty or not, she can't possibly be the only person deserving of incarceration for being Epstein adjacent. I hope Olivia Nuzzi will NOT be an impediment to RFKJ being confirmed as HHS Secretary. You definitely humanized the Dons--Jr. and Sr. I think you have been a tremendous force in changing the shape of journalism. Thank for the great recap of a crazy year. As always, keep doing what you're doing. Happy New Year Jessica! 🥳
Jessica- you tell such vivid stories that I love to read. I am so happy that you have found your "place" in journalism and that it involves sharing your life and stories with us! I cannot wait to hear the honest reporting that we need going forward. We need the truth about the shooting/potential shooting of President Trump, and these terrorist attacks that are NO WAY a coincidence. These men did not act alone. NO WAY.
Thank you for giving us insight into Trump, Tulsi, Bobby, Cheryl, and JD and all the others. Your team is excellent too!! Let's make this year a little calmer...
Happy New Year & Thank you, Jessica! This year of your journalism has been my mainstream media! I’m anxious to hear what you have to say about Ghislaine Maxwell this year! And really all of your readings. When I first started to follow you it was shortly before your owl sightings. I was seeing our resident owl at the same time. Thank you for all the time and energy you commit to telling us facts and the conspiracies. Stay safe and fearless in 2025! XO
Woah, Jessica!! I had no idea you wrote this about me!! Unbelievable! This is the most fantastic unusual friendship of my lifetime! Especially since I prayed for someone with a platform like this to show up in my life for 24 hours before you saw me yelling at that guy with the dog in his arms… I think it was in his arms… actually, I don’t even think it was in his arms, but I accused him of being one of those people that probably holds the dog. I was actually just screaming and yelling at anyone because I knew God had somebody there for me and I figured the person with notice me if I was yelling at somebody.. how’s that for impossible? That’s why this is very unusual and a special friendship not to mention this social media thing which I never engaged in, intentionally, I waited patiently for decades knowing the day I went on social media it would be for something other than food, pictures, and selfies with friends of mine, that I can’t even recognize anymore, because they look 60 year old overweight, bald ex supermodels and aging guidos who haven’t been gym-tanning since the 80s. What a pleasure and absolutely God’s blessing you have been Jessica Reed Kraus! You have literally resurrected, my childhood filled me with nostalgia, emotional disturbances, and an unbelievable, unexpected flow of hundreds of religious moms coming to my Instagram to hear more of what I have to say! As you can see, I’m at a loss for words! Hahshs I love you, Jessica Reed Kraus! May God bless and also protect you and your family like he has protected me my entire life! And thank you again for this wonderful and beautiful complement!! Happy new year!
Happy New Year! Thanks for informing while entertaining us in 2024. Can’t wait for the 2025 gossip! Also, love you’re posting Whitney Webb, she’s the best when it comes to finding the truth!
Also, moon landing is so fake. It’s the shadows and confetti for me! lol
Jessica published a moon, landing audio of mine on here… on her Substack a few months ago. It’s comical, but I think it’s accurate…. And yes, we never went to the moon in 1960 or 61 whenever it was…. Look at the phone connection, from the guys on the moon, talking to Mission control on earth? Like I’m sure they had a great communication system just for the moon… because I remember my parents couldn’t get a connection from Bell telephone Italy to New Jersey in the 70s… then for some reason, decades later, NASA has the space shuttle, and all these other high tech rockets that exploded in mid air… and recently, Elon musk, with his zillions in technology, he had some capsule that was floating around somewhere up there still near the Earth… and the thing didn’t even land on the moon…. I mean you would think there would be at least one more rocket that would at least make it onto the moon or orbit, the moon… but nope… that one 1960. Something tin can…. With three guys inside of it…. That thing made a perfect Landing on the moon, and they were out and about floating around, bouncing, waving, and putting up our flag in a crater… haha
Free Ghislaine 2025
You know this series is already in the drafts
Just when I thought that I couldn’t adore your brain and your style more, you bring up the moon ‘landing’ and the ultimate problem narrative (it never happened). You’re the female Rogan (with a journalist approach) that I never knew I needed in my life. You’re going to be my 2025 coping mechanism! 💥
Thank you Karina! HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Happy New Year to you too!!!
The female Rogan would be smoking weed and using the F word and wouldn’t have countless Christian moms following her… when I heard about Joe Rogan and how big he was, not just his weight, but in status, eyeballs, I tried to listen to him and couldn’t get through five minutes just from the ignorance and stupidity he exudes, I didn’t even get to all the F words and him being stoned, influencing kids in the worst way, especially looking at the way our society and young culture has devolved with their speech, legalize, GMO, poison marijuana in the stores selling stuff that doesn’t even resemble anything that ever grow outdoors in the history of weed. I would definitely re-examine Joe Rogan, but only for a minute because maybe it’s some kind of mine virus that they are unleashing with that guy. Jessica Reed Kraus is in a class by herself…. I think she makes Joe Rogan look like a pustule of filth…. A disease… a tumor, did I would give a lengthy chemo treatment, then use the chemo from decades ago, some old stale meds, manufactured in Mexico from the Chinese…. :) but you definitely got the right woman to praise.! She is extremely unique…
Sir, you lost me at “using the F word” and “smoking weed.” Thanks for stopping by!
Somebody commented that Jessica read Krause what is the female Joe Rogan. You lost me when I said that Joe Rogan smokes weed and uses the F word? Saying that Jessica Reed Kraus does not do that on her platform. I would never compare Jessica to Joe Rogan because I think Joe Rogan is a bad influence because he uses the F word and he was smoking on his show. Either you didn’t understand what I was saying., or you love smoking weed so much and love the F word, that anybody who is against somebody using that on a public platform, would just lose your interest? So I didn’t quite get how I lost you.
Now that I think about it, I would say you’re into Joe Rogan… you were praising him…. And that is sad…. Because he is a horrible influence on our society….. that’s why most of the world doesn’t pay attention to him
Joe Rogan uses the F word…. I hate that word I do not use it. He also smokes weed which causes many children to stumble. It is against God….. I do not smoke weed… if somebody was the female version of Joe Rogan, they would be using the F word and smoking marijuana…. I lost you because I used those words.? I wasn’t using those words as my own…. I was describing Joe Rogan…. And anybody who would be a female version of Joe Rogan would have a foul mouth and they would be smoking marijuana….. so I’m wondering did I lose you because you thought I was somebody who uses those things? That would be wrong because I do not.. I despise those things. Or did I lose you because you love the F word and you love marijuana or you are OK with it being used in front of millions of people like a female Joe Rogan or a regular Joe Rogan the male version ? And I highly doubt anybody’s lost when they hear certain things….. it’s a figure of speech that really doesn’t make sense… unless you’re really lost in life… then it would make sense… but I hope you understand I do not use foul language I do not use marijuana… Joe Rogan does I can’t stand Joe Rogan because he is basically causing a lot of gods children to speak horribly and to smoke marijuana. I would hate to see anybody like a female become a female version of him that would be gross, and it would be ungodly.
And I didn’t stop by…. Jessica Reed Kraus put me on her platform, I never knew what this was. I was never on social media in my life until she met me and recorded me, and then started publishing me on this platform…. Or I would have never engaged, because I already knew that most of the conversations were more vapid than Joe Rogan, if that’s even possible…. And I will say it again comparing Jessica Reed Kraus to Joe Rogan.? that’s a huge insult to Jessica…. She would never act or sound, or presents herself like that reprobate Rogan…. Jessica is on another solar system., and Rogan It’s like that by a waste material that’s floating around near the Russian and Chinese space stations
Sir, with all due respect, I was minding my business and leaving a comment in reply to a post that I subscribe to and pay to enjoy. You STOPPED BY my comment and decided to share your two cents with me unsolicited (as I didn’t ask you directly what your thoughts are on my comment or anyone else you apparently don’t like.) Whatever issues you have with other strangers is your right, good for you. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself on this platform, just not at the expense of attacking people or chasing them if they don’t agree with you. Again, thanks for stopping by.
Sounds like you’re lost from smoking weed and using the F word
You made last year so enjoyable! The good, the bad, and the ugly!
So nice to hear! X
I just can’t wait to read your “behind the scenes” book… you will be writing a book, right? 😁
I feel like we need the world to pause a month so we can just go down some major conspiracy rabbit holes like the moon “landing” and so many more and nothing else!
How do we make that happen?
By far, the best Substack out there .. you tell us what’s up with an entertaining twist. Happy I’m here. Keep it up.
I’m so happy to have discovered you
Here’s to a MAGA 2025!
Yes agreed. I discovered you when I saw you photographing rfkjr stuff and I've been following him with Children's Health Defense since 2016 and then again met him 2019 in Trenton NJ & Wash DC and rest is history. I also subscribed to you after you confessed that you were waking up and enjoying following both Rfkjr & Trump. It happened organically like you said.
Drea deserves such kudos for being one of the ONLY celebrities to speak out about wokeism and Hollywood wusses. Thank you for platforming her. Whatever happened to Nicholas Tartaglione? Please keep tabs on him and Ghislaine Maxwell. Whether she is guilty or not, she can't possibly be the only person deserving of incarceration for being Epstein adjacent. I hope Olivia Nuzzi will NOT be an impediment to RFKJ being confirmed as HHS Secretary. You definitely humanized the Dons--Jr. and Sr. I think you have been a tremendous force in changing the shape of journalism. Thank for the great recap of a crazy year. As always, keep doing what you're doing. Happy New Year Jessica! 🥳
I am looking forward to the Epstein stories again. Any info on whether Nicholas T. Is ok? I hope so.
Your stories on Brittany & the Oklahoma murders were so good too.
I also think your campaign stories were amazing & your transition from the other side to the right side. 👏🏻
Jessica- you tell such vivid stories that I love to read. I am so happy that you have found your "place" in journalism and that it involves sharing your life and stories with us! I cannot wait to hear the honest reporting that we need going forward. We need the truth about the shooting/potential shooting of President Trump, and these terrorist attacks that are NO WAY a coincidence. These men did not act alone. NO WAY.
Thank you for giving us insight into Trump, Tulsi, Bobby, Cheryl, and JD and all the others. Your team is excellent too!! Let's make this year a little calmer...
Happy New Year & Thank you, Jessica! This year of your journalism has been my mainstream media! I’m anxious to hear what you have to say about Ghislaine Maxwell this year! And really all of your readings. When I first started to follow you it was shortly before your owl sightings. I was seeing our resident owl at the same time. Thank you for all the time and energy you commit to telling us facts and the conspiracies. Stay safe and fearless in 2025! XO
Woah, Jessica!! I had no idea you wrote this about me!! Unbelievable! This is the most fantastic unusual friendship of my lifetime! Especially since I prayed for someone with a platform like this to show up in my life for 24 hours before you saw me yelling at that guy with the dog in his arms… I think it was in his arms… actually, I don’t even think it was in his arms, but I accused him of being one of those people that probably holds the dog. I was actually just screaming and yelling at anyone because I knew God had somebody there for me and I figured the person with notice me if I was yelling at somebody.. how’s that for impossible? That’s why this is very unusual and a special friendship not to mention this social media thing which I never engaged in, intentionally, I waited patiently for decades knowing the day I went on social media it would be for something other than food, pictures, and selfies with friends of mine, that I can’t even recognize anymore, because they look 60 year old overweight, bald ex supermodels and aging guidos who haven’t been gym-tanning since the 80s. What a pleasure and absolutely God’s blessing you have been Jessica Reed Kraus! You have literally resurrected, my childhood filled me with nostalgia, emotional disturbances, and an unbelievable, unexpected flow of hundreds of religious moms coming to my Instagram to hear more of what I have to say! As you can see, I’m at a loss for words! Hahshs I love you, Jessica Reed Kraus! May God bless and also protect you and your family like he has protected me my entire life! And thank you again for this wonderful and beautiful complement!! Happy new year!
Happy New Year and thank you for your sacrifices to get us the stories we didn’t know we needed!
What a cool year! It’s been so fun to tag along for the ride. Watching you manifest in real time 💫
Happy New Year! Thanks for informing while entertaining us in 2024. Can’t wait for the 2025 gossip! Also, love you’re posting Whitney Webb, she’s the best when it comes to finding the truth!
Also, moon landing is so fake. It’s the shadows and confetti for me! lol
Jessica published a moon, landing audio of mine on here… on her Substack a few months ago. It’s comical, but I think it’s accurate…. And yes, we never went to the moon in 1960 or 61 whenever it was…. Look at the phone connection, from the guys on the moon, talking to Mission control on earth? Like I’m sure they had a great communication system just for the moon… because I remember my parents couldn’t get a connection from Bell telephone Italy to New Jersey in the 70s… then for some reason, decades later, NASA has the space shuttle, and all these other high tech rockets that exploded in mid air… and recently, Elon musk, with his zillions in technology, he had some capsule that was floating around somewhere up there still near the Earth… and the thing didn’t even land on the moon…. I mean you would think there would be at least one more rocket that would at least make it onto the moon or orbit, the moon… but nope… that one 1960. Something tin can…. With three guys inside of it…. That thing made a perfect Landing on the moon, and they were out and about floating around, bouncing, waving, and putting up our flag in a crater… haha
Hahahahaha! Exactly!
Love this! Gave me an opportunity to catch up on the stuff I missed before I found HIH.
I’m pretty sure you will be spending so much time at Mar-A-Lago this year, you’ll need a HIH office there too.
How amazing would that be!?