First, a standing ovation to this post. Your words always make me grin! 😆 Shanahan had that cold serve coming- not a great idea to call out the incredible Tulsi. 🫣 The ‘post cake and karaoke’ 😆 indictment sounds like more of the same ridiculous witch hunt…I don’t know all the ins and outs but from what I do know, they have every right to question those election results!

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Where is RFK trying to pull voters from exactly? Just liberated dems? The “full Tulsi” comment is gross; stick to the task at hand. Time and time again RFKs VP pick baffles me, except when I consider the amount of money she’s backing with—then it makes perfect sense. This whole election gives me the icks 🥴 I used to think “can’t wait til election season is over” but all this just keeps going now, thanks to social media 🫠

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I do enjoy your election coverage, sometimes it’s overwhelming. The state of our country saddens me 😪

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Hmm yuck. Wish Meagan could have taken a higher road. Oof. I too think Tulsi should aim for higher things - I feel like Nicole meant it in a respectful way. Meagan is giving HRC vibes.

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Totally agree. I don't like the ad hominem attacks from Meghan.... she's been super vocal and pissy about Shanahan on her pod from the start.

I think the reality is that the entire Kennedy ticket doesn't "look" like every other campaign that we've ever seen... it can't, given the limited sources for funding (where do you get money to run when one of your primary tenets of your platform is taking down corporate influence in govt and the main political donors are corporations??), how do you reach voters when the mainstream media won't cover your campaign (so, holding the usual voter meeting campaign events aren't going to yield more votes than the actual people you shook hands with..) From my POV, the Kennedy campaign has solved for those problems in ways that we haven't seen in American politics before (podcasts out the wazoo, high engagement on Twitter, bringing on a wealthy running mate who can directly donate without limits), so its causing people to give the side eye, because it looks different than campaigns that we're used to seeing.

So when Meghan says things about Shanahan like she's too lazy to campaign, or doesn't want to leave her house to do campaign events, or that she bought her spot on the ticket.... those things just tell me that she doesn't get it. What else would she have their campaign do? What approach would she take to overcome these challenges that are unique to running as an Independent in American politics? Her lense is that of typical establishment politics, and it shows.

I do wish Meghan would be a bridge for curiosity and asking questions and creating a new normal in political discourse. Her unique voice with a long family history in politics could really be a force in creating a new forum of public discourse that wrestles with ideas from many perspectives, spiced with some-inside-the-beltway gossip, and of course, important deep dives into which presidential candidates have had plastic surgery (if you haven't listened to that episode of Citizen McCain... GO! lol)

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First- The congressional hearing fiasco! Really? Grown women need to read the Stoics and take a deep breath if not a break!! And so tired of the whole Giuliani- Trump- who else can we take to court- thing. It is too much and I just laugh at the Dems that are trying to distract people STILL after we have seen that it is just pissing people off! When will they see that???? Shanahan should not be calling out Tulsi. TOOO many people really like her and are sad she is not in the running for something!!! She would have been a perfect running mate for Bobby! 4-8 years of him and then HER for 8 years!!!! Can only imagine that now. Thank you for the article again, Jessica and yes- they need to be inviting you to these shindigs!!

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💯 gossip and distractions! I don’t know about you Jess, but elections (selections) are just to give people the illusion of choice. They are just controlled/compromised puppets! Just my take (both ends of the same coin).

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Woot! Even in the midst of graduation you pull off this excellent post!

AZ was a bastion of Republican voters, then the Democrats succeeded in moving to Phoenix to eclipse all the other voters in the state. I witnessed it first hand and while they may call themselves the choice of AZ, it only represents Phoenix. They’re ridiculous and many friends of mine texted me, when they stopped counting in 2020, and stated “we’re witnessing an election being stolen”. The people of AZ are not lunatic fringe, they’re hard working Americans just trying to live and put food on the table.

I don’t agree with Megan McCain on many things but she’s right on Shanahan. I thought it was weird she stated she is supporting Bobby. Isn’t she running with him? Mincing words I suppose but, to me, supporting and running as his second is a big difference. Maybe she went yo the Pence school of politics??? Gotta say I got a chuckle from the burning man comment. Hahaha.

Women in Congress. 🙄🙄🙄 I’m so tired of the common denominator mentality. Find the lowest level of picking on someone and go for it. Instead, why not truly argue merits? Politicians spend so much of our money slinging insults I’m surprised anyone votes. Level up instead of down!

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Meghan fights a gutter fight. Like her dad.

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Hmmmm. Now to think of it, a bit like Trump too. Politics is dirty business.

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Wow. I want women in power but when we can’t put catty remarks aside & they act like girls in a middle school cafeteria, no thanks. This is the opposite of what we need to be taken seriously!

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So how does this work once you join a presidential ticket? Shouldn’t every post to social media be approved by someone? It’s almost like RFK is throwing the freaking race and I just want to scream! 🙈

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Wow! Totally missed this exchange between Megan McCain and Nicole Shanahan. The Burning Man reference. Ouch. I have to say I'm with Megan on this. Nicole Shanahan is big tech money. Ask Elon and Sergei.

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Giuliani was a moron for tweeting that. Talk about poor judgment! And wow. Meghan and Nicole were friends? Doubt anymore. Meghan was harsh, but Nicole kind of walked right into that one. She is green with being in the public eye and will learn. And yes, you should've definitely been on the guest list! Fun post Jessica! sabrina labow.substack.com.

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Keep spilling the tea! Love it!

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The ladies are not being very “lady-like” these days. Reminds me of why you started reporting on the political scene after you began to question the narrative of all women should be believed and all men are misogynistic assholes.

And yet here you are in this time and space exposing all the tea to a very thirsty following.

Following closely the Tulsi tea because I believe she’s on to something.

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It sounds to me like gossipers on the #Titanic, another chapter for VictorDavisHansen’s latest, “The End of Everything.”

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Sorry, but side with Meghan here. (And I'm not a huge fan of hers). The Burningman stigma, along with Nicole's immense lack of experience compared to Tulsi is evident -- and ripe for the picking. Tulsi has braved consistently speaking out against her ex-party for a long time -- and frankly, the fact that Nicole funded big Dems in her home city, and aligned with agendas that are destroying CA up until a hot second makes me wonder about her intelligence (or honesty). Really? it took you years AFTER Covid hypocrisies to wake up?!

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This and the fact that when she went on Tomi Lahrens podcast she didn’t directly answer questions about her past support of cali DAs.

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I think everyone was missing what Shanahan was saying about Tulsi. I agree that Tulsi feels more independent. Knowing all the corruption she knows from already being in office, it’s odd that she would go to the gop side that is equally corrupt, unless it’s just about pure opportunity and visibility. She’s still in politics.

McCain reverted back to her expected 12 yr old mean girl responses and self. She’ll never get respect as far as I can see with unintelligent comments like that.

And as far as Shanahan being at burning man… what a joke comment. McCain should be careful given the crap she used to be involved in. She still belongs on the view with responses like this. And just when I thought she might be turning a corner to have intellectual conversations no matter the side of the aisle.

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