I’m NOT anti vax. I am anti “no repercussions for vaccine injuries”. My eldest had all his vaccines on schedule with no issues. My middle was injured. Any doctor I tell this to immediately dismisses. Every. Single. Time. He had his first dose and broke out in eczema the very next day. He ended up with head to toe eczema for 14 months. When we decided to stop his vaccines until he could handle them, and on a more spread out schedule, the doctors scoffed at us and said it was ridiculous and the eczema was unrelated. When I decided to do the Sears Schedule for my youngest I got push back at every turn, but I do not care! They say vaccine injuries are rare, but how do they know if they refuse to document instances like my son’s?

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The gaslighting from all the doctors is hard to process. It's so sinister. And obvious. At this point, do they even believe themselves anymore? Idk.

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I think most of the doctors really do believe what they are told by the industry. They are so brainwashed in med school. The doctors I personally know aren’t free thinkers… they were simply book smart and driven to excel in school.

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Also the cash incentives from insurance carriers for patients who follow the v schedule

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Cash incentives from big pharma!

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I believe the doctors do what they are told by the hospitals with which they are affiliated, the ones that were getting bonuses for diagnosing covid patients in as many people as possible, and that organized the mass vaccination campaigns.

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Exactly. The are boxed in & can’t think outside of it. I got o to with several of my medical friends during the plandemic.

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Nope. It’s all COA &


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I think you are right on this, and it is sad on so many levels. But this type of anti intellectualism is present across the board in American society. Any questioning and you are branded as a conspiracy theorist.

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This is where I fall with it all too. Our 2.5 yr old had the same thing, eczema after one of his vaccines and we just never continued after 4 months because I was too scared of it all and it never felt right to me. Even those first few I felt so bullied into getting despite doing research ahead of time but, birth makes you vulnerable 😭

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It’s criminal how they bully moms in such a vulnerable time!

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That's the whole point of well visits. To bully. Why would we take our babies to the doctors so they can say, "yep, they are doing well". The entire apparatus is there to undermine parents, but mostly mothers, because they know that is who is bringing in the baby. I am sure there are exceptions but for the most part it is moms. The strongest most fierce woman I know have buckled under the pressure they exert.

I am sure they get more training in pressuring moms than they do in nutrition.

For more on this topic: check out interviews with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky. He's a Long Island Pediatrician who does not vaccinate. His knowledge of this is profound. He will educate you on what's really going on and why we must stop vaccinating out babies. Here is his practice link: https://www.drpalevsky.com

It's the biggest crime against humanity and it's been going on unchecked for too long. Enough!

All the stories we were told about why we are even vaccinating in the first place are lies. The vaccine industry makes money at the time of vaccination and creates a continuous pipeline of patients from injuries and chronic health conditions associated with vaccination.

The past 4 years has made that even more obvious. How many people we know that have so many new ailments since the covid shot and they do not even correlate it to the shot. But nothing else in their life changed.


Forrest Maready's books:

-The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio

-Unvaccinated: Why Growing Numbers of Parents Are Choosing Natural Immunity for Their Children

-Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained

-VaxBaby: The Curious Parent's Guide to Pediatric Vaccines

-The Autism Vaccine: The Story of Modern Medicine's Greatest Tragedy

Dissolving Illusions, by Suzanne Humphries

Turtles All The Way Down, Author anonymous - comes to you from the people who work at Children's Health Defense

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I was really praying for RFK to have some position in the next Trump administration for this reason exactly.. I’m in NYS and we don’t even have religious exemption anymore so no option to opt out of vaccines for public school... even though my pediatrician admitted that all the illegal immigrant kids get to be admitted Scott free, not up to date at all and attend our public schools 🤬 I’m still praying for a way out.. my oldest is only 3 so luckily I have a couple years 🙏🏼

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There won’t be another Trump admin and there won’t be a Kennedy admin. Not on your life.

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Is it just me or are the doctors so freaking pushy those first few months? And you are correct, so vulnerable. With my first I was a single mom and it was all so new and so much, so when they were pushy with me I just rolled over.

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Yeah because they get a bonus based on having 95% of their practice vaccinated fully, including the yearly flu vaccine. Oh yea and no legal repercussions even if your child were to drop dead in the office after a vaccine. Look up Reagan’s 1986 vaccine act

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I remember my pediatrician said he considered refusal to vaccinate your child to be child abuse and that he wouldn’t continue to see a patient who didn’t follow the prescribed 💉protocols. He was a good man. I’m sure believed in it and trusted what he was told by the pharmaceutical industry. Sad.

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They are very pushy overall.

In Canada I had gone to a clinic that handles vaccines to check up on the digital passport that was still required at the time, it needed a date fix.

The nurse realizes that I was in the date range for the third sting and asks me if I’m ready to take it.

I do say that I haven’t gone through the online system to check the available clinics and hours, etc (the previous ones they made them seem way more complicated and bureaucratic).

She says “I got a shot with your name on it right there”. To go and take it.

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I’m driving to do a hospice talk as a nurse for 20+ yrs and am barely reading these so I’ll have to read into these comments more!!! I have had “bad skin” all of my life! A light was turned on in my brain when the Covid info didn’t match what I was seeing. The more I studied up on MRNA shots scared me and I didn’t take the jab contrary to my best friend at the time who was an Arnp! I saw a reel on instagram of a pharmacist who held up a blank packet inserted and could not believe that this was true!!! I know that all drugs have some side effects!! Then the media kept saying safe and effective and disinformation this and that to respectable Drs and I became an awaken conspiracy theorist!!!! I found Jessica during the Jonny Depp trial and again was shocked at the media coverage! Which brings me to this… and the book “ the Real Anthony Fauci!” I am almost done with it a ur later! It’s so disturbing and clearly factual as there is no lawsuit against it… and it is clearly Gates is an evil man! I wish Trump would have gone ahead of the with the vaccine investigation! It all needs to be exposed and if leaked material is what shines the light then shine bright!!!! Light up the world and lock up all those who have been lying! Our whole world depends on this!!!!

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I first learned of the children's defense fund in 2000, when pregnant with my first l second child. I'd vaccinated the elder one on the schedule, but he was constantly sick. I did a bit research and stopped at about 18 months. From there on out, we spread thev rest out to age 6. He never had an ear infection again. The younger one, I took a full six years and never had to take antibiotics even. They're both very healthy. Back then, I easily found a doctor to work with me. And my friends thought me weird, but didn't accuse me of being anti vaxx or a negligent human. They still hung out with me. Now, everyone is so judgemental. It's terrible for you younger moms.

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Funny how the left - the supposed it welcoming of anyone and everyone - has become so intolerant of others with different view points. You have to be open minded and agreeable only to things they deem on the list ie pro-choice only when it fits their narrative.

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I’m in a lot of online mom pages and the number of posts I’ve seen of mom a literally ghosting new friends that they really liked because of their kids’ vaccine status is mind boggling.

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Extremely sad. Makes my heart break for the children who are the real collateral damage in all this.

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It’s not just vaccine injuries that go unreported. Injuries caused by other drugs are not reported, either. My doctor refused to accept that lansoprazole caused me such severe depression that I couldn’t function as a human, to the extent I had to quit my job. I stopped taking the drug when I made the connection, and was back to normal within a couple of weeks

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Jacque, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Your experience highlights an important issue about vaccine injuries and the need for better acknowledgment and documentation. It's frustrating when concerns are dismissed rather than investigated. I must say that your decision to follow the Sears Schedule for your youngest shows how important it is to trust your instincts as a parent.

Keep fighting 🧡

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Great points, David!

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I get that this is a betrayal, but I loved hearing Trump’s unfiltered thoughts. I’ve often wondered if he ever changed his mind on vaccines, but the leaked audio was very encouraging and endearing. Trump has every reason to back away from the RFK campaign in light of it, but it only makes me like him more.

I do think RFK III is the most to blame here. Seemed like entitled brat behavior.

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Do you feel like trump was asking him to have a role in his administration? When he says, “it will be very good for you. And we will win.”

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It definitely sounded like it! The leaked call looks bad for Bobby because a) he didn’t say a word (so his inner thoughts were not exposed) and b) he was getting TOLD what to do by Trump. Hard to imagine he had anything to do with the leak!

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There is No safe vaccine. Period. Were we meant to shove poisons into our bodies? I don’t think so. I was ignorant regarding any vax when my kids were young until the Dr. started pushing the Gardasil vax. I put my foot down. Today, I am afraid for new babies. Just say No.

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This is me too. I put my foot down when they started pushing that vax for young girls. My two daughters were right at that age and I was highly suspicious.

My oldest daughter, also named Jessica, was forced to get the Covid vax when she was pregnant with my youngest grandson. He’s been sick nonstop since he was born in 2021. It’s 100% because of the poisons. No one will ever change my mind.

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I agree. I’m 100% anti vaxx. No delayed schedule, no modifications, just no.

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I think Trump was offering him a position. It looked like Bobby was just listening because he had to be polite. He didn’t seem enthusiastic because he hates Trump and he actually thinks he has a chance of winning lol

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Well it’s hard to read what Bobby was thinking and feeling. Keep in mind this call was within 24 hours of Trump being shot, and I’m not sure Bobby had any place to say or do much other than listen.

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You could be right. I don’t think Bobby can win, especially after the year Trump’s had. It’s been a miraculously flawless campaign. If Trump had fumbled, maybe.

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I don’t know why Bobby is digging his heels in so hard. I think Trump realized his mistake in not having him come on board back in 2017 and this is his way of telling him he admires his work and his knowledge and he wants his help. Very disappointing this happened.

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Think about it. The flex it would take. (Understatement!!!) OMG

Democrat at heart.

Running for president.

“Accepting” a “position.”

In Trump’s world?

I admit it- my heart raced yesterday when I fantasized a Trump/ RFK ticket- but we all knew it was a fantasy. I’d love it.

Divergent views truly digging in together.

Ain’t gonna’ happen.

Even on smaller scale.

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I heard an interview with RFK on Socrates in the City. He said he was planning to work with Trump on vaccine safety during his last presidency. But then Trump took a million dollars from Pfizer. It was a big cost for RFK to say he was going to join Trump administration and then nothing was there. Trump would have to earn Bobby's trust before joining forces. I hope RFK can win on his own! It's sad the phone call leaked out, but neither of them admitted anything too harmful right?

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I suppose it was conveniently edited.

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Also very interesting tweet from Link Lauren that RFK campaign has not posted on any socials in the last 24 hours, has cancelled events for today and postponed press. He did post a video of RFK working out but all seems very strange.

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Feels like a happy little gift to people like me. You know *anti-vax, maga extremist* 😂

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You put words to my thoughts exactly here, Cassie. I am pretty supportive of Trump but of course also like RFKjr (daydreams of them collaborating in someway in the future)... But this actually balms some of my ongoing Trump irritations (Pfizer/vaxs related). Weird that it looks bad for Bobby's campaign to have leaked this but it is actually endearing for Trump.

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It would be a dream team for sure! If only RFK liked him even a little 😂

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I always hoped it was mostly Cheryl's doing 😂 but you're probably right 😆

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I figured it was Cheryl too. He made a comment once that teaming up with Trump would end his marriage.

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I agree with all this - I’ve been on the fence with trump because of the vaccines and disappointed about JD comment but happy to hear it was sarcasm. Bobby JR III needs a job. Feel like there will hopefully be a working relationship.

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So JD Vance did not mean to fire unvaxxed nurses?

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It was sarcasm. This is how misinformation is spread.

Here is the quote that should have been included in this article.

American hospitals are overwhelmed. It's time to take this seriously. As a start, let's fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine. That will help.

10:26 AM • Jan 14, 2022

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Do young people even get sarcasm these days? When texting is the main mode of conversation you never hear the intonation in the voice of the sarcasm. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Good point. There’s a lot of misunderstandings because of the lack of intonation.

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Vance was showing the absurdity of firing unvaxed nurses

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It was clear sarcasm that the kid missed.

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Thanks for clearing that up …

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I feel like the Kennedy kids could use an outing with the trump kids. Ivanka had an amazing interview with Lex on his podcast recently!

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Cassie, entitled brat behavior?

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I’m referring to RFK’s son who leaked it. If the narrative is correct that RFK was horrified that it leaked and RFK III (the son) felt it was his moral duty to leak it, I think it’s bratty, short sighted, and definitely not thinking of the best interest of his dad’s campaign. Check out RFK III’s tweet about why he did it, you might agree!

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“Sounded like the world’s largest mosquito” lol

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Ultimate Trump comment haha my newest face is, "I've seen your swing. I know your swing."

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I can’t read that quote without hearing his voice, it’s hilarious. Also, “joe, lets not act like children.” 🤣

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I liked “ 20 pound baby” 😂😂

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This makes RFK Jr look bad more than it makes Trump look bad - now the situation is being framed that Trump will win and RFK is considering being a part of Trump’s administration. Which would be wonderful yes (ideal even?) but Bobby is still in the race for the presidency. This video undermines that and makes him look weak.

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I agree. I’m very disappointed in this leak.

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I think it's okay. I think it shows us they will team up to help in the vaccine realm. And LORD knows we need help. Our babies and how so many adults are suffering. We must help these people.

I love RFK and would vote for him, but now, he doesn't stand a chance. I would love to see him as VP, but that ship has sailed. Now, I would love to see him take on Fauci and the rest of the death squad. Then maybe in 2028 RFK can run and win. I would support him. He's a good man!

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Kennedy is not in any race for the Presidency. He won’t get 12%. He could have been an issue driver if his entire campaign had been about vaccines, but he has poor handlers. He will likely be DHS Secretary.

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He woke up a lot of people to issues they were not aware of before. That's a good thing.

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Babies get the same dose as an adult would. Know other pharmaceuticals is like that ! The war is on our children !!!

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Know = No

The vaccine Schedule dictates that a perfect newborn’s first vaccine is for a sexually transmitted disease 🦠

Whistleblower of gardasil said vaccines, hurts reproductive organs.

Some of us 👀 weren’t surprised by Cov**

They are after population control

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They do not give HPV to newborns. Get a fucking grip

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Yes, they do require HEP B vaccination for babies …. can somebody please steel man why that is necessary…. it’s a disease of sex workers

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But they do give Hep B vaccination. Get fucking informed.

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I think Trump always knows he is potentially being recorded. The call was fine.

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I agree. There is no way you get this far into the campaign without assuming everything you say is being recorded. He doesn’t care. Also, he never said he was anti vaccine, just that he doesn’t understand why babies get so many at once, which is a question every parent with a newborn asks.

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My thoughts exactly!

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Good point and probably correct

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You should post the Vance tweet so people can see it’s sarcasm

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"American hospitals are overwhelmed. It's time to take this seriously. As a start, let's fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine. That will help."

People are so bad at picking up obvious sarcasm!

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Wow I hadn’t read the actual tweet—that is very obvious sarcasm (said with no sarcasm 😂), strange to me Kennedy III didn’t pick up on it?

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Right, agreed, but at the time, tensions were high and it was understandable that some took it literally. When people are fearful or stressed their brain literally doesn't work the same as when they are safe and calm. Therefore, I think using sarcasm in text format in high tension situations is bad form especially for a leader. They shouldn't do it or they should add (sarcasm) to the text to be sure. That's my hot take. ;)

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Very good points! I definitely do not think straight when I am angry of overwhelmed either.

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Well and if you see the tweet right before and that he was replying to Brian Stelter (who was advocating for mandates)

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I got a screenshot from Lady with a Brain (in her stories). Wish I could post a picture of it here.

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Here’s the Tweet. Shocking how many can’t read sarcasm.


American hospitals are overwhelmed. It's time to take this seriously. As a start, let's fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine. That will help.

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Maybe those people have autism

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No. Number one - the younger generations can’t read the room. And two, much in lost due to lack of intonation.

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I took Bobby III at his word. I should know better

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There was nothing Bobby 3 said that was untrue other than the Vance tweet, which btw, half of America missed the sarcasm because the guy was so anti Trump and pro dem for so long. It’s not a stretch to think he would throw out that thought. Just like the hitler comment.

It was a strategic error that unfortunately will cause another issue for Bobby to deal with instead of just getting his policies out there. Bobby 3 holds his father’s same convictions and knee jerk reacted when he shouldn’t have. Trumps kids have said some pretty stupid things too. Hopefully it passes and Trump sees it for what it was. A huge gaffe on his oldest son’s part. And an admission that he shouldn’t have leaked the video.

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are we seeing why Link moved away from the Kennedy campaign? What is it with sons in this election race?

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RFK jr has said himself that multiple family members are vigorously against his running as independent and probably even more so just talking to Trump. He never states *which *. Family members and I have respected him and the family for staying in their own lane of choice and not trying (so far?) to sabotage his campaign. I have found RFKjr interesting and have listened to many of his interviews, yet ultimately felt his intentions were very narrow so I continued to read or watch his more independent interviews (not the ones trying to force their own agenda at him by putting words into his mouth). This little stunt by rfk3 was immature and disrespectful for not only the moment of a personal phone call of his fathers but just a few days after the shooting. And WTH is the personal videographer doing as well? Run to social media, put out an ugly comment as if true, then remove it with no apology (to his father or to Trump or Vance). Straight out of immature social media generation trying to make a name for himself. It doesn’t matter now whether he did this as a childish stunt, trying to be an in house “informant” out of JFKjr was aware. Get it said then weak apology (if any at all) later, AFTER everyone has seen it. Damage is done. Lack of personal discipline, lack of respect for his father’s campaign and his father personally, none of his business to begin with, money probably involved. IMHO, completely taints Jr’s efforts as an independent. Who wants a son going off half brained posting on social media and creating all this backpedaling? So now what is the real reason? Makes me wonder what JFKs true intentions are, especially in light of the poll numbers - some kind of “disruption”? More machinations? Blah. I’m done.

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Well stated.

I can't imagine my kids (17 and 29) posting ANYTHING of import about me. How his kid -who has to know what is at stake - would take it upon himself to post is beyond the pale. I believe RFK Jr. to be a good man and would expect his kids to have the utmost respect for him.


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I watched Link’s IG stories today and wondered the same.

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My thoughts immediately

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Not sure how this hurts Trump or Kennedy. They seem to be on the same page. It drives democrats crazy to see powerful people talking about real issues we care about and being on God’s side of it, but that is it. Trump will not back away; he doesn’t operate that way. He was almost killed. Nothing will stop him from trying to fix everything he can except another attempt at him. Nothing. Once a man is that close to dying, life has a completely different focus and meaning.

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I think it hurts Kennedy because it makes his campaign look bad plus it’s not a classy move to leak a private conversation like this.

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I like that they seem to be on the same page, but because Bobby's wife is anti-Trump, he will never work with Trump- my opinion. But at least some Big Pharma stuff is out there!

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He will work with him, just not VP. Remember he was supposed to be part of a vaccine safety committee in 2016 until Bill Gates and pfizer got involved. He was already with Cheryl.

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I love RFK Jr. Been following him since 2016 and his efforts to clean up the vaccine mess and issues with CDC, EPA etc. those who were researching vaccines & followed Bobby heard Trump voice his concerns about vaccines way back then. Personally, I feel it was a mistake by RFK III to post this but do not think it will harm anyone in the end. Prayers for Bobby & Trump

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How’d you get this out so fast while at the RNC? Incredible!

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I had it drafted a week ago - this story! I just updated it lol

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Ha! Meant to be! Prepared for that leak 🥇

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Damn, Jessica. Someday you'll get some rest 🙏🏼 🕵🏼‍♀️

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I’ve been following your coverage of RFK and had kind of (to my surprise) developed a fondness for him. I should have known better. We all know he was complicit in the leak or the call wouldn’t have been on speaker. Dick move.

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I never hold the phone up to my ear. Especially with all the radiation data out there. It’s not unusual at all to have it in speaker in a room with only your most trusted people. It wasn’t the videographers fault. This was a huge gaffe by Bobby 3 that let his emotions get the better of him.

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Agree, I think we all know now the videographer had nothing to do with it. And I understand all who regularly use speakerphone, just saying I am not one of them.

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I’m betting he always uses speakerphone because of his awareness about the EMF radiation cell phones emit. But who knows.

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He has said this on his JRE interview, he never puts the phone near his head and uses speakerphone or wired headphones. He talked about the emf to Joe Rogan in detail.

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You’re not unreasonable to think that and you could be right. But again, when you have Donald Trump on the phone, and on speakerphone no less, you have to assume somehow, someway that the conversation would end up being leaked. Don’t you feel like his first instinct should have been to either take the call off speaker or at the very least when the call was over to make sure that no one had a recording of it on their personal devices and make sure they all know the conversation was private and not meant to be leaked?

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But this video is fine for Trump and makes RFK look like he’s given up running in the election. I don’t think RFK would intentionally leak something that makes him look this weak. It’s too embarrassing for RFK to have leaked himself.

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Maybe he didn’t intentionally leak it, but he definitely didn’t go out of his way to protect the conversation. It was on speaker and he stayed completely quiet through the whole thing so as not to disrupt the audio recording. You really think he’s gonna stand there with Donald Trump on speakerphone and not wonder or assume someone might leak it?

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And the staying quiet part is called listening with intent. It’s a signature of his. He’s listens to people before he responds.

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I think you’re not entirely wrong there, but with a documentary videographer there rolling film I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think he wanted the conversation captured, even if he had no intent of it being public right now.

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I really think that because he has someone following him 24/7 he probably didn’t think twice about it. I’m in real estate and work with some very high profile people that do this. The camera people basically become invisible to you because they are always there. I see your point completely though. I appreciate Bobby owning it on his end. I just don’t feel it was intentional at all.

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I’m not following that logic. Most people take calls on speaker because holding the phone to your ear is not advised. He was being filmed for a documentary and taking a call from a presidential candidate. It only makes sense that it would be on speaker. I think what most people are missing is what it must be like to live in that household as a child of someone like RFK Jr. The emotional journey they have been on as an advocate to vaccine injured families is one that we could only imagine. They are witnesses every single to the horror and corruption. They have sacrificed reputations and opportunities for the betterment of these victims and our country as a whole. It makes perfect sense to me that his son felt the need to vindicate the family and didn’t have the emotional maturity to understand the implications. It’s sad of course because their team doesn’t have the social media prowess to navigate today’s world. We are all at a loss for it and it just plain sucks. I sure wish that on yesterday’s unity call between the two of them that they could have truly understood the definition of the word and come together on a winning ticket. RFK would have served his time as VP and then been primed to win the next election.

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And that’s funny because I never take calls on speaker, least of all around other people because you never know what the person on the other end might say that isn’t meant for all ears. I get it that it made for good documentary footage, definitely see your point there. Who knows what really happened, I’m just disappointed because although I’m team Trump all the way, I was developing a fondness for RFK and at one point secretly hoped for the great reveal of him as VP.

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I’m really fuming. Trump calls for Secret Service detail for RFK and calls him offering a position. He probably realized his mistake not having RFK come on in 2017. He’s learned a lot. Trump learned who he could and couldn’t trust. Now Bobby lll writes he could have had a unity ticket but instead picked “fire all the unvaccinated nurses” Vance. Clearly it’s revenge for not picking RFK as VP. This is really low.

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Yep. I was just thinking that because Bobby had all the skeletons out- and maybe we could trust again. We cannot.

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What I don’t get is why is he even saying that when Bobby told us he turned him down when approached early on and has repeatedly been saying he wouldn’t join him? Now Bobby III expects Trump to offer again? Delulu if you ask me, as much as I would have loved it.

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EXACTLY! Thank you. RFK told us there’s no way he’d join Trump’s ticket and acted like it was a ridiculous notion. Now Bobby the 3rd is acting hurt. Very weird. I did have a little laugh when Trump was speaking to him disregarding RFK like he wasn’t even running. “We’re gonna win big” LOL.

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Who are these out of control children? This is a parent problem. This kid makes stupid decisions based on emotion and bad information that have real consequences for his father’s campaign and the relationship between RFKjr and Trump.

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Agree. And yet this “kid” is a grown adult who should know better. He should be blocked from the campaign inner circle after this impulsive error. Jess, isn’t this the same son who was giving you a hard time on one of your first trips with RFK JR? He sounds like an immature brat.

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Out of control children? Lol. The guy is 39.

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Isn’t that the son who fought in the Ukraine a brief time?

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No, that was the young good looking one.

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The first thought I have is that this is similar in scope to the recent shooting. IE., either it’s an inside job or a major F up!!! Both with potentially, and all too real, disastrous outcomes. I’m beyond disappointed and saddened with this!! 🥲😡

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I think we are all disappointed and saddened. Mostly for Bobby. He would have never leaked this. He wants the best for America. It was a huge gaffe under the microscope of toxic media spin. 40 yrs ago, it would’ve been just a gaffe and moved on, but in this climate it will be blown out of proportion I’m afraid. Don’t get me wrong, I know it was a huge mistake. I just know how the media will pounce.

I mean we’ve all seen how trump flat out lies about Bobby to the media and has slurred his name for sure. But no one seems to call those out.

I think we need to recognize that we are all holding Bobby to a different standard. Maybe it’s an unrealistic one given that he is surrounded by people that will occasionally make mistakes. I think he addressed it and now the conversation needs to be ‘ What’s Next?’

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My wife was going through radiation treatment for cancer during the pandemic, and her cancer doctor shamed her for not getting vaccinated, and said "You have little children at home" in order to make the shame more compelling, the implication being that my wife's refusal to take the vaccine was irresponsible to our children and that my wife was a bad mother. I'd really like to talk to that doctor now about that incident.

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That’s horrible! Shaming the way they do is just wrong. Good for her for standing her ground!

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They always use that line with cancer patients. It must be in their playbook.

"You have a family." No shit dipshit, most people have families. It's emotional blackmail.

They try to get you when you are stressed, fearful and weak and play on your emotions.

Sadly, most fall for it.

The deeper question I have around that tactic is they are saying that they think you will care more about how your family feels than how you feel. Which to me is part of the reason people get cancer in the first place. They put everyone else before themselves. Food for thought. ;)

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