For clarification… personal items were left behind in a home that was sold to a new owner and that new owner sold the items and that’s considered theft?

This is a genuine question. I’m just wondering how it’s theft.

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Yes, fair question

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I just posted the same question. Did we miss some part of the back story?

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No, it's that confusing!

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Hey Jessica, I read the court document, which can be found here https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=aimee+harris+theft+court+documents&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8. This is basically a case of he said, she said. PV states in their article that the items were abandoned in the room; the court document states that AB asked the owner of the home to store the items for her, then Harris found them and took them. The text on page 6 to 7, if real, is pretty incriminating and would explain why she pleaded guilty.

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I read somewhere else that the owner was “temporarily storing” them for her - but if it was so private why leave it to someone else? Hindsight is 20/20 though, I know

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I noticed that in this article as well, but who stores items like that? I feel like I’d understand - “hey, I’ll grab that washer and dryer on Saturday” not “I’m leaving behind this very private diary that I can throw in my purse”

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Maybe she left it behind to be found? Because, no one would leave something like that behind- especially a public figure or the daughter of one.

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I agree.. I wonder if there are more little black books. Too many to keep track of. lots of trauma to reflect on.

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I set my phone down once in 2014 in a Walmart while looking at vacuums. I walked off and five minutes later remembered I forgot my phone. I returned and it was gone. The security had a guy on camera, picking it up, trying to open it, and walking out of the store with it.

The police said it was not theft. They said I had “lost” the item and due to that, the gentleman picking up my phone and taking it was not stealing.

How this is lost and found by the diary isn’t?

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The police were incorrect.

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Here is a statement from an article on July 31, 2023 on the PV website: "Each of the tipsters indicated they had acquired the diary and personal effects of [AB] after they had been abandoned in a room where Ms. [B] had stayed at that time." There was no mention of the home being sold to Harris.

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That’s even more confusing 🤣 abandoned items sold = theft. Good gawd.

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It’s my understanding the diary was in a half-way house where she went after rehab. So I don’t understand how it was stolen. I imagine the defendants can’t afford good attorneys who probably could have gotten them off.

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I think Left behind in a sober house/halfway house.

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I was thinking the same thing. They didn’t steal it. It was in the house they purchased.

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Not an expert, but recently went through a similar situation where we found money in our new home. Law says we have to report found possessions to police because they do not belong to us even though we own the home. Then police track down prior owners to return items. If never claimed then ours....

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What is with the Biden children “abandoning” personal items containing highly private and scandalous info?? First Hunter and the laptop, now this?

On some level is this a way to air the family dirty laundry? Then regretting it after the fact and/or forced to deny by their overlords?

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It seems like they’re reckless because they’ve never had to be responsible or accountable for anything. I mean look at what’s happened because of both instances you mentioned: nothing—at least not to them. So gross.

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People who suffer trauma as children sometimes leave clues hoping to be saved. Joe Biden has TWO adult children suffering from sexual and drug addiction. Joe wants us to believe this is all due to Neilias death, but Ashley is Jill's child. something happened and lawyers are using lawfare to cover it all up.

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I agree. Super weird.

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Both addicts. Can’t expect reasonable behavior from them.

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That’s rude. But also, with that history of trauma, addiction is a given.

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I have 29 years sober. Tell me again how my life isn't worth living, ya fucking daft weasel. Let's see your failures, mistakes, et al. No?

I have an MDiv serving as chaplain. However, people such as U sicken me, especially when you know nothing, and will not try either

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I’ve always said that a family psychologist would have a field day with Hunter’s behavior…. There’s a lot of suppressed anger cooking in there!

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It’s their way to let the World know with out having to take the blame 🤷🏻‍♀️

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It’s crazy to think that they would rather go after the person who sold the diary vs going after a pedophile. Makes no sense 🤦‍♀️

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Nothing has to make sense anymore, unfortunately

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Who is the pedophile? I’m so confused. I grew up I a hippie “naked family” parents both freely walked around naked well into my teens. I showered with both parents for a very long time. It may not be for everyone, but does not make you a pedophile.

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Ask Ashley that. She was making a list of reasons why she thinks she was molested as a child and that was one of her reasons, showering with her dad at too old of an age.

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So you think one of the reasons she thinks she was molested was because of Q Tips? And getting her ears cleaned? Because she listed that.

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Who knows what weird shit he did to her with q-tips. And he probably licked her ears clean like he looks like he wants to do every time he gets near a little girl.

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Omg lol clearly you aren’t open to having a real discussion. Be good

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She wrote she was extremely uncomfortable with it and felt violated by it. Nudity should never be forced on someone.

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No, she didn’t.

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But the simple fact is if it was Trump this would be smeared across every MSM outlet

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Not defending Biden at all here, but it just said showers, it didn’t say he sexually abused her. Or is the showers the abuse?

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His daughter included “showering with dad (probably not appropriate” in a list she was compiling in this journal entry, of, in her words, trauma she remembers experiencing as a child that contributed to her hyper sexualization at young age. Also her words.

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Welcome to America.

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So we have an incestuous pedophile for a president. Got it 👍

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How so? Some families are naked families and showering is just part of that

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She obviously was very uncomfortable with it and felt violated.

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Ok, feeling violated is putting words in her

Mouth. Let’s just keep it with what she said. Unless she comes out and says something different.

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Naked family= incestuous pedophile parents.

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Not true. I grew up with hippie parents. We were a naked family. I showered with both parents for a very long time. It wasn’t weird for me and there was no pedophelia. To assume so is just your own insecurities.

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Ok, bud 👍

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Okay, whatever, we all understand YOU were comfortable hanging out naked and showering with your parents into your teen years.

Obviously the owner of the diary was NOT comfortable showering naked with HER parent. In HER case, it is very reasonable for people to raise red flags regarding this behavior.

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Did she say she wasn’t? Or did she say, looking back as an adult when she wrote in the diary that it was probably inappropriate. Has SHE come out and said it wasn’t comfortable doing it and he made her? Did she say anything about it at all?

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I’m a naked family and we aren’t pedos. Not saying Biden is innocent, but there is neutral/normal nakedness in the world.

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I think it’s more the emotional unavailability of the parents and then the only closeness she feels from her parents is the naked showers? That would confuse a skew how a child understands love

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That could very well be. But that would be reading into the very short thing she wrote about it.

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Correct! I read what SHE wrote about it, and commented on it. That’s why we are all here 🤣

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So why are you putting words in her mouth?

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Listen. I think the naked family stuff may have triggered you a bit and you are lashing out at anyone who criticises this style of parenting. Even though my comment was mild, you still feel attached by it. Look inward and try and have a good day

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Because as part of her reasoning, for why she thinks she might’ve been molested as a child, she put down the point that she showered with her father for way too long. THAT IS WHY people are making the connection! Because ASHLEY made the connection!

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No, those are separate thoughts. One having nothing to do with the other. I don’t think some of you read the same diary pages. If she comes out and outright says her father molested her, then I’d say chop his penis off with a rusted butter knife and then pour alcohol over it. I have no sympathy for any person who harms a child. She said, what is this due to? Was I molested? I think so. I’m can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma- based remember not liking the woolzacks house. When she said showers with my dad ( probably not appropriate), being turned on when I wasn’t supposed to be. I don’t think she’s referring to her dad either. It’s a list of thoughts. Like the Q tips and getting her ears cleaned

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How could you possibly defend this!?!?

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Agreed. My heart is shattering for this women only to find comments defending this piece of scum we call president. What happened to protecting our children

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Defend what?

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Every journalist should have been all over this diary and asking the Big Guy about those showers.

What word does she use…”Hating (?) my vagina due to overhearing my parents having sex”. It’s sad and worrisome to have so many messed up people in one family. Joe is corrupt and captured. Hunter is an addict. Ashley is an addict. Beau seemed decent but married a wackjob.

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What O'Keefe says in that video is the crucial. What kind of journalist doesn't want to dissect every angle of this?! And then just stand by and watch those who do be raided for it.

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Just like all the comedy gold they’ve left in the dust-

- they touch none of it!

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I thought the word used was “beating”. It’s very clear Joe’s kids are screwed up.

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I read it as “beating” … which I can understand as well as “hating” it.

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Oh. Yawn.

Oh excuse me, mainstream media… I’ve known this for HOW long???

Meanwhile, the daughter has been on stages w “The Demented” in the past months- year and a half at the most, cheering him on.

She’s probably paid off for the rest of her life. What legacies these people leave.

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Joe Biden is the devil. Absolutely the man with that horns except now he doesn’t remember he’s the devil and doesn’t hide it very well.

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And evidently quite horny!! 👿

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How is it stolen property if AB left it in the home where Harris found it?

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No one explains this

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I’m sorry, what happened to “ Finders Keepers”? I understand that selling the diary was not exactly ethical, but why was it a crime to not return the diary to Ashley Biden? Is that codified somewhere? Biden left it behind… I left a small jewelry box with my good pearls in it in a hotel room in New Orleans… do I have legal recourse? And of course of this none of this would even be mentioned were it not for the content, Ashley journaling her father’s inappropriate and disturbing behavior…. Be careful Jessica, this story was pretty much forgotten and you have legitimate national traction now. Biden’s PR squad doesn’t play nice.

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I've been writing about it for 2 years! No one in media cares. It's insanity.

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And yet…. Yesterday two of my “ Trump is evil, RFK is a nut” friends posted a pic of a recent RFK Campaign hire standing on the Capitol steps on Capitol on Jan 6 … proof positive that RFK has horrible judgment to hire an “ insurrectionist “.. and if were to forward this JRK’s on this diary, they would not respond…

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The crazy thing is that die hard democrats will still ignore this and tell us that Trump is the devil and all republicans are Nazis. So upsetting.

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It's true. Facts in their face and they'll just move on and wait until MSM tells them who they should hate.

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We can’t hate them both? Weird

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Why are you here melm? Just to troll? I’m seriously curious. I don’t see the MSM coming after Biden or his supporters the way they come after Trump and his. It’s disingenuous to say otherwise.

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So, trolling means asking questions and having a difference of opinion? MSM comes for Biden all day everyday. Are you joking? lol do you know the definition of MSM? It doesn’t just mean CNN.

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It seems fairly obvious the Biden children have been traumatized. Wtf was going on in that home?

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IDK but the fact that they get off so easy - when the Trump kids are under a microscope is crazy to me

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The craziest part to me is that we are all watching, in real time, the tossing of the proverbial rug over such insanely illegal actions. It doesn’t matter on which side of the fence you sit, the lap top situation, the classified documents being left in multiple locations situation, the trail of illegal business dealings, the wide open border, the diary situation, the cocaine in the White House situation…all are or contain blatantly illegal actions and no repercussions for any. Unless you are on the wrong side of that fence. It is completely insane to me.

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💯 agree! Not to mention the issue with transgender “women” (aka men) being allowed to compete in women’s sports (and take away their medals, scholarships) be in women’s bathrooms, in female prisons, etc. It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes and those who see it for what it is are called bigots. There is a 18 year old boy in my town who raped a 9 year old boy. While awaiting trial, he’s been allowed at school, to compete in track and go to prom! Someone posted the perpetrator’s name on our community Facebook page. People lost their minds saying that this was an invasion of the 18 y/o’s privacy and that he was innocent until proven guilty. One of the indictments stated that he tried to sell video of the rape to an undercover cop!!! The town shamed the woman who posted this grown man’s name. There was literally more concern for the perpetrator and his family than the innocent 9 year old boy. I’m am in complete and total disbelief at this world. How did we become so backwards?

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Do y’all ever wonder what is going to be happening when our children grow up? That’s what I think about. Will it all be normalized and accepted behavior?

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Every day. Have you ever looked at the stages of the decline of Rome? At the end, the practice of pedar@sty was common and accepted. (google it with the proper a, and look beyond Wikipedia, which glosses over it). We're not far off.

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I think about it everyday. I’m terrified for them.

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Absolutely and you know if there was anything to be dug up on the Trump kids we for sure would have heard about it nonstop. The fact that we haven’t leads me to believe none exists because you know the legacy media is looking.

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Any other old man who sniffs young children and showers with his daughter would have been murdered in jail long ago. Teflon Biden

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We all know he’s a creep.

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Some of us

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Thank goodness you are doing your part. PS our Russell will be with RFK this weekend.

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Thank you for this!!!! While I can’t understand how it’s “stolen” and I feel bad for his Daughter. Clearly she has Trauma and while this being National News isn’t easy for anyone it wasn’t Fake. If she really didn’t want anyone to see this it would be one of the first things she packed. Maybe it’s her way to share what happened with out having to worry about the Clinton’s

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It’s absolutely disgusting and disturbing on so many levels with what Joe Biden has been allowed to get away with. It’s not just his own daughter, but multiple other young girls that he’s tried shit with as well (clips can be found on YouTube).

If this was Trump, he’d be crucified (albeit he is already with fake charges conveniently holding him up in court during an election year). But yet, because Biden is a Democrat, he gets away with it, and applauded by his base.

Another example of the two-tiered justice system. Rules for thee, but not for me!

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Just like when Julian Assange embarrassed the US govt..... Shoot the messenger, don't examine the crime exposed.

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