The entire time I was reading this article, it reminded me of King Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven insane because he wanted to be God. But humans cannot be God. We don't have the capability and it will drive us insane to our core. I never had any interest in Kanye until Jessica started speaking about him. I appreciate your reports Emilie, because this man is extremely influential in culture.
But his story also reminds me of when Jesus tells the tale about a demon that leaves and comes back with seven more demons. Whether it's MK Ultra, a spiritual reality or just plain human destruction, Kanye's reality is sad and stark.
As a former cast member and crew of his Nebuchadnezzar opera in LA I have a fascinating add to this story — we’re all (all cast/crew/contractors) apart of a class action lawsuit against ye from this production. It’s just makes this conclusion all the more damning. Was I apart of the premonition?
I never want to judge someone's spiritual journey. We know people by their fruits. Whatever he is doing is NOT of the spirit of God and requires prayer even MORE.
Legion is correct. Multiple demonic attachments working through him. Call it mental illness if you want, but there's probably little of his true human self left.
The natural and supernatural are more intertwined than both religious and secular communities want to admit. Either way, what's happening is both blasphemous and heartbreaking.
So true. I'm Catholic and I find that many don't want to acknowledge this fact, I guess for fear of the pagan, supernatural, etc. I can understand that caution, it's best to steer clear of it, but Jesus faced demons in the Bible, he also instituted the Eucharist as a means of transubstantiation. If you're Catholic, you believe in these things, which assume the natural and supernatural are intertwined. I imagine it's in part because of the secular world we find ourselves in, which refuses even to speak of God. As if all that matters is what we can see with our eyes. As I study the practices of my Polish-Catholic ancestors, you can see they understood the link between nature and the supernatural and their lives. Many of their customs were labeled "superstitious" by their children raised in America. I imagine that's what's happened. Even the religious have lost this knowledge. What is that adage, "the best the devil can hope for is that you don't believe he exists."
I'm not Catholic but even in evangelical circles, you see the same hesitancy to admit there are supernatural elements at work- which is ironic considering the miraculous and spiritual things we believe. We don't need to fear it though because if we are genuine in our beliefs, then Christ is King.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist," oddly from the movie The Usual Suspects. I just quoted this to someone today who was posting about an uneasiness he was feeling in all the things going on lately, including Kanye. Evil is alive and moving amongst us.
My ancestors were Polish-Catholic as well, though I am now an evangelical Christian. My great-grandmother came through Ellis Island at 18 years old, completely alone. I don't know why I felt the need to tell you that. 😁
My ancestors are Polish Catholic as well, and my grandmother came through Ellis Island at age 5 with her sisters. Everyone appreciated being here, worked hard, owned homes and raised beautiful families. The American Dream.
I think that like Mel Gibson after making The Passion of the Christ, the devil got to Kayne. I'm so grateful Mel found his way back, but it was pretty awful for a while. He was also on the jew kick. I wonder why that is. There are many denominations to mess with, but Catholics and Jews are the favs. The 2 sides of the same coin in many ways. I am not a fan of Kayne - never have been and I'm almost positive I never will be.
Wow, I hadn't thought about the story of the demons leaving and coming back with more. It makes a lot of sense. I know this is a spiritual issue, and I do believe it could be MK Ultra at the same time. It is very sad. It's sad to watch it all play out in front of us.
Oh yes - how did I not see this connection. You are right on the spot with this. It’s as if he got too close to the sun and tried to become a god and was burned up by insanity. I was one whom was rooting for him for years but yeah - it’s definitely come to an end. I’ll pray for him though, anybody can change I guess…
Same. Been listening to The Exorcist Files podcast lately and there’s a prominent one in NY who is also a psychologist, and expert at discerning between mental illness and satanic influence. That said, another thing I learned from the podcast is that exorcism doesn’t work/hold unless the person is wanting to be saved.
That's a bit too convenient: assuming that if exorcism doesn't work it's definitely the afflicted person's fault, that they dont want to be saved, or didnt try hard enough. Of course that is possible, but there are other possibilities too.
They are also assuming that it can't be that the exorcist failed, did something wrong, or isn't powerful enough. And it can't be that God failed, isn't powerful enough, or doesn't exist. And it can't be that possession and exorcism aren't real. And it can't be that the afflicted person is instead ill; mentally, neurologically, physically, and can't be helped by an exorcism.
Blaming the patient when a treatment is fails is also common with doctors and other medical practitioners. This seems like the same logical fallacy and victim blaming in a different situation.
Personally, I don’t think it’s a person’s own fault if an exorcism doesn’t work, not unless they’re intentionally doing dark things. I still need to research more into this though.
That poor lady in the article. My first thought was maybe she needs a different exorcist? Maybe there is an ongoing spiritual battle going on with her that we can’t see? Maybe she needs better doctors? Maybe she has an undiagnosed medical condition? Or maybe a mixture of a couple things?
But it is the own persons fault if an exorcism doesn’t work. They were a willing participant and allowed the spirit to enter to begin with- people aren’t possessed by chance or accident. And an exorcist merely guides the person to how to rid them of the spirit, he doesn’t do the work himself.
Wow, Emilie, this is an incredible piece. A 30 min read! I imagine how much effort this took to write especially after the 72 hours of madness. You do have a Phd in Mr. West. I wrote on Jessica’s last post, I’m Ye’s age and grew up in Chicago and been a fan since the start. His music is so uniquely Chicago, more than samples and style, it’s a vibe. I grew up on R&b and soul and hip hop and house. I’d sit in school with my girlfriends as they’d belt out soulful gospel tunes and save me from my depressed divorced parent sadness. So, Kanye’s music saved me multiple times throughout my life. Literally, it was the only thing that would get me through. Selah on repeat. I’m heart broken that a man whose art saved so many, can’t save himself or be saved by anyone. I used to think Bianca was an angel but then I saw her pre-kanye IG. She was so hyper sexual. Maybe she re-ignited all those addictions and demons he was running from. The most beautiful era of Ye was Sunday Service- it’s hard to believe this is the same man. Can’t wait to read your story on meeting him and Bianca last year.
That's what I see too. A mentally ill man with too many enablers around him keeping him from getting the help he really needs. See it over and over with fame unfortunately.
“You kicked off your X rant by scolding people for still calling X “Twitter”, comparing it to people refusing to call you Ye—only to call it Twitter all weekend yourself.” ☠️
It’s just super demonic. I don’t think there is anything we can chalk it up to.
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.
2For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
7 means we have so much truth. We are saturated with it. We know everything. Honestly Jordan Peterson is a good example of it. He has so much knowledge but has He confessed Jesus as His Lord and savior? That’s the most important part. When we get to eternity the Bible says many are gonna say “but Lord I did this in your name or I healed people in your name” but Jesus is gonna say I never knew you. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Disobedient to parents isn’t talking about kids trying to survive an abusive parent. It’s talking about a defiant child who won’t obey.
I don't think Jordan Peterson believes in Jesus as having powers or God as existing. I think he just thinks they are useful mythology for human society. He avoids ever confirming what he does believe.
I'm not on tiktok so I'm usually late on pop culture takes, but the naked wife at the Grammys is extremely dark. No husband or significant other would want their wife photographed naked for the whole world to see, let alone with them standing next to her. It's not a stretch at all to say it was to purposefully humiliate her and all women for that matter. His influence saying to all women and to all the men that follow him, "women are nothing more than their naked body."
Kanye, Ye has been fully possessed. At this point whatever clone is operating the artist formally known as Kanye is gone and has been. This is beyond demonic it’s pure evil.
I hear that. I definitely think the mental illness makes them more susceptible to demonic activity. And maybe vice versa. I have been doing a deep dive into micronutrient therapy for my sisters sake. Nutrition and deficiencies play a huge role in mental illness. Depletion that's inherited and also depletion that happens after severe trauma. It's definitely all connected because it always is. Mental. Physical, spiritual. Nothing in isolation.
Oh I love this research so much. I’ve seen “miracles” with children and adults who are actively removing Heavy metals and focusing on microbiome for health. Look 👀 forward to reading anything you find! 🫶🏻
Why would a soul not “possessed” or consumed I some way need antipsychotic? Antipsychotic medications primarily work by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly dopamine and serotonin. Pills numb, they don’t cure or get to the root of the issue.
Because sometimes the neurotransmitters being wrong for some reason, might be the root issue itself. Or a structural problem in the brain that can't be fixed, but can be compensated for.
Not everyone who takes antipsychotics (or mood stabilisers or antidepressants) gets the side effect of emotional blunting. Perhaps those people are lucky.
But it's not accurate to say pills just numb. The right medication in the right person can cure and prevent psychosis, mania and depression. They can't cure them forever unless you keep taking them. And it's not easy to find the right one for a particular person. And there isn't a perfect one with no downsides for every person yet.
And I don't think mania is "just" demonic possession. But I do think they can be intertwined and mentally ill people are more susceptible to it. This is just a thought that I have had based on my real life experiences.
No psychotropic drugs do not CURE. That is absolutely false. Very few people find real relief from these drugs. It's chemical castration. And the whole "chemical imbalance" theory has been proven to be wrong. Something else is happening in the brain. Like inherited deficiencies or deficiencies caused from severe trauma that need to be restored. Our bodies need good fuel to run properly, so do our brains. We are a depleted nation and our people are on more drugs than ever and getting SICKER.
I understand your point. The science we have to go on is really minimal unfortunately, but as far as we can tell there are some people who are helped by the medicine we have. The problem is they might not be being helped in the right way - we don't know - that they sometimes help only temporarily, and that they dont help everyone.
For one thing I suspect at least some bipolar diagnosis' are pharmaceutical induced, not innate illness. There are also some that are induced by drug abuse. But there are also definitely some that are inate and organic that occur spontaneously in people who aren't taking anything at the time.
I think somehow powers that be somewhere drugged him or did some kind of mental brainwashing mkuktra crap on him because he knows too much and a loose cannon.
What we saw was so weird and different. Not the usual Ye outburst. Something is up. Clone? Maybe. MK Ultra? Sure. I think he’s a targeted individual- electronic warfare. Why was he alone for this?
At this point, watching Kanye’s meltdowns is like watching a car crash in slow motion: you know you should look away, but you just can’t. The sheer speed of his self-destruction is almost impressive in a deeply unsettling way. And yet, despite everything, there will still be people defending him like it's their full-time job. Wild times. Kudos Emilie for capturing the madness.
Emilie thank you for your thoughtfulness and dedication to being a witness. Ye is such a complicated figure and you’ve given us all an ability to see more than the headlines. Super appreciate you
This whole thing is just disgusting, Kanye has always been an absolute narcissist but this really takes the cake. Someone needs to hide some mood stabilizers in a piece of cheese and just shove it down his throat, I still think he’s manic as hell right now (takes one to know one) and no one cares as long as he’s making money off of it
I agree with this. Look into micronutrient therapy. The better brain is a book I just read for my dear sisters sake. Bipolar, depression, mania. I have seen what mania looks like and it looks just like this.
He needs to be involuntarily hospitalised, detoxed off whatever he is abusing and self medicating with, and forcibly treated. Unless someone commits a serious crime, you can only do that temporarily. At which point he will relapse. Then it needs to be done again. Repeat until he realises he needs to always stay on his treatment.
People like him - with serious mental illness and substance abuse problems who refuse treatment - who are not rich like him - end up homeless, imprisoned, or dead. He will too, it just often takes longer when you're wealthy.
Both are an example of what happens when severely mentally ill people refuse treatment. And when they also happen to be wealthy enough to be shielded from some of the consequences of that.
The entire time I was reading this article, it reminded me of King Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven insane because he wanted to be God. But humans cannot be God. We don't have the capability and it will drive us insane to our core. I never had any interest in Kanye until Jessica started speaking about him. I appreciate your reports Emilie, because this man is extremely influential in culture.
But his story also reminds me of when Jesus tells the tale about a demon that leaves and comes back with seven more demons. Whether it's MK Ultra, a spiritual reality or just plain human destruction, Kanye's reality is sad and stark.
Wow I need to look into this story! That honestly sounds like what’s happening here…flying too close to the sun
As a former cast member and crew of his Nebuchadnezzar opera in LA I have a fascinating add to this story — we’re all (all cast/crew/contractors) apart of a class action lawsuit against ye from this production. It’s just makes this conclusion all the more damning. Was I apart of the premonition?
Why are you all suing him? Let me guess… he didn’t pay anyone?
Wow this is crazy!
This is would be in Daniel chapter 4 in the Bible.
Also an interesting article to consider the parallels:,Nebuchadnezzar%20suffered%20such%20a%20fate.
So the fact that he did a entire Nebuchadnezzar play shouldn’t be lost on anyone
Wow that's very intriguing! I'll have to look at that.
Yes to both comparisons. He does seem like he may have a legion as well as gone mad. Hard to believe he was actually ever really a Christian.
I never want to judge someone's spiritual journey. We know people by their fruits. Whatever he is doing is NOT of the spirit of God and requires prayer even MORE.
Legion is correct. Multiple demonic attachments working through him. Call it mental illness if you want, but there's probably little of his true human self left.
The natural and supernatural are more intertwined than both religious and secular communities want to admit. Either way, what's happening is both blasphemous and heartbreaking.
So true. I'm Catholic and I find that many don't want to acknowledge this fact, I guess for fear of the pagan, supernatural, etc. I can understand that caution, it's best to steer clear of it, but Jesus faced demons in the Bible, he also instituted the Eucharist as a means of transubstantiation. If you're Catholic, you believe in these things, which assume the natural and supernatural are intertwined. I imagine it's in part because of the secular world we find ourselves in, which refuses even to speak of God. As if all that matters is what we can see with our eyes. As I study the practices of my Polish-Catholic ancestors, you can see they understood the link between nature and the supernatural and their lives. Many of their customs were labeled "superstitious" by their children raised in America. I imagine that's what's happened. Even the religious have lost this knowledge. What is that adage, "the best the devil can hope for is that you don't believe he exists."
I'm not Catholic but even in evangelical circles, you see the same hesitancy to admit there are supernatural elements at work- which is ironic considering the miraculous and spiritual things we believe. We don't need to fear it though because if we are genuine in our beliefs, then Christ is King.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist," oddly from the movie The Usual Suspects. I just quoted this to someone today who was posting about an uneasiness he was feeling in all the things going on lately, including Kanye. Evil is alive and moving amongst us.
My ancestors were Polish-Catholic as well, though I am now an evangelical Christian. My great-grandmother came through Ellis Island at 18 years old, completely alone. I don't know why I felt the need to tell you that. 😁
My ancestors are Polish Catholic as well, and my grandmother came through Ellis Island at age 5 with her sisters. Everyone appreciated being here, worked hard, owned homes and raised beautiful families. The American Dream.
I think that like Mel Gibson after making The Passion of the Christ, the devil got to Kayne. I'm so grateful Mel found his way back, but it was pretty awful for a while. He was also on the jew kick. I wonder why that is. There are many denominations to mess with, but Catholics and Jews are the favs. The 2 sides of the same coin in many ways. I am not a fan of Kayne - never have been and I'm almost positive I never will be.
The Jews are God's chosen people, so it stands to reason the devil would come after them.
That's what they tell everyone especially the christian zionists.
They? I get my knowledge from the Bible. I hope we don't have anti-semites in here.
Many claim to be Christian, there are very few Christ followers.
So true.
Wow, I hadn't thought about the story of the demons leaving and coming back with more. It makes a lot of sense. I know this is a spiritual issue, and I do believe it could be MK Ultra at the same time. It is very sad. It's sad to watch it all play out in front of us.
Perfect analogy!
Oh yes - how did I not see this connection. You are right on the spot with this. It’s as if he got too close to the sun and tried to become a god and was burned up by insanity. I was one whom was rooting for him for years but yeah - it’s definitely come to an end. I’ll pray for him though, anybody can change I guess…
Ye may have dominion over his wife, but someone a little Darker seems to have dominion over him.
Probably the devil
Looks like it, eh? I see you're a photographer. Do you take pics with non-digital cameras?
Both digital and film! 🥳
Am I the only one who truly believes Ye needs an exorcism? 🤷🏼♀️
That’s exactly what I was thinking. It’s like he was getting close to god and then something evil and dark pulled him in.
Same. Been listening to The Exorcist Files podcast lately and there’s a prominent one in NY who is also a psychologist, and expert at discerning between mental illness and satanic influence. That said, another thing I learned from the podcast is that exorcism doesn’t work/hold unless the person is wanting to be saved.
That's a bit too convenient: assuming that if exorcism doesn't work it's definitely the afflicted person's fault, that they dont want to be saved, or didnt try hard enough. Of course that is possible, but there are other possibilities too.
They are also assuming that it can't be that the exorcist failed, did something wrong, or isn't powerful enough. And it can't be that God failed, isn't powerful enough, or doesn't exist. And it can't be that possession and exorcism aren't real. And it can't be that the afflicted person is instead ill; mentally, neurologically, physically, and can't be helped by an exorcism.
Blaming the patient when a treatment is fails is also common with doctors and other medical practitioners. This seems like the same logical fallacy and victim blaming in a different situation.
Personally, I don’t think it’s a person’s own fault if an exorcism doesn’t work, not unless they’re intentionally doing dark things. I still need to research more into this though.
That poor lady in the article. My first thought was maybe she needs a different exorcist? Maybe there is an ongoing spiritual battle going on with her that we can’t see? Maybe she needs better doctors? Maybe she has an undiagnosed medical condition? Or maybe a mixture of a couple things?
Maybe. Could be any of those possibilities.
Another possibility could be a medical condition that is new to medicine and hasnt been discovered yet?
I haven't been able to find any more recent updates. Whatever it is I hope she can find relief and peace.
But it is the own persons fault if an exorcism doesn’t work. They were a willing participant and allowed the spirit to enter to begin with- people aren’t possessed by chance or accident. And an exorcist merely guides the person to how to rid them of the spirit, he doesn’t do the work himself.
This poor lady seems desperate to be saved, and has had multiple exorcisms, but they have only helped her for a short period:
Interesting, thanks! I’ll have to check that podcast out.
I agree, a strong exorcist is needed.
No, it's entirely possible you're correct.
Wow, Emilie, this is an incredible piece. A 30 min read! I imagine how much effort this took to write especially after the 72 hours of madness. You do have a Phd in Mr. West. I wrote on Jessica’s last post, I’m Ye’s age and grew up in Chicago and been a fan since the start. His music is so uniquely Chicago, more than samples and style, it’s a vibe. I grew up on R&b and soul and hip hop and house. I’d sit in school with my girlfriends as they’d belt out soulful gospel tunes and save me from my depressed divorced parent sadness. So, Kanye’s music saved me multiple times throughout my life. Literally, it was the only thing that would get me through. Selah on repeat. I’m heart broken that a man whose art saved so many, can’t save himself or be saved by anyone. I used to think Bianca was an angel but then I saw her pre-kanye IG. She was so hyper sexual. Maybe she re-ignited all those addictions and demons he was running from. The most beautiful era of Ye was Sunday Service- it’s hard to believe this is the same man. Can’t wait to read your story on meeting him and Bianca last year.
It’s hard to read what feels like a mentally ill man’s descent into death. Heartbreaking, no matter who he is.
That's what I see too. A mentally ill man with too many enablers around him keeping him from getting the help he really needs. See it over and over with fame unfortunately.
“You kicked off your X rant by scolding people for still calling X “Twitter”, comparing it to people refusing to call you Ye—only to call it Twitter all weekend yourself.” ☠️
I miss the religious kanye
It’s just super demonic. I don’t think there is anything we can chalk it up to.
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.
2For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:2-7
What do you think 7 means?
Also in 2, what if someone's parents are abusive etc?
7 means we have so much truth. We are saturated with it. We know everything. Honestly Jordan Peterson is a good example of it. He has so much knowledge but has He confessed Jesus as His Lord and savior? That’s the most important part. When we get to eternity the Bible says many are gonna say “but Lord I did this in your name or I healed people in your name” but Jesus is gonna say I never knew you. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Disobedient to parents isn’t talking about kids trying to survive an abusive parent. It’s talking about a defiant child who won’t obey.
I don't think Jordan Peterson believes in Jesus as having powers or God as existing. I think he just thinks they are useful mythology for human society. He avoids ever confirming what he does believe.
Right. He has so much knowledge but never arrives at the truth.
I'm not on tiktok so I'm usually late on pop culture takes, but the naked wife at the Grammys is extremely dark. No husband or significant other would want their wife photographed naked for the whole world to see, let alone with them standing next to her. It's not a stretch at all to say it was to purposefully humiliate her and all women for that matter. His influence saying to all women and to all the men that follow him, "women are nothing more than their naked body."
Kanye, Ye has been fully possessed. At this point whatever clone is operating the artist formally known as Kanye is gone and has been. This is beyond demonic it’s pure evil.
I agree I think it's a mix of demons and mania. Possession+mental illness.
I mean to me it’s the same in code.👩🏻💻
I hear that. I definitely think the mental illness makes them more susceptible to demonic activity. And maybe vice versa. I have been doing a deep dive into micronutrient therapy for my sisters sake. Nutrition and deficiencies play a huge role in mental illness. Depletion that's inherited and also depletion that happens after severe trauma. It's definitely all connected because it always is. Mental. Physical, spiritual. Nothing in isolation.
Oh I love this research so much. I’ve seen “miracles” with children and adults who are actively removing Heavy metals and focusing on microbiome for health. Look 👀 forward to reading anything you find! 🫶🏻
I second the heavy metal detox. Cleaning up our environment and removing pesticides from our food will do wonders
If mania is just demonic possession, then how do anitpsychotics and mood stabilisers at least sometimes work? They are just chemicals.
Why would a soul not “possessed” or consumed I some way need antipsychotic? Antipsychotic medications primarily work by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly dopamine and serotonin. Pills numb, they don’t cure or get to the root of the issue.
Because sometimes the neurotransmitters being wrong for some reason, might be the root issue itself. Or a structural problem in the brain that can't be fixed, but can be compensated for.
Not everyone who takes antipsychotics (or mood stabilisers or antidepressants) gets the side effect of emotional blunting. Perhaps those people are lucky.
But it's not accurate to say pills just numb. The right medication in the right person can cure and prevent psychosis, mania and depression. They can't cure them forever unless you keep taking them. And it's not easy to find the right one for a particular person. And there isn't a perfect one with no downsides for every person yet.
And I don't think mania is "just" demonic possession. But I do think they can be intertwined and mentally ill people are more susceptible to it. This is just a thought that I have had based on my real life experiences.
No psychotropic drugs do not CURE. That is absolutely false. Very few people find real relief from these drugs. It's chemical castration. And the whole "chemical imbalance" theory has been proven to be wrong. Something else is happening in the brain. Like inherited deficiencies or deficiencies caused from severe trauma that need to be restored. Our bodies need good fuel to run properly, so do our brains. We are a depleted nation and our people are on more drugs than ever and getting SICKER.
Have you heard of Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring? I don't know if he is safe but he looks like he might be what you and your sister are looking for?
I understand your point. The science we have to go on is really minimal unfortunately, but as far as we can tell there are some people who are helped by the medicine we have. The problem is they might not be being helped in the right way - we don't know - that they sometimes help only temporarily, and that they dont help everyone.
For one thing I suspect at least some bipolar diagnosis' are pharmaceutical induced, not innate illness. There are also some that are induced by drug abuse. But there are also definitely some that are inate and organic that occur spontaneously in people who aren't taking anything at the time.
There's a price to pay for fame.
I think somehow powers that be somewhere drugged him or did some kind of mental brainwashing mkuktra crap on him because he knows too much and a loose cannon.
Do you think that they would have brainwashed him to forget things? Bc I’m confused why he is not naming names anymore
What we saw was so weird and different. Not the usual Ye outburst. Something is up. Clone? Maybe. MK Ultra? Sure. I think he’s a targeted individual- electronic warfare. Why was he alone for this?
At this point, watching Kanye’s meltdowns is like watching a car crash in slow motion: you know you should look away, but you just can’t. The sheer speed of his self-destruction is almost impressive in a deeply unsettling way. And yet, despite everything, there will still be people defending him like it's their full-time job. Wild times. Kudos Emilie for capturing the madness.
Emilie thank you for your thoughtfulness and dedication to being a witness. Ye is such a complicated figure and you’ve given us all an ability to see more than the headlines. Super appreciate you
This whole thing is just disgusting, Kanye has always been an absolute narcissist but this really takes the cake. Someone needs to hide some mood stabilizers in a piece of cheese and just shove it down his throat, I still think he’s manic as hell right now (takes one to know one) and no one cares as long as he’s making money off of it
I agree with this. Look into micronutrient therapy. The better brain is a book I just read for my dear sisters sake. Bipolar, depression, mania. I have seen what mania looks like and it looks just like this.
He needs to be involuntarily hospitalised, detoxed off whatever he is abusing and self medicating with, and forcibly treated. Unless someone commits a serious crime, you can only do that temporarily. At which point he will relapse. Then it needs to be done again. Repeat until he realises he needs to always stay on his treatment.
People like him - with serious mental illness and substance abuse problems who refuse treatment - who are not rich like him - end up homeless, imprisoned, or dead. He will too, it just often takes longer when you're wealthy.
Also podcast "the upside of bipolar"
What if… it’s not him? I still like to believe Britney Spears isn’t in charge of her Instagram 🥹
Both are an example of what happens when severely mentally ill people refuse treatment. And when they also happen to be wealthy enough to be shielded from some of the consequences of that.
They are both products of MK Ultra mind control programming.
Why do you think that?
Look it up and learn.
Sick to death of time wasted on celebrities.