In my rush to capture the close of the campaign trail—compressing favorite chapters into these last 12 days, including two that will take us inside the homes of Trump and Kennedy—I feel it's mandatory to revisit the moment that set everything in motion: RFK at the wheel in Brentwood, three dogs and a film guy sliding around in the back.
What an incredible journey you and your family have experienced. You’ve been at the forefront of an astonishing election and have made a significant impact.
Congratulations on your remarkable success! By the way, I absolutely loved the invite footage—Bobby's casual demeanor was surprising, especially given his status.
This. This right here is why RFK Jr had my vote. His willingness to be curious and non-judgmental. Imagine how many doors one could open using that as your foundation. He allowed you in, wary at first, but still leading with curiosity. What a lesson for all of us! I’m not sure any other politician would be willing to act the same. But by living that way he’s established trust. In his work. His politics. And sharing his view of the world. I’m glad you followed through Jessica. You’ve given the world the gift we didn’t have access to before! Honesty.
I really really wanted to go the the ballot box and check RFK Jr but I’m in one of the few counties in one of the swing states where my vote counts and he’s not on the ballot. I’ve never felt such a sense of responsibility voting. I really took the time to think it through. I’m very weary of politics and think both sides are controlled. I want a candidate who is truly anti-war and it seems like that’s not available to us. We have so many problems here, our tax dollars shouldn’t be going to other countries. Your coverage and others have warmed me up to Trump but I still have concerns. In the end, though I’m skeptical of all politicians I want to believe RFK will tackle chronic illness, something near and dear to my heart. All the FDA and CDC corruption I learned about when I went to college in 2000 for health science. I’ve been preaching about big pharma and corruption for so long with people thinking I’m nuts and finally people are waking up and I Bobby has been such a catalyst for that. So, I took a chance, I voted for Trump. I pray to god, we aren’t let down.
You and me both...I wary a guess many of Jess's readers are like us. I've been a member of Children's Health Defense since its inception. I wanted him as our president. And I too, never thought I'd vote Trump. But here we are. Glad to know I am not alone...kat in texas
President Trump is very anti-war. That’s one I truly believe he will resolve early on. I also have strongly believed he will not be so weak this time around. They aren’t going to hold him back from unraveling the evil of the left.
Agree! Knowing that, I am worried about his welfare. They are going to keep attacking him from every point-and us. We need to encourage each other and stick together. It’s going to be a wild ride!
The comments about Iran concern me as well as sending money for weapons for Israel. Not only is foreign spending unfair for American citizens, wars are horrible for the health of people and the planet. I don’t want my tax dollars going to it. I do know there were no new wars under Trump previously but these two issues make me skeptical. But I’m praying this is all talk and there will be no action.
You’ve tapped in to what so many people crave, which is authenticity. So many of us have grown so tired of the scripted, manufactured propaganda that has been spoon-fed to us for so long. Cut the BS, stop lying to us. We just want REAL.
The fact that you’ve been welcomed the way you have been, first with RFK Jr, and now the Trump camp, is one sign (in my opinion) that there are genuinely good, real people behind these famous names. They’re not hiding from you because of what you might reveal about them; quite the opposite.
You’ve shown us that they’re all actually worth getting to know, and that they’re definitely not who the media has told us they were. And you’ve done it in such a beautiful way, with quick wit and a healthy dose of sass when needed. It has truly been a JOY (yeah, I stole their word) to tag along with you on the inside throughout all of this. I really appreciate all the work you’ve done, and I hope you get so many pairs of loafers. Real ones.
As a Canadian following Bobby’s journey since he declared his candidacy, I am so inspired by his courage of conviction and really encouraged by the drawing into the party of other brave voices.
And thank you for your Herculean energy in following this story!
I loooove when your articles pop up in my email! Best part of my day!
When this is all over I’d love a Jess centered article! When I read I think, “how did she DO this?!” and want to know it all…best travel tips/products? Did you live in a capsule wardrobe? When did you have time to get your hair done? How did you balance campaign and mom life? Top hotel review? The best fake eyelashes for Flotillas?! ❤️
Hooked on your style of ‘educated edginess’. Your ‘facts with flair’ will reform reporting on the truly important issues that need to be addressed, investigated & digested. But so much of our society has a ‘Swifty’ attention span…you will change that. This is where you will be crucial in the coming administration. Stellar style. 🖋️ Bravo.
I have enjoyed your insights and writing so much this political season. You have really opened my eyes and helped shift my perspective, and shown me how biased I was. I’m not the same voter I was 4 years ago, and I’m so grateful for your work because it really woke me up to what has been going on. Loved getting to see the unedited view. Thanks so much for all you do!
My feeling watching this was that your quiet approach (you called it awkward) was the magic moment. You didn’t bounce around in the front seat, your energy matched his and think that was the moment he trusted you! It was kind of magical. Fantastic story and one of the many reasons I have been a voracious reader since I discovered your work! Thank you for sharing and taking us all along with you!
The gritty and “the view from inside my head” way you bring these stories to life IS the story! The stories of the authentic self and the ability to connect with each other. I really never knew about RFKjr and his story - his passions, his perspective and opinions on things - but I love him now. I love that being a “conservative” now means something more than “stale, old and out-of-touch”. I love it that there is such a mix of everyone now and the fact that there ARE differing views and matters of importance BUT we can actually sit down and have productive conversations and try to figure out solutions TOGETHER…and at the end of the day we share the same foundational visions: MAGA. MAHA. Be GOOD. Do GOOD. Wealth is GOOD. Helping others who need a hand and even perhaps continuous support IS…GOOD. The people floating around in this circle seem to BE GOOD people. Not perfect, not always polished, not always right….but the endeavour to DO GOOD and make a true difference in the lives of others is to me, very apparent and very welcomed. You too Jessica, are a vital part of this “shift” and I hope that you continue to show up as the window into which we all deserve to look through and see how those in our service are working FOR us. ~Yaél in Ohio: Life Coach, Special Needs Mom, Homeschooling mom of 30 years, Retired Militay (ex)Spouse of 100% Disabled Veteran, Human 🙏
It seems so inadequate just to push the like button. I’m a 76 year old Canadian and JFK and RFK were our heroes. We knew nothing about what went on behind the scenes. Jessica’s writings are like being in a Time Machine experiencing precious moments. Hard to put my emotions into words but I love every second and word of these postings.
When he said “you can probably stay at my compound” it sounded like me offering a place to my best friend to stay, but I need to just check and make sure the schedule is clear. Such a cool, real, kind dude.
Thank you so much for taking us along on this wild ride! It has been such a roller coaster of emotions and events, you have done a phenomenal job! I am so excited for whats next!!
Love the unedited view. When I read what you write, I see the unedited version in my head. Thank you for sharing.
What an incredible journey you and your family have experienced. You’ve been at the forefront of an astonishing election and have made a significant impact.
Congratulations on your remarkable success! By the way, I absolutely loved the invite footage—Bobby's casual demeanor was surprising, especially given his status.
Thank you so much!
This. This right here is why RFK Jr had my vote. His willingness to be curious and non-judgmental. Imagine how many doors one could open using that as your foundation. He allowed you in, wary at first, but still leading with curiosity. What a lesson for all of us! I’m not sure any other politician would be willing to act the same. But by living that way he’s established trust. In his work. His politics. And sharing his view of the world. I’m glad you followed through Jessica. You’ve given the world the gift we didn’t have access to before! Honesty.
I really really wanted to go the the ballot box and check RFK Jr but I’m in one of the few counties in one of the swing states where my vote counts and he’s not on the ballot. I’ve never felt such a sense of responsibility voting. I really took the time to think it through. I’m very weary of politics and think both sides are controlled. I want a candidate who is truly anti-war and it seems like that’s not available to us. We have so many problems here, our tax dollars shouldn’t be going to other countries. Your coverage and others have warmed me up to Trump but I still have concerns. In the end, though I’m skeptical of all politicians I want to believe RFK will tackle chronic illness, something near and dear to my heart. All the FDA and CDC corruption I learned about when I went to college in 2000 for health science. I’ve been preaching about big pharma and corruption for so long with people thinking I’m nuts and finally people are waking up and I Bobby has been such a catalyst for that. So, I took a chance, I voted for Trump. I pray to god, we aren’t let down.
You and me both...I wary a guess many of Jess's readers are like us. I've been a member of Children's Health Defense since its inception. I wanted him as our president. And I too, never thought I'd vote Trump. But here we are. Glad to know I am not alone...kat in texas
President Trump is very anti-war. That’s one I truly believe he will resolve early on. I also have strongly believed he will not be so weak this time around. They aren’t going to hold him back from unraveling the evil of the left.
Agree! Knowing that, I am worried about his welfare. They are going to keep attacking him from every point-and us. We need to encourage each other and stick together. It’s going to be a wild ride!
Agree!! I do think they will try to unalive him again. He’s going to reveal the evils of Hollywood/DC. But it will come at a cost.
It’s telling the friends of Diddy are all coming out for Karmala. They know they’re done when he wins.
The comments about Iran concern me as well as sending money for weapons for Israel. Not only is foreign spending unfair for American citizens, wars are horrible for the health of people and the planet. I don’t want my tax dollars going to it. I do know there were no new wars under Trump previously but these two issues make me skeptical. But I’m praying this is all talk and there will be no action.
You’ve tapped in to what so many people crave, which is authenticity. So many of us have grown so tired of the scripted, manufactured propaganda that has been spoon-fed to us for so long. Cut the BS, stop lying to us. We just want REAL.
The fact that you’ve been welcomed the way you have been, first with RFK Jr, and now the Trump camp, is one sign (in my opinion) that there are genuinely good, real people behind these famous names. They’re not hiding from you because of what you might reveal about them; quite the opposite.
You’ve shown us that they’re all actually worth getting to know, and that they’re definitely not who the media has told us they were. And you’ve done it in such a beautiful way, with quick wit and a healthy dose of sass when needed. It has truly been a JOY (yeah, I stole their word) to tag along with you on the inside throughout all of this. I really appreciate all the work you’ve done, and I hope you get so many pairs of loafers. Real ones.
Jessica, what a marvellous, candid vignette!
As a Canadian following Bobby’s journey since he declared his candidacy, I am so inspired by his courage of conviction and really encouraged by the drawing into the party of other brave voices.
And thank you for your Herculean energy in following this story!
I loooove when your articles pop up in my email! Best part of my day!
When this is all over I’d love a Jess centered article! When I read I think, “how did she DO this?!” and want to know it all…best travel tips/products? Did you live in a capsule wardrobe? When did you have time to get your hair done? How did you balance campaign and mom life? Top hotel review? The best fake eyelashes for Flotillas?! ❤️
Hooked on your style of ‘educated edginess’. Your ‘facts with flair’ will reform reporting on the truly important issues that need to be addressed, investigated & digested. But so much of our society has a ‘Swifty’ attention span…you will change that. This is where you will be crucial in the coming administration. Stellar style. 🖋️ Bravo.
I have enjoyed your insights and writing so much this political season. You have really opened my eyes and helped shift my perspective, and shown me how biased I was. I’m not the same voter I was 4 years ago, and I’m so grateful for your work because it really woke me up to what has been going on. Loved getting to see the unedited view. Thanks so much for all you do!
My feeling watching this was that your quiet approach (you called it awkward) was the magic moment. You didn’t bounce around in the front seat, your energy matched his and think that was the moment he trusted you! It was kind of magical. Fantastic story and one of the many reasons I have been a voracious reader since I discovered your work! Thank you for sharing and taking us all along with you!
I just love the fact that he doesn't wear a seatbelt and he drives an old jalopy. Never connected with someone more 🤣
Thanks for giving us an unfiltered insight!
The gritty and “the view from inside my head” way you bring these stories to life IS the story! The stories of the authentic self and the ability to connect with each other. I really never knew about RFKjr and his story - his passions, his perspective and opinions on things - but I love him now. I love that being a “conservative” now means something more than “stale, old and out-of-touch”. I love it that there is such a mix of everyone now and the fact that there ARE differing views and matters of importance BUT we can actually sit down and have productive conversations and try to figure out solutions TOGETHER…and at the end of the day we share the same foundational visions: MAGA. MAHA. Be GOOD. Do GOOD. Wealth is GOOD. Helping others who need a hand and even perhaps continuous support IS…GOOD. The people floating around in this circle seem to BE GOOD people. Not perfect, not always polished, not always right….but the endeavour to DO GOOD and make a true difference in the lives of others is to me, very apparent and very welcomed. You too Jessica, are a vital part of this “shift” and I hope that you continue to show up as the window into which we all deserve to look through and see how those in our service are working FOR us. ~Yaél in Ohio: Life Coach, Special Needs Mom, Homeschooling mom of 30 years, Retired Militay (ex)Spouse of 100% Disabled Veteran, Human 🙏
It seems so inadequate just to push the like button. I’m a 76 year old Canadian and JFK and RFK were our heroes. We knew nothing about what went on behind the scenes. Jessica’s writings are like being in a Time Machine experiencing precious moments. Hard to put my emotions into words but I love every second and word of these postings.
When he said “you can probably stay at my compound” it sounded like me offering a place to my best friend to stay, but I need to just check and make sure the schedule is clear. Such a cool, real, kind dude.
Thank you so much for taking us along on this wild ride! It has been such a roller coaster of emotions and events, you have done a phenomenal job! I am so excited for whats next!!
I love this journey you are on!! Full circle and I’m here for it!! What an amazing experience!