I'd be disappointed if you didn't overshare. Keep up the great writing et al.

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Haha! Thank you Joyce. X

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Please overshare!!!

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RemovedJul 30
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putting a link on here without a reference to what it is about will not get me to click on it... just saying. If it is important, then reference it. Thank you.

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Me too!!

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Please stay away from the psychics. It dangerous and forbidden in Scripture. I say this as one who prays for you. 😘

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I keep hearing this but Why do they embrace prophets but not psychics?

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The difference is in what spirits you are listening to. Prophets hear from God’s Holy Spirit. Psychics hear from spirits too, but not from those God ordained. Psychics are often not wrong - they are just not all knowing. Only God is. Throughout the Bible we are told not to entertain spirits that are not from God,

which is why Christians will bridle at the mention of consulting a psychic.

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But if you approach them as such - as not all knowing, I'm wondering what the real harm is.

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I believe the harm is in taking what is said as absolute truth. There can definitely be truth found in what is said through a psychic reading; however, I believe ultimate truth is found in Christ alone and through His spirit revealing what He has for me/my life. I pray for wisdom for you on your journey as you take so many brave steps to keep us all informed as to what is really going on in this world.

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I love this exchange between you and Jessica. I am a Christian and have friends who have said the same about psychics but I have just thought of it as harmless fun. Your explanations make sense.

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It all comes down to 1 John 4 for me and how it says we should “test” spirits to see if they are from God. We are all bombarded every day with lies and truth and I choose to filter everything through that lens.

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I'm gonna jump in here, please forgive me...

We are told in Scripture not to seek divination of the future, it is not ours to know.

Plus, the identity of spirits is unknown-- demons lie about who they are, so one could be inviting trouble into ones' very own being.

We are to only pray and seek counsel with God, not angels, only God. (Even Jesus told us to pray to the Father)

Just because they (spirits) can tell you something "that no one else would know" does not mean they are on your side. They know that they are not supposed to be communicating with you and that you shouldn't be communicating with them. They tickle you. Oppression is very real-- i speculate it is tied to mental illnesses, particularly violent conditions.

I know it's intriguing. It's just not for us to communicate beyond the veil, because "it IS written" very specifically, not to.

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You nailed it, thank you for clarifying it so well from the biblical perspective!

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Totally agree with the mental health aspect!

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Barbara, you nailed it. The first commandment is “have NO other gods before ME.” If a person makes you believe they know your life and your future it would be very easy to begin to seek them instead of God. Many are very good at predicting because they follow you intensely and form a “sense” of knowing your predictability on subjects. The fact that this lady chose to name angels for Hayes made me laugh because she knew if she illuminated Hayes you’d be hooked. Those of us who follow you adore Hayes too because we don’t really know as much about your other boys. If she did due diligence she probably studied your friends too so was able to include things about them. Before you deem her a real Messanger here is the watermark..a prophet will ALWAYS point you to Christ and never take glory, accolades, recognition or money to tell you something God wants you to know. The Holy Spirit is the only true messenger today and will drop into you all you need to know about the future IF you need to know it. God wants us to trust Him with that. That’s why the Bible directly, without question, warns us to stay away from divinations. In 50 plus years of being Christian I have learned that is the only way to survive life and all its happiness and sadness is to believe it’s ALL in His hands. There are many so called prophets today that I don’t take too seriously. The prophets of old HATED being called to prophecy to people. They wailed to God and cried and fasted unto weakness to make sure the message was from God and even tried to run from Him to not do deliver the gloom and doom messages! Also, prophecy always comes true! Most time years later!

There are two prophets I felt were real in all these years, both passed. I first heard Kim Clements after he passed in 2016 concerning America. He had a unique way of delivery that put me off at first but his message, especially about America, has proved true.

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I’m wondering this also. Christians I know have berated me for connecting with psychics. I have my entire life since I had my first reading at 16 (I’m 53).

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The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy chapter 2 that “opponents must be gently instructed”. So although the delivery was harsh and that’s not the best way to go about trying to help someone, I guess they must care about you.

Lots of gentle commenters here in this discussion so good job y’all 😆 Very interesting to hear different perspectives.

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I've found that the spirits that psychics contact will be right about 95% of the time, so the readings seem trustworthy. The 5% that is wrong is enough to get you off course and cause hurt and pain in the end.

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Misti, I am the daughter of an evangelist I was born with and spoken w ‘the gift of prophecy’ in my daddy’s tent meetings and I have given messages as a ‘seer’in my office. I assure you both are accurate and there is literally zero difference in the delivery or the message and or the accuracy

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Now I want to know more!

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I was born with ‘the gift of sight’ (church speak) my daddy was a revival tent meeting evangelist

I prophesied in his services from the age of 5 on and off

Hitting my Saturn return was an awakening. I opened my first office and started doing private sessions which I still do to this day by referral only.

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Does this mean that you are charging people money for a personal message from the spirit?

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My father was an evangelist for 50 years and I have heard spirits manifest in meetings and they are not the same. We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

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I was married to a minister for almost 20 years and had the same revelation..they are NOT the same!

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Does the same go for mediums like laura lynn jackson and tyler henry?

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Prophets spoke to God for the people and then spoke to the people for God. It was a tremendous responsibility and the test of a true prophet was that he could not err. If his words did not come true he was a false prophet and it was a capital crime.

9 "When you come into the land that the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations.

10 There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer

11 or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead,

12 for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD. And because of these abominations the LORD your God is driving them out before you.

13 You shall be blameless before the LORD your God,

14 for these nations, which you are about to dispossess, listen to fortune-tellers and to diviners. But as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you to do this. (Deuteronomy 18:9, ESV)

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I understand this better thanks to the explanation. For a Christian, I see why there is warning. As a writer though, I think it can add an intriguing layer during such strange times.

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It ensnares people and blinds them to the real truth. Praying!!!

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Thank you, Carmen.

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I agree with your thank you, whatever thats worth. What I find fascinating is how you engender real and honest discussions on your “page.” People feel comfortable to feel some form of vulnerability. The sign of a safe spot. I personally appreciate both sides of the discussion for very obvious reasons. Thank you for creating this safe spot for discourse that matters. Breath of fresh air!

By the way, do you subscribe to Ground News?

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What does the KJV say?

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It is very much the same with albeit more archaic language.

9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

10 There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, [or] that useth divination, [or] an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,

11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

12 For all that do these things [are] an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

13 Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God.

14 For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so [to do]. (Deuteronomy 18:9, KJV)

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Thank you so much!!! 🥰

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All throughout the Bible God forbids the use of mediums and any sort of thing. Not because they aren’t telling the true things but because they do. The difference is the spirit. The spirit isn’t from God but they get their actual words from demonic realms even if they don’t believe that. There is only one true and right spirit and that’s the Holy Spirit. When the plagues in Egypt were happening the mediums were able to do most of the same plagues up until a certain point but then they said oh we can’t do the other ones this must be the hand of God.

Basically you’re opening yourself up to very dark things even if it doesn’t seem that way. You would be a force to be reckoned with if you came to know Crestor God. They mock God in culture because they know He is all truth. Allah is not God, Buddha isn’t God so they don’t have to worry about that. It says in the Bible Christian’s will be hated and persecuted. So what they are doing is prophetic in itself.

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I always notice a psychic will almost always know your past but rarely be right about the future. They might guess something right for the same reasons and good Sherlock Holmes detective might makes deductions but only God knows the future. All spirits only know the past - not the future.

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I’m very curious what the psychic said! Do tell!

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Jesus came to be our prophet, priest, and king. There are no modern day prophets. There were prophets before Jesus who heard directly from God. Psychics do not hear from God. Throughout the holy Scriptures God warns to stay away from the evil of the necromancers and so on (others have commented and given specific passages). Therefore, as Christians, we avoid that. I commend the original poster for being brave to warn about them and to say she’s praying for you! I too am praying for you. I’m thankful you’ve given a voice to conservatives. We’ve been silenced for so long. ♥️

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I used to be a psychic skeptic, but after having some wild experiences with tarot card readings, I am intrigued. I was raised Mormon and my whole belief structure was founded on being told what to believe by people in positions of power. I broke free from that 10 years ago and have been open minded to more since. I’m excited to hear more about your experience.

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That's how I am - open minded and curious enough. Not entirely sold just yet.

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Curiosity is not a Crime!!

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But it can be dangerous.

Ask the cat!

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Well scripture does say to test the spirits. The key point is to be so united with God through the power of his Spirit that you would be able to tell the difference.

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In other words, pray for discernment!

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Thank you for capturing the Cape—where I live—so beautifully. Was so incredibly happy that you were here! And P.S. - Thanks for the behind-the-scenes look at the Kennedy compound. It is inaccessible to us commoners 😀 and I have always wanted to see!

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Jul 29Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

More about the psychic!! What was her thoughts on the election?!

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I will try to get that post live this week

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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Like the soundtrack of the first part of the video. It gives it a silent movie vibe! This was a great overshare. Did you find the lobster and clams appetizing?

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I love Denise trying to bodysurf even the smallest wave! CA girls all the way!

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To be honest, I rarely click on the videos in any posts, but I did click on your last video post and heard you say, "I was super liberal." I was too. There are a lot of us waking up to the fact that being super either way is living in an echo chamber and that's narrow-minded. Looking forward to your post about symbolism in the Olympics! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Just my opinion, the links and videos Jessica adds are always worth it and complete the story she’s telling.

I think the symbolism part might come from Isaac Weishaupt. We’ll see...

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I agree it's just there are only so many hours in the day!

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“Trump has bloodlines with Jesus”

What does this mean?

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I’ll explain when I get there 😆

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Can’t wait for this one!

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Okay🫣 scares me a little. Hoping it’s a good thing🥺

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I thoroughly enjoy all of your coverage and articles. But girl! We been waiting on that Lynne Spears! Did the C-ship get you too and not let you talk or write about it?

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No. It turned into a very strange story that is very hard to tell. And, explain. I'll give that one time. It could be a short novel. But no one silenced me if that's what you're wondering

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Seems like it's going to be a sad story . . .

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Can’t wait to hear more about the psychic. I’ve been watching all the astrologer predictions on YouTube. Many say Trumps chart looks like he will win but something will happen and we won’t know right away. They say RFKs chart doesn’t look like he’ll win. And then I’ve seen some that say KH chart looks great but more astrologers say she won’t be the nominee. So basically, no one knows. lol.

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Wonderful article! Keep the stories coming. I am on pins and needles to hear them! Thank you.

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What’s the “grim election forecasts” ?😬

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I haven’t been to the Cape since my 20s, I miss it. There’s nothing quite like the feel of Cape Cod for me. Being there always felt…historical.

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I wish I had seen you these few days you were here!! Come back soon! You have to check out Hammersmith Farm next time😉

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I was trying to see the H Farm. We will def be back!

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Is Sean Spicer working with RFK now? How did I miss this?????

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