My two cents halfway through a psych masters and many friends with similar experiences…
It has been hard to watch Melissa. I saw you thought people were being mean about mental health and that is not my intention here, but I genuinely implore you to look into getting an assessment if you haven’t already. I think you had a genuine manic (or at least severely hypo-manic) episode and you’re covering it up as a savvy PR stunt. And it’s just not adding up bc 1+1 does not equal 12 divided by 7 plus 4 - which is what your explanations feel like.
You said yourself you have done these “stunts” before apparently and had to “clean those up” and you mentioned your husband hates when you do these. Take his advice. I’ve never seen a PR stunt that had to be so over explained - when you have to find dresses Kimberly wears and highlight the synthetic fabric that supposedly makes her stinky and apologize again - and keep explaining and apologizing - it is not a PR stunt.
You seem like a kind, bright person but chemical imbalances can totally cloud someone’s thoughts and behavior. I am not a licensed therapist but have done enough work towards it and know from people in my world. Take it with a grain of salt - best of luck.
This just in: Gen.Z infant formulates ridiculous opinion. BTW, I worry about your hair, Link. It’s not good to bleach like that so young. You will end up bald later and while I think you are ADORABLE, I’m not sure you have the bone structure for that. Proceed with caution!
A: Politics is a brutal and unforgiving game, and I let myself get caught up in its worst side. I regret it deeply. The truth is, I lashed out at Alina because I saw her as competition for the press secretary role, a position I cared so deeply about that it clouded my better judgment. I let ambition and emotion drive me to say things that were cruel and completely uncalled for. I hurt people who didn’t deserve it, and I am profoundly sorry.
I’ve had the privilege of meeting both Alina and Kimberly in the past, and they were nothing but kind and gracious to me. Looking back, it pains me to think that I betrayed that kindness with thoughtless, hurtful comments. They deserved better from me. My actions were immature and misguided, and I let my desperation for attention lead me down a path I am not proud of.
This experience has been a hard but necessary lesson. I realize now that my reality-show-style approach might have gotten me noticed, but it wasn’t the kind of attention I wanted, nor the kind I could be proud of. If I had stayed true to myself and focused on my strengths rather than tearing others down, I believe the outcome would have been different.
The reality show approach got me noticed, but at times it wasn’t the type of attention I wanted. The personal attacks proved to be a truly unnecessary element to the campaign that did not bring anything positive. I think there is a lesson to be learned here, that can actually be best observed by Kamala Harris’ failed Presidential campaign:
Trashing your opposition does not make you a better candidate, it just makes you unlikable. Fortunately for me, I am capable of reflecting on my actions, recognizing the mistakes that were made and course correcting with a sincere apology and a commitment to the Trump team and the American public not to conduct myself in that way ever again.
I am in the process of reaching out directly to both Alina and Kimberly with heartfelt apologies. I don’t expect forgiveness right away, but I hope, with time and effort, I can show them that I am truly sorry. I want to repair those relationships and prove through my actions that I regret what I did.
We are all on the same team, fighting for the same vision of America, and I let that get lost in the noise. I should have supported and lifted them up instead of tearing them down. The hardest words to say are, “I was wrong,” but I need to say them now: I was wrong, and I am deeply sorry. I will do everything in my power to earn back their trust and show that I am better than the person I was in that moment. This has been a humbling experience, and I am determined to grow from it.
You spelled it “Karolyn” multiple times in this piece. I wish you well! A “PR guru” who could only get booked on OANN?? A “PR stunt” is supposed to generate PR.. that’s kind of the point, no?
Spelling errors from someone working in PR IS a slight and quite frankly, intern or entry level amateur behavior. It’s almost as embarrassing as your online breakdowns over the press secretary position was. Ooof.
lol when she did the “big reveal” her posts had so many spelling errors!! That’s what made me believe it wasn’t planned. That was just the cover up / damage control of “it was all a joke” - how can you do your big reveal that you’ve been planning and have it so sloppy?
Not gonna lie. I read the first couple paragraphs then skimmed the rest of her War and Peace-esq interview. No thanks. Huge difference between self-confidence and arrogance. I find her highly arrogant. She's no one I would want to hire to represent me. Only President Trump can rock self-aggrandizing on that scale. I have massive respect for you sharing your platform but not interested in anything she has to say.
I was just thinking that you remind me of one of the girls in high school who claimed to be bullied because we were all jealous of you! No we just didnt like you because of your character.... NEWSFLASH its not always about what someone "looks like"! But I can see that is all you care about.
Trust me, I wasn’t bullied in high school. It sounds like some painful memories are coming up for you though. Maybe deal with those before attempting to insult and degrade someone you don’t know on the Internet? Embarrassed for you but wish you the best.
LOL! Insult you? You are good at doing that to others. Projection? 99% of these comments are embarrassed for you. You are too far gone to look at yourself objectively. No painful memories here but if it makes you feel better to project, I am okay with it!
You are on Instagram calling women swamp ass hoes and insulting women in this comment section left and right. The claims that these same women are jealous of you are ludicrous. You are also in desperate need of quite a few remedial classes in basic PR. I suggest you look into the class “How not to make an ass of yourself ALL by yourself”. It could be a real eye opener on what not to do to become relevant. You can probably get into this class rather easily as I am sure you have set the bar as low as possible in the “carries herself with class and grace department”. I would say stop while you are ahead…..but you are so far beyond being in the ditch it is futile. So here’s your 🏆
Wow. How shallow are you? I hope perspective clients of yours see that comment and take their business elsewhere. You're like Malificent who is actually beautiful. We see her as ugly due to her actions. You're on par with Rosie O'Donnell.
Come on bro, admitting you didn’t read it but formed a negative opinion anyway? Go back, read, then formulate response. Might be the same, but at least you’ll be educated on the topic.
Actually “bro”, no one needs to read the full piece if they’ve managed to cringe watch their way through your Instagram shit show. THE ICK is an understatement.
Guarantee you are a 4 or 5 on the looks scale. Attractive women don’t spew nasty vile toward other women like this unless they are jealous. Reveal yourself!
Sure, Tammy. I’m sure. By the way, commenting on behalf of others you couldn’t have possibly validated that statement with is in itself an inherent logical fallacy. Nice try though.
Trust me, I am not jealous of your appearance. 😂 Is that better? You look like you have a mask on with all the plastic surgery. It’s hard to take anything you say seriously.
Since I started this thread I can only assume you're calling me 'bro.' I'm a 60 year old mother of 2. My eldest is far more beautiful than you and has never had any cosmetic surgery. She is a RN at Hoag, happily married to an incredible man and they have 2 of the most lovely boys anyone could ask for. My son is a senior at Servite, is as handsome as he is intelligent (all classes are AP or Honors and is discerning the priesthood. You called a Nana 'bro' and attempted to question my intelligence. I pity you. Sans a boob job and no doubt, numerous facial procedures, you have nothing but emptiness. My opinion of you was negative due to how you present yourself and it gets worse with every key stroke you make.
Wait - she called your article that featured her “long winded” and so long no one would read… and then provides the most long winded answers ever that really go on and on and say nothing.
It has been my experience that people who are legitimately highly qualified for a job will never have to tell you that they are — let alone speak about themselves ad nauseam. One can be masterful at public speaking and crisis management and have a commanding presence without even so much as tip-toeing near (or off) the deep end. She is not the one (or the two.) And yes, Reinbow, I did read the entire piece. You have my permission to add me to your forthcoming apology tour for that time I’ll never get back.
How, pray tell, was Trump supposed to find me and know about my magnificent qualifications unless I informed him in this way? There wasn’t exactly a job application to fill out for this role…..
That’s just it. Trump isn’t out there looking for you. There’s a reason there “isn’t exactly a job application for this role.” It isn’t needed because the people who get these positions (and the backup choices) are already in his orbit and on his and his team’s radars long before the offers are made. He’s not choosing someone who hasn’t already proven themselves to be the caliber of the talent with which he’s surrounding himself.
I’d be willing to bet Mikey Likes It. Believe it or not, I’m a pretty likeable person. How else do you think I have been able to get this far in my life?
I just don't think someone who drops F bombs, shows tons of cleavage, says ugly, petty things about other people when under stress, and generally has a reality TV vibe is fit for the office of the White House Press Secretary. Decency and decorum are even more important for this job than most.
I’m so confused. So it wasn’t a PR “stunt”? She does actually want to campaign for a position? Why call it a stunt if it’s actually a campaign. My brain hurts 🤦🏻♀️ Thank you, Jessica for giving her a chance to explain! But somehow I am more confused. lol
lol I love how she flip flops from campaign to stunt. After all that nonsense above, it’s not clear which it was! The logical conclusion is she tried for it in her aggressive and manic way, insulted a lot of people along the way, and then tried to do damage control calling it a stunt. I am a PR consultant in politics and a former television producer. I worked on the 2020 election with Trump in media relations alongside Kayleigh. This girls a joke. They’re laughing at her, not with her.
I saw her calling you out and was glued to your stories to see if you would respond.
I’m not going to lie, I couldn’t get my ADHD brain to read all of her answers word for word. I had to skim.
When Trump’s cabinet picks started to roll out I would go check her stories to see if she had ANYTHING of substance to say about them. There was nothing, but 62 “ums” and “I like them. They are a good choice.”
I also genuinely can’t understand how anyone in the professional PR space, no matter which political side you are on, would be calling people retarded? Like what?
This has been pure comedic gold for me and the way you unfolded the story and responded to her was just as good. Thanks Jessica!
Ugh. You need to take a chill pill and get some professional psychological help. Seriously. Your responses are cringy and continue to show everyone how narcissistic you are. As a professional women who works in politics, I would never, ever hire you to do anything on our campaign or with our elected official. I suggest you stop replying with such an arrogant attitude and go get some intensive help.
Let me guess, you’re a big pharma lobbyist? Why are you coming at me with that psuedoscience noise? Are we doing MAHA or not doing MAHA? Just because I am bold, confident, intelligent and give zero fucks doesn’t mean I have a mental disorder. You should be ashamed of yourself for your comments towards another woman. I wouldn’t hire you either with that attitude, and I hire a lot.
One of my favorite things about you is that you allow people the opportunity to bring themselves to the table and unpack however they want. I’m sure your Scorpio brain was assessing and unpacking as she addressed various points. 🙏🏻
Can we go back to when the subjects of your interviews aren’t hounding the comment section? 🤣 Jesus Melissa step 1 to gaining the public’s trust is NOT attacking & responding to every comment in this article. Self reflection OFF line is a beautiful thing.
I think there is more value in others tooting your horn vs. tooting your own horn. She took the first chance she got to trash other women. Not cool. Especially when in her words, ‘they are on the same team’.
No way. Her "PR stunt" is nothing more than back peddling. She has a history of serious mental health issues. She is the one who trashed a target mask display years ago and then came out on a "PR Tour" after that calming mental illness, etc....but THEN said THAT was just a stunt too, after the smoke had cleared. (She lost her clients and husband at the time and publicly apologized and lamented her outburst.) I am actually sad to see her platformed here. It feels like you are trying to help her dig herself out of the hole she is in at the expense of your brand as a "favor" for some reason which feels unaligned with all you stand for. I'm all for free speech but not interested in her immature and ignorant story, especially as a "genius" PR person. If she is so good, she should have NO problem getting herself out of this mess without relying on your hard earned audience. She had a manic break and is now trying to do damage control. Nothing more, nothing less. And mental health issues or not, she is over confident, abrasive, braggadocios and foul mouthed. Nothing classy or likable about her. Hope she gets the help she so clearly needs.
Agree. I think what surprised me the most about Jess giving her a platform is that this story and the person in question is so far beneath her and what she does. This person is so far down on the totem pole, with regard to any aspect of politics, or even fame… That it feels like a complete waste of time, or just a weird favor for some reason. Anyway…yeah… Melissa didn’t do herself any favors with the constant over explaining, over inflated sense of self and talent and the combativeness in the comments. She’s actually completely delusional.
I believe PR is PR. How one chooses to get attention, is exactly that, a choice. Melissa totally sucked me in with her unhinged rants and antics for Press Secretary, so her mission was accomplished. After watching her and now this follow up-I will keep my opinions regarding her mental health to myself, because frankly, not my job to diagnose or judge. Kudos to her for the absolute belief in herself. Many of us could benefit from higher self esteem. We all choose to portray ourselves in our own comfort zone. Melissa has a very big, pillowy comfort zone and, I will say it again-right, wrong or indifferent-good for her.
As far as JRK giving her a “platform”-I completely respect her for it. Jessica has given all of the good, the bad, and the ugly on many social, entertainment and political topics and I will continue to be here for it.
IMHO, Jennifer has made true most reasonable comment I’ve seen. I hadn’t planned to comment myself, I was just scrolling for the laughs. This one, though, makes sense.
I (very briefly) faced a shit storm when I ran for public office in the middle of nowhere, Wyoming. Some ne’er do well discovered my alter-ego and side hustle and outed me on the Salt Lake news.
The comments over the following months could have crushed my spirit. None of those people knew me, yet they confidently spoke about my morals, my intentions and even my intelligence.
Shoulder back. Chin up. Deep breath.
No matter what we think we see, no matter what we think we read, who are we to cast harsh aspersions at another? Especially we women. We ought to be supporting, encouraging and leading.
Thank you. ❤️I will likely get annihilated for it 🤣🤣🤣
Would love to share the rant I received from Senator Coons cousin’s wife some day regarding my support of President Trump-you & Jess could take it and RUN!
DM me on IG and I’ll get it poppin for ya. I’m a real homie, that’s what these people don’t seem to get. They will come around eventually I am sure. They always do.
Biggest mistake I ever made was acquiescing to alleged mental health issues. Have we not figured out yet that calling women crazy is an easy way to cast them aside from doing great things? Very disappointing to see that type of commentary on this thread. I truly thought more of Jessica’s readers.
She’s in dire need of mental and emotional help. Her clients must not exist or be well tended to—she seems to have WAY too much free time.
And her misspelling “Karoline” over and over on purpose was also incredibly immature. This woman is a nobody. So you’re hot in palm beach? Ok?? 🥱
My two cents halfway through a psych masters and many friends with similar experiences…
It has been hard to watch Melissa. I saw you thought people were being mean about mental health and that is not my intention here, but I genuinely implore you to look into getting an assessment if you haven’t already. I think you had a genuine manic (or at least severely hypo-manic) episode and you’re covering it up as a savvy PR stunt. And it’s just not adding up bc 1+1 does not equal 12 divided by 7 plus 4 - which is what your explanations feel like.
You said yourself you have done these “stunts” before apparently and had to “clean those up” and you mentioned your husband hates when you do these. Take his advice. I’ve never seen a PR stunt that had to be so over explained - when you have to find dresses Kimberly wears and highlight the synthetic fabric that supposedly makes her stinky and apologize again - and keep explaining and apologizing - it is not a PR stunt.
You seem like a kind, bright person but chemical imbalances can totally cloud someone’s thoughts and behavior. I am not a licensed therapist but have done enough work towards it and know from people in my world. Take it with a grain of salt - best of luck.
This just in: Gen.Z infant formulates ridiculous opinion. BTW, I worry about your hair, Link. It’s not good to bleach like that so young. You will end up bald later and while I think you are ADORABLE, I’m not sure you have the bone structure for that. Proceed with caution!
You look 55, not 39. Unoriginal. Like those cookie cutter houses. You know, the unoriginal boxes on the hillside. You’re a dime a dozen, babe.
She’s definitely over 50!!!
Either that or all the clone work she’s had done has aged her drastically. I need sunglasses just to look at her dentures.
A: Politics is a brutal and unforgiving game, and I let myself get caught up in its worst side. I regret it deeply. The truth is, I lashed out at Alina because I saw her as competition for the press secretary role, a position I cared so deeply about that it clouded my better judgment. I let ambition and emotion drive me to say things that were cruel and completely uncalled for. I hurt people who didn’t deserve it, and I am profoundly sorry.
I’ve had the privilege of meeting both Alina and Kimberly in the past, and they were nothing but kind and gracious to me. Looking back, it pains me to think that I betrayed that kindness with thoughtless, hurtful comments. They deserved better from me. My actions were immature and misguided, and I let my desperation for attention lead me down a path I am not proud of.
This experience has been a hard but necessary lesson. I realize now that my reality-show-style approach might have gotten me noticed, but it wasn’t the kind of attention I wanted, nor the kind I could be proud of. If I had stayed true to myself and focused on my strengths rather than tearing others down, I believe the outcome would have been different.
The reality show approach got me noticed, but at times it wasn’t the type of attention I wanted. The personal attacks proved to be a truly unnecessary element to the campaign that did not bring anything positive. I think there is a lesson to be learned here, that can actually be best observed by Kamala Harris’ failed Presidential campaign:
Trashing your opposition does not make you a better candidate, it just makes you unlikable. Fortunately for me, I am capable of reflecting on my actions, recognizing the mistakes that were made and course correcting with a sincere apology and a commitment to the Trump team and the American public not to conduct myself in that way ever again.
I am in the process of reaching out directly to both Alina and Kimberly with heartfelt apologies. I don’t expect forgiveness right away, but I hope, with time and effort, I can show them that I am truly sorry. I want to repair those relationships and prove through my actions that I regret what I did.
We are all on the same team, fighting for the same vision of America, and I let that get lost in the noise. I should have supported and lifted them up instead of tearing them down. The hardest words to say are, “I was wrong,” but I need to say them now: I was wrong, and I am deeply sorry. I will do everything in my power to earn back their trust and show that I am better than the person I was in that moment. This has been a humbling experience, and I am determined to grow from it.
If someone insults me, I have every right to respond accordingly. However, I will not attack people unprovoked. That was unnecessary.
Babe. Her name is ABSOLUTELY Karoline Leavitt…this is kind of an embarrassing comment. 😂
You spelled it “Karolyn” multiple times in this piece. I wish you well! A “PR guru” who could only get booked on OANN?? A “PR stunt” is supposed to generate PR.. that’s kind of the point, no?
Oh Link, how I adore you😘
A spelling error isn’t a slight. What are you, a Democrat debating about the pronunciation of Kamala? Rhymes with Pamala.
Spelling errors from someone working in PR IS a slight and quite frankly, intern or entry level amateur behavior. It’s almost as embarrassing as your online breakdowns over the press secretary position was. Ooof.
lol when she did the “big reveal” her posts had so many spelling errors!! That’s what made me believe it wasn’t planned. That was just the cover up / damage control of “it was all a joke” - how can you do your big reveal that you’ve been planning and have it so sloppy?
Jesus Christ, it was a social media campaign on Instagram not a client brief. Relax.
Call me when Vanity Fair profiles you sweetie.
Not gonna lie. I read the first couple paragraphs then skimmed the rest of her War and Peace-esq interview. No thanks. Huge difference between self-confidence and arrogance. I find her highly arrogant. She's no one I would want to hire to represent me. Only President Trump can rock self-aggrandizing on that scale. I have massive respect for you sharing your platform but not interested in anything she has to say.
oh good , I thought it was just me.... not worth the time to read that verbal diarrhea.
I’d be interested to see what you look like. Hateful women are usually just jealous. I see a lot of that phenomenon here.
I was just thinking that you remind me of one of the girls in high school who claimed to be bullied because we were all jealous of you! No we just didnt like you because of your character.... NEWSFLASH its not always about what someone "looks like"! But I can see that is all you care about.
Trust me, I wasn’t bullied in high school. It sounds like some painful memories are coming up for you though. Maybe deal with those before attempting to insult and degrade someone you don’t know on the Internet? Embarrassed for you but wish you the best.
BTW I didn't insult your appearance... but you LOVE doing that to others. Bye girl
LOL! Insult you? You are good at doing that to others. Projection? 99% of these comments are embarrassed for you. You are too far gone to look at yourself objectively. No painful memories here but if it makes you feel better to project, I am okay with it!
You are on Instagram calling women swamp ass hoes and insulting women in this comment section left and right. The claims that these same women are jealous of you are ludicrous. You are also in desperate need of quite a few remedial classes in basic PR. I suggest you look into the class “How not to make an ass of yourself ALL by yourself”. It could be a real eye opener on what not to do to become relevant. You can probably get into this class rather easily as I am sure you have set the bar as low as possible in the “carries herself with class and grace department”. I would say stop while you are ahead…..but you are so far beyond being in the ditch it is futile. So here’s your 🏆
Stay mad. 🥰
“Comebacks for Bimbos” is another remedial class calling your name. Someone please help this twat.
Sure Jan SURE 🤣.
Hmmm, yes. That sounds like a winning PR strategy - insulting your audience’s looks.
Wow. How shallow are you? I hope perspective clients of yours see that comment and take their business elsewhere. You're like Malificent who is actually beautiful. We see her as ugly due to her actions. You're on par with Rosie O'Donnell.
I had to skim after the first question. Not one bit interested in this.
You’ve commented like 5 times. Clearly you are interested. 😂
You’re hyper fixated lol. And I’m whatever you call what people do when they’re driving by and staring at a car wreck.
Come on bro, admitting you didn’t read it but formed a negative opinion anyway? Go back, read, then formulate response. Might be the same, but at least you’ll be educated on the topic.
Actually “bro”, no one needs to read the full piece if they’ve managed to cringe watch their way through your Instagram shit show. THE ICK is an understatement.
Guarantee you are a 4 or 5 on the looks scale. Attractive women don’t spew nasty vile toward other women like this unless they are jealous. Reveal yourself!
There is a lot more to life than being “attractive”. Trust me, none of us are jealous of your appearance.
Sure, Tammy. I’m sure. By the way, commenting on behalf of others you couldn’t have possibly validated that statement with is in itself an inherent logical fallacy. Nice try though.
Trust me, I am not jealous of your appearance. 😂 Is that better? You look like you have a mask on with all the plastic surgery. It’s hard to take anything you say seriously.
Melissa gets a ZERO in the brains department. 🥱🥱🥱
Since I started this thread I can only assume you're calling me 'bro.' I'm a 60 year old mother of 2. My eldest is far more beautiful than you and has never had any cosmetic surgery. She is a RN at Hoag, happily married to an incredible man and they have 2 of the most lovely boys anyone could ask for. My son is a senior at Servite, is as handsome as he is intelligent (all classes are AP or Honors and is discerning the priesthood. You called a Nana 'bro' and attempted to question my intelligence. I pity you. Sans a boob job and no doubt, numerous facial procedures, you have nothing but emptiness. My opinion of you was negative due to how you present yourself and it gets worse with every key stroke you make.
SAME! I have limited time each day to read and digest written material, this ain’t a person I care to give five more seconds attention to!
Wait - she called your article that featured her “long winded” and so long no one would read… and then provides the most long winded answers ever that really go on and on and say nothing.
YES!! Thank you for pointing this out!
Agreed. Boring…. and lacking
I am always open to feedback. What could I have done here to add more sizzle?
It has been my experience that people who are legitimately highly qualified for a job will never have to tell you that they are — let alone speak about themselves ad nauseam. One can be masterful at public speaking and crisis management and have a commanding presence without even so much as tip-toeing near (or off) the deep end. She is not the one (or the two.) And yes, Reinbow, I did read the entire piece. You have my permission to add me to your forthcoming apology tour for that time I’ll never get back.
How, pray tell, was Trump supposed to find me and know about my magnificent qualifications unless I informed him in this way? There wasn’t exactly a job application to fill out for this role…..
That’s just it. Trump isn’t out there looking for you. There’s a reason there “isn’t exactly a job application for this role.” It isn’t needed because the people who get these positions (and the backup choices) are already in his orbit and on his and his team’s radars long before the offers are made. He’s not choosing someone who hasn’t already proven themselves to be the caliber of the talent with which he’s surrounding himself.
Hard pass. Hopefully her 15 minutes are up.
TBH…I’m at like 45 minutes now. Could probably go for another hour or two at this rate. 🥰
Shades of Olivia Nuzzi. Just saying…
I came here to say the EXACT same thing. Jessica, if Mike has a gut feeling about this one, listen to him this time! 😅
Yes! We need Mike’s take! Hot takes with Mike on the new fireside app!
I’d be willing to bet Mikey Likes It. Believe it or not, I’m a pretty likeable person. How else do you think I have been able to get this far in my life?
Nope. Unhinged, immature, narcissistic and classless. And let’s add a potty mouth on top of all that.
Believe it or not, that is EXACTLY what is printed on my business card. 😂
I just don't think someone who drops F bombs, shows tons of cleavage, says ugly, petty things about other people when under stress, and generally has a reality TV vibe is fit for the office of the White House Press Secretary. Decency and decorum are even more important for this job than most.
Really? I don’t think I’ve been showing nearly enough cleavage. Will get on that!
I’m so confused. So it wasn’t a PR “stunt”? She does actually want to campaign for a position? Why call it a stunt if it’s actually a campaign. My brain hurts 🤦🏻♀️ Thank you, Jessica for giving her a chance to explain! But somehow I am more confused. lol
lol I love how she flip flops from campaign to stunt. After all that nonsense above, it’s not clear which it was! The logical conclusion is she tried for it in her aggressive and manic way, insulted a lot of people along the way, and then tried to do damage control calling it a stunt. I am a PR consultant in politics and a former television producer. I worked on the 2020 election with Trump in media relations alongside Kayleigh. This girls a joke. They’re laughing at her, not with her.
Lot of confused and histrionic women here. You all are NOT beating the allegations. Not even close.
I saw her calling you out and was glued to your stories to see if you would respond.
I’m not going to lie, I couldn’t get my ADHD brain to read all of her answers word for word. I had to skim.
When Trump’s cabinet picks started to roll out I would go check her stories to see if she had ANYTHING of substance to say about them. There was nothing, but 62 “ums” and “I like them. They are a good choice.”
I also genuinely can’t understand how anyone in the professional PR space, no matter which political side you are on, would be calling people retarded? Like what?
This has been pure comedic gold for me and the way you unfolded the story and responded to her was just as good. Thanks Jessica!
Because every answer to each question was the SAME.
Self-aggrandizement. Me, me, me. Bad choice for the podium.
If you’re not your own biggest fan, who will be?
Ugh. You need to take a chill pill and get some professional psychological help. Seriously. Your responses are cringy and continue to show everyone how narcissistic you are. As a professional women who works in politics, I would never, ever hire you to do anything on our campaign or with our elected official. I suggest you stop replying with such an arrogant attitude and go get some intensive help.
Let me guess, you’re a big pharma lobbyist? Why are you coming at me with that psuedoscience noise? Are we doing MAHA or not doing MAHA? Just because I am bold, confident, intelligent and give zero fucks doesn’t mean I have a mental disorder. You should be ashamed of yourself for your comments towards another woman. I wouldn’t hire you either with that attitude, and I hire a lot.
What a jump from saying she works in politics to lobbying big pharma. Nice try switching the narrative. Lazy PR.
Big pharma lobbyists are like 70% of Capitol Hill. Have a seat.
She didn’t say she was DC based honey.
YOU should be ashamed of yourself for your comments towards other women.
I appreciate you speaking with her, but she didn’t win me over. Still not a fan.
Sorry to hear that. Will keep trying. ☺️
No just go away.
Old boomer lady has nasty opinion of young hot woman. Breaking news at 10.
One of my favorite things about you is that you allow people the opportunity to bring themselves to the table and unpack however they want. I’m sure your Scorpio brain was assessing and unpacking as she addressed various points. 🙏🏻
Can we go back to when the subjects of your interviews aren’t hounding the comment section? 🤣 Jesus Melissa step 1 to gaining the public’s trust is NOT attacking & responding to every comment in this article. Self reflection OFF line is a beautiful thing.
Hard pass
And miss out on all the fun while the sourpuss Sally’s on this page degrade and flog me? Couldn’t be me….
I think there is more value in others tooting your horn vs. tooting your own horn. She took the first chance she got to trash other women. Not cool. Especially when in her words, ‘they are on the same team’.
No way. Her "PR stunt" is nothing more than back peddling. She has a history of serious mental health issues. She is the one who trashed a target mask display years ago and then came out on a "PR Tour" after that calming mental illness, etc....but THEN said THAT was just a stunt too, after the smoke had cleared. (She lost her clients and husband at the time and publicly apologized and lamented her outburst.) I am actually sad to see her platformed here. It feels like you are trying to help her dig herself out of the hole she is in at the expense of your brand as a "favor" for some reason which feels unaligned with all you stand for. I'm all for free speech but not interested in her immature and ignorant story, especially as a "genius" PR person. If she is so good, she should have NO problem getting herself out of this mess without relying on your hard earned audience. She had a manic break and is now trying to do damage control. Nothing more, nothing less. And mental health issues or not, she is over confident, abrasive, braggadocios and foul mouthed. Nothing classy or likable about her. Hope she gets the help she so clearly needs.
Seems like Jess gave her a shovel and she continued to dig a deeper hole here…
Agree. I think what surprised me the most about Jess giving her a platform is that this story and the person in question is so far beneath her and what she does. This person is so far down on the totem pole, with regard to any aspect of politics, or even fame… That it feels like a complete waste of time, or just a weird favor for some reason. Anyway…yeah… Melissa didn’t do herself any favors with the constant over explaining, over inflated sense of self and talent and the combativeness in the comments. She’s actually completely delusional.
What about me triggers you SO MUCH? Three comments TO YOURSELF? Wildly unhinged, but love to see it. 😂
One comment. One response to another poster on my comment thread. Bad at spelling and math I see. Good luck dear. ✌🏼
It worked 👏🏻
I believe PR is PR. How one chooses to get attention, is exactly that, a choice. Melissa totally sucked me in with her unhinged rants and antics for Press Secretary, so her mission was accomplished. After watching her and now this follow up-I will keep my opinions regarding her mental health to myself, because frankly, not my job to diagnose or judge. Kudos to her for the absolute belief in herself. Many of us could benefit from higher self esteem. We all choose to portray ourselves in our own comfort zone. Melissa has a very big, pillowy comfort zone and, I will say it again-right, wrong or indifferent-good for her.
As far as JRK giving her a “platform”-I completely respect her for it. Jessica has given all of the good, the bad, and the ugly on many social, entertainment and political topics and I will continue to be here for it.
Comment of the day. This one gets it. 🏆
IMHO, Jennifer has made true most reasonable comment I’ve seen. I hadn’t planned to comment myself, I was just scrolling for the laughs. This one, though, makes sense.
I (very briefly) faced a shit storm when I ran for public office in the middle of nowhere, Wyoming. Some ne’er do well discovered my alter-ego and side hustle and outed me on the Salt Lake news.
The comments over the following months could have crushed my spirit. None of those people knew me, yet they confidently spoke about my morals, my intentions and even my intelligence.
Shoulder back. Chin up. Deep breath.
No matter what we think we see, no matter what we think we read, who are we to cast harsh aspersions at another? Especially we women. We ought to be supporting, encouraging and leading.
Just my two cents.
You go, girl!
Thank you. ❤️I will likely get annihilated for it 🤣🤣🤣
Would love to share the rant I received from Senator Coons cousin’s wife some day regarding my support of President Trump-you & Jess could take it and RUN!
DM me on IG and I’ll get it poppin for ya. I’m a real homie, that’s what these people don’t seem to get. They will come around eventually I am sure. They always do.
I believe this is where Jess differs from mainstream journalists. Jess is willing to talk to anyone, not just the folks who feed a particular agenda.
I agree though - Jess gave her a shovel; instead of digging herself out of the hole she created, she only dug deeper.
Let her bury herself.
As always, great work, Jess.
THIS! 🫳🎤👆🏻
Biggest mistake I ever made was acquiescing to alleged mental health issues. Have we not figured out yet that calling women crazy is an easy way to cast them aside from doing great things? Very disappointing to see that type of commentary on this thread. I truly thought more of Jessica’s readers.