It’s not up to the patient to tell the doctors to “skip the pregnancy test”. Any responsible physician/ anesthetist would insist on a urine test for a fertile age female. I call bullshit.

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This!!! I went through countless surgeries trying to conceive via IVF over several years and let me tell you even though I had no fallopian tubes because they had to be removed due to endometriosis, they ran a pregnancy test EVERY SINGLE TIME. When my mother had her hysterectomy at age 60 they pregnancy tested her as well. I call bullshit

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I am in my mid-50s and pretty much menopausal - lol👵🏼 - but before a colonoscopy last year they requested the usual urine test beforehand for liability’s sake. I joked with them that only literally a miracle could make me pregnant now but they insisted I follow protocol. Doctors not requiring the urine test before Tiegen’s elective surgery … sounds like a tall tale. Why the lie? Why other lies? Maybe she should stick to modeling 🙄

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Anesthesiologist here. I cant force a patient to undergo any testing or procedures. If a patient refuses a urine or blood hcg (pregnancy) test, then they do have that right. However, I have them sign a waiver form and put it in their chart, and counsel then on potential risks to a fetus if they happen to be pregnant and document that in my pre-op note.

This is common practice for any anesthesiologist, and I am not going to "lose my license" over this.

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Also, if there were any concerns that she might be pregnant during the surgical procedure, I would do a blood hcg test and if positive do a blood type/screen. If something serious were to happen she could need Rhogam.

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Had to have been a private plastic surgeon. Procedure may have been in his/her office and they may cater to celebrities. Although practicing this cavelierly, maybe they won’t be for long

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I completely agree!!!! As the healthcare professionals are aware that these surprises have and do happen. Thats why they do them. Period.

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Correct. I worked in Oncology and always ran a pregnancy test as part of assessment/lab evaluation.

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54 year old menopausal woman...had ankle surgery recently. I peed in a cup at the hospital 3 hours before my surgery. Was told by the charge nurse it was a CYA (cover your ass) for the hospital with the insurers, impossible to get around. So, maybe Krissy was in a private hospital that doesn't take insurance? Maybe? But who knows. It all reeks of bullshit. All of it.

And, let's be clear, Kamala cannot do anything about this issue- it's a state's right to make it legal or otherwise....the Supreme Court sent it back to the States like Ginsberg told us would happen. She always stated the Roe V Wade would not work and shouldn't have been the chosen case because it was flawed in it's origin. She stated on numerous occasions that the case that should have been used to secure the right to abortion for all women was Struck vs. Secretary of Defense, which was actually about the right for a woman to keep her baby. Roe was a states rights issue, Struck was a women's rights issue. The democrats had 40 (!) years to fix this and bring more cases forward to the Supreme Court, but they didn't. And here we are, divided over a legal issue no one seems to really understand.


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And I bet they would have sued the physician if that happened and later found out she was pregnant. Something is off.

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When I was doing IVF - full disclosure here and had just had a failed round- I went to get BOTOX in my forehead because I was going to wait another 6 months before trying again ( please no judgment) and my injector who is part of a board certified plastic surgeon’s practice MADE ME TAKE a pregnancy test before I got BOTOX - so I am calling bullshit too!

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True. I worked in pre op as an RN for many years and Anesthesia would require PRGUs even in circumstances where you knew darn well the patient wasn’t pregnant.

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Absolutely. I had a medical procedure in my late forties. I’d had a tubal ligation many year prior (after having eight (!) children.) The surgeon still required a urine test before the procedure, even though it was medically unlikely that I’d be pregnant. He said, “nothing is impossible and we have a responsibility to make sure you’re not pregnant.” Calling bullshit on her story.

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As a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, patients can elect to sign a wavier , especially if it's cash pay at a plastics office and assume any kind of risks with receiving anesthesia . It's ultimately up to the provider

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Correct. I work for a plastic surgeon myself. But they must then sign a waiver, what she said is that she told them to skip it, she never said anything about having to sign a waiver. She made it sound like she made the call, not them. Which, in any setting, medical or cosmetic, should not be the case.

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And, I should add, 8 years at my current practice, and I can’t think of anyone who has opted to sign the waiver and skip the test. What’s the harm in peeing in a cup quick? Something’s just not right with her story.

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I had a hysterectomy and therefore sign the waiver. I’ve been under a general four times this year (unlucky genetics) and signed the waiver each time.

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Where are you a crna? I’m in Oregon

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Michigan :)

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Exactly, I had shoulder surgery at 50 after menopause. I got a pregnancy test ordered by my doctor. To quote him “stranger things have happened”

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Absolutely 100%. Standard of Care.

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My thoughts exactly!! My friend was told she couldn’t conceive. Went for surgery and it was devastating to have them ask for a pee test. Guess what?? SHE WAS PREGNANT AND DIDNT KNOW. This seems fishy.

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My first thought when I read that.

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exactly, whole story is sus

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Exactly. I am fully menapausal, for many years, and they STILL make me do one. Her stupid doc got power played....

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Women’s rights are obviously a huge issue, especially here in Texas. That being said I believe whole heartedly it is a state issue. People should be more focused on their local elections when it comes to this. My fear is that if Kamala wins they take the control from the states & make this a federal matter. Once that happens Pandora’s box is open on so many other things becoming federal vs state matters. The fact that so few people grasp this concept blows my mind. Our country was literally set up to work one way & they are doing everything they can to change it.

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Trump will sign a national abortion ban. Do not believe him.

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🤣 looney tunes. I’ll never understand people that make statements like this

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That’s because they’re emotionally underdeveloped. They think like 3 year-olds. They’re naive, gullible, easily manipulated and gaslighted. In My world, they appear to have Borderline Personality Disorder traits: Poor impulse control, no sense of boundaries, and no empathy (not to be confused with sympathy). People with BPD traits parrot what they read and hear, and many are plagiarists. It’s easier and less demanding to be a sheep, than a shepherd. Too many leftists are sheep. What a pity.

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BPD, histrionic, and narcissistic. All the cluster B's!!!

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All Borderlines are narcissistic, by the way… but not all Narcissists are borderline disordered.

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That’s not how the constitution works 😂

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Loony toons?

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When 4 years passes and he hasn’t done that will you finally admit you were wrong? Or do you enjoy living in a false sense of hate?

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He lies constantly. Educate yourself.

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He will not sign a federal abortion ban. He wants states to handle this issue. This is consistent time ans time again. Why is that so hard for you lefties to understand?!

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Delusional. You know his wife is totally pro choice. Chapter in her book about it.

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He stated he wants at state level… we the ppl make that decision! I don’t know why ppl feel he is against it when he was already president once!

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You’ve been propagandized. Please read up on this subject and get your facts straight. For what it’s worth, you’ll probably sleep better at night not being so scared/worried/stressed over falsities.

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Why didn’t he do it the first time? Lol

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Reality check needed here.

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Yeah just like when Kamala said she would stop funding Israel….. Oh wait, she didn’t! Go worry about your own candidate’s inconsistency.

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No he won’t- just so when the Dems get control they can sign abortion up to birth in all 50 states? Will not happen- the only way to curb abortion nationwide is through a constitutional amendment.

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And you know this how?

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 . He wants be popular

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Bc we have such a large and diverse county. Every European country has very different abortion laws, some are more conservative and some more liberal. All of them more conservative than California.

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It’s in the Constitution - some laws are federal and others are state. This allows for the will of the people to decide what they want in their state. We are a very large and diverse country. This is the best mechanism for allowing the people to decide what they want, by voting for elected officials who represent them or on ballot measures directly.

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Because when a woman is pregnant enough to have a stillbirth, or is pregnant enough where if she is murdered, the killer would do jail time for killing both the mother and the unborn child…. Then it is no longer “women’s” rights - it is human rights. Abortion should be legal within reason. And no better apparatus to gauge that than at the state level. Am I right?!

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Didn’t she also tweet that someone should go kill themselves? Pretty sure that was exposed, led to the mass deletion of her tweets, her line being pulled from Target.

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Yes she told Courtney Stodden a then 16 year old to "take a dirt nap" and according to Stodden she also dm'd her as well

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If I’m remembering correctly her bullying Courtney Stodden came out weeks before her announcement about losing a child. I think her timing was suspicious.

Also, I’m 55 & still receive a pregnancy test before any procedure. She doesn’t seem to fill us any of her speech on medical malpractice.

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Yes she did!

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This literally turned my stomach. Looking at those tweets was horrifying. What the hell is wrong with her?? Thank you JRK for bringing this to light. What terrible times....God help her children

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I saw a commercial with her on the hospital bed and talking about how she needed an abortion to save her life - I remember way back when all this happened she posted about it so much - it was sad - but she shared every single detail. She clearly lost the baby in utero - she did not have an abortion. Does she not think anyone will remember what she posted back then? I don't claim to remember everything people post but this was so dramatic and sad at the time that I remember it.

I stopped following her years ago. She's terrible.

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And why have cameras there taking pictures? I am sorry but that is the last thing I would want!

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The timing was very suspicious. She was getting a lot of bad press then all of a sudden she was untouchable.

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The medical procedure when you lose a baby at that point IS AN ABORTION.

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Unless she pushed the fetus out naturally, the medical procedure performed was the same as what we colloquially call an abortion.

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No. If the baby did not have a heartbeat and needed to be removed after it passed away it's called a D&C - it's a medical procedure not an abortion. An abortion aborts the life of the baby.

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A D&C is a medically necessary ABORTION. I will never forget what my discharge paperwork said. It’s an abortion- it’s just a very unwanted abortion. But it is one.

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Even if the paperwork says that there’s NO state outlawing a D and C for a miscarriage

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Why do so few women know this? Hello there’s a HUGE difference! 🤦‍♀️

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There are photos of her holding the baby. I don’t think she even had a D&C.

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Tell me more about how you don’t actually do medical research. Because you’re showing that in your comment above. It’s called being induced. Which is still an abortion.

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It’s not an abortion when the baby has died of natural causes. (Even if it’s coded as such). And it’s not an abortion when a woman is induced early and gives birth to a live baby. An induction is not an abortion.

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But it is. On all the paperwork. It is an abortion. That’s my point- the words matter. My paperwork says medical abortion. It was a very wanted baby. I was into my 2nd trimester and I needed medical intervention. Physically, I was ok but thr baby inside was dead. It was coded and labeled an abortion.

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Yes thank you!!!

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The medical establishment refers to a D&C as an abortion. That’s why everyone is in arms about all of this stuff at the state level because a lot of that states really didn’t diligently define concrete boundaries with what is acceptable and what isn’t, etc. I don’t like Chrissy Teigen, but when she is stating that she had an abortion- I think she’s referring to that she probably had a c-section or a D&C because her Baby Jack was already passed. I have had a 40w stillbirth and unfortunately just had a 12 week “missed-miscarriage” earlier this year, in which I had a D&C operation done. On the medical forms it’s listed as an abortion which… I personally do not like the terminology. I think that honestly the medical board should change the terminology all together.

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I’m so sorry you had a stillbirth and a miscarriage. And despite the coding, there is no state that outlaws a D and C for a miscarriage at any point in any pregnancy.

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I know there isn't a law outlawing it but there is trouble when you get into TFMR families and families who have to face the decision of having a baby who is not compatible with life. There are a lot of layers to this subject and it is touchy for a lot of people, with good reason. You don't understand the implications unless you have been in this space and most people wish that you never do experience the immense pain of a decision like that. I am lucky that I didn't have to face that decision despite what I have been through. With all that being said, I think more consideration should be done to clearly define the law, the terminology and the boundaries for the precedent of "abortion rights" . I am not for abortion but I'm just saying, define the terminology more clearly so there isn't anything to fight about or weaponize anymore.

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I remember when she said she had a miscarriage and then suddenly turned it into an abortion and what not. She is a terrible person

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D&C is the same procedure as an abortion.

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They are not the same. Elective abortions = baby is alive, killed, then body parts removed. Procedures post-miscarriage ("loss of pregnancy from natural causes") = baby has died in utero and body is to be removed. There are different medical ICD-10 billing codes for elective abortions and miscarriage (termed spontaneous or missed abortion).

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It’s not tho. D&C baby is already dead.

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She didn’t even have a D and C. There are pictures of her holding her deceased baby. He clearly was delivered in tact.

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The medical procedure is the same. It’s the procedure itself that has been banned, not the status of the fetus.

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False. No state has banned a d&c for babies with no heartbeat. Literally none.

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If the baby has passed, it is a therapeutic abortion in medical terminology. A 20 week old fetus has to be delivered, preferably vaginally, by inducing labor.

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Correct. I often place epidurals for these procedures.

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You a crna?

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That is an absolute lie. Please educate yourself.

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No it’s not a lie. Abortion is the killing of an alive baby. A miscarriage is not the same thing. A baby can die via miscarriage and pass naturally or sometimes has to be removed via a D and C. I know several women who have had miscarriages and required a D and C. They went to hospitals (often Catholic hospitals) and had them. A D and C for a miscarriage is NOT an abortion and is not outlawed anywhere EVER. I know staunchly pro-life OB/GYNs who perform D&Cs for women who have suffered a miscarriage.

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I agree. I was replying to the other post above .

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To clarify, the LIE is that an abortion is the same as a D&C after a miscarriage. Abortion is the intentional killing of the baby in order to end the pregnancy. After a miscarriage the baby has already died .

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A D&C is often done to empty the uterus after a spontaneous abortion, which is most commonly called a miscarriage. It is also very often done to rid the uterus of a live child. There is a huge difference.

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D&C is the removal of the dead baby for the health of the mother. An abortion is the mother killing her live baby and having it removed…there is not healthcare if anything it is the opposite of it. An abortion is the suicide of one human being’s soul and the murder of the other human being.

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I can’t stand her and don’t understand why liberals look forward to her opinion on so many subjects. Not only is she an online bully, she’s not very intelligent, either. Her two claims to fame are being a model and being married to John Legend who, also, thinks his opinion is very important and needed.

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John Legend’s latest post about Trump’s Nazi rally - I mean, seriously?!

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Every single day I get called all kinds of racist shit by right wingers . Every single day… Not exactly a group of people that should be calling other people bullies

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Agreed. Teigen is not a nice person.

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Can we please all agree to ignore Chrissy Teigen forever and outcast her? I liked her on tv or whatever back in the day but when I heard what she said to that 16 yr old girl, and how insane that bullying was, that was it. 🚫 But to now read her comments about kids?!!!! Wow 🤯 the fact that she’s still out there in a public settings is only re-confirming (again) there’s an elite pedo group. What in the world… 😭

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There is a site on IG called "kitsonlosangeles" and its for a retail store in Los Angeles, and the owners been beefing with Theigen and Legend (among many others) ever since the BLM riots happened. The stuff he exposed is just awful

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I follow them on Instagram. Absolute legends.

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I believe that is the same store Jess has her billboard above?

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They posted today they’re exposing a celebrity shoplifter tomorrow.

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Kitson ROCKS!

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I still believe Chrissy to be a male and that none of those poor children are biologically hers.

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THIS!! I was waiting for this comment. I thought everyone knew this, or at least suspected this by now. Why do you think nothing adds up about her "miscarriage" story? They admit the kids are IVF/surrogate.

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You were waiting for someone to say something stupid that’s not true

You culture warriors are absolutely ridiculous

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I believe that many of you culture warriors are absolutely mentally ill

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It is like you are reading my mind. I just told my bff who turned me on to you that I cannot seem to control myself and not troll her. Everyone deserves an opinion sure. But considering her past- she might want to sit this one out. I said in her comments- did your speech include telling people to unalive themselves?! The internet does not forget and rudeness and inappropriate comments are on a spectrum and I myself can get pretty rude…. I have never told someone to go kill themselves though. So I will take the moral high ground on this and every opportunity I have to tell her and that beta male bully husband of hers to stfu. My new motto is- whatever a celeb says… do the opposite.

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Chrissy and her texts (and way of life) are so disturbing. Evil. How many of the elite live like this? Ick. What happened to being good role models?

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Just look so forward to this tramp skedaddling outta the U.S. when Trump brings home the big ‘W’! Mmhmm!🙄

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Keep up your objective reporting! Jessica, you are appreciated!!

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Her need for attention is disturbing. Lying about how her son died- for what exactly? Also they induced her- she delivered her baby- that is not an abortion. This new thing the left is doing- calling miscarriage care abortion is gross.

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As an anesthesia provider I might skip a pregnancy test if the person was on their period at the time, but she hadn’t had a period in 4 months and the person was okay doing an anesthetic? That’s nuts. She wasn’t menopausal

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