As a psychologist who has worked at length with domestic abuse- this is unnerving. I’m left shook with the mockery, gaslighting, deflection, and overall emotional violence. He’s trying to speak and change the direction, but he becomes lost in the internalization of violence—which is a universal experience of victims of domestic violence. I’m left heartbroken.

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She is an evil evil person who is pushing and pushing to go no where but to make herself feel more powerful. This is abuse.

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This is extremely unnerving and I am only at the 42mins mark. It’s making me bristle so much that I wonder if I can listen to the end. You are hearing the manifestation of a twisted psyche, emotionally baiting, and then manipulating someone, for whom the will to see through this, is so gaslit. It is a cruel, slow and painful character assassination. For what? Nothing. I feel nauseous after listing to this.

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This is not a woman that is scared of domestic abuse, scared of the man she is baiting. Period.

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Can a psychologist diagnose her please? I know she’s abusive, but there has to be some kind of personality disorder here. This was shocking. She’s incredibly unstable and twisted.

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I could relate to this conversation with my past experience of emotional and domestic violence during a 10 year relationship with my ex. The taunting and gaslighting is so clear in this. No one should ever have to endure this type of relationship, but that is hard to understand when we are blinded of the truth while in the midst of it. She pops back and forth so much between 'i love you' and 'you're a joke' which is a perfect example of emotional manipulation. Johnny isn't perfect, but I believe he is telling the truth. Heard clearly lacks any respect and empathy for Johnny as a fellow human being. I do not post negative things online, but Heard is clearly a child. I truly hope that Johnny succeeds in restoring his honor as the artist that he is.

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Wow- she is terrible. He actually sounded a bit sad through it- angry but sad. She just seemed angry that she wasn’t controlling him anymore. He was right Heard sounds a lot like his mother.

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I hope she’ll do time for this abuse, it doesn’t matter if you are a woman; If you abuse someone you have to pay for it

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This is absolutely heartbreaking...I'm a survivor of DV... And these are textbook tactics from her... They twist and turn everything you do and say, never able to sympathize or even care they are doing anything wrong. I feel for Johnny Depp so much. Amber is clearly the abuser in this situation.

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Will the jury get to listen to all of this?

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Hey there. New sub here. The vid says ‘unavailable’ because it was ‘taken down by the user.’ What was this vid about/is there another way I can watch it?

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I'm only part way in (limited drama so far), but I'm enjoying the fact that JD doesn't realize that you don't need "dough" or "cash" for an Uber.

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I just want to say. Since I started following you never I had to look at anything with an unbiased opinion. You have for ever changed the way I see things! I thank you for that!

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Wow! He actually says he has a murderer on his hands at min 48:58

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At the beginning of this I thought she was hiding the fact that she would record their arguments, but why is he also recording or allowing it? Is there no privacy? I just didn’t understand how they have hours of recordings? I can’t even imagine recoding an argument with my husband.

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AH is not sounding like a victim, she sounds very comfortable to push, taunt and goad.

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