Week off trial wasn’t so bad thanks to houseinhabit updates. Now I live for a fresh red circle on her pic. If it’s not there, I don’t even bother with the rest. 😂😂😂

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My life now revolves refreshing your stories, watching the trial, taking care of the house and carpools all while homeschooling our youngest. One day last week I gave up and said math can wait, we are having movie appreciation- let’s start with Edward Scissorhands😂 The reason I think this trial has struck a nerve is because JD is a good man. He isn’t perfect but my gosh- he was nothing but kind and generous to her and her friends only to be repaid by viscous lies of the worst kind. Thank you Dr Curry for thoroughly explaining just how terrible AH actually is. You have done an amazing job and I can’t wait to hear the next chapter-I have a million questions!!!! Also- it’s not covering Maxwell or our boy Hunter that gets you in trouble- it’s The Depp v Heard case that gets you anonymous calls, crazy threats, mentions in articles, lawyers getting involved etc.. I did not see that one coming😳😂

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The difference between Ghislaine and Amber is very simple. Maxwell's co-conspirators are so powerful that they do not fear retribution. They own the press and the politicians and the courts, so they are untouchable. Heard's co-conspirators are much lower level, Hollywood creeps and hanger ons who can definitely be destroyed if the truth comes out.

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I am already pulled into your story and you cut it off at the cliffhanger! And wait -- you know who the father of Amber's baby is? So I'm assuming it isn't Elon Musk. Perhaps one of the other Hollywood players she's been sleeping with to advance herself? Part of me thinks Amber has sexual blackmail on the owners of the trades, like Variety, Deadline and Hollywood Reporter, which continue to support her slavishly. I am so excited to hear more!

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You do know, you have an amazing talent in writting and getting your information out with words and humour. I first saw a recommendation to follow your account on Reddit, and I must say your account are the best. You are so down to earth, and very trustworthy - this is why so many trust you with inside information- and you have the sharp ability to see through BS. Thank you for you. Do not never change. ❤️

The comment on IO: I have had this from the start; so many of this and her friends took so much advantage of him and he allowed it... Waw where was his real friends in all this to guide and warn him? I guess he really have no genuine friends, and this is really a heartbreaker. Because in my opinion all he want is to be loved.

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Love your writings and I think the subscription is well worth the price. What IO Tillet Wright's involvement with AH?

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great recap. and shame shame shame on the evil people who have nothing better to do than wish death on people. like, how SICK is that?

I'm stuck on the PR dude info now...and I hope they don't scare you into silence. this is textbook "elitist" behavior

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Please use Johnny Angel by Shelley Fabares in your stories this week it’s been stuck in my head for 4 weeks straight. nothing like your description of him in the courtroom with the sun to really nail it into my head.

I can’t wait for more memes to come off of AH face this week on the stand.

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Jessica! Did your IG get shut down??

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I just found her back up acct. houseinhibited,

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Nice touch with the Dominick Dunne quote! I was obsessed with him, and all of his celebrity connections.

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Thanks Jess, another great read. Im really saddened by all those people who have taken advantage of JD’s generosity and have used his name for their own gain.. Also, the comments you’ve received from the trolls are awful! What is wrong with these people! I really hope their sick comments slide off you and none of them ever discourage you from doing what you clearly love xx

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On the subreddit dedicated to hating you, they rage about you including your children on your IG stories. But then those same people bring them into their emails to you? Psychopaths.

This recap was lots of fun to read! I have to come here because my husband is tired of my JD updates.

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Who’s that girl always with Johnny in the black & that older gentlemen to with the sunglasses they always arrive & leave with him

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My kids were young when the OJ trial was going on, they recall me being glued to the “gavel to gavel” coverage, sitting in front of the tv folding laundry. Then came the Rodney King/LAPD trial. Shortly after that trial, My brother met and had a baby with Lawrence Powell’s sister. His sister reminds me so much of Amber Heard. She pulled all the same stunts as Amber, and since it was right after the verdict, she had all the lawyers, judges and police, sheriffs behind her. She’s narcissistic and probably has BPD, and compulsive liar, just like Amber, it’s crazy! She ruined a good portion of my brothers life with all her lies and drama, turning my Neice against my brother. My neice is now almost 29, she got married last year in Jamaica, my brother has since been able to repair the damage done by her Mother. He walked her down the aisle at her wedding, and her Mother was a NO SHOW!! The only family that showed up to the wedding was from our side and her half brother. Anyway, I digress.... I ‘m a BIG fan of the high profile and celebrity trials and gossip. I’m recovering from surgery, so it’s been a perfect time for trial watching and binging some JD movies, Blow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Donnie Branco, Public Enemy, and tonight I’m going to watch one of my favorites Chocolat SWOON!!! I’m so appreciative of your interest and dedication to write about these high profile case’s. I’ve also been checking out your highlights of the Maxwell trial, and then I guess I’ll go right down the line to check out Britney etc... in a time where I don’t think we get accurate reporting from MSM, I’m happy to have your Dominic Dunne style reporting to look forward to! Thank you! 🖤

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Fantastic recap, thank you!

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Honestly i just wish we were best friends. I live for this honest content!

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I was in labor with my daughter during the OJ trial. It as like Watergate on TV when I was 10 and could not be avoided. I was a legal secretary working in Garden Grove when the verdict came in. We had a depo and opposing counsel was black. The entire office was in shock - some in tears. Not opposing counsel - he was fist in the air. That was when I fully comprehended OJ was a black man and that's how he would always be seen - at least by blacks. I grew up in a small town in Washington and never experiened any racism until I moved here to California at 21. I hate how color has taken front and center these past few years. I am grateful for the voyeristic trial to take our minds off the hell we are living through. Amber is a pathalogial liar and doesn't even realize it.

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