Here’s my take-if this theory is true. I’m a North Carolina native and live about an hour and a half from the parts of our state demolished by Helene. The gumption and resilience of our *citizens* is beyond reproach. Give a mountain person or a mom a mission and you’ll find that piece of crap faster than a drone. Just tell us already and we’ll freakin’ find it ourselves and give you guys a call. K?

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Same here in Nebraska. Give us the word, and we Midwesterners will sniff it out.

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This is really just insulting to people who train for years to recover deadly things like nukes/bio weapons etc. An average "mom" is not going to have infrared technology able to sense nuclear material (among many other things). People have gumption/survival instincts but please stop flattering yourself when there are professionals at work.

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Well all of those “professionals” haven’t done jack shit in the state of North Carolina and regular citizens have been out here literally saving lives. What “the professionals” have said about infrastructure rebuilding taking a year for ONE small stretch of road was rebuilt in an afternoon by private citizens who had access to the construction vehicles and tools they needed. When “the professionals” couldn’t get past runoff in Lake Lure, private citizens in a helicopter performed a rescue of a couple who would have been left to die. When “the professionals” couldn’t reach any of our mountain folk in Chimney Rock, cowboys with pack-mules traversed the dangerous terrain to get food, fresh water, and gasoline to where it needed to go. Jessica herself isn’t looked upon by the mainstream media as “a professional” and yet she’s CRUSHING their numbers as far as views and interactions. Get off your pretentious moral high horse.

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Helen, well said! What happened to y'all was terrible and so hard to watch. It's amazing that the people stood up and took care of themselves so wonderfully. It's disgusting that they had to!!

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You apparently think the government are the only "professionals" out there. Which is not the case. And I also hate to break this to you, doing search and rescue for people, bringing water places sand clearing out debris, are not the same things as trying to find tactical nukes........................ Just FYI sweetie.

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“Sweetie” lol. 🙄🤡 You’re not understanding my point. Just because someone has training-doesn’t mean they’re the best. The one who has the resolve, the passion, the willingness and moral motivation to learn training in said subject, will always try to do the better job. Take any private citizen who fits that criteria and they will excel in their training, imo. That is why you cannot rely on title of “professional” alone. Give any of the people I mentioned the condensed version in an emergency situation and they will do whatever it takes. As the saying goes “one redneck friend is worth more than 1,000 PHD’s.”

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Lot of good “professionals” have … failed to do… the past decade

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I agree-If true, this "chicken-with-their -head-cut-off" drone approach is so like our government. They prefer looking for a needle in a haystack instead of a direct approach by a mountain person or a mom. Of course, their method is to give money to their pals before the job actually gets done. The government is supposed to be by, for, and of the people. It doesn't mirror us in the slightest.

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Exactly. The bureaucratic red tape is unbelievable. When time was of the essence, and lives were at stake(and still are, with winter weather in the mtns.) it’s shit or get off the pot. Gov’t run donation locations were literally ASKING FOR ID at one and turning folks away from obtaining a generator. Our people are proud and self-sufficient. Do they have any idea how hard it is for some to even ask for help? Then being denied assistance. It just leaves me gutted. DSS “professionals” are literally coming into family’s tents now and saying “if you don’t figure out some sort of lodging, we’re gonna have to take you kids and place them elsewhere.” “Professionals” can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.

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What concerns me most is the lack of attention from the WH or mainstream media, (not that I care what they say, but their silence is loud) so that tells me something is wrong. Tucker was the only one talking a out "a mysterious virus in Chynnna" for the longest time and we all know what cluster fuck happened next.

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What White House?

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Good point. The MIA one.

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I agree that these are American drones, exactly for the reason given: the military already would have responded if they were foreign. But still the Biden WH has handled this situation very poorly. What's new? They could have put all this to bed by just saying that they are American drones and operators are undergoing training. Period. No more would need to be said. I have driven by the drone training AF base in North Las Vegas at night and have seen the same thing and thought nothing of it. Of course those operators need training. So why not just say that? THAT is what is strange.

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Agree 100 percent.

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Except for that Chinese balloon that they allowed to go across the entire US

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How could they have put it to bed if Joe and his cronies were already in bed 😂😂😂( I know it’s lame) but true!

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Why do I feel like the CIA/FBI could be devising this whole operation? Coincidentally right before Trump is to take office. It is eerie Elon isn’t saying anything.

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Elon only talks about what his handlers tell him to talk about.

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Wag Yaya Kash cometh!

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Quick correction, he’s not CEO of Saxon Aerospace, he’s CEO of Saxon Unmanned. Two entirely different companies. I’m not sure he’s as important as people think he is. https://saxonunmanned.com/about-us/

The actual Saxon Aerospace. https://www.saxonaerospaceusa.com/about-us/

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🤔 Missing nuclear weapons, mysterious drones, and rising public unease—sound familiar? Headlines like these echo past events designed to shape public perception and keep us distracted. These drones, like the narratives surrounding them, fit a larger pattern of manipulation—using fear, spectacle, and secrecy to control the narrative.

But why do they do it? From Blades of Glory, we have the following quote:

Jimmy MacElroy: "I don't even know what that means."

Chazz Michael Michaels: "No one knows what it means, but it's provocative."

Coach: "No, it's not."

Chazz Michael Michaels: "It gets the people going!"

PS: the very very first narrative to distract was the public was the moon landing, and we all know that was a huge fallacy: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-big-three-how-false-flags-shape

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They’re already pushing a “bird flu” narrative here in AZ, that 5 animals died from it at a local zoo and they blame “wild bird droppings”. Buckle up for 2025!

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As amusing as some of the general public’s theories are, this is one of the only explanations that makes sense logically. Terrifying as it may be.

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Article says it's pretty much harmless, no?

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Yeah. Sounds like the life of the item is a few days.

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And there you have it!

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Elon’s silence is chilling, and Trump’s message that the government should shoot them down is even chillier.

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Why would Musk pipe up with a theory? Just because he is interested in drones, he is hardly obligated to weigh in. Who wants to look stupid in retrospect? Clearly not Musk.

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Elon is not one to stay silent.

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Fair enough. Yet it just might be that in this case he is smart enough to see where angels might fear to tread.

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There is no good reason to exclude the idea these are Chinese drones or some other foreign nation's drone. We let their "weather" Ballon go across are whole nation, and second Ballon later.

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It’s more about the capability of a drone, even military grade. They’re almost useless at night as far as visibility goes. So they’re not spying. They do, however, have infrared technology. And what would put off heat? Radiation.

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All they need is night vision, so no that's not true

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The CEO with 25 years experience BUILDING them, says otherwise. So unless you know more than he does.

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He probably should be fired then. A simple google search shows article after article about footage from drones at night. Your argument makes zero sense since we can see well at night from a variety of aircraft.

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lol Okay, David. This is the technology equivalent of why doctors hate when people trust WebMd. But sure, go with Google. I’ll trust the expert with literally nothing to gain. Take care!

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Not a good example when medical errors are the third leading cause of death.

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My husband and I have a trusted friend who works in this sphere. Today we asked him about the sitch. He couldn't tell us anything specifically, but said there's nothing to worry about. He said if there was something to worry about, he wouldn'tbe here at home living life like normal. It put me at ease.

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I was also wondering why Elon was so silent so I decided to ask Grok, Elon's AI. Here's what it said--"While the idea of a secretive mission to recover a nuclear warhead makes for an intriguing narrative, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim. The drones' activities over New Jersey remain unexplained, but the official stance is one of investigation without confirmation of any such dramatic purpose as nuclear recovery. The public discourse is filled with speculation, but without verified information, these remain just that — speculation. The White House and other officials have downplayed the threat posed by these drones, suggesting many of the sightings could be misidentified manned aircraft. There's no indication from official sources that these drones are linked to a nuclear warhead search." Of course that's what the WH would say. I think Ferguson's theory makes some sense. I think more likely distraction and fear. We shall see eventually...I think. 🤷‍♀️Great investigative journalism Jessica!

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I wonder what Luigi thinks of these drones. I do also wonder about Elon’s take on this situation and in fact, I wonder what Lex Fridman thinks, too.

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Wut? lmao

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This seems far fetched. There are policies and procedures within the US government for this type of event. A domestic response would involve significant assets from non-DoD agencies and deparrtments (like the Departmemt of Energy amd FBI). Nobody in New Jersey has indicated they've seen anyone from DOE or the FBI or DHS in their neighborhoods. It's likely US assets flying in the skies, but I seriously doubt it has anything to do with a missing nuclear warhead.

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There it is event 57455!

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The government isn't going to get involved like this for what is listed in this report......

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This is a small rad source from a local hospital. Level 3 rad sources are not deadly dangerous. NRC handles civil nuclear sources; not nuclear weapons. That is DOE, DoD, FBI, DHS, etc.

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1984. The sky with drones are the new clouds, stars, and birds.

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Nuclear weapons? Another hoax. Sorry, but it’s just another narrative to stir fear and anxiety.

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