Does anyone else feel like that none of this is new? like LOOK OVER HERE while we continue to cover up the blackmail pedophile ring.

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And depressed that NOTHING will be done about any of it?

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It totally feels like that. Minimal new color added to some of the stories we already knew but feels off

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💯 💯 💯

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So much going on at once. Just saw the James O’Keefe immigration posted and was very interesting. Anyone else see that? @jessicareedkraus?

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Jan 4Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

What stomach-turning transcripts. I know that GM is the only one (so far) doing time, but reading what she was arranging/participating in as the 'Boss' makes me sick. Anything that has gone 'missing' is the result of payoffs...no question. 'Clinton likes them young'; are we surprised?? Always was and ways will be a complete scumbag along with that wife of his. Why are certain names redacted??? Thank you JRK for all of the info...first as usual with all of the facts.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I'd love to hear more about the story behind Clinton wearing that blue dress while on Epstein Island! lol

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I was under the impression that it was a painting that they all got a chuckle over (not a photo). I thought the color of the dress was a reference to Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress.

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Bill is a weird dude! Also Trump never went there so why is his name on the list?

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I know. To be "on the list" your name just had to be brought up in passing on one of the depositions. Even in a "this person was not there" way. It could just as easily be, "Did you ever meet Queen Elizabeth there?"

"No I never met Queen Elizabeth."

And then Queen Elizabeth's name would be on the list. (I chose the example of Queen Elizabeth because I think it’s unlikely she would actually have come up.)

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You never know! lol

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You’re so smart Grace! That could be it!

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Just the impression it gave me. It definitely looks like a painting.

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Oh, that was just a painting? LOL

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There is actually a photo of Hillary Clinton wearing the same dress, but most people seem to think it alludes to Monica Lewinski since it is blue.

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Me too AND Bush with the paper airplanes and Jenga towers.

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Also, does anyone find Virginia's online response to this a bit off? "We broke the internet!" Is this really something to boast about? How about, "I want to take this opportunity to apologize again to the all the young women I harmed by my involvement with JE. I want to apologize if this release brings up unwanted memories or feelings."

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VG has done well playing the “victim” even though we all know she was encouraging underage girls to give old men hand jobs (and more)...acting like she was too young to understand the implications of her actions, acting like she was groomed, when in reality she was working the streets/hooking from the time she was 14 and when GM found her, she was of consenting age. Why has this woman (VG) been given a free pass??? It’s infuriating. Every time she open her mouth...the hypocrisy!

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Amen! Guiffre is an opportunist liar. I have significant doubts as to how much of what she alleged is actually true.

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why is there not more focus on Naomi Campbell? She strikes me as a madame/handler in the top tier of this ring and no one seems to care.

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It’s weird right?

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Totally! Her name is always popping up around these types.

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I believe that there is so much that will be covered up. These rich Billionaire's. And all the others

such as Oprah, Weinstein, the list goes on. I mean Ricky Gervais called them all out and their body language said at all. I believe that that’s why Tom Hanks, and countless others became citizens of other countries. I believe that’s why they’re building their bunkers. I mean look at Jim Carrey now all of a sudden he’s this spiritual person. And yes, Bruce Willis was known to be a player and now he has dementia. Will we ever know the truth? And what are they covering up right now? Because this list now is becoming the number one media talked about thing so we know there’s something else going on behind the scenes.

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Slow clap for your comment. I agree totally. The statement “you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas” is a great descriptive. I don’t care if you were only an associate, or celebrity invited to parties, you became part of the ilk.

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Agreed, agreed, agreed! I have been wondering for a long, long time who is REALLY being covered for if names like Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew are widely known. It has to be important behind the scenes players (not necessarily “famous” names) that they would not ordinary people looking up.

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Also interesting is that Megyn Kelly said today that we are not done with Jeffery Epstein and we may be hearing from him directly this year. Could mean recordings... Who knows. I don't think I KNOW anything any more. 2024 will be epic. (I think... I don't KNOW... LOL)

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I think he’s alive

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I think he’s DE😵D.

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Megyn Kelly is a huge fan of Dershowitz. He is a frequent guest on her podcast. She has repeatedly said he’s innocent. I disagree.

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Alan Dershowitz's behavior is indicative of serious sociopathy!

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What would the woman have to gain from telling the world she slept with AD?! He is no prize, and let’s not forget he defended a wife beater/murderer (when it was so obvious the man is guilty)!

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2024 Bingo pick: Jeffery Epstein lives! This will be a wild year

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Jan 5Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Jessica, get together with Whitney Webb for a podcast on this.

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Jack Poso: Now you know why Garland didn't give Ghislaine Maxwell immunity in exchange for her testimony

It's not an investigation

It's a cover up operation

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

What concerns me is that there are many reports of much more insidious dealings underneath epstein island. That this is a smoke screen for the much worse behaviors done in these circles. Little children/girls under age 10. Issac Kappy released a video with little girls looking to be like slaves, and was exposing all these Hollywood pedophiles before being killed a few years ago. Jessica, have you looked into him?

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She has definitely posted clips of his videos in some from In the past.

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Not a single Western "leader" dares make an even slight criticism of Israel. Mossad has the files. An open secret, really.

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Honestly, I’m so disgusted... zero integrity. The upper echelons of power need a good purgative.

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Most of the upper echelons. One journalist wrote a story about a party at Epsteins place and Katie Curic was a guest. They all swim in the same pond.

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"au naturel" no doubt, her cancerous colon notwithstanding! lol

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Is it just me but has the list already came out a couple of years ago?!? At this point nothing is going to happen and I think it’s just a deflection of something bigger going on

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Epstein's little "blackbook" came out just after his death.

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Ava Dubin stating that she has memory problems of late when she can’t remember a group orgy. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

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And she is a Dr? I hope not in active practice....

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Please can someone explain to me how a few have got themselves redacted? What have these people done to allow the judge to block their names out? Paid? Doctors note?

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CIA and/or Mossad intervention no doubt!

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The official story is that they were victims who were underaged at the time of the deposition. But, the name of a Senator from Maine is also still redacted.

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well that mystery can be solved by a fairly simple process of elimination! lol (Only two Senators per state. LOL)

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What year. Are we talking Bernie or Susan?

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Bernie is from Vermont.

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Omg that’s right. Sorry

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No worries! It can still be figured out if the year is known.

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Wow and Wow. That last line is the biggest concern, and unfortunately, makes too much sense.

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Intresting theory that Mossad has all the proof of the crimes of those famous American people. Israel then has a firm grip on the US policies. No surprise that US supports Israel in Palestinian genocide.

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