This is perfection. The commitment to including EVERYTHING is epic. Such a perfect example of the absolute bat-shit crazy world we live in. Made my day.
I would hope you direct your anger towards all those who lie to us. Listen to Tucker's show from earlier in the week with Mike Benz. It lays out the reasons for the lies. I think Shane's writing style hilighted the fact we are lied to repeatedly and it's about time We The People realize that. Isn't that why you're here on Jessica's page? To hear the truth? Shane layed out "the truth" as we've been told, which proves the truth is being actively hidden from us.
I apologize. I read "ineffective" as opposed to "effective" for some reason. I highly recommend the Mike Benz interview with Tucker. I should be shock-proof by now, but sadly, I find almost daily, that I'm not.
My exact feelings. And I’m even more irate. How people continue to live their lives in ignorance ( I will not say ignorant bliss because this is not blissful for anyone) to what is going on with media and our government is beyond me!
We are bombarded everyday, just by trying to stay "in touch" with what is supposedly happening in the world, in the US, in our work life and in our homes. It is overwhelming to most of us. I loved this article!
I loved this. It shows how all the "facts" are total bullshit, depending on our views. The truth is, our government has lied to us for God only knows how long. Learning that we were lied to about the Manson Murders, JFK, RFK, 9/11, Route 91 (my now son-in-law was there with his at the time girlfriend. She was shot in the head and died. I hate that we know nothing, in spite of it being reported the "shooter" had numerous cameras set up) ... is astounding. I had to look up Doug Mills and see it's not such a far stretch that he would be the one to capture the Trump photo, as he has a vast history of photographing presidents. Here is a link.
Thank you, Shane, for laying out all the we know which proves, once again, we don't know shit. I am so grateful for you, Jessia, Tucker, Elon and others who believe in Joe Friday - "Just The Facts, Mame." May God bless and continue to keep you all safe.
Add the Moon landing, The Challenger “Explosion”, and/or any space travel (current situation with the two stranded). They’ve been lying for a very, very long time.
Best article yet on the assassination! It told me everything I needed to know, yet nothing I needed to know. It told me exactly who did it and why. Yet not who did it and why. It's like someone from CNN or MSNBC wrote it. Jessica, I needed this belly laugh today, but caught myself sounding like Kamala and my day was ruined! 😂 Happy Friday!
It’s one continuous mind f***. Even if people were given the exact truth, they still wouldn’t believe it. They have succeeded in removing our ability to discern fact from fiction. Up is down, black is white. Truth doesn’t matter. Confusion does.
“Kissed each bullet”😂😂😂
Only Shane.
The fact that her image doing this immediately popped in my mind is writing gold
My favorite part!! 🤣🤣
Sandyhook all over again.
This is perfection. The commitment to including EVERYTHING is epic. Such a perfect example of the absolute bat-shit crazy world we live in. Made my day.
Sandyhook all over again.
This post made me angry. What an effective writing style.
I like what he did here!
Now I'm in your rabbit hole. ❤️
Amazing work!
I went to see your stories and I’m blocked. I don’t know why? I have followed for years 😩
Sandyhook all over again.
I would hope you direct your anger towards all those who lie to us. Listen to Tucker's show from earlier in the week with Mike Benz. It lays out the reasons for the lies. I think Shane's writing style hilighted the fact we are lied to repeatedly and it's about time We The People realize that. Isn't that why you're here on Jessica's page? To hear the truth? Shane layed out "the truth" as we've been told, which proves the truth is being actively hidden from us.
No implication I am or was angry at the writer… the situation. The state of our nation.
I apologize. I read "ineffective" as opposed to "effective" for some reason. I highly recommend the Mike Benz interview with Tucker. I should be shock-proof by now, but sadly, I find almost daily, that I'm not.
I’ve seen it! So smart and captivating. Thank you for the recommendation. 🙌🏽🙏🏽🇺🇸
Sandyhook all over again.
This was the best and worst non informative informational post I have ever not read! I hated to love it :)
Oh good! LOL
My exact feelings. And I’m even more irate. How people continue to live their lives in ignorance ( I will not say ignorant bliss because this is not blissful for anyone) to what is going on with media and our government is beyond me!
We are bombarded everyday, just by trying to stay "in touch" with what is supposedly happening in the world, in the US, in our work life and in our homes. It is overwhelming to most of us. I loved this article!
Overwhelming is an understatement!
Sandyhook all over again.
Sandyhook all over again.
Honestly thought this article would wrap up with “Your mom”.
Excellent introduction to a noir novel with a jazz soundtrack from the 30s. Congratulations to the author.
LOVE this comment!
I loved this. It shows how all the "facts" are total bullshit, depending on our views. The truth is, our government has lied to us for God only knows how long. Learning that we were lied to about the Manson Murders, JFK, RFK, 9/11, Route 91 (my now son-in-law was there with his at the time girlfriend. She was shot in the head and died. I hate that we know nothing, in spite of it being reported the "shooter" had numerous cameras set up) ... is astounding. I had to look up Doug Mills and see it's not such a far stretch that he would be the one to capture the Trump photo, as he has a vast history of photographing presidents. Here is a link.
Thank you, Shane, for laying out all the we know which proves, once again, we don't know shit. I am so grateful for you, Jessia, Tucker, Elon and others who believe in Joe Friday - "Just The Facts, Mame." May God bless and continue to keep you all safe.
Add the Moon landing, The Challenger “Explosion”, and/or any space travel (current situation with the two stranded). They’ve been lying for a very, very long time.
Yes? Of all the comments, you single out mine? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“It’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled” - Someone smarter than me….
Sanduhook all over again.
Best article yet on the assassination! It told me everything I needed to know, yet nothing I needed to know. It told me exactly who did it and why. Yet not who did it and why. It's like someone from CNN or MSNBC wrote it. Jessica, I needed this belly laugh today, but caught myself sounding like Kamala and my day was ruined! 😂 Happy Friday!
Sandyhook all over again.
It was a surprise but they knew about it before hand
Thank God for Barron the time traveler and his well timed warning…
It’s one continuous mind f***. Even if people were given the exact truth, they still wouldn’t believe it. They have succeeded in removing our ability to discern fact from fiction. Up is down, black is white. Truth doesn’t matter. Confusion does.
Sandyhook all over again.
I’m no special agent, but couldn’t they track the number of the guy on the roof in the gray suit that they texted the pictures to? 🤨
Shane perfectly captures the total LUNACY that we are living through at this time. Bravo!
Did anybody ask Obama ?
What did Mayorkas know and when did he know it? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
Brilliant summation of this clown show!
I need more blankets AND less blankets!