I’m a criminal defense lawyer who practices in federal court in nyc. I’m very familiar with MDC Brooklyn. Not to be all aCkShuaLlY, but some of the info you received isn’t correct.

“They could place him in the same unit as R. Kelly and other high-profile inmates, but even Epstein wasn’t housed there.”

Epstein was housed in a different jail: the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in lower Manhattan, which has since been closed.

“Instead, they’ve put him in the SHU (Special Housing Unit), also known as the hole—a punishment for prisoners who get into fights.”

SHU is used both for punishment and for protective custody. Diddy is in the latter. The experience is basically the same though. One thing not mentioned is that the SHU is freezing cold all year long.

“All his calls are being monitored on orders from the prosecutors.”

This is standard operating procedure for all detainees, and is not an order by prosecutors but a policy of the Bureau of Prisons.

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Diddy has not been to trial yet. I don’t know much about him (just the news reports) but he should have a safe environment to stay in until trial and if found guilty then this is where he belongs. If he is found guilty of the horrible things he is being accused of then his life should be the cost. However. I don’t believe most of what the media says. I need to see proof.

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I agree whole heartedly with your response. The guards in prison should not be able to get away with treating inmates so inhumane. Let justice run its course. It truly is a sad statement to our system.

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I agree with you. Although it’s probably safe to say he’s guilty of everything he’s accused of and probably so much more. But I’m not at all in favor of prison guards getting away with taunting prisoners or tampering with their food or doing anything other than guarding them. The court system will handle the rest.

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We are the United States of America. We shouldn't be rooting for torture. Is that how you'd like your family treated? Our country is built upon the premise of innocent until proven guilty and regardless of what he's done or what we think he's done, we should all want a fair and speedy and public trial naming names and giving appropriate punishment. When we become okay with anyone being tortured what we are saying is we're okay with our own families being tortured by this justice system-- It doesn't just stop with the people you're okay with being tortured, these principles extend to all prisoners, and we've seen the justice system weaponized in the last few years and we've seen many innocent people having to withstand unacceptable conditions based on them exercising their protected constitutional rights. Terrorists are being treated better. These conditions can also lead to cause for appeal and dismissal. Do better America. All this is going to lead to is a suspicious "suicide" and no justice and no answers, but a further crumbling of the justice system in America.

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Sexually abused CHILDREN have to live with the torture of what is done to them for the rest of their lives. Some even commit suicide just to end their pain . Everyday they have to learn to live a new day with the pain and torture that was done to them. These children’s lives were stolen from them . They did not choose it. Their innocence gone and they will never be the same in the worst way possible. I know a lady who was 61 years old. She ended her life because of being sexually abused as a small child. She made it to 61 years before she took her life. Her suicide not said she just couldn’t take it any longer and she held out as long as she could. And this story is mild compared to others - especially diddy victims .

The kind or person that commits crimes against children - our justice system fails our children over and over. These criminals get off way too soon and prison is not enough for them. Diddy is a terrorist. This can of evil deserves everything it puts out , right back at them .

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Yeah I tend to agree with this. Our society is too soft. Maybe people would stop doing such evil things if they knew there would be consequences.

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Totally agree

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We are the United States of America.


Not for long at the rate we're going with the efforts of those seeking to make irt something other than what it is/was.

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If you are paying attention, then you would see this country is NOT what it once was . And it’s about to get worse if Kamala gets in . Our system is not working for us. It’s working for the criminals!

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I don't agree with him being taunted nor abused. I came here to say why now? He's notorious for having these parties and abusing people so why do the feds decide to get him now after all these years?!?! And, can we trust the feds not to destroy the evidence that would identify other celebs and politicians involved?

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To answer why now? I have a couple ideas: Maybe as a way for this administration to make itself look like it’s actually doing anything about anything? Or maybe as a distraction from their disastrous candidate Kamala? Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Good. As a survivor of sex trafficking he gets NO pity from me.

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They - who ever that is- is probably putting him in these conditions on purpose to make sure he talks? Not saying it’s right. Just speculation. Or it could be that they know somehow he’ll get out of this and they want to see him suffer before he does get out . Or maybe it s a reminder of who really controls him?

Diddy is being accused of raping children. - I don’t say ‘minors’ because , CHILDREN should be the thing you see in your head when you read that. Criminals in prisons do special things to pedophiles in prison- or at least that’s the word on the street. For that kind of evil , I don’t think prison is a good enough justice. Torture and death to anyone who comes for my child or any CHILD !!!!

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Call it karma or whatever you want but his bad boy behavior has finally caught up with him after all these years. I don't feel badly for him. We have all seen the footage of him brutally assaulting his then-girlfriend Cassie. I have also seen the video of him with Justin Bieber which was disgusting. Justin is now leaking unseen footage which confirms the allegations. I also find the death of his ex and mother of his children, suspicious. She was 47 and supposedly died of pneumonia. I'm sure there is much more to come. I do hope he lives to stand trial. There are a lot of people who don't want that to happen though. Thanks for the update Jessica. sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Where have you seen the footage Justin is leaking?

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Type it into Google. I think YouTube

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So disgusting that so many wealthy and powerful people get away with this abuse

Unfortunately, I think they get away with it because this repulsive behavior is deeply entrenched among the upper classes.

Will we ever see Epstein client list?

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Your last part, “Will it even matter” is spot on. We need the people above Diddy (not just Naomi Campbell) - we need Lucien, Oprah, ex-presidents, Congressman, other leaders across the world….but we won’t get that. We will get Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Ashton, etc and think that this whole blackmail, pedophile thing has been solved. They are guilty but also being scapegoated. Who are the super-villains in this?!?

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Sloan Bella says karma is all about balance & that has always stuck with me. He was energetically sucking everyone’s energy & now the guards are doing it to him. He is now the sacrifice.

The human in me feels bad for him, but did he bring it upon himself? 🥴

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Please let him survive to his trial....

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Let me guess… the cameras in his cell don’t work.

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Seems strange - he hasn’t been convicted yet. Where are these guards from? Thugs.com - just an odd story honestly - are you sure it’s credible and they aren’t just trying to get him moved or something.

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Have we heard from/know where Nick (epstein’s cell mate) is yet? That story haunts me.

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Based on this, “Up Ahead: Update on another inmate who fell briefly off our radar,” I’m thinking we will know soon 🤞🏼

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I just went through a major storm. Many people suffered damage and losses. Diddy is the last ting on my mind, if at all. Sometimes justice gets it right. If not, the "end" will have you explaining why you've been a jackass. Semper Fi.

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Can’t hit like because it’s horrific. Even if he brought it on himself.

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Even David in the psalms prayed his enemies would be mowed down like the grass and wither as the green herb. I can’t get over what has happened to the kids and to Cassie and many others. No rest for the wicked

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