Introducing a true crime series detailing previously unheard allegations of a cartel coverup, federal court corruption, and jail cell conversations with Epstein during the last weeks of his life
Wow, this is serious stuff. Maureen Comey was the one prosecuting and James Comey was the head of the FBI. Talk about a nepo baby! That alone sounds circumspect. The power these people have to bring others down so they can retain power is truly frightening. Anyone with a brain knows Epstein did not commit suicide. What happened to all of the powerful people on the infamous "list"? Bill Gates has gone on to make billions off the Covid vaccine and now is trying to "fix the cows" to fight climate change. He's the one who should be in jail amongst many others on that list which will most likely never see the light of day. Nick is right in that we should all care because we never know who could be next. It might just be you or someone you know. I hope you can get to the truth. These are such powerful people Jessica so tread carefully!
This is heartbreaking, intriguing, and terrifying! The corruption in our country is staggering. So thankful you’re coving this. We all need to be praying for this Man🙏🏼
Once you’re done with this one, can we talk about 8 cancer researchers/doctors who were going to a conference to talk about the mRNA having a cancer accelerator in it. Talk about corruption!
The mnra shots have multiple cancer causing mechanism and this has been talked about in detail by many censored doctors and scientists for years now. This includes the DNA contamination as well as the sv40 promoter found in the vials. Sv40 is a tumor promoter used to promote tumors in mice. This has been found in the mrna vials studied by multiple scientists in several locations globally, so the findings have been replicated independently. This is important.
Diana, I’m sorry for getting back so late, life got in the way. My son speaks Portuguese and I had him help with translations of articles. The best article in fact checking the claims I could find is this one:
It seems the English speaking world exaggerated the story and very little English articles are nothing sandwiches and speculation. So no basis of conspiracy can be found.
Robyn..I can’t find the link to the plane crash if you posted it. Can you post it again?? I’m sure many others found it odd the way that plane went down with all those medical experts on board. TY
This story will be fascinating and I’m not shocked I have heard nothing about it until now. I love that you cover these stories but also worry about your safety. It’s sad that we live in a world/country that when a journalist who is outspoken and speaks the truth and shares what she learns we now have to worry something could happen. Keep sharing these stories and being the one who speaks out. All while being safe and cautious! I truly believe you will be a journalist people talk about years to come for your strength and willingness to go against any establishment to share a story when they want those stories to be kept hidden.
Oh boy, I may have to drop my long held belief that Jeffrey Epstein did not actually kill himself…. But anything that involves a
Person with the surname of Comey is suspect in my book. James Comey’s coulda shoulda but wouldnt indictment of Hillary remains my #1 reason to scream whenever she starts in with her “ no one is above the law” poppycock.
And there are many unanswered questions… the guards asleep?? The video monitors not working…… I keep saying if Epstein’s list were to published, so many of these slimeballs would be finished… Ghislaine Maxwell sits in jail…. Or does she?… and not one of her clients who were having sex with minors has been charged…. I keep thinking Senator Bob Menendez might have enough dirt to escape prison time…..
When I saw Comey was the lead attorney I wondered if there were ties to the corrupt Comey. I cannot believe it’s his daughter. This poor man. So glad you are covering this and can’t wait to learn more.
This is heartbreaking. These four letter agencies need to be blown up into oblivion. It’s also incredible how much of the filth involved in this corruption are democrats. All I needed to hear was that a Comey was involved and it tells you all you need to know.
Maureen Comey should have excused herself from the case. Huge conflict of interest with James Comey presiding over the FBI. Our government is so corrupt and self-serving.
Nothing shocks me anymore. Not. one. thing. But, these things do scare me. Our world is rapidly changing and the USA is struggling to stay afloat. We need someone to make the DNC and their cronies go bye-bye. We need Kennedy and Trump to shake hands and work together. Cheryl needs to open her eyes to the truth and stand by Bobby. So does his family. Thank you for your writing- it is fantastic and riveting. Stay safe. Oh- and Have a blast on your last vacay for the summer!
Have you seen the hit piece Vanity Fair wrote about RFK Jr? It’s sickening. They are put to destroy him now like they are Trump with stories from his past to his past political beliefs to his goat eating bear dumping and sexual escapades.. mostly embellished it out right lies. If he doesn’t endorse Trump now it will be an endorsement for the Dems. Then it will be easy to think he was a deterrent and not a serious candidate. God help us. The swamp is real and it is demonic.
I did and the funny thing about that is it was old news. Bobby is pretty good and putting stuff out there- like the bear story. Beating them to the punch which I LOVE. We all know that he is far from a saint- not many politicians or people of that generation, including Trump, are. Life has evolved. I am a good person, but I would never run for anything where my past would be dug up and displayed. I don't have the courage. Now the MSM embellishes and spreads the disinformation that they claim others are spreading. I just don't know how they look at themselves in the mirror. They are sick and the worst kind of narcissistic. (Not that there is a good kind- but...).
I wish there was any further context about why he was set up. It's always jarring to learn how blatantly corruption is carried out in this country. Thank you for sharing... you're right. I'm sure this will end up on Netflix soon...
The deep and evil corruption has been around for decades. My first glimpse of this was reading, The Franklin Cover-up. That book opened my naive eyes and ever since then, I no longer have trust in our system. I believe Nick’s story. Jessica, keep doing what you’re doing, but safety first and foremost.
Thank you for all you reveal/post. You’re such a great writer, but better than that - a good human Being!
Ohhh The Franklin Cover-Up Scandal. I’ve read one of the books and listened to the podcast. Everything is connected - Johnny Gosch, Les Wexner, and the murder of Vicki Morgan (Alfred Bloomingdale’s mistress). I feel like Jessica is piercing the veil at the top and it’s a place they don’t want us. Have you watched Conspiracy of Silence about The Franklin Scandal? It’s a BBC documentary on YouTube. It’s hard to find and you have to confirm you’re of legal age to view. I highly recommend.
Yes LW, I have watched it twice! Good to know many like yourself have read and watched it. It forever changed my views. My deep dive continues after 5 + years.
Each day as this election gets closer I think to myself, “Is ignorance bliss?” cause processing all the evil in this world is exhausting. & that’s just as a reader.
Praying for you Jessica! It takes a strong person to keep fighting the good fight amidst the nonstop chaos.
Wow, this is serious stuff. Maureen Comey was the one prosecuting and James Comey was the head of the FBI. Talk about a nepo baby! That alone sounds circumspect. The power these people have to bring others down so they can retain power is truly frightening. Anyone with a brain knows Epstein did not commit suicide. What happened to all of the powerful people on the infamous "list"? Bill Gates has gone on to make billions off the Covid vaccine and now is trying to "fix the cows" to fight climate change. He's the one who should be in jail amongst many others on that list which will most likely never see the light of day. Nick is right in that we should all care because we never know who could be next. It might just be you or someone you know. I hope you can get to the truth. These are such powerful people Jessica so tread carefully!
This is heartbreaking, intriguing, and terrifying! The corruption in our country is staggering. So thankful you’re coving this. We all need to be praying for this Man🙏🏼
Once you’re done with this one, can we talk about 8 cancer researchers/doctors who were going to a conference to talk about the mRNA having a cancer accelerator in it. Talk about corruption!
🫣 it is beyond wild!!!
The mnra shots have multiple cancer causing mechanism and this has been talked about in detail by many censored doctors and scientists for years now. This includes the DNA contamination as well as the sv40 promoter found in the vials. Sv40 is a tumor promoter used to promote tumors in mice. This has been found in the mrna vials studied by multiple scientists in several locations globally, so the findings have been replicated independently. This is important.
Yes! I am following that too.
Robyn - wait- this IS what they were addressing?!?
Yes. I’m not in a place where I can provide a link for a while, but I will later!
Diana, I’m sorry for getting back so late, life got in the way. My son speaks Portuguese and I had him help with translations of articles. The best article in fact checking the claims I could find is this one:
It seems the English speaking world exaggerated the story and very little English articles are nothing sandwiches and speculation. So no basis of conspiracy can be found.
Robyn..I can’t find the link to the plane crash if you posted it. Can you post it again?? I’m sure many others found it odd the way that plane went down with all those medical experts on board. TY
This story will be fascinating and I’m not shocked I have heard nothing about it until now. I love that you cover these stories but also worry about your safety. It’s sad that we live in a world/country that when a journalist who is outspoken and speaks the truth and shares what she learns we now have to worry something could happen. Keep sharing these stories and being the one who speaks out. All while being safe and cautious! I truly believe you will be a journalist people talk about years to come for your strength and willingness to go against any establishment to share a story when they want those stories to be kept hidden.
This sadly is so true. Why we all need to keep Jessica in our prayers, never underestimate the power of prayer
God has her back, because she is doing His work, I believe 🤍
“For such a time as this” ✌🏽🇺🇸
Amen! Jessica has been in my prayers, for multiple reasons, but I do believe God is protecting her and her family.
I found an evil Reddit thread about her recently. It was so disturbing what these lunatics are capable of doing to another human.
Ramping up the prayers as Jessica dives deeper into the truth.
Oh boy, I may have to drop my long held belief that Jeffrey Epstein did not actually kill himself…. But anything that involves a
Person with the surname of Comey is suspect in my book. James Comey’s coulda shoulda but wouldnt indictment of Hillary remains my #1 reason to scream whenever she starts in with her “ no one is above the law” poppycock.
I still don't believe Epstein killed himself. The man had a prodigious ego. Narcissists
don't commit suicide. They may go down in flames (Trump?), but suicide just isn't in their personality wheelhouse.
And there are many unanswered questions… the guards asleep?? The video monitors not working…… I keep saying if Epstein’s list were to published, so many of these slimeballs would be finished… Ghislaine Maxwell sits in jail…. Or does she?… and not one of her clients who were having sex with minors has been charged…. I keep thinking Senator Bob Menendez might have enough dirt to escape prison time…..
When I saw Comey was the lead attorney I wondered if there were ties to the corrupt Comey. I cannot believe it’s his daughter. This poor man. So glad you are covering this and can’t wait to learn more.
This is heartbreaking. These four letter agencies need to be blown up into oblivion. It’s also incredible how much of the filth involved in this corruption are democrats. All I needed to hear was that a Comey was involved and it tells you all you need to know.
Maureen Comey should have excused herself from the case. Huge conflict of interest with James Comey presiding over the FBI. Our government is so corrupt and self-serving.
Comey recuse herself?? There’s a reason she was assigned that case and it’s not above board.
Yes. I believe so too. No coincidence.
I’ve missed these Epstein/Maxwell articles, it’s all connected, in some form to the current events.
Nothing shocks me anymore. Not. one. thing. But, these things do scare me. Our world is rapidly changing and the USA is struggling to stay afloat. We need someone to make the DNC and their cronies go bye-bye. We need Kennedy and Trump to shake hands and work together. Cheryl needs to open her eyes to the truth and stand by Bobby. So does his family. Thank you for your writing- it is fantastic and riveting. Stay safe. Oh- and Have a blast on your last vacay for the summer!
Have you seen the hit piece Vanity Fair wrote about RFK Jr? It’s sickening. They are put to destroy him now like they are Trump with stories from his past to his past political beliefs to his goat eating bear dumping and sexual escapades.. mostly embellished it out right lies. If he doesn’t endorse Trump now it will be an endorsement for the Dems. Then it will be easy to think he was a deterrent and not a serious candidate. God help us. The swamp is real and it is demonic.
I cannot stand Vanity Fair. I hate what they’ve become. That hit piece is disgusting. Joe Hagen is such a troll.
Their subscription price is $1 right now- with a free tote bag!! So, no one wants to pay for that rag!
It was plain to see the lies and character assassination vomited out about him. I saw it on X so it’s out there. The Dems will lap it up.
I did and the funny thing about that is it was old news. Bobby is pretty good and putting stuff out there- like the bear story. Beating them to the punch which I LOVE. We all know that he is far from a saint- not many politicians or people of that generation, including Trump, are. Life has evolved. I am a good person, but I would never run for anything where my past would be dug up and displayed. I don't have the courage. Now the MSM embellishes and spreads the disinformation that they claim others are spreading. I just don't know how they look at themselves in the mirror. They are sick and the worst kind of narcissistic. (Not that there is a good kind- but...).
I wish there was any further context about why he was set up. It's always jarring to learn how blatantly corruption is carried out in this country. Thank you for sharing... you're right. I'm sure this will end up on Netflix soon...
It’s a lot to unravel. That’s why we’ll do it in chapters here.
This is going to be riveting…I can’t wait
The deep and evil corruption has been around for decades. My first glimpse of this was reading, The Franklin Cover-up. That book opened my naive eyes and ever since then, I no longer have trust in our system. I believe Nick’s story. Jessica, keep doing what you’re doing, but safety first and foremost.
Thank you for all you reveal/post. You’re such a great writer, but better than that - a good human Being!
Ohhh The Franklin Cover-Up Scandal. I’ve read one of the books and listened to the podcast. Everything is connected - Johnny Gosch, Les Wexner, and the murder of Vicki Morgan (Alfred Bloomingdale’s mistress). I feel like Jessica is piercing the veil at the top and it’s a place they don’t want us. Have you watched Conspiracy of Silence about The Franklin Scandal? It’s a BBC documentary on YouTube. It’s hard to find and you have to confirm you’re of legal age to view. I highly recommend.
Yes LW, I have watched it twice! Good to know many like yourself have read and watched it. It forever changed my views. My deep dive continues after 5 + years.
Each day as this election gets closer I think to myself, “Is ignorance bliss?” cause processing all the evil in this world is exhausting. & that’s just as a reader.
Praying for you Jessica! It takes a strong person to keep fighting the good fight amidst the nonstop chaos.
Wow .. what is he going to say about JE , and so important he can trust and talk to you Jessica x
This is going to be riveting I can't wait