It is so clear to see who actually has never watched and listened to FULL content from Candace. Little clips, mainstream media, IG clips ect. It's not a whole round vision of a person. I'm not religious, but I love that she's unapologetic about her religion. She doesn't like hypocritical themes in anything, she practices what she preaches. She leans into the wife and mom life and everything else can come after. Ppl hate that her husband is from an upper eshalon family in the UK. God forbid you marry generational wealth (they all had the same issues with Ballerina Farm). She's head strong, says what she believes. But BACKS IT UP for her reasons. But ppl that hate her can't back up their feelings on her. It's all talking points. Super radical left leaning "LOVE" a strong woman...but only if they're on their side and their same mind meld. If you're strong and think differently, you're an enemy.

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I'm afraid her blatant anti-Semitism erased anything I used to like about her.

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Where does it state that one must accept all things Isreal? In my opinion, both Isreal and Gaza are assholes - not the people who live there, but the government. Isreal is a bully kid whose dad is the Chief of Police. The kid is entitled cuz daddy is gonna ruin the family of anyone who doesn't give their lunch money to the kid cuz that's just what daddy does. We are funding their war. For what? I could not care less if one is Jewish, Muslim (some of the best people I know are Muslim), Christian, Cathlic, Agnostic. As long as they are kind is what matters. I dislike someone who wears their religion on their sleeve while purposely making someone feel awful about themselves. I do not think she is anti-semetic. She is stating facts and those form her opinions. Period.

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At least spell it right. Jews are 0.2% of the world and they are fighting for their right to exist and live and there was a ceasefire and the option of another is on the table if they release the hostages (which include babies) which they so far have refused to do

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If only she stuck to the facts there would be no problem, but she is embarrassingly ignorant and makes stuff up, or gets it from nefarious sources. Someone who doesn’t know the date of the Russian revolution should not speak on history.

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Thumbs up!!

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She is not practicing anti semitism. The people she is discussing are not semites. They are not the people of the bible. I know folks do not wish to accept that. The palestinians are the semites. We must at least be factual on this.

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This is nonsense. We Jews are directly descended from the people of the bible. Some of us, like my father’s family often with the last name Cohen are descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses. We have unbroken traditions of thousands of years with centuries of documentation and artefacts. You can’t erase history with your ignorance.

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I get the Antisemitism issue and I don't condone Jewish hatred, as that of any other. . What bothers me is how come there is no mention about any other 'anti"?? I'm a traditional Catholic and earlier this year the FBI infiltrated 'traditional' Catholic churches because the parishioners are deemed as "radical extremists'. Well, the FBI falls under the jurisdiction of the DOJ whose head is one Merrick Garland, who is Jewish and I watched him cower when some Senator (and I don't remember who) grilled him about the matter. How come there is no outcry about that sort of thing? Sort of sounds like the Semitism thing has the market cornered on the "anti' bias issue.

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It’s just a word, you don’t have to use it. Say Jew hatred if you want to be specific, or racism if you don’t. It’s like Islamophobia, a made up word.

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Due to the fact that many many many many people throughout all the history have converted to Judaism you can no longer say that “we Jews are direct descendants from the people of the Bible. Your family might’ve been, but the bloodline of Abraham has been filled with all kinds of other bloodlines. Get over yourself. Jews are no longer any more or less special than any other human on earth to God.

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It’s not a matter of being special, but we are who we are. Throughout the years many different people joined the Jewish faith but they also married original Jews, so that their descendants are still children of Abraham.

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Wrong. Whole families of people who were not descendants of Abraham, over and over, through thousands of years, have converted to Judaism. There are many many many many many many many many many many Jews that did not come from Abraham’s line and bear no relation to him. Sorry but you are no more special than any other human on this planet, get over yourself. At best, your ancestors murdered their Messiah. It’s nothing to brag about.

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Your comment is crazy as well as false. And why do you keep going on about the special thing? No one said anything about that but you. No bragging, just facts.

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Thank you

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Yes, it is true that Palestinians, like Jews, are considered Semitic people. The term "Semite" broadly refers to a group of related languages and, by extension, the people who speak these languages. The Semitic language family includes Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic, among others. But you and I both know that when we refer to anti semitism we are talking about hatred of Jews.

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Just because you speak a language does not mean you are that people. I speak Spanish some and I am not a Spaniard. The people in Israel that are discharging this conflict are not the people of the bible. Therefore they are not Semites. They are from Europe. We have to understand that because then that changes the conversation. We must stop this delusion of 1948. The world was happening before that.

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Much of what scholars know about Israel’s ancient history comes from the Hebrew Bible. According to the text, Israel’s origins can be traced back to Abraham, who is considered the father of Judaism (through his son Isaac) and Islam (through his son Ishmael) and Christianity (through Isaac).

Abraham’s descendants were thought to be enslaved by the Egyptians for hundreds of years before settling in Canaan, which is approximately the region of modern-day Israel.

The word Israel comes from Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, who was renamed “Israel” by the Hebrew God in the Bible.

I am not even Jewish and I find it deplorable when people try to argue this is not the Jews land so therefore it’s perfectly ok for Muslims to rape tortured and kill woman and children. Did you know that America was ‘conquered’ and taken? Have you seen what Turkey did to Cyprus? Britain to Northern Ireland? Etc etc etc ad infinitum. Bill Maher says it absolutely the best. Bill Clinton spoke about it and if you’re interested you can read this short article. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/bill-clinton-palestinians-israel-223176

The argument to me from white liberals on college campuses screaming about genocide from a college campus probably built by descendants of slaves on land that was sold for a dollar makes me quite ill.

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They lived in Europe after their forced exile by the Romans, you idiot.

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Thank you 🙏

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Kudos, again!!

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Thank you all in this thread that acknowledged the truth that Semites refers to people of Arabic and Hebrew language . A genocide on INNOCENT Arabs is antisemitism. The term has been twisted in media to support ONE side and people soak up the inaccuracy without understand the terminology. There’s nothing antisemitic about Candace ‘s position that genocide is against her Christian values . It makes her more Christian than many other conservatives.

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If it helps, you are also an antisemite.

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Can I get an AMEN!!

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You know antisemimitism is a crock. A made up word by these certain people so they can't be criticised. The fact people can't understand this is embarrassing. It's a word to promote censorship and give a group of people freedom to do as they please and use this catchphrase if anyone questions them.

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Like racism?

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Are you going to give examples or just recite what legacy media has told you about her? Being an isolationist who does not condone Israel’s killing of children in their war does not make her an antisemite. Would love to hear your list of examples.

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I wasn't looking to recruit people to my viewpoint, so saw no need for examples. I also don't listen to, watch or read legacy media, so my opinion is based on actually listening to what she has said. Her comments have not been restricted to the current situation in the middle east, so clearly her bias does not stem from a disapproval of the current Israeli government and it's choices. People continue to make excuses for anti-Semitism or try to explain it away, which is why it is so pervasive throughout most conspiracy theories, both ancient and modern.

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Well then I think you should quote what she said that was anti Semitic that came directly from her, that you listened to, because you don’t watch legacy media.

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Like I said, I'm not trying to sway anyone, so I'm not sure why I should take the time to do that.

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Examples: Jews killed JFK, the horrific experiments on twins in auschwitz was just propaganda, she spouts crazy nonsense and doesn’t feel a need to have evidence

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Speaking TRUTH about the atrocities Israel is committing (along with Hamas), exposing the double standard and putting America first isn’t anti-semetic. She’s been very clear on this. It’s not her fault that the truth makes Israel look bad.

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Apparently, some find anti-semites refreshing.

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Agree with Julie!

I like Candace's rebel spirit and how she challenges the narrative.

I do believe she is an antisemite which negates the good about her.

There is no room for blind hate in this world.

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I struggle with this as well. I like a lot of what she does and a lot of her views that are anti-semetic are stemming from ignorance. However, she does so much research on many topics, I wish she would do more research on the history of Israel. I can't totally discount her but it has given me pause when she gets on her anti-Jewish comments.

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I think the "semites" you are referring to aren't actual decendants of jewish people but the people who have co-opted the semite's plight. To call out the leaders and corruption in Israel is not anti-semetic.

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She is not being anti-semetic, she is critiquing the movements and actions of people who happen to be Jewish. Are we not allowed to be critical of the movements and actions of people like George Soros or Merrick Garland? They are vile men who have harmed Americans with their policies and actions. Why do they get a pass on criticism just because of their heritage. It's dangerous when we cannot separate the actions of individuals from the rest of the group. I am Catholic, but I am extremely critical of Biden, am I being anti-Catholic? We should also be allowed to comment on and critique the actions of government without being labeled anti-semites, what the Isreali government is doing is a genocide against Palestine. This is not a critique on Jewish people, but on the government.

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Please read the letter Dennis Praeger wrote to her before you decide she's not being anti-Semetic. He outlined it all very clearly.

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I read his letter right when he shared it and I read it again now. I still don't believe she is anti-Semite. Anytime anyone is critical of Isreal or certain Jewish people that labels gets thrown around and it muddies the waters and then we don't focus on the issue at hand but the label instead.

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There is a vast difference between being critical of someone's actions and blaming their faith/heritage for those actions. She does the latter, which is absolutely anti-Semitism.

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This is the sane take. I'm bored of post-liberals joining the grift with idiot fucking Nazis because they think they're more authentic.

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Candace Owens is a very courageous woman who thinks for herself and won't be controlled by guardians of orthodoxy -- including the orthodoxy of the right wing when it comes to the Middle East.

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This was so much fun. Felt like being on the phone with friends catching up on the latest goings on.

I can't even imagine the kind of darkness that is going to come out during the Diddy trial. I hope it brings all the "vampires" in the industry out to burn in the light.

Thank you, Mike, for liking that post! And thank you, Jessica, for having the bravery to question it all and share your journey with us!

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I also used to found her fascinating and enjoyed her rhetoric but was deeply saddened by the anti Israel sentiment. I am just saddened by the defense of a group who have openly said they wish to eradicate Jews.

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Where has Candace said she defends hamas? She does not condone them. A person can be critical of Israel’s war tactics killing children while are not agreeing with Hamas actions. Innocent children should not be murdered. That’s her stance.

Americans should be allowed to question the US connection to Israel which is unlike any other country in the world. We should be wary of all lobbyists, including ADL lobbyists in Washington. Candace is America first. Always.

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Nobody wants to eradicate Jew's. That's preposterous. The fact Nobody can criticise this group of people is though.

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Ok so sorry I need to go back to my safe haven and delete this subscription now because the ignorance is quite literally devastating . Here is a link to the full Hamas doctrine where they themselves quite clearly talk about eradicating the world of Jews. https://www.adl.org/resources/news/anti-semitism-hamas-charter-selected-excerpts

They’ve said it themselves. Believe them.

I wish we could live in a world of cold hard facts. I urge anyone with a mind that is open to listen to Douglas Murray (a non Jew who has his facts straight)

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Both can be true. You can criticize the actions of Palestine and of Israeli’s. It’s not antisemitism to say ‘hey that’s not cool to kill innocent children,’ so stop all the drama.

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I took what you said as everyone wants to. Hamas is a group of extremests of Islam. If you want to do your homework, though you will find Islam is all about taking over the world and thus far they have infiltrated every nation. Think about that.

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A growing religion doesn’t make them infiltrators . Do your homework too! Ask why are so many wonderful people connecting with Islam? Do people have no agency? I speak as a Palestinian Catholic. Americans generally let their leaders tell them who to fear, when their leaders are not people

to trust.

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Oh I know not to trust governments. I have also done a lot of homework in the past on Islam.

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The idea of Islamic “infiltrators” usually comes from the infiltrators themselves. So check and revise your sources. US and Israel publishes a loooot of Islamophobic BS, to get us to where we are now. Never forget that people are people.

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If you know how to read properly, in the context this charter was written…”the Jews” are the reference used for the invaders of our land. They are specific in speaking of Zionists in particular as the enemy. Still true to this day. Why can’t you just exist without stealing land and denying our existence as a people who are the real semites? Most Israelis have dual citizenship did you even think about that? Just go home!

You have lost all credibility ever since our calls to freedom is interpreted as the eradication of the Jews, that intentional misunderstanding says it all really.

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Nobody? It must be nice to live in your ignorance.

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😂 Israel think they are special. Hamas wants to eradicate everyone. They really aren't particularly focused on one race or religion, just anything other than theirs.

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Come back to me after you have spoken to a person from Gaza. You will find that they have a particular concern with Jews.

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If Buddhists or Hindus occupied your land and kicked you out of your home and displaced you, you would have “particular concern” with them too 😂😂

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Don't believe any shite from either party. Do your own homework.

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Yes I know the Israel army has been killing and pushing them out if their homes for decades. This has always been known. Only those in the western countries are given half a story by their news as always which never reported on these things in the past. So why are they so concerned now one must ask? And isn't it convenient the Israel government want a piece of land that they can detour the suez canal through that they planned years ago. Trump is in bed with the Zionists, so I'm not sure why you are bagging him. Both parties are crooked lol. The US government wants to control a new route with them.

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When did I bag trump? And how do you explain Israeli withdrawal from Gaza 20 years ago? They had the whole strip under their rule already, if that was their intention, why did they leave? And where do you get your information? You clearly don’t live in the region, so maybe you can point me to the books you read?

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As I read somewhere else, DC is Israel's most subservient colony.

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I’ve never hit play so fast, Candace was instrumental to me growing from a libertarian to conservative. Her journalism on BLM, MK ultra & then the real Kamala has changed how I’ll look at the world forever.

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I remember a few years back when my brother introduced me to CO via her YouTube. I thought she was too good to be true! It has been a joy to watch her succeed. I so much admire her devotion to her family and her courage.

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Earnest request for audio to be put in as a podcast again! These are so much harder to listen to when they are embedded like this, there’s no rewind function and they don’t show up on the Lock Screen, etc. Make Audio Great Again!

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Ok! Got it

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Candace is a voice so many need to hear. Just put what you think is true to the side..and listen to her. She’s brilliant.

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I luv that you did this in public. Big respect. Candid reality. Candace is the bold one. I like her movement. It can't be easy being her. She has armor.

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Respect to you and Candace for showing real feminine strength. Taurus women are the toughest. Conservatism is instinctual, liberalism is institutionalized: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/americas-counter-cultural-revolution-institutional-instinctual

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Just read this article; your unpacking of “institutional vs instinctual” concepts makes so much sense 🙌🏼 It’s applicable not only for the US, but the world at large. I live in Peru, and we’re fighting the same battle.

I used to be a liberal, when I was neck-deep in the world of academia. During covid, my gut instincts and independent thinking led me to question everything and the only person who made sense to me was RFK Jr. When he was deplatformed from social media, I doubled down on my support for him and what he stood for. For me, Bobby is the lone Instinctual Jedi in the Kennedy family; all his siblings, cousins and nieces/nephews have turned to the Institutionalized Dark Side. It took balls to run for president and then join forces with Trump for MAHA.

House in Habit popped in my feed last year just as she was starting to follow Bobby’s presidential campaign. I love seeing both their evolution as champions for us, the Instinctuals. Glad AaMAGA/MAHA won. But this is just the start, as the Institutional Storm Troopers are gonna push back, but I’m hoping some, like me, can wake up.

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I loved your unique questions I’m sure she doesn’t often get asked- I bet you were a breath of fresh air to her!- loved hearing just two moms talking- loved your full circle moment- you yelling at Mike in your robe 😂- especially touched and inspired by her saying we must unapologetically be ourselves our our soul dies- had me in tears- women supporting women, for real! Thank you so much 😊 ❤️😎

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From what I saw/heard via podcasts Candace wasn't criticizing Jews. She was criticizing people pretending to be Jews and Christians and then committing crimes. The Frankists if I recall. I don't know too much about it, but I think the devil is in the details here and we are missing many details when it comes to mainstream media reporting. It's their convenient tactic to send the mob a mobbing. I could be wrong, but this was my take.

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That’s her cover. Frankists don’t really exist. There was such a cult once, but I’ve never heard of any in this century. To tell Jews that they are not really Jews is also vile.

Anyway her Frankish bullshit is pretty recent. She has made many outlandish claims using the word Jews.

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I think she was trying to uncover pedophiles pretending to be Jews and Christians for cover.

That's a little bit different then telling Jews they are not Jews. I agree that is vile.

Again, I could be wrong about her angle, but that is how perceived it.

After all I have learned over the past 12 years, nothing would surprise me. I know there is a lot hidden from most people, hidden societies, most of our leaders have been hand picked and all run in the same circles since birth. It's quite a tawdry group of people. I think Candace goes to the root of it all and uncovers every unpopular, uncomfortable thing that doesn't play well in polite societies. Polite societies have limits about what they ALLOWED to be talked about and Candace ignores those social guardrails and that is one of the reasons people like her. She encourages us to question what we know to be true, gives us the facts that she has uncovered and her logic behind it. She makes a pretty damn good argument on most topics.

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The Bible says this. Twice. Revelations 2:9 and Revelations 3:9

This is an age old concept. People hiding behind a religion they don’t really practice

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It’s always a test of my commitment to my values when a source I respect (you) engages with someone I don’t! Maybe my mind will be changed! Maybe it won’t.

I have always had a negative gut reaction to Candace going back to when she emerged on the scene with Prager U. I didn’t care for her handling of a debate with Blaire White on the Rubin Report. Another example: I tried watching her documentary on Making a Murderer, and I was dismayed but not surprised that she made HERSELF a central figure of the film. So I turned it off. And while I am open to criticism of Israel and to questions about US’s commitment to the nation of Israel and I don’t think that the specter of anti-Semitism I should give all Jews a free pass on all things…she has made comments that in my view crossed over and flirted with actual anti-Semitism. So…my stance on CO has been to just ignore her. Maybe she’s a good one, maybe she’s a grifter - I can’t figure it out, but in the meantime I’ve listened to the small voice in my tummy that says to steer clear of her.

Curious to see if listening to this interview will cause me to reconsider.

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Just a little bit of background into that, that I can remember: Candace was inserted later into that documentary when the daily wire bought it. She was an afterthought, it was not her idea. She did the best she could with what was thrown at her. She was passionate about it, but it was an assignment and was scripted. Go on X and look up @shawnrech and scroll back a year or so ago. Lots of info there.

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Interesting! I have never heard about this. Thanks for the information, I will look into it.

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What I mean by scripted is that it seems that it was done quickly, and she was edited into an already finished documentary to make it more interesting to daily wire subscribers.

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No matter the topic, your writing is extraordinary. As a former newspaper editor - for 30 years - I truly enjoy it. Some online writers leave a lot to be desired but not yours ❤️ well done

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Wow. What a compliment Barbie. Thank you for reading and sharing 🙏🏻

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The Jewish people championing genocide of the Palestinians are a bunch of creeps from New York and Europe who basically want our land. They are not semites in the first place. Their skin cannot handle our Mediterranean sunlight, for starters Israel has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world. Go figure. They are the invaders, currently standing behind AIPAC who sends billions of dollars worth of state of the art weapons to bomb families in tents because of Khammmasss. Candace speaks a lot on this genocide and this is why she got fired from the daily wire. Ben Shapiro is no Semite. A religion is a religion, not a race! At the end of the day they want LAND and anyone who buys into the idea of a thousands of years old “religious conflict” is an idiot. Thanks Jessica and keep speaking to Candace on the biggest most murderous scandal of our time. From a proud as f*** Palestinian.

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Yes!! Speak the truth. Beautifully explained.

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