Refreshing IG every 5 min! Your current posts have me 😱😲 I bet you and your team are working overdrive, we appreciate you 🫶🏽🥹

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Well, that’s true, she’s the only one in prison (Epstein was, of course, but left through death), but she is an offender, too. Not only did she procure, but she also offended. Yes, men used these girls, horrifically, but Ghislaine was involved in assaults, too.

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No matter what, she’s the only one paying a price. While all other accomplices and Clientele are protected. It’s ridiculous.

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What seems to be conspicuously missing, and what the average person following the case would never consider from MSM reporting alone, is the videotaping/photographing of these activities. Sure, this deposition confirms the salacious rumors of JE and GM's lifestyle--particularly that GM was a full participant in the "massages" though she has denied taking part--but no one ever mentions that JE was taping everything. It seems that, for a period of time, VG was number 3 in the operation behind JE and GM. She really didn't know it was all being taped? Why does that never come up in court? So yeah, maybe people are thrilled to see DT "exonerated" or a few new names like Pritzker, but the assets--the blackmail evidence--appear once again to be protected. Granted, I haven't read the 934 pages, but I'm taking a wild guess it's not in there.

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BINGO. No one ever brings up the tapes.

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UPDATE! Real News No Bullsh*t made a PDF available for searching. I typed in photo and there are 72 results! I'll make a new comment of one of interest.

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Right? Refreshing to see this discussed, of course with your reporting and audience. It needs to be discussed so much more my God.

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I agree. I think the blackmail angle is 100% the biggest part of the story. But those who likely were blackmailed are being protected. Will any of them ever face consequences? I guess I'm jaded but I doubt it.

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I believe I’ve read that the Feds have most, if not all, of the evidence. If that’s true, our government is doing everything they can to protect the guilty. Makes me sick!

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This is a great point!

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VG even mentions the taking of photographs in her statements when responding... and no digging?? 🙄 so frustrating

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You're right! I just figured out how to search the doc and photo taking is definitely mentioned.

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Holding my breath, while binge eating chips, scrolling like a woman possessed. Pretty sure we know who “jane doe” is. The list is out. Next-where are the hard drives, videos stripped from Epstein’s home’s? Possibly still being used to this day as blackmail. Good grief, it’s such a tangled web. Awesome work Jessica 😄

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I don't know who Jane Doe is... who do you think it is?

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Same - and same question. From what we have heard about HRC could it be her?

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I think it could Huma Abedin (sp?) She is/was (?) Hilary's assistant.

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Do you think she was a "child" or a participant? Good guess. We know her hubs (ex) was kinky ...

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I’m on pins and needles over here! I, too, have been refreshing IG tonight for updates.

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She belongs in jail. And so do all the perverts who abused/participated in any criminal acts. I’m surprised she’s still alive. Knowing none of her clients will ever see a jail cell, I can only imagine she is enraged. So much so, she “has nothing to say to anybody” or feel any remorse. I also recognize she was a product of a very sad childhood where she suffered at the hands of her sicko father. Can’t wait to read more!

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When I think of child trafficking I think of children taken against their will and drugged ala The Franklin Scandal, etc. I’ve yet to hear of any Epstein victims that aren’t older teens. From my understanding (correct me if I’m wrong), these teens had free will. They wanted the money offered. Does it make it right? No. But I think VG and others were old enough to decide what she wanted. Where are the children? Were there any?

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I never really thought of it that way. I guess I considered all minors “children” regardless of teenage or not.

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I think there’s a big difference between taking a child against their will, threatening them, and forcing them to perform acts versus a nearly adult teen who is free to leave at any time and is being monetarily compensated.

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I don’t think there were any children, just teens or older as you mention. I think some journalists are using “minors” and “children” synonymously.

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Did her lawyer say he also represented Alan Dershowitz? I know Dershowitz’s name was listed 137 times in the Epstein docs that dropped today

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Dershowitz feels sleazy. He can hide behind all of his accomplishments, but he’s not fooling me.

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I thought it was Weinstein - but I think the are cut from the same cloth. Something about ugly men and power.

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UPDATE! A search of the word "photo" in the deposition revealed the following. Apparently GM owned a puppet made to look like Prince Andrew:

A: …They put the puppet on Virginia's lap, and I

sat on Andrew's lap, and they put the puppet's hand

on Virginia's breast, and Andrew put his hand on my

breast, and they took a photo.

Q: Do you remember who took the photo?

A: I don't recall.

Q: Did you ever see the photo after it was

A. I did not.

Q. And Ms. Maxwell was present during the --was Ms. Maxwell present during that?

A. Yes.

Page 188

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As a devout follower of your coverage on the GMax/Epstein case, this feels like the SuperBowl!! I was so worried that we’d have to wait until January 22 but here we go!

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Trying to take a social media break and delete Insta quickly signing back on. 🙀

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Girl, I want off instagram so mother effing bad - but I can’t leave. Jessica has a stronghold on me 🤣🤣 JRK 4eva.

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Seriously!! I left Facebook and want off Instagram too but I stay for Jessica’s stories. I can’t miss them!

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She’s the absolute worst! 🤣 Thanks a lot Jes 🤣

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Same 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I gave up on getting anything done when I saw you started posting this evening. 😆 You're the best! Thanks for keeping us updated!

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I have seen his plane list is the list different? Thanks Jessica . I guess I-need to get on IG & look as well tonite !

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Several years fascinated by (specifically your covering of) this case and Epstein story as a whole, but after devouring hours of these new docs and even just watching this video above, my mind wondered- what's the end goal? We would be fools to assume "justice will be served" from the courts yet, it's definitely not one-lone-woman's shoulders this falls on. Unsealing Internet-shattering truths ushers us make our little deductions about who's perverse {by association}. Still, I deeply, deeply, yearn to know what the f they were actually doing all those years. There's bound to be loads of innerworkings we know nothing about but definitely should publically be brought to light.

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Laura loomer posting JFK's head of his superpac(?) was named🙃

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Jessica: what do you think? You were at the trial. Did you observe if Ghislaine got a fair trial or not?

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I don't believe she did, based on what I witnessed and I know several reporters who would agree with me on that. I just wish they would say it in print, too.

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