I hate that his mother's funeral and ceremony were overrun by political spotlight opportunities. How dare any politician (whatever their level) rob someone of their closing moments with loved ones.

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The audacity of the ‘rat pack’, standing in the middle too…this

is beyond me..how dare they. Who the fuck do they think they are….

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Especially for your mother. No excuse for bad behavior.

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I don’t think they showed up by surprise. Ethel was a Democrat and so is most of the family. It’s an honor to have a President speak at your memorial. Ethel married into a political family. It’s not exactly a surprise that politicians—from the same party her husband and brother-in-law lost their lives serving—attended the funeral.

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Trump has to win

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Even the liberals are supporting Trump now.

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Nope. Never. The man hates this country and most of the people in it.

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Are you dense? My god, woman. I’m not a keyboard warrior, it’s not my nature. But my God wake up. Are you actually watching what’s happening?!

I’m a former dem supporter, who is paying close attention to what’s happening. My former party - your party - is who hates this country. It’s THEM above US.

They don’t care about you. They care about their pockets. It’s the most incestual party - everyone is connected. Why do you think that is?

Stop hating what you’ve been taught, and instead listen to your God-given gifts. Your brain. Your street smarts. Your intuition. You know your spidey senses are going off. Don’t ignore it.

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I don't hate anyone, including Trump. He did just say America is a garbage can. Haven't heard that from a Dem. God isn't interested in red or blue. There are one 3,000 verses in the Bible referring to caring for refugees. But he wants to deport them at a cost of $350 billion. Know your facts.

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They are def not

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When your story finally got to Bobby & Cheryl, I giggled out loud. Their faces were speaking loudly. I love them even more.

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I love it so much. I'm not kidding when I say I want it printed and framed lol

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Is it really that close though? I keep hearing Trump is ahead by a good bit.

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I don't get it either. Looking at the crowds alone I can't see how it's even a little bit close. I hate knowing we live amongst so many stupid and vile people. I got my MAHA and Make Speech Free Again hats today and am gonna wear them out - even on good hair days!

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I believe he's ahead a lot more than any poll is showing. We (Trump voters) aren't talking to pollsters.

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I hear that too, & it’s the lib media saying it’s close or she’s ahead. So who know’s what’s true. 🤷‍♀️

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Trump is ahead in all 7 swing states. This is going to be a blowout.

On Point Politics, YT channel, has a great electoral map breakdown. No way she’s close.

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You're going to be so disappointed

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I see a new troll has shown up. I’ll respond this once because I know you’re not a serious person. I’ve got all the faith in the world that God will put President Trump back in the White House. Praying daily for the victory.

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So if I don't agree, I'm a troll? I'm a very serious person who has been a Christian all my life. I believe in character and integrity and most of all truth, something Donald Trump knows nothing about. Country over party! Have a good one.

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They stole it once. Who says they won’t again? There is a reason they had control 11 pf the last 14yrs. They didn’t expect DJT in 2016. They’ll never make that mistake again

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To see them squeeze Obama, Clinton, and Biden into the center frame of the picture and put her actual son on the side barely fitting....so gross.

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Who do you think made that choice?

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I don’t know about you, but what the Kennedy family did to RFKJr. was horrible (I would hope everyone can agree on that but won’t hold my breath). It was on par with Carter’s family bringing him out for a photo op and using him as a vote early, and for Harris, campaign while he lays in his bed unaware. Both families never cease to amaze me with how truly vile they are. All for some votes. I am rarely speechless (my better half will confirm) but in both of these incidents I am left feeling like I am covered with something that has a terrible stench.

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Famous families are always full of unhealthy energy. We should all be glad we're not in them!

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Thank you for all you do to keep us in the know. Your hard work and sacrifice is very much appreciated. ❤️

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Be aware that the news media is declaring election delay confirmation because it will take Democrats a few days to steal this election, so the more of a blowout in Trump's favor on election night the less likely they will be able to steal this one too

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Mail-in ballots can be sent in until Election Day. All votes will be counted. Unless it’s a blowout it’s rare to get results the same night.

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I have 3 thoughts on this. First off I can’t imagine this is a close race with the crowds so maybe the polls are “off” 🤷‍♀️

Second, i have been following Jaguar Wright and I believe her. Nothing surprises me anymore.

And lastly, the way the Kennedy family supports the New Democrat party is unsettling. The way they are treating Bobby and he takes it is terrible in my opinion.

Love this account!!

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I wanna know what vitamins President Trump is on as he has never looked better. Kamala, however, looks awful. I watched Blinde Ambition on Newsmax over the weekend and she really was beautiful back in the day. She is looking more like Winifred Sanderson. Please keep up on your supplements as we need you this home stretch. Thank you for all you do!

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Yes! Where does the man get all of his energy?? He's had rallies every day for I don't know how long. Hope I have his energy when I'm that age!

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Unfortunately menopause has a huge impact on aging for women when they reach late 50s. I've experienced this. Men get testosterone easily and women have a hard time getting hrt. Even if they have money. One day you feel young and the next you feel 80. Lol

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So much & it’s so disheartening. My friends & I have to keep reminding each other, we’re not in our 20’s or 30’s anymore. We want to go go go , yet frustrated because we tire so much quicker. 🥴🥱

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She can’t keep and he’s 18 years older and sharp as they come.

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He’s been cancelling interviews due to exhaustion and frankly getting more difficult to understand as he rambles often incoherently for up to 30 minutes at a time making no salient points other than illegals are ruining the country. I think it’s fair to say at this point that the election is an IQ test and if he wins that just means we have more dummies than not in our country. God help us all regardless of the outcome. These are grim times whichever way you cut it.

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That Kennedy photo to me says how deep the swamp is in DC! RFK Jr. and his wife are a class act. People are noticing. Praying for a swift and clean election with no drama❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Cheryl is a democrat.

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How gross to have the deep state making your Mum’s funeral all about them and a photo op

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I have to disagree with your expert. I’ve never seen a buzz like this for any election. They lie about every statistic what makes you think they’d tell the truth about the polls. I think it’s a repeat of 1984 when Reagan won every state but one & DC. The red wave is coming, but don’t get complacent we must vote early. They will fake a crash or a coup but in the end it will be too big to rig. 🇺🇸♥️🙏💙💪

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A crash?

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The Kennedy photo speaks to the state of America; sanity on the sidelines and the shitshow splattered front and center. Lord, help us.

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Jessica, do you have any thoughts on the polls? I don't understand how this race is at all close. 1. Once a Trumper always a Trumper. 2. He has all the ex-libs who woke up and walked away (you, Elon type). 3. The medical freedom RFK crowd. 4. Significantly more of the black vote. 5. More of the Jewish vote too (on The Free Press today). Also, Insta comments even in MSM accounts seem overwhelmingly Trump. I don't see how Trump isn't leading by a landslide (if the polls are legit.) What gives?

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In addition to those groups you’ve mentioned, he’s also winning the Hispanic vote. Plus, Rogan’s interview this Friday just might break the internet. Karmala is done and she knows it.

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The polls I trust more are the betting poles...I mean seriously, who answers a polling person if they call you or knock on your door. But we all know people who bet, all kinds of folks bet. And the betting poles are going for Trump....https://kalshi.com/ and its not even close. #stillgonnavoteforRFKjr

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Polymarket too, even bigger margin

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