Makes sense! Harvey Winestein getting his multiple rape charges overturned meanwhile Trump is on trial for inappropriate writing in the memo of a check. NY is a 🤡 🌎

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I find this VERY interesting. I am not a legal scholar🤣 but I always wondered about this exact subject. You always see in Tv and the movies “here say” is not admissible in court. But what does this SC Mom know🤷🏽‍♀️. Can’t wait to read more about this.

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I find it so interesting -- all the intertwine aspects. Now GM has HW lawyer and he's been successful in an appeal that mirrors hers. It's wild

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Ive been turning it over in my head ever since maxwell was first in custody , when and how will the fix come along to allow her to walk , is it really possible that even the justice system can be fineagled , if we hadn’t seen Epstein dispatched the way he was ,,straight out of a movie , the wardens are asleep , the cameras aren’t working , the doors are unlocked ,,,then again am I overthinking it , but it’s certainly getting interesting ,

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Wasn’t Cosby overturned too? I can’t recall off the top of my head…

Is this perhaps a “we will put them in jail for now and then people will eventually forget about it and we will let you out “type of thing happening which we are watching? It’s so easy to forget. And with today’s society it’s as if you are watching a flipbook when it comes to news, social media, politics & current events.

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I really want to know more about what Harvey would have used to buy off or blackmail the judges.

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I’d like to know how all the men get off, even if eventually, but not the women.

GM may be the first in my life to see this kind of thing happen to on such a large scale while so many other wealthy men are involved.

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Thought about this some more… If this is the case, then it should mean GM should eventually be released as well, right? That would only be fair if this is how they are going to use the legal system.

Or is this strategy just for men? Not that any of them should be getting out but if one plus one equals two then, how does GM not have a chance?

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So much meat here- I’m in a hurry with work, life, so I admit I’m being lazy w my comment. Here it is, regardless-

“But Trump!”


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it is a densely packed article -- lots to take in but also super fascinating from a legal perspective.

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WILL read!

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It's so important to understand the court is applying the LAW. You need not be a legal scholar to understand that. That said I did not know that Ghislaine's case may benefit from this ruling. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I think both Harvey and Ghislaine belong in prison but need to be afforded due process. Thank you Jessica for keeping us informed! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Thanks Sabrina!

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We need to come up with a more strategic way for these powerful sexual predators to get nabbed. Perhaps a set up with raw footage? As horrific as that sounds. I feel so bad for the witnesses and victims that were brave enough to come forward. How disheartening.I guess the judges would have found him innocent if the prosecution didn’t call their witnesses to stand? I m left with little faith in the system.

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There's plenty of footage of powerful predators committing s3x crimes. The F3ds have had tons of it ever since they raided J Epstein's NYC apartment in 2019. The system exists to protect them, not the other way around.

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It feels like watching a movie. This was unexpected. And what will this mean for Ghislaine and others?! Time will tell. I do enjoy watching Mr. Aidala. He’s quite a character with the dapper attire and personality.

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Maybe he should be on Trump’s team. I mean if he’s getting Weinstine and possibly GM out, he could get Trump off. But wait … Trump isn’t a pedo or a trafficker. 🙄

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NYC...where all the s3x criminals go free. First Cosby, now Weinstein and soon G Max. At least R Kelly's appeal was recently denied and he's still serving his sentence. Oh wait! That was only R Kelly's Illinois appeal; he still has a pending appeal in New York. Want to take bets on how that one turns out?

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With a name like weinstein, is it really a surprise he's getting out?

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Babysitter Hears Noise Upstairs So Dad Checks Hidden Camera And Captures A Nightmare In His Kitchen Watch and learns: https://famousnews.co.za/babysitter-hears-noise-upstairs-so-dad-checks-hidden-camera-and-captures-a-nightmare-in-his-kitchen-2/

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This is a very serious scam/virus and I’m not sure why you’re putting it on this? Do you want to do harm? Go away

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