I’m telling you right now, nothing terrifies me more than the Newsoms being in the White House.

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Lets see your "receipts" for your claim that she bought her music rights back from Soros. Oh wait, you have ZERO receipts for that bc its a complete lie. Its easily verifiable and widely known that Swift has been rerecording ALL 6 of the albums bc she still owns the rights to the lyrics...thats why she is able to perform them on her tour. As usual, the majority of your "reporting" is centered around fabrications and/or gross exaggerations. People like you are ruining American journalism and bringing shame upon your families...yours especially. You may know who politicians in DC are "fucking", as the article claims...but you dont know shit about ANY ACTUAL NEWS STORIES WORTHY OF OUR ATTENTION. Take a trip to a national park this weekend Laura and go way out into the park. Then stop and look around at how beautiful your surroundings are. Somewhere nearby youll, no doubt, see a large rock...crawl back under it and dont come back out for a looooong looooong time!

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Same- Jessica, please look into Trevor Bauer and how the media destroyed him and his career over an accuser, similar to Duke Lacrosse

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Oct 3, 2023
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Lets see your "receipts" for your claim that she bought her music rights back from Soros. Oh wait, you have ZERO receipts for that bc its a complete lie. Its easily verifiable and widely known that Swift has been rerecording ALL 6 of the albums bc she still owns the rights to the lyrics...thats why she is able to perform them on her tour. As usual, the majority of your "reporting" is centered around fabrications and/or gross exaggerations. People like you are ruining American journalism and bringing shame upon your families...yours especially. You may know who politicians in DC are "fucking", as the article claims...but you dont know shit about ANY ACTUAL NEWS STORIES WORTHY OF OUR ATTENTION. Take a trip to a national park this weekend Laura and go way out into the park. Then stop and look around at how beautiful your surroundings are. Somewhere nearby youll, no doubt, see a large rock...crawl back under it and dont come back out for a looooong looooong time!

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I had a shop on tee spring once but they shut down my account because I kept offending them with anti abortion messaging.

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My now 17 yo son had a prolife IG page at 14. After 2 years and thousands of followers, IG shut it down with no warning. All his masks were prolife

He attended a Catholic elementary school and got shit from kids for them. Unreal. I'm so sorry they messed with your livelihood. Stay strong.

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Lets see your "receipts" for your claim that she bought her music rights back from Soros. Oh wait, you have ZERO receipts for that bc its a complete lie. Its easily verifiable and widely known that Swift has been rerecording ALL 6 of the albums bc she still owns the rights to the lyrics...thats why she is able to perform them on her tour. As usual, the majority of your "reporting" is centered around fabrications and/or gross exaggerations. People like you are ruining American journalism and bringing shame upon your families...yours especially. You may know who politicians in DC are "fucking", as the article claims...but you dont know shit about ANY ACTUAL NEWS STORIES WORTHY OF OUR ATTENTION. Take a trip to a national park this weekend Laura and go way out into the park. Then stop and look around at how beautiful your surroundings are. Somewhere nearby youll, no doubt, see a large rock...crawl back under it and dont come back out for a looooong looooong time!

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Same here! The absolute worst outcome is a Newsom presidency. He is so gross and evil. He will be the American Trudeau.

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American Trudeau is perfectly put.

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I call Trudeau "Newsom of the North"

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Guys...Drew Banks has entered the comment section and knows how to copy/paste. Congrats.

(If you don’t know what this means, move on lol)

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Not if you have a brain & actually use it to do just a tiny bit of research & learn how to think for yourself...

Lets see your "receipts" for your claim that she bought her music rights back from Soros. Oh wait, you have ZERO receipts for that bc its a complete lie. Its easily verifiable and widely known that Swift has been rerecording ALL 6 of the albums bc she still owns the rights to the lyrics...thats why she is able to perform them on her tour. As usual, the majority of your "reporting" is centered around fabrications and/or gross exaggerations. People like you are ruining American journalism and bringing shame upon your families...yours especially. You may know who politicians in DC are "fucking", as the article claims...but you dont know shit about ANY ACTUAL NEWS STORIES WORTHY OF OUR ATTENTION. Take a trip to a national park this weekend Laura and go way out into the park. Then stop and look around at how beautiful your surroundings are. Somewhere nearby youll, no doubt, see a large rock...crawl back under it and dont come back out for a looooong looooong time!

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Lets see your "receipts" for your claim that she bought her music rights back from Soros. Oh wait, you have ZERO receipts for that bc its a complete lie. Its easily verifiable and widely known that Swift has been rerecording ALL 6 of the albums bc she still owns the rights to the lyrics...thats why she is able to perform them on her tour. As usual, the majority of your "reporting" is centered around fabrications and/or gross exaggerations. People like you are ruining American journalism and bringing shame upon your families...yours especially. You may know who politicians in DC are "fucking", as the article claims...but you dont know shit about ANY ACTUAL NEWS STORIES WORTHY OF OUR ATTENTION. Take a trip to a national park this weekend Laura and go way out into the park. Then stop and look around at how beautiful your surroundings are. Somewhere nearby youll, no doubt, see a large rock...crawl back under it and dont come back out for a looooong looooong time!

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I do not live in CA. I live in Atlanta & he scares me. Now I read this 😯. I thought maybe he was her deal for the next 6 mos. like she always does with all her boyfriends. I thought it was weird & a mismatch. But all this really makes me dislike her.

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Why?? I need to know the WHY! Lol

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Get comfortable. It'll become a regular point once he formally jumps in.

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I’m so embarrassed for America🥴

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Shall i show you to the door?

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Oct 2, 2023
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Why? Because as a conservative, they are the epitome of everything I stand against. To me, he looks evil.

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Not a Newsom fan but not too many non-demonic looking R’s....lol. Seriously, it’s the ol’ don’t judge a book by its cover- or even by its reviews. Read it yourself and decide. That’s the issue here. Too many people making decisions based on what other people telling them to do. If you are over 18 and able to vote, educate yourself on issues that matter, listen to every voice discussing it and make your own choice at the ballot box. Ignore the rhetoric and mud- slinging. It goes evenly both ways. For every glob thrown at Newsom, there is one for Trump. I have no problem with Taylor encouraging people to register to vote - this is a democracy. I don’t even have a problem with her encouraging them to vote D. There are plenty of people in positions of power in peoples lives pushing “ vote R “ as well. Be your own person, be thoughtful, learn scott the issues, and vote accordingly. When did we become a nation of blue and red sheep??!! Be a goat! Do you!!! We were once proud to be a melting pot, and became a great nation because of that. Let’s get back to loving our neighbors and wanting and wishing well for all.

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😮‍💨👏🏼👏🏼 if these tactics are being used to vote D, I can only imagine they’ve been used to push R.

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I agree. Something about him.... I expect horns to just grow out of his head lol

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🙄 this gives me nothing. Lol. He looks evil, the Kennedy guy has a crazy ass voice, the Florida one looks like the bad guy from The Boys cool cool, but I need deets and receipts or how the hell am I going to vote based on looks? Which, I will.

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“Crazy ass voice”??? Do you normally make fun of people with health issues? If you don’t understand what is concerning about Newsom, move to CA, Los Angeles for example and experience what we do. Gas prices over $7 a gallon currently, homeless drug addicts lining our once beautiful streets with tents and filth, just like he did when he was mayor of SF), smash and grab crime sprees across our state with zero repercussions for criminals , businesses closing down because of all the theft, and a governor who mandated women, men and children put a “vaccine” that was untested for safety in their body or lose our jobs when he claims to be a proponent of choice for women to do with their bodies what they choose to do, doctors being muzzled and threatened to have their medical licenses revoked if they do anything but praise and promote the covid vaccine (and this has been confirmed by 2 of my doctors who are top dr’s in Los Angeles) which just got repealed by a court because it was ILLEGAL, firing hundreds of our firemen who are nothing but heroes due to his vaccine mandate, in addition to policemen and healthcare workers. I can go on and a on but thankfully I know Jessica will have this covered for the next year. If this man gets control of our country, life as you know it will be over (and not in a good way) and you will be begging for someone to say “grab em by the pussy” as their greatest offense. Smh.

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I bet you wont tell us the Drs names though....its a secret right? LOL

Lets see your "receipts" for your claim that she bought her music rights back from Soros. Oh wait, you have ZERO receipts for that bc its a complete lie. Its easily verifiable and widely known that Swift has been rerecording ALL 6 of the albums bc she still owns the rights to the lyrics...thats why she is able to perform them on her tour. As usual, the majority of your "reporting" is centered around fabrications and/or gross exaggerations. People like you are ruining American journalism and bringing shame upon your families...yours especially. You may know who politicians in DC are "fucking", as the article claims...but you dont know shit about ANY ACTUAL NEWS STORIES WORTHY OF OUR ATTENTION. Take a trip to a national park this weekend Laura and go way out into the park. Then stop and look around at how beautiful your surroundings are. Somewhere nearby youll, no doubt, see a large rock...crawl back under it and dont come back out for a looooong looooong time!

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I normally Make fun over everyone, yes. It must be exhausting to live in such a state of anger and fear, and denial. And trust me, I will definitely not be begging for Trump... you’re de Lu Lu. I live in California. God has blessed me with the provisions I need, so I don’t have to worship politicians like some people, nor do I have to fear the end of America no matter who is in charge. What I can control is the jokes that I make to keep some sanity whilst reading these very basic and obviously regurgitated comments about california politics. Do I like paying $7 for gas? No. I think that’s all that we agree on so far.

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I believe what you’re lacking in your ‘comedic’ approach to responding to people here is respect. It’s off putting and clearly not getting you anywhere constructive.

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I mean, I literally told you. You just aren’t going to accept any answer I give. I can tell from the immediate tone you took.

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Maybe you do not understand the question. What will he do if he is President that scares you? The question seems simple enough. I don’t know what scares conservatives. Muslims? Will he enact Sharia law? 🤷🏻‍♀️ all I know is the guy is a hipocrit like every other dang politician. So, I’m curious what people are reading about him, and this is usually where I find the good intel.

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Look at the shit show that is California. Zero cash bail. Insane gas prices. We are paying $6 a gallon. The border is open and we are flooded with illegals. Drugs are being done on the streets - we can't go to the majority of our parks as they are taken over by "homeless" doing drugs and shitting in sand boxes. Nothing can be done about it. Our children are not safe.. The entire United States will become California. How are you not getting that. Re Kennedy's voice - yes - it can be rough but that's due to a medical condition. You want looks - check out his body! His chest, legs and ass are superior to most 30 year olds. And those blue eyes ..... His brain is still the hottest thing about him though. I can't believe I'm objectifying a 70ish year old man but here we are.

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I would say look at major Californian cities- I was born near SF and will not go there now due to rampant crime, drug use and homelessness(which are not people who have fallen on BTD times but rather drug addicts and mentally unwell people) Gas is now 6.19-8.05 per gallon and rising(and no it’s not the oil companies- they do not determine price- it is the Ca gas tax) Newsom shut down public schools while sending his own children to private schools where in person learning was okay. We are a welfare state that is running out of money. As a Californian I could go on and on but bottom line- we were the Golden State- full of opportunity and beauty- she is a shell of her former self due to Newsom’s policies that diminish hard work and responsibility and reward crime and irresponsibility. You do not want him to implement these policies nation wide.

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Maybe you can’t read where I wrote that I am a Conservative and he’s so far to the extreme Left that I consider him and his policies the absolute worst. Do you pay attention at all to the policies he puts in place in California and how he acted during Covid?

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This is a huge leap and extremally offensive. If you actually want a productive conversation and truly want information maybe don't typecast and demean others. People are trying to be kind and give you information that is vital to voting and things that they care about. This is how division starts.

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You stand against people who dont look like you? Or, in this case, ppl who probably do look like you...

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As a fan of Taylor Swift who doesn’t care about her love life, this doesn’t make any sense to me. She was called out by a lot of young people on TikTok during her tour, especially when she went to Tampa and Tennessee and her fans expected her to make a political statement and she didn’t. She’s stayed away from divisive politics so far (except on Marsha Blackburn years ago). And her IG story the other day to get people registered to vote had no partisan agenda or mention of either party.

She re-recorded her music and was able to because she owns the rights to her lyrics and didn’t want Scooter Braun to profit. I don’t see how Soros gets tied into all of this. Where is the evidence of that?

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That’s what I was thinking! Taylor reclaiming her masters is a huge story that interrupts that theory.

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Valid questions. This comments section shows some of the massive cultish ignorance this country is facing. Shameful

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I meant to say valid points...

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I agree. I’m a little lost on the Soros tie. I know he is affiliated with the private equity firm who Scooter B sold the masters to, but I thought her ability to re-record was with her new label (not Soros tied)? And she personally on her IG called out Soros by name when the sale originally happened.

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That’s what I’m wondering too. She came out against Trump years ago, but since then hasn’t said anything politically that I know of. She backed Biden, but most entertainers did. If you’re not always plugged in to the independent media you think the vaccine is okay. If I thought it was okay, I’d endorse it for millions of dollars.

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I can see why people who have had a reaction to the vaccine or get sick with something else coincidentally around the same time they got the shot, or know someone who was, would be upset about it. I have friends like that. But what about all of us for whom it saved their families lives? I’m tired of that being discounted. It’s ridiculous to even bring Travis’s commercial into this conversation in the first place. He has everything to gain and Taylor, what does she need from him except his companionship and fun? She needs nothing from the democrats either.

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I think the vaccine should be a choice. The problem I have with it, is the data is sketchy. You can’t sue them if it hurts you or a family member, and the media pushed it bc Pfizer pays them. That said, I think it’s the right choice for some people (to take it). But it should be a choice and not mandated for children.

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you have a choice. You can refuse to be vaccinated and if that cost you your job, that was your choice. You can find another job right? They're not forcing anybody to do anything (except women).

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Are you okay with that discrimination then? Like if you’re fired from your job for being Jewish, that’s fine? You can still get another job! Or convert to Christianity. You don’t see the immoral dilemma here?

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That is not even the same thing. (comparing vaccines in US to a holocaust in WWII is ridiculous) The Jews didn't have a choice. We have choices. You do not have the right to tell others what to do with their own bodies. People should just mind their own damn business and stop the culture war bullshit.

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How can you find a job when everyone is forcing you to get the vaccine to have one? When it is mandated in your state that is the same as forcing someone if employers are forced to make employees get it. No one should have to relocate to another state to get away from that. So your argument is not valid. And speaking of women, why should I be forced to put something in my body that can teigger auto immune diseases and has proven to make women’s periods worse amongst other things in the body, blood clots etc. Comparing the choice of abortion to this is asinine you don’t HAVE to have unprotected sex or sex for that matter and get pregnant accidentally or not. That is your CHOICE knowing that a baby is a potential consequence you take. Sex exists in our bodies for procreation, orgasms are just a bonus and you can have them without sex. All of that is a choice. You forcing me to put something in my body that can kill me or injure me that protects NO ONE is not CHOICE. And there are exceptions in these bans for rapes, incest and health of the mother.. Saying that, I am pro choice for EVERYTHING that has to do with MY BODY but if you don’t support me not injecting toxins in my body if I don’t want to for my personal reasons, I will no longer support you for anything else. Goes both ways.

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you're still making a choice, YOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO MAKE that choice. I had to be vaccinated for rabies and hepatitis to work at the State Public Health Lab and I did not throw a fit about that. You can get another job. I don't know anyone being forced to get vaccinated unless they work in Healthcare.

Have you never heard of polio? You've been vaccinated, so are you suffering today because of your childhood vaccinations? You can hate vaccinations all you want but you won't change my mind. Do you think the whole world is in a conspiracy against you?

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So you are okay with your government AND your employer forcing you to have MEDICINE put in your body?? Blackmailing you or you cant earn money to take care of your family? That's a choice? That's control and insidious . It's not like at the grocery store where you can choose paper or plastic!!! This is actual medicine!!! No one should be forced

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There is no democracy at your job. They can require whatever they want and you can either like it or leave. I'm not saying I approve of that, but that's the way it is. Going to school requires vaccinations. How else does the government require you to be vaccinated? One of my family members refused to get Covid vaccination and damn near died and is still sick but you have some freedom but you also live with the consequences, either way really.

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That sounds reasonable to me! I agree it’s so messed up you can’t sue. That issue goes beyond just Pfizer though.

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I agree ...it does. I think a Covid opened a lot of eyes, but closed a lot too. As for their dating ... it seems real, but something feels off too. The attention seems forced some how. But what did they do? Find a hot guy to pair her with. How did they choose? He wasn’t extremely famous outside of football. Football and entertainment is the largest industries in the us though. But I wouldn’t have to be forced to date him. Lol

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“Forced to date him” - shades of Scientology! 🤣

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There is a fund set aside for every vaccine ever produced to assist people who had proven damaging side effects. Been there for decades.

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There’s a video showing her speaking to her dad how she’s coming out against trump again and hates republicans etc.. it’s recent

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It’s not recent. It’s from a 2020 documentary that was filmed even prior to that 🙄🙄

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Ahh really? Wow my first time seeing it.. and others it seems. But I do remember her supporting Biden. Well I’m sure she feels the same way as she did then

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You’re assuming, not a fact unless you have a link to a post as evidence

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She never said she hates republicans. That video with her dad was recorded prior to 2020.

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Where is it if you don’t mind sharing

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I honestly CANNOT believe the IGNORANCE or stupidity of people STILL!! The jab has NEVER even saved ONE life, on the contrary it has KILLED and MAIMED more than the virus, Geez.... wake the hell up! what will it take?????????????????

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it did NOT save even ONE life, matter of fact it KILLED MANY and MAIMED even more. Please wake up and do your own homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What proof do you have that is saved your families life? It's hard to prove that.

It's not hard to prove that the vaccine caused heart attacks in 18 year olds that were mandated to get it for college though.

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You seriously have a very naive view of the world. They are all owned by the Establishment. Listen to Ronan Farrows book Catch and Kill for a fun and digestible view into what's going on at that level and the inner workings of that world. People are threatened with cancelation if they don't act a certain way. Powerful people control everything. Whitney Webbs book or podcast is good for more serious information about the cabal.

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It is estimated that the vaccine has killed 13.2m people worldwide. The death toll from the vaccine is worse than the holocaust. Obviously this is not common knowledge, but just like every horrific event in history the truth takes decades to be unraveled and accepted.


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I would highly recommend you find other sources of information https://www.wired.com/story/rumble-sends-viewers-tumbling-toward-misinformation/

And, there's a lot of these debunked misinformation pieces on Snopes. This is a heading they have on their website:

Snopes is still fighting an “infodemic” of rumors and misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and you can help. Find out what we've learned and how to inoculate yourself against COVID-19 misinformation. Read the latest fact checks about the vaccines. Submit any questionable rumors and “advice” you encounter. Become a Founding Member to help us hire more fact-checkers. And, please, follow the CDC or WHO for guidance on protecting your community from the disease.

You should open your mind and "news" sources by going here https://ground.news/

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"Debunked " means nothing anymore. Snopes is a joke. It's owned by massive lefties. I trust independent journalist more than any site. You just spouted of MSN's talking points. Congrats.

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I mean, yes, Snopes has a clear and established bias, nobody is seriously arguing that.

But there's a heck of a leap from "Snopes is biased, Snopes says that the vaccine has not killed over 10 million people" to "Taylor Swift is a Deep State agent working in secret with this specific politician to brainwash people so they'll take the vaccine and therefore die". There's a big, big difference between reasonable, justified skepticism and paranoid conspiracy theories.

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Denis is not the only one that has said 13.2m people have died from the vaccine.

He gets his information from All Cause Mortality data which is not bias. Here read this excerpt:

"I have written over 30 scientific reports relevant to COVID, starting April 18, 2020 for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (ocla.ca/covid), and recently for a new non-profit corporation (correlation‑canada.org/research). Presently, all my work and interviews about COVID are documented on my website created to circumvent the barrage of censorship (denisrancourt.ca).

In addition to critical reviews of published science, the main data that my collaborators and I analyze is all‑cause mortality.

All-cause mortality by time (day, week, month, year, period), by jurisdiction (country, state, province, county), and by individual characteristics of the deceased (age, sex, race, living accommodations) is the most reliable data for detecting and epidemiologically characterizing events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge or collapse in deaths from any cause.

Such data is not susceptible to reporting bias or to any bias in attributing causes of death. We have used it to detect and characterize seasonality, heat waves, earthquakes, economic collapses, wars, population aging, long-term societal development, and societal assaults such as those occurring in the COVID period, in many countries around the world, and over recent history, 1900-present."

more here:https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=130&name=2023_06_22_there_was_no_pandemic_essay

If you take the time to review his findings, they are hard to deny.

You will not see this information on mainstream anything because this is the true information using ACM data that is undeniable. If you hear his testimony and how he explains in detail how the data tells a story - you can see excess mortality from heat waves, earth quakes, etc., the data doesn't lie. The data shows no correlation to a infectious disease pandemic that SPREAD and that the excess data spikes after the vaccine roll out and where. It's very interesting and shocking information, but hard to deny. It's worth a look.

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That's fair. However baby steps don't make it seem like such a leep.

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You know everyone is wrong at least once daily right? We can't talk even virtually if you can't stipulate to this.

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Snopes?!? Really?? I can't believe you are responding to a video of Denis Rancourt's live, in person, testimony in front of Canadian officials with a suggestion that I find other sources and recommending Snopes. Were you born yesterday? Snopes is one of the biggest propaganda sites. https://sharylattkisson.com/?s=snopes

Did you even open your mind to watch the testimony before responded? I am sure you didn't. This is why we are in the mess we are in today. People don't even take the time to consider new information. They just shoot back with their version of the truth.

Denis Rancourt is a serious academic....to bring up Snopes in the same conversation as him is disrespectful and shows your ignorance. Here is his CV: https://denisrancourt.ca/page.php?id=3&name=cv

Articles written by Snopes are either AI or written by some twerp with ZERO background in anything substantial. You wouldn't want to take health advice from anything written on Snopes unless you want to be injured or maimed.

If you want to understand what I am referring to, start here:

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada


Like I said in another comment: Uneducated Americans are a liability to us all. Educate yourself and FAST.

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Yikes. This comment is why I don't go in public often. I truly don't want people with this "why don't you think like me you idiot" mentality near impressionable minds. I'm safe but my kid isn't. You know you can be wrong, too, right? Consider sources other than your favorites. I pay for this Substack in that very spirit.

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Great response Meg!

Your thinking is outdated and you don't realize it.

You used a propaganda slogan on me which was designed to shut down discourse and it didn't work. Because I am not a brain dead zombie under the spell of the government. I can think for myself.

I am wrong all the time, but not about this topic. Sure I don't know everything, and I don't know what I don't know. But I do know enough to know that the government shouldn't be trusted with our health and that just because the mainstream media isn't talking about all the deaths from the vax doesn't mean it's not happening. Unfortunately 30 years from now it will be common knowledge. Your kid might be safer around people who think for themselves than those that follow the herd. So many did and they are injured or dead. The vax was/is a bio weapon unleashed on the world's population.

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More from Denis Rancourt on his claims that there was no Infectious Disease Pandemic and that the vaccine has killed an estimated 13.2M worldwide:

First: Interview with RFK Jr. back in January 2023: (there are many other interviews with other people since, like Dr. Drew as the most notable), but this is the one I listened to when I first heard this, I wasn't entirely surprised, but to hear it laid out with data to back it up was mind blowing: https://rumble.com/v277v9y-all-cause-mortality-with-denis-rancourt-ph.d..html

Second: Here is Denis Rancourt's substack essay on the topic: https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/there-was-no-pandemic

Third: is Denis Rancourt's site with all the research data and also the essay on No Pandemic: https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=130&name=2023_06_22_there_was_no_pandemic_essay

Fourth: A book Canary in a Covid World which is a collection of essays written by dissenting voices during Covid. The very last essay in the book is Denis Rancourt's essay on NO Pandemic. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=canary+in+covid+world&crid=1O5GT5UPUMNK1&sprefix=canary+in+covid+world%2Caps%2C208&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

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LOL. You dumbfucks will believe anything. Fucking rumble...

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LauraLoomer has been proven right based on FACTS.

I would highly recommend that you read actual facts re the jab. THE CDC and the WHO are commie jokes.

You should open your mind and "news" sources by reading ALL the FACTS re the jab:


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By your own argument, it'll take decades to properly understand and analyse the impact of the pandemic itself. So making bold assertions so soon after would be irresponsible conclusion-jumping, right? Like, say, claiming millions of deaths from the vaccine that *somehow* the whole world has conspired to hide?

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AGREE!!! While I don't believe they should be mandated, it is just silly to claim the entire world or virtually every government in the world is working to hide this. I'd be curious how many people are within 1 degree of separation with someone who died (not experienced complications) from a vaccine vs covid? I can list at least 10 people who had a family member (parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, etc.) die from covid but do not know a single person who lost someone after they had the vaccine.

I do, however, know MANY people who experienced complications and had covid worse than those who were unvaccinated so I am not a huge proponent and will not get any further shots, but think it has been taken to such an extreme.

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No one claimed the entire world or virtually every government is the world is working to hide this. The United States and Pharma are trying to cover it up. That is why Pfizer wanted 75 years to give us their clinical trial data. Thankfully someone took them to court and now we know it was a bio weapon for some people. The Pfizer documents research is now in a book on Amazon Kindle - you can see for yourself the horrors they knew beforehand: https://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Store-Pfizer-Documents-Investigation-Team

It's nice that you don't know anyone who died from the vaccine. I personally know 4 people who died after the vaccine. Within days. I also now, through the community, know many more, sadly. I have a friend who's son now has epilepsy after his 5th shot which was a booster. Crazy he got that far, but it is what it is.

I realize many of you are very naive to what is actually going on vs. what you think is going on. This amazes me and frustrates me at the same time. It's like we are living in two different universes. I can only surmise that you are not looking for it. Because there is so much information available. Once you open your eyes to it, you can't stop seeing it. If you get your news or information from mainstream sites you are being propagandized by The Trusted News Initiative, is literally made up of three companies that control all the information you see and read - except for independent journalists on Sub stack and sites like Rumble. Everything else is heavily censored and subject to astroturfing and the like.

Examples here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bYAQ-ZZtEU&t=9s

Just today it was uncovered by a FOIA that the White House and Fauci new back in May 2021 that the shots caused myocarditis and blood clots. That was 5- 6 months before they mandated it for every worker and college student to get it. My friends brother got it in August and had a massive heart attack a week later.


So many young athletes have died. There is a sub stack that tracks all the "died suddenly"


Covid was never isolated and ACM data shows there was no infectious disease pandemic. Most people that died during covid died from bacterial pneumonia. The largest group of people that died in the US during "covid" was poor and disabled people in the South of the United States, they are also the population that fills the most antibiotic prescriptions and during "covid" they were heavily restricted from receiving their normal antibiotic prescriptions. This is all well documented in this essay, paper and testimony from Denis Rancourt.

Here is Denis Rancourt's substack essay on the topic: https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/there-was-no-pandemic

Denis Rancourt's site with all the research data and also the essay on No Pandemic: https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=130&name=2023_06_22_there_was_no_pandemic_essay


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My argument was that We The People are slow to the truth because the old style of information gate keeping - they don't tell us anything until they are ready to tell us - until it can't hurt them anymore.

Luckily we don't have to wait for the gate keepers to tell us information anymore. All Cause Mortality Data is available now and this information has been well researched and reported on and that is what I am sharing here.

You can review it and accept it or deny it. That is up to you.

It's solid data/evidence that there was no infectious disease pandemic and that the vaccine killed estimated 13.2m people worldwide. Hearing his testimony and then reviewing his data findings and graphs....it's very hard to deny.

Data doesn't lie, people do.

He has been interviewed by RFK Jr. and Dr. Drew and many others. He doesn't have to wait decades to know what happened and we do not either. Should we bury our heads and wait for CNN to tell us what happened 30 years from now?

I realize this information doesn't really help us now. What's done is done and it's awful what happened. So why share it? Because it will help people realize that the government does not care about you at all - not even a little bit and that if you don't think critically now (not in 30 years) and protect yourself from the things they push, you are putting yourself and others in harms way.

At this point in the plot an uneducated American or citizen is a liability to the rest of us. I am just trying to help. I am way ahead of my time and so is Denis Rancourt and most can't accept it and I get it. But don't respond then. Just move along.

Excerpt from his essay

"There Was No Pandemic

By Denis G. Rancourt, PhD

June 22, 2023

This is radical.

The essay is based on my May 17, 2023 testimony for the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) in Ottawa, Canada, my 894-page book of exhibits in support of that testimony, and our continued research. (link to testimony video above)

I am an accomplished interdisciplinary scientist and physicist, and a former tenured Full Professor of physics and lead scientist, originally at the University of Ottawa.

I have written over 30 scientific reports relevant to COVID, starting April 18, 2020 for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (ocla.ca/covid), and recently for a new non-profit corporation (correlation‑canada.org/research). Presently, all my work and interviews about COVID are documented on my website created to circumvent the barrage of censorship (denisrancourt.ca).

In addition to critical reviews of published science, the main data that my collaborators and I analyse is all‑cause mortality.

All-cause mortality by time (day, week, month, year, period), by jurisdiction (country, state, province, county), and by individual characteristics of the deceased (age, sex, race, living accomodations) is the most reliable data for detecting and epidemiologically characterizing events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge or collapse in deaths from any cause.

Such data is not susceptible to reporting bias or to any bias in attributing causes of death. We have used it to detect and characterize seasonality, heat waves, earthquakes, economic collapses, wars, population aging, long-term societal development, and societal assaults such as those occurring in the COVID period, in many countries around the world, and over recent history, 1900-present.

Interestingly, none of the post-second-world-war Centers-for-Disease-Control-and-Prevention-promoted (CDC‑promoted) viral respiratory disease pandemics (1957-58, “H2N2”; 1968, “H3N2”; 2009, “H1N1 again”) can be detected in the all‑cause mortality of any country. Unlike all the other causes of death that are known to affect mortality, these so‑called pandemics did not cause any detectable increase in mortality, anywhere.

The large 1918 mortality event, which was recruited to be a textbook viral respiratory disease pandemic (“H1N1”), occurred prior to the inventions of antibiotics and the electron microscope, under horrific post-war public-sanitation and economic-stress conditions. The 1918 deaths have been proven by histopathology of preserved lung tissue to have been caused by bacterial pneumonia. This is shown in several independent and non-contested published studies."

Review it all yourself and then decide before you claim it's not true. Many people are doing this work now and the data is there to see. You will never hear this on mainstream anything unless they are mocking it.

Source: https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=130&name=2023_06_22_there_was_no_pandemic_essay

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The vax saved many people! You do not have the evidence to back your claims. You have only BS passed along as evidence! I took 4 shots & I have NO side effects. I wish that you younger people would stop believing that the people in science are "out to get you!" It's a silly conspiracy theory that causes many to suffer from diseases they can be vaxed to stop the infections. At least, to mitigate the severeness 9f them! That is how the COVID vaccine works. It keeps you from dying from the virus. PERIOD! It wasn't supposed to keep you from contracting it. Get a grip. And, I thought that you were moving into the future.

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This comment makes me sad for humanity.

There are MOUNTAINS of evidence to back these claims. Not my claims BTW.

I am glad YOU have no side effects from injecting experimental gene therapy liquid (with no long term studies on long term side effects) into your body four times! Sounds like wise thinking.

Here is the organization helping thousands of people who HAVE suffered an adverse reaction. Not everyone was as lucky as you. https://react19.org/testimonials

I am not younger, as you say. Since our top health and government officials knew that the vaccine caused heart issues and blood clots back in May 2021 and instead of pulling it from the market, instead mandated it for work or college, which resulted in many lives lost to heart attacks, I'd say that's pretty good evidence that they are out to harm people. But hey, I am just using my brain and my ability to critically think. Maybe your inability to critically think is a side effect from the shot? It does cause aphasia.

I don't understand how people can claim that health/government officials didn't say "the vaccine will keep you from getting covid." It's like beyond logical thinking. It must be magical thinking really, because we have this thing called video that shows them saying that exact thing. Seriously, what fantasy world do you people live in that you think all the video of them saying the thing you say they didn't say just magically disappears? Do you think just saying they didn't say it, makes it true. This logic makes me question your sanity. There are hundreds of hours of NEWS footage of mainstream media propaganda clowns saying that exact thing. Rachel Maddow on MSNBC said it over a dozen time:. "You will not get it, you will not transmit it. It will stop with you." You can watch it here: https://rumble.com/vrkgip-flashback-rachel-maddow-vaccine-stops-covid-and-prevents-further-transmissi.html

The President of the United States said it. It's in the opening scene of this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k0INqWxBAo

You can watch those and then still pretend they didn't say it. It's okay. I know it's hard to face the truth that they lied to you. I wonder what else they lied about.

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The Holocaust comparison has no place in modern intelligent discourse. Disappointing here on a paid Substack :/

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Sorry, but that thinking is outdated and tied to propaganda. Yes, what happened back then was horrible and there are many official and unofficial stories about who was involved. I am in no way denying that horrible time happened, but to live in a fantasy world where that can't and isn't happening in various forms is naive. Nothing compares to that in methods used, but if you look at the number of people killed by the vaccine, it's worse. Now I realize most of you still live in your make-believe fantasy world where the vaccines saved lives and harmed no one, cause you are fine and everyone you know is fine and you don't get any information outside the propaganda bubble, but that is not reality. Reality can be found outside the trusted news initiatives walls of propaganda lies created to control the masses, which it has done a great job of doing.

Modern intelligent discourse needs to look at the lies we are told by our governments that have harmed us and put us at each other's throats. Even if it means talking about hard things that have been labeled taboo by society, for the benefit of never asking the hard questions. Like who funded Hilter. Ask Whitney Webb or read one of books. You might not like the answer.

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LOL Propaganda worked you well. Wow what absolute BS.

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Lord save us all from idiots who have not taken a science class since junior high or know how to evaluate a scientific document. There are over 25 integrated metrics that determine the validity of clinical studies and publications. You cannot name one. There are over 150 different correlated matrices that uphold the validity of a conclusion. But you wouldnt know that either because conspiracy theories only sell to the ignorantly

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Don’t forget, she defended her friendship with Miles Teller after he got all that shit for speaking out against the vaxx mandates.

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I don’t think she defended anything? People were giving her shit and she didn’t address it. There are lots of people who can exist in nuance. Many people got the vaccine and aren’t mad at those who didn’t.

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She got shit for putting him in her music video for I Bet You Think About Me because he had made anti-mandate comments. Then she made a post about how grateful she was for him being in the music video and his friendship in general. So she didn’t explicitly defend him or his stance but she defended her friendship with him which is as good as saying that she’s not going to drop a friend over their controversial beliefs.

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Sorry, to be clear, I agree with you that this doesn’t necessarily mean she didn’t get the vaxx. Just that, like you said, she doesn’t seem made that her friend didn’t get it.

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Its well known that in Hollywood and other celebrity circles people had fake vaccine cards to work. Many didn't get it. Pete Prada a famous drummer refused the vax and the fake card and was fired. Alec Baldwin talked about the offers for a fake card. Tucker Carlson and Ice cube talked and laughed about how they didn't get it. Much of the celebrity propaganda push was just that, fake. They have done this in the past. Lied to the public using celebrity influences to push the vax. In the past its come out that those celebrities didn't actually get it.

Mary Tyler Moore with the swine flu vaccine. They used her to convince people, she was popular back then, and then she admitted on 60 mins she never got it.

It's all a show to influence people. Because people are influenced by celebrities. I used to be too when I was in my 20s and 30s. I am now in my 50s and know better.

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It’s interesting you say that because Taylor made it clear that she didn’t want to publicly endorse Hillary in 2016 because she was tired of politicians weaponizing celebrities for campaigns. Who did she blame for doing this? Trump. Despite the fact that democrats do it excessively. Everyone does.

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I didn’t know that. That’s interesting.

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Lets see your "receipts" for your claim that she bought her music rights back from Soros. Oh wait, you have ZERO receipts for that bc its a complete lie. Its easily verifiable and widely known that Swift has been rerecording ALL 6 of the albums bc she still owns the rights to the lyrics...thats why she is able to perform them on her tour. As usual, the majority of your "reporting" is centered around fabrications and/or gross exaggerations. People like you are ruining American journalism and bringing shame upon your families...yours especially. You may know who politicians in DC are "fucking", as the article claims...but you dont know shit about ANY ACTUAL NEWS STORIES WORTHY OF OUR ATTENTION. Take a trip to a national park this weekend Laura and go way out into the park. Then stop and look around at how beautiful your surroundings are. Somewhere nearby youll, no doubt, see a large rock...crawl back under it and dont come back out for a looooong looooong time!

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I agree with you. I'm not a big fan of Taylor Swift though my daughters are. I find her a great power of example for young women. Her ability to reclaim her music was a major score against the patriarchs of the music industry. If you see the clip of her talking about why she is now speaking out politically, its going around on TikTok, she is standing up for what she believes. Not everyone will like this but I give her credit for being her self. According to Swift, Soros is one of the backers that helped Scooter Braun buy her catalog. Funny how Soros is always the bad guy in these conspiracy theories. The Koch brothers are never mentioned and they are 1000 times worse. Is it so "crazy" that two celebrities would meet and date each other? I'm sure there are better stories than this.

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She’s also in New Orleans the last week of October 2024, not Florida….this all seems like a big stretch

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She goes to Florida still though at end of October 2024 🤷🏽‍♀️

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It’s great that she got so many people registered to vote, am I wrong?

If he has no personal issue with vaccines then why wouldn’t he use Pfizer? Choice is choice, rich or poor.

Her movie is coming out, she’s her own PR person. She needs no one.

All very interesting though. Never heard of Loomer… will have to see.

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If one has no honest view or intelligent opinion, they may want to leave voting for those with knowledge. A right to vote doesn't mean everyone should. Especially if they're being led to vote a specific way; right or left. He is being paid by Pfizer.

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A right to vote doesn’t mean everyone should? That’s the most un-american take I’ve heard. Maybe you’d like this so called conspiracy: republicans making an abortion a felony, making those women felons and therefore unable to vote. If they can make that a felon, what other laws could they pass so that less people vote. Remember, republicans do well when voter turnout is low. When was the last time they won a popular vote in a presidential election?

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That’s not for me or you to judge. We don’t know everyone & most certainly not their IQ.

Of course he’s being paid by Pfizer, he’s a celebrity that gets vaccinated, why wouldn’t he personally choose that? If it aligns with his values and choices? You may not consider that…I May not either, but it’s an individual choice. That’s what we all want right? To be able to say yes or no?

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Agreed. This all sounds like satire or stupidity; a tempest in pisspot to gather likes.

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There is no sense here unless she is a sleeper programmed better than the Manchurian candidate. I love HIH and have followed for years so this is no shade. I love her curiosity. This post seems off bc there are so many sources on Taylor (swifties are obsessed) and she doesn't fit this profile. Taylor is a PR machine boss woman who has purposefully stayed away from politics until she couldn't. IMO Taylor is driven almost entirely right now by getting her masters and the TVs being more successful than the sold ones. Nothing else. Getting political doesn't fit the PR plan at all. Follow the money. TS likes money just as much as anyone else.

I am disappointed that during the summer of the girl that her successful re-records are attributable to George Soros. I've followed the Eras tour and re-records closely (my gay sister and wife who live in MGT's part of Georgia - yikes) are swifties and gaylors. Some research into popular Tik Tok accounts (the devil works hard but Taylor works harder is a great start) would dispel that she would allow Soros to take any credit or bread from her. This is misogynistic plain and simple. It hit harder than perhaps it should, but it was after a long day in circuit court as a female attorney in Alabama. I love this account because people in power rarely have any better sense or morals than those they persecute--JRK has a keen nose for it. This piece seems inconsistent but I think it's the source. I do not follow her.

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Jessica doesn’t care about making sense.

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My thoughts exactly!

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What kind of statement did her fans expect her to make in Tampa and Tennessee?

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I’m guessing it’s regarding book banning and abortion access

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Books aren't being banned and you can still get an abortion.

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100% i had not stumbled upon an article that was so alt-right here on substack, this is such a dumb article

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Friends who took their daughters have said she was political at her Nashville concerts. She does have to endorse a party or candidate on Insta because everyone knows her political views. She is not asking you to register to vote Republican.

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If Gavin Newsom gets in the White House then America is lost for good. We can't let this happen.

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I agree.

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There's a word for what he is: covert hostility.

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That's two words. I say we purge all of DC and have a do-over! Oh, and purge the oligarchs too because they are the ones that ultimately pull the political puppet strings.

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Yeah better a pussy grabber with 4 indictments with 91 charges who couldn’t govern his way out of a paper bag. 8 trillion added to the deficit. Jesus

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Because Gavin Newsome has done so many wonderful things for California?

Bs indictments

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All you have noted is character attacks whereas we are concerned with POLICY. I don't care at all about the personal lives of politicians, even if they are convicted of crimes because the court system is so backward that innocent people are convicted and the guilty are set free daily.

The issues are POLICY because that affects ME and YOU. Gavin Newsom's policies have wrecked CA (where I live) and the Democrat policy of freely printing trillions of dollars, ripping the border wide open (literally, the federal government has been cutting razor wire at the border to let illegals in). These people are doing everything they can to make America a shithole.

Furthermore the Republicans are the party of weak politics. We can't suffer through another RINO neo-con administration either. That's why we need to vote for the MAGA party and Donald Trump specifically. His policies were making America great again and we need him to give us another solid 4 years.

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When you consider a complete shut down of CA during the pandemic, with rampant job losses and business failures, then to have his businesses up and running through it all it gives you a glimpse of his policies for thee but not for me programs. He held a dinner at the French Laundry over New Year’s while telling everyone they could not travel or go out. Spent $15,000 on liquor alone. Yes, that his personal life, but if we’d have done the same thing at the same time we were told we’d be arrested. You can’t have a policy only for the non-privileged.

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Only if you violent ruthless dictatorship.

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Trump is just another puppet for the elite. Shit flip flopping policies and a shit human being. You and his fanatic plebians are getting bukkaked in the face and loving it. Hilariously sadistic

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How do you feel about Trump’s POLICY to take personal control of the army and courts, and pervert the Constituon to allow him to stay on indefinitely, and (probably) appoint his successor? Let me guess - you think that’s all made up bullshit. But being rational, you’ll check, right?

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So character has nothing to do with being POTUS right? It has no bearing or influence whatsoever on anything the President does or any decisions he makes. Right?

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BTW, it's illegal to install barriers that can kill humans coming across our borders. But, being a fascist, you wouldn't know that. Or, you wouldn't abide by the laws of our country! You're hopeless.

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Then, you are a dolt! If we allow criminals to get into office to grift and use the office to commit crimes like Trump, then we are no better than Venezuela and Chavez in office there! Or, Russia/Putin. You, sir, are bordering on behavior that reeks of fascism! To wit: Trump & Hitler/NAZIS! Why don't you do a little research into compare & contrast both. You just might learn something besides how to support fascisim!

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The TDS is strong here. So blinded by what you read. Sad!

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You're absolutely correct! These people who support a person who tried to subvert election results to pathetically cling to power illegally should be very ashamed! They are helping the erosion of our democracy! One good thing: Trump is being prosecuted for many of his crimes against the people & the U.S. gov. He is going bonkers over it bc he knows he's toast & he's lashing out at everyone connected with his indictments and convictions. He has already been found to have sexually abused E. Jean Carroll & defamed her! He was found to have defrauded banks, ins. companies, and the IRS (taxes) by over valuating his properties to get very favorable loans & their terms. He also devalued those same properties when it was time to pay his taxes! Those financial crimes have been adjuticated by Judge Engoron. They are only in trial to basically find verdicts for the few other charges & the amounts of fines & payback of the ill gotten gains he received from his schemes! It will be glorious to see this pig taken down! He should have never been elected in the first place - he's nothing but a criminal.

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He never actually grabbed anyone by the pussy, he was saying when you’re at a certain level of fame, there are those who would let you grab them by the pussy simply because of your fame. Disgusting thing to say, but doesn’t mean he actually just went up to someone and grabbed their vagina.

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I don’t think E Jean Carroll would agree with your assessment and neither did the jury in her trial. That was her exact description of what he did, as was the story by the People magazine journalist in Florida. Another woman accused him of reaching under her skirt at Club 54 years ago. He owes E Jean $90 million for grabbing her in the dressing room at Bloomingdales. It wasn’t just “talk”.

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Oh you mean the woman who swears she had a particular dress on during this “assault” but that turned out wasn’t even designed at the time? That has “evidence” of the attack on this “dress” but would not be produced to support her claim? Yeah I don’t care what that person thinks.

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Well said!

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Totally agree. If he gets into the White House he will have to have stolen it like Biden and that might be what sparks a revolution and we need one. This country is sick right now. People who are asleep are f'ng liability. Sorry but it's true. Wake the f up people. It's all a show and you are a consumer, that its. The vaccine is a f'ng bio weapon. It didn't help anyone. It killed people. It saved no one because there was no infectious disease pandemic. It was a pysop.

Listen for yourself https://rumble.com/v2oiczg-denis-rancourt-expert-testimony-national-citizens-inquiry-ottawa-17-may-202.html

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And don't attack me because you don't like the information I shared. Instead use the time to see if what I shared is true. I don't waste my time sharing bullshit.

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If Donald Trump gets back into the White House he will burn it all down & turn it into a dictatorship! Compare & contrast him with Hitler/NAZIS before & during WW2. But, most of you won't because you think you know it all and you haven't even scratched the surface of the truth about it! Trump tried to subvert the 2020 election results to pathetically cling to power illegally! He will.pay for his crimes very soon. If you support that maniacal fascist, shame on you, too! But, even Trump was given drugs to help with the virus infection. And, before you say that it was different, they were also MRNA based. Get your head into reality & stop screaming the sky is falling!

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Just here to say that her “point” about Taylor being able to tour without having the rights to the songs isn’t quite right, and makes that point irrelevant. She doesn’t own the masters to those OG versions, she can reproduce them (which she is doing) and she can perform them, she just doesn’t own *those* versions. She wouldn’t have needed to strike a deal with Soros to make Eras happen, she isn’t using the product they own.

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Exactly. He’s irrelevant. Republicans just love to insert Soros into everything when it’s connected to something they disagree with.

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You know for sure he is irrevlant? What makes you think that he is? She absolutely did say that Soros bought her music and Scooter did sell the miso to them. They are involved in her life or music as a result of that, yes she’s rereleased her music of her own version but Gavin is backed by Soros, as are most democrats and she does speak out against republican morals and beliefs. So you can very easily connect these red strings to one another. It’s not far fetched at all.

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She doesn't though. Not as much as her fans would like. They were upset she had no politics at her concerts in states like Fl and Tn.

This is her quote regarding Soros ... “After I was denied the chance to purchase my music outright, my entire catalog was sold to Scooter Braun’s Ithaca Holdings in a deal that I’m told was funded by the Soros family, 23 Capital and that Carlyle Group,”

Scooter sold it to Shamrock for $300M, and Shamrock is the Disney family, not Soros. and seriously it took me a few minutes to find all this so why is Jessica pushing this agenda??

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Soros does own a small percentage of Disney. AND Taylor herself based on what you JUST SHARED stated it was Soros funded. So, that was her own words. Idk what to tell you but words mattered and have meaning. I guess we just pretend that part wasn’t said?

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Soros does NOT own part of Disney. His INVESTMENT FIRM currently has a small investment in the billion dollar corporation. Big difference between the facts and the diarrhea coming from your facehole.

"One such misunderstanding is that billionaire investor George Soros owns The Walt Disney Company. However, this claim is not accurate. While George Soros, through his investment firm, Soros Fund Management, LLC, does have an investment stake in Disney, he does not own the company."

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Then again....maybe thats not your facehole?

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Youre as stupid as your children Jenn Z....GET IT.....JENN Z!! Gen Z.....its tots lol!!

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Na, just your assine response to someone who has done much more good than Donnie Boy ever did! But, don't take my word for it. Just look at how great you Repub MAGAts are legislating in the House of Reps! Repubs threw their Speaker out of the office because he made a deal to keep the gov open when the serial nutcases wanted to shut it all down bc they couldn't get her way and cut 30% of every social program that the American people rely on from month to month! If you had one iota of sense, you would understand that people should come before absolute power & policies. If MAGAts had their way, everyone would be thinking, acting, talking, and loving the same! What an absolute waste of human flesh MAGA turned out to be!

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Wait, what are you drowning on about? If America first is insane or full of jut cases or whatever then so be it. I’ll be a nutcase. Soros is a Nazi so I’d rather be nutty and want one bill with one item to vote for as opposed to one bill that has 15 items hiding an agenda. Please refrain from speaking to that which you have no clue about. Good day

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Ill tell you who's not "fetch"....you, Jenn Z. GenZ...thats soooo creative. Did you come up with that all by yourself?!?!

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Provide evidence of Taylor Swift speaking out against Republican morals.

Here is the exact quote from the documentary, which you are incorrectly claiming to be her speaking out against Republican morals. Are Republicans morally in favor of violence against women? Traditional Republicans definitely do not support violence against women...who knows what REMAGASHEEPLICAN's are in favor of?? i think they are against all morals in general. When you finish reading the quote, i want you to go to your nearest national park and hike a few hours into it. Then stop and look around at the beauty surrounding you. No doubt, there will be some large rocks nearby. Walk over to the closest rock, get down on your knees and CRAWL BACK UNDER THAT ROCK.

Taylor Swift:

"I can't see another commercial and see her disguising these policies behind the words, 'Tennessee Christian values.' Those aren't Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee, I am Christian, that's not what we stand for." Swift goes on to specifically references the Republican candidate's opposition to the reauthorization of the "Violence Against Women Act."

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Jessica is not Republican.

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Where exactly does she say that she supports Trump? Because she complimented is recent weigh loss, toned down obnoxious attitude and less orange color? If you follow her at all you will know Jessica is a registered Democrat disgruntled by said party for a variety of reasons, one including the horrific treatment of democratic candidate RFK JR.

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She sure loves trump

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I said the same. She’s taking her rights back by rereleasing them. Don’t believe us?? I’ve seen Snoop Dog talking about it a length. Go to YouTube and find that.

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Well if Snoop Dogg says it that must be true 🤦🏽‍♀️

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If anonymous nobody drew banks says it, it must be true.

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There must still be an insanely profitable revenue stream coming from the Masters and everywhere the songs are streamed, regardless if she re-records? How does one know that she would then immediately capture the revenue streams if she re-records? Re-recording allows her to intercept OG revenue streams perhaps, but reclaiming the OG songs has got to be additional millions upon millions upon millions $$$$$. Right?

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Her fan base has completely backed the re-recordings, most real “swifties” won’t even listen to the OGs, they only stream the new ones. That & she gets all new sales from vinyls, CDs, merch, etc. for each release. She’s making boatloads of money on the re-records because she has talked about how frustrated she was losing the rights to those masters (which she offered to buy originally, and they would only make a deal that she could have rights to one album for each new album she put out with the old record label) and her fan base has absolutely rallied behind the re-records. It’s very profitable for her to do this work, and I think if people found out she had secretly bought her old masters back & was still doing the re-recording they’d be pretty upset tbh.

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No, it doesn't work like that. If she owned the songs to start and, then, they were sold to someone, that someone now owns them. But, if she retained the right to record them again, then, she would only own the "new" recordings! Not the original song & recording of it. But, you don't know the details. She mudt have retained the rights to re-record those songs. Otherwise, the person who boughtbthem could sue for damages.

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She has owned the rights to the lyrics the entire time. These songs were written by Taylor and she has the right to rerecord them at any time. Hence, when they refused to sell the rights to her old music, she began recording her own versions of each song from the first six albums.

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It's an interesting theory but it ignores a glaring reality that Swift has an entire, years long project of rerecording and rereleasing these songs to regain some form of ownership, which has been incredibly successful both commercially and with her fans, allowing her to have an unprecedented second album cycle on decades old material. The other is that Swift has done her best to remain as politically neutral as possible in order to avoid alienating any amount of her fanbase.

So the question becomes would she risk upsetting that tightrope act and get consumed by the culture war she's avoided in order to get those rights back which she has continually proved she doesn't really need? Loomer may want to stretch before making such leaps.

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A couple other things

-a lot is being made about her instagram post, but 40000 registrants out of a following of 270 Million is an abysmal conversion rate of 0.000148. Even if every one of them relocate to Montana or Idaho, that’s not swinging anything.

-There’s always been a huge overestimation of the importance of celebrity endorsements. Nearly every celebrity on the planet came out for John Kerry and Hilary and they still lost. Ditto Biden who was only barely able to make it across the finish line. If celebrity endorsements were that important we’d have Democrat control of every branch and legislature.

-while it would be impossible to know without insider data, anecdotally but based on observations of social media Die Hard Swift fans, especially the ones buying her concert tickets, who would vote based solely on what Swift says or brings out onstage, they swing millennial, white, college educated, upwardly mobile professionals, who have become the most reliable democrat voting block. How many Swifties do they truly believe aren’t already voting democrat?

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This!!! I really enjoy listening to and believe in many alternate theories, I really appreciate Jess's work, she commented on her stories that she likes discussing these topics but I note on this thread she isn't engaging in the comments that easily discredit parts of the theory she has shared. This theory ignores facts and makes it a weak idea at best. Taylor performing her first 6 albums on tour has zero to do with who currently owns the masters as you have stated above. All your other points above dilute this theory even more. The relationship is more than likely a PR event, but there are many other, highly likely reasons for it. Taylor may very well make political comments in the future - she has in the past. Sharing theories like this is somewhat of a shame as it allows 'haters' to water down all the other very strong alternative narratives Jess presents.

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I don’t see anything wrong with reporting on Loomer’s theory, it’s surely interesting and there are some threads there. I just think an ounce of skepticism with Loomer goes a long way.

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I could have worded it better. You are right there is nothing wrong with reporting on it, in this case when one of the largest aspects of the theory is so easily disputed with simple IP law it makes the theory at best weak and missing that in the reporting leaves the journalist open to criticism. I really like Jess's work and I comment with respect.

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A smart comment! Thank goodness. What is happening today?

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THIS. thank you.

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Yes yes yes

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I don’t believe in the Lizard people theory...until I look at Gavin Newsom 😬

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I live in Kansas and Travis has been one of our fave players. Especially with the Chiefs making 3 Super Bowl appearances in recent years. I do enjoy the Taylor match up. I like her music and while I don’t know either personally, obviously, I think they are cute together. I’m also smart enough to not base life decisions off of their thoughts and things they are trying to sell. We don’t have to agree with everything to like someone should we? It should start at home with parents teaching their kids right from wrong and to make smart and informed decisions. I grew up in the 90’s when everyone blamed everything bad on the music we listened to and the video games people played. This is the same thing. People need to stop blaming entertainers for making money and blame who they should. Maybe I’m just a dumb hick in the sticks, but it’s amazing how many people are missing the mark on two people who are just making bank on living their lives. Everyone has an opinion and it’s not bothering them one bit.

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Also from Kansas and have been a Travis fan since way before Taylor showed up. I do find it super-sus that they are 'dating'. First, I have watched his podcast from the beginning, and his dating Taylor does not align with the types of girls he has dated in the past (thick WOC types). Also, I still remember very vividly the expressions on Jason's (his brother) face when Travis told him he went to her concert and wanted to give her a 'friendship bracelet'. The look of genuine surprise on Jason's face still sits with me. It was like, 'that ain't your type of girl, pal'. I'm also calling BS that he even went to the concert, because no one saw him being at the KC Taylor Swift show, because let's be honest, he's not a real fan of hers. Then how they released the whole 'they are secretly seeing each other', news was very sus, too. It felt like a PR move. And, of course during the game this past week, what do I see, but a commercial for Taylor's concert movie. Coincidence? This dating thing is a total PR move if I ever saw one.

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I think if Jason was surprised it was because he was talking about his private life at all. If you watched the Kelce documentary, Travis flat out said he was looking to settle down and wants what Jason has. They don’t usually talk about relationships or anything like that on their show. I think the whole bracelet and Taylor thing started as a joke and everyone has ran with it. As for the concert, I have no idea. I’m wondering if he was with the Mahomes and was in their box?

Taylor has always been linked with whoever talks about her wether she is dating them or not. Could be as innocent as a picture of her talking to someone. So who knows. I just think it should be taken as light hearted and fun. The NFL is enjoying the Taylor fans and running with it. Kelce is enjoying the uptick in followers and money he is getting from it. I doubt anything is serious since he’s got a whole season of football left. PR or serious, I just think it’s fun to watch.

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If he wants to settle down, then why would he choose Taylor of all people? That girl has a super successful career and has no desire to be a wife with children anytime soon.

He was not in the Mahome's suite during that concert. That I know that for a fact. Still...she's not his type....like at all! I don't hate Taylor, but I just think this is a total PR move.

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I was just saying the whole conversation on the podcast was because he started it on to doc. Whoever he does marry, I wish them all the best but I’m not taking bets on this relationship with Taylor being serious. If it is PR then they have smart people running their business because they are all anyone is talking about. PR move or not I don’t think we have the same type our entire lives. My husband isn’t like anyone I ever dated before I got married. Time will tell and again, all I was saying in my first post was that I’m not basing life decisions about politics and health on what celebrities do or say.

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The problem is that she is getting her songs back my rereleasing then. That’s the point. She releases “Taylor’s version” of each track and they become hers.

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I came here to say the exact same thing. Soros has nothing to do with the Eras tour or has any influence on Taylor. By re-recording her songs, she now has ownership over them. And that’s how she’s able to perform them.

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This. Thank you.

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She doesn’t have the masters but does have her publishing rights.

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She has the masters to all of the re-recordings, and you’re right — she only has the publishing rights to the original first six albums.

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I wondered about the same exact thing!!

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Your probably right on this. Uuuggg the commercial with kelce Double shot is repulsive. When will he have a heart attack? Watching from the sidelines

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oh gosh, let me add that now that you reminded me.

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Come on, you know the celebs get saline.

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Wow. That’s an ugly statement

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And he probably really didn’t get the shot. Only making money from the adds.

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Y’all the one problem with the theory ... Taylor Swift is getting the rights to her music back by rereleasing them. I’ll admit, the relationship attention seems somewhat fabricated, but those ends do not make much sense.

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I don't think Laura Loomer understands how copyright works in music, or the concept of "cover songs" and compulsory licensing.

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Even w that excluded, she is definitely being leveraged to a degree to pull in dem zoomers. Gavin makes it so obvious

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You are absolutely correct about that, Jessica. Taylor is certainly an instrument of the Democratic Party (and I say that as a fan of her music, who doesn't necessarily share her politics). I also think that this is a three-way business deal, to bring Taylor & Travis more PR and bring the NFL more viewers. I don't believe for one second this is a real relationship.

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I am still waiting to hear how someone who easily sells out every single show needs PR…..

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That means you don't understand PR. I don't agree with this theory at all but PR is not just used to gain attention it is used for a range of reasons.

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Even Taylor's biggest fans will admit she has an obsessive need for attention that goes back to her teen years. You can never be too thin, too rich or too famous.

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Funny how for the first time ever this weekend during NFL games, I saw commercials for Taylor's concert movie. You can never have too much PR.

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Exactly. Just look at the type of girls Travis have dated the past and that will tell you everything you need to know.

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Possibly, but her push was for registering. She hasn’t said or done anything else remotely political in forever. If conservatives want to win they need to quit crying about what dems do and take a page form the book.

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It’s all just getting started, priming the pump, more publicly anyway. Pass the popcorn.

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How do we know Gavin isn’t using Taylor, or trying to benefit off of her popularity, by mentioning her? We’ve seen politicians do it before

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Exactly! She never said his name. He said hers.

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She’s done it before. Lots of celebrities tell people to vote. There’s whole campaigns and songs about registering to vote

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Newsom didn’t randomly bring up Taylor Swift. He was asked “what role will celebrities play in this election”, and his answer was Taylor Swift. It was an answer to a question. She is the hottest celebrity right now, so this was Newsom leveraging her name to get attention.

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is there a possibility that Newsom is leveraging it on his own much like the NFL is using this to their advantage. She is absolutely in the spotlight and getting attention, but is she asking for the social media changes, the Heinz dip, Hidden Valley ranch changing it's name, the empire state building changing it's colors for her?? Maybe Newsom is being another commodity riding in her coat tails wanting to be relevant.

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it’s sooooo obviously it’s a fake love interest. they both sold their souls. 🤡

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It’s so fake it’s silly. Like two bad actors on a public stage.

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Have either of them said it’s a love interest? No. That’s the media and people in this comment section. She is young and having fun. Hanging out at a football game. You don’t have to read into everything

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It’s PR. Just not sure to what ends yet. It could be real and PR, but still doesn’t answer why.

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It doesn’t look overly fake to me. Some of it does seem leveraged, but I don’t think it would be hard to date him. The overexposure seems like something though.

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Definitely- something is off

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I agree ...I’ve watched his podcast though and he and his brother give off genuine vibes. I lean more toward the NFL being used by Pfizer and in turn using them for the exposure. That said, I sat here all day yesterday enthralled by the relationship, but can’t say why. Not a huge TS fan or usually like this with celebrities. It’s like a puzzle and I feel something is right out of my reach concerning it. I sound crazy, but you said it best... s/thing is off. The TikTok affect on things is nuts though.

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This is some bullshit right here. Stop with the conspiracy theories already. Ever think the people with health issues, already had them. Same thing happened to people before the vaccine.

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The Covid vaccine debate is so played out. It’s literally been YEARS! Everyone who got it was supposed to be magnetic, infertile , growing a new appendage or dead.. yet here we all are, ABSOLUTELY THRIVING.

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There is some good evidence that it causes myocarditis, and we know now it didn’t stop the spread. Also, the inability to sue over a vaccine is crazy.

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It is a rare side effect that’s generally treatable. Myocarditis risk depends on the age and sex of the vaccine recipient. We also have great evidence of Covid causing myocarditis ( and a very long list of long covid diseases) we also know why it didn’t stop the spread. And we also have great data showing how well it works to keep people out of the hospital and from dying! You’ve never been able to sue over vaccines. That’s nothing new. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s not new. I also never thought it should be mandated. I believe in bodily autonomy in all ways. I can’t say there should be Covid vaccine mandates and then on the other hand say, abortion is a personal choice between a woman and her physician.

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Oct 3, 2023Edited
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Treatment depends on the cause and there most certainly are different levels, including mild. Myocarditis is 100% not the worst sufferers of long covid. My hospital has an entire department researching and treating long covid. Nothing to do with the vaccine. Also, you aren’t producing spike proteins for months. the spike proteins that were generated by COVID-19 vaccines last up to a few weeks, like other proteins made by the body. The immune system quickly identifies, attacks and destroys the spike proteins because it recognizes them as not part of you.

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Read newer research on how long spike proteins are found to be produced- it's interesting. Having been in two long-haul trials and in networking groups of thousands of long-haulers who are suffering from the virus or vaccine, I'm aware myocarditis isn't always the absolute worst but it's pretty damn awful for young, healthy individuals and shouldn't be minimized. The spike protein isn't mild period- wild caught or vaccine. It's toxic and we'll likely continue to find out how much in years to come. Injecting it in our young population was and is irresponsible.

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By lockdowns and masks, immune systems have been highly compromised.

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I’m sorry, did you want me to take any sort of medical advice or information from a former professor of PHYSICS?

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You clearly didn't listen to his findings. Cause if you did you would. He looked at the ACM data that is available to all of us. Not Rocket Science. But someone has to do it. Don't discount his findings without reviewing them first. Well, you can, but then don't say you weren't warned about genocidal governments being left to get away with sysops. Bill Gates says the next one will get our attention. Educate yourself now. Or don't. Your choice.


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I don’t need to look at his findings. I put my trust in people that spend their lives learning and researching about a particular thing. Like I’m not getting a plumber to add electricity to my house. I work at a hospital who has the top virologist, immunologists, cardiologists and an entire research floor for people with long covid. I have all the information on Covid and the vaccine that I could ever need at my literal fingertips everyday. Thank you though

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You might find this interesting Safe and Effective my ASS:


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Dont argue with ignorant uneducated conspiracy crazies. They wouldn’t know a serious piece of science.

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Newsom is salivating. They are going to drag Biden along just long enough so RFK Jr. can’t join the race against whomever their crowned candidate may be… most likely Newsome. The DNC is a criminal organization at this point for refusing a fair primary and secret service protection for RFK, Jr.

Loomer’s info is interesting. She’s from FL and has ties to Team Trump. And side note… It’s all so incestuous! Kimberley Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr.’s current long term girlfriend is Newsome’s ex wife. Talk about a source. I’m sure she had an NDA but what if she leaks some “anonymous” info to Team Trump, Loomer etc.? This is going to get messy.

As for Taylor, I don’t think the Soros angle tracks. She is going to an immense effort to re-record all of her albums and her loyal fan base is vigilant about only listening to “TV” albums. Also, she hates Trump so I think she is happy to be a DNC shill regardless of any Soros theory.

Jessica, have you ever listened to Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast? He is not everyone’s cup of tea, but he was right on Covid origins long before any one else and also broke the Hunter lap top story in 2020. The media often belittle his takes but I have found him to be a formidable forecaster in this political climate. He’s also given a platform to Dr. Naomi Wolf who is leading the charge in uncovering a lot of info re the MRNA vaccines. I think Bannon would 100% do an interview with you because of your open mind and genuine curiosity. Your audience would benefit from his perspective.

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Thanks Jess. Whether it’s true or not, you’ve got us thinking about things and examining all sides. That’s what I take of this article.

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That’s always my only goal Xx

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This conspiracy theory is a little too Q-y for me 😂

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More than a little. So desperate for a conspiracy it’s politically unhinged.

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I just left CA after living there many years- Newsom as president is terrifying. But also, the masters thing is misrepresented here and that is the linchpin for the argument. She has money, fame and power. Where is the upside for her? Also I’m not sure Zoomers are huge Swifties, it’s more millennials, I mean not exclusively but I don’t think her reach is as big with the youth as with the 30yo. I’m usually all for conspiracy theories but this feels like a marginally informed far reach.

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She needs a full fledged Swiftie consultant! lol (willing to take this role 🤣)

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Hahaha same! It’s just that, if this Laura Loomer gets this detail so massively wrong- it’s hard to fully believe in topics I’m nowhere near as knowledgeable. If we are questioning everything- I think it’s valid to not just dismiss this as a small detail. It’s the crux of the whole argument.

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Spot on 😂

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