This article almost made me lose my lunch with the exposed sleaze of Hunter and the complicity of the Biden family. Great work, made me sign up as a paid subscriber.

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Believe me, I can't stand having such ugly images on my lovely Newsletter. It's definitely cause for appetite loss.

And thank you for signing up. I appreciate your support! Xx

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Same, but I think I want my money back. I can't believe I've paid to have someone send garbage from The Blaze straight to my inbox. This isn't writing! I think you're sneaky with your views, JK.

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Why do you think it isn’t writing?

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You can have your money back. I have no idea though what you mean by "sneaky with views" I share what I find in searching for truths covered by up media. Sorry if that's offensive. The fact is we were lied to and there are the images leaked from the laptop. If I'm wrong I'll admit it. But a truth motive definitely won't change here so maybe it's not for you.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

It’s ok some people can’t handle the truth

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and some people prefer not be bothered with truth. Because often times it is so ugly.

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Ugly and inconvenient.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Me2, you can find all of this on the internet if you look for it like Jess has taken the time to do so.

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Holy wow that was intense! A want all the evil people to pay.

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Me too. I don't care what side they're on, consequences matter.

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Goddam the house of cards is falllllinggggggg..! Thank you again for your work, Jess!! Always appreciate!!!!

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Yes and it's way overdue. We have the most corrupt leaders in charge and the media working to cover up for them. Everyone on both sides should be disgusted by this.

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Well written- and true journalism. This is the sentence that spoke to me “The fact that the story was not followed up on during 2020 will go down as one of the most glaring examples of criminal tendencies embraced by modern journalists who continue to choose party ties over the quest for truth that previously defined their role in society. “ I already knew the media was swayed, but this is more than biased- it’s corrupt.

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Wow wow I’m so disgusted that this isn’t blasted everywhere and being discussed. It really shows there is an agenda here to hide this. Thank you for posting!

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I think the truth is coming. But way overdue. It was such a calculated covering. And it worked.

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thank you for your reporting on this

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thanks for reading, Bri.

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I can’t even imagine the filth and vileness you had to go through and uncover. Thank you for continuously reporting facts for us! Disgusting and disturbing.

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Seriously. And I hate doing this stuff. It's all so gross, ugly and depressing. I didn't even include the worst of the worst I found online.

You know, I like the pretty pop culture stories!

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Wow, I knew it was bad, but not this bad. Could you imagine if this was going on in Trumps family! Don’t you think they are leaking this stuff so it’s an easy way to get rid of Biden? This was a phenomenal article- but look out they try to destroy the reputation of any one who asks questions or report truth.

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I do consider that. Wondering why are they pushing the story again now? Seems suspicious right? Like what's the bigger motive at play?

And I do get a little scared sharing this stuff. It's so important for people to see but also it's easy to become a target in doing so.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

My guess would be for Kamala to take over

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Wow wow wow. I’m speechless

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it is a LOT to take in. And so much I left out.


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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Honestly incredible that MSM can just turn the other cheek. So much filth and deceit. I feel like every American deserves to know what’s going on in those elite circles. Thanks for reporting.

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It's so weird, how people love to learn more about Epstein's vile actions but get so offended when it's their guy. When it's political.

I think that bothers me the most.

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Wow! Thank you Jess. So horrifying

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

This is really well done, obviously hard to read but you cover it so well and you are such a talented writer.

I’d just like to add that some of us who marched in Washington after Trump was elected are here with you now (me) - and are trying to see and ARE disturbed by all sides.

I’m from Arkansas and grew up idolizing Bill Clinton (he and Hilary both taught my dad in law school) and am now very aware of and honest about what a sexual predator he is. I can’t say that I believe survivors if I don’t believe survivors regardless of what political party they are affiliated with. In my opinion, this is a mistake made on both sides of the isle.

Regardless, I really am just a huge fan of your work and am always looking forward to the next newsletter. So, I am for the most part socially liberal. But I am here too :)

Thank you for your work!

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This is the best message of the day! It means so much to know I'm not alone. I've been so resentful of all the women I marched with who are consistently silent when these accusations hit their side.

Thank you so much for sharing and giving me hope that there are in fact more of us than I realize!


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I know I'm super late to the party (new sub) I wanted to echo this... I don't belong to any political party and I felt forced to vote Biden, and I'm pretty bitter about that. Truth matters and it needs to be always over party line.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Thank you so much for getting the word out! I’m a constitutional conservative and so many of us knew about this. When the media started covering it up we had to go to alternate social media platforms to find out the truth. Nobody would believe us and we were made out to be crazy conspiracy theorists. It’s been painfully frustrating seeing this family in the Oval Office.

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Oh I can imagine. I only saw a fraction of this stuff and was happy to dismiss it because the media told me to. So much has changed though since this last election. Once I woke up and saw the censorship I was blind to all these years, I was furious.

I hate that you were all called conspiracy theorists. And worse. Same mentality that hid Epstein for all those decades is still prevalent today. How disgusting...

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Yes! That’s what has been the hardest to deal with- being told “everything’s fine-you’re just crazy and stupid for even asking questions” it’s like having an abusive parent.

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Exactly. Such intense gaslighting. And then no apologies after, down the line when it all turns out to be true!

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Agree!! All of this info was there for the taking in 2020 for those of us who were interested. It was so tough seeing the mainstream media gaslighting it. Tucker had the lady from the NY Post who broke the story on that night. But Tucker is kryptonite so it was dismissed. Great job on writing this article Jessica - it was so well laid out and thoughtful. And you had to review a lot of muck to put it together! Thank you for doing that for us.

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Me too, Mary. I am also a constitutional conservative (more libertarian on social issues) and I’ve been “awake” pretty much my whole life. I cannot stand hypocrisy and particularly the “all women must be believed” until a woman accuses a lib position. Infuriating. Happy Jess and many others are waking up and sharing the TRUTH

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Great reporting! I really appreciate your bravery and the fact that you've taken the time to piece of all this together. I feel like there is sometimes so much information (or suppression) of information that it's hard to make sense of everything. I just signed up as a paid subscriber. Always happy to support you in any way I can!

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Thank you for bringing this to the publics attention. I knew about all this when it dropped and I'm still in shock that it was censored. Because of this story i will never trust the msm, politicians, 3 letter agencies, or the ones that run social media. Ask yourself, if they lied and covered up this story, what else is being lied about?

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I defiantly have a jaded perceptive when it comes to any trust in media. It started with Britney, was amplified by Covid, legitimized by Epstein, and now blantant with the laptop coverup.

It's like what is even real anymore? And who can we trust to seek out truths?

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Amazing piece thank you for this! But the real question WHAT. WILL. HAPPEN. NOW ???

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Idk, but please just keep going. I’m living for this and also won’t sleep at night until I can get the down lo on that diary 🤯😆

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