Ask her opinion on Nicole Shanahan

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Why did she turn down the VP offer from RFK?

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It just seemed like the perfect invitation to build the ideals she purports. Like, together RFK + Tulsi are the complete package, no? But if RFK picks Nicole for her cash, and if Trump is waiting to scoop up Tulsi… then what’s really going on here? Are we watching the assembly of our best options? Or are these things evidence of everyone playing the electability game?

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Maybe RFKjnr didn't think that they would fit and instead wanted Nicole because of her legal/IT knowledge.

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Ask her if she truly believes Nicole left the Democratic Party if she sought Ro Hanna’s advice before accepting VP position which he now asks her to step down from?? Just read it today. It’s a position he wants now after the backlash from the Dem party against Nicole.

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Did Tulsi ever respond to this question “According to Rolling Stone columnist Matt Taibbi, Gabbard's position is "not as has been represented in most press accounts. … She’s not an isolationist. She’s simply opposed to bombing the crap out of, and occupying, foreign countries for no apparent positive strategic objective, beyond enriching contractors"

This is interesting….

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How would you deal with the mass influx of illegal immigrants that have come and are coming into this country? Would it be a priority over foreign affairs?

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Jess, ask her if she thinks both parties are compromised as well as the entire system. Also, do All politicians answer(bribed or compromised or brainwashed) to hidden higher powers.

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great question!

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This question!!! Yes!!! This.

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I'd like to know what caused the Democrat party to change? It used to be anti-war, anti-censorship./pro-free speech. What happened? Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Hell yes Sabrina LaBow … will half way kill ya’ themselves if ya’ don’t have a love for the needles that CAN possibly injure and kill ( and have ) … and I’m

not talking street drugs here…

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So bizarre how Covid became politicized. Health and politics should not be conflated. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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What would you do about the war between Russia and Ukraine? How would you deescalate that horrible situation and make Ukraine less dependent on American aid.

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What’s her skin care routine…

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Good one. She can tell us about those brutal cold plunge facials.

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1) Will you go on the record about your involvement in the WEF, past and present

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A good question.

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I love Tulsi! I’m sure she didn’t accept RFK Jr’s VP offer because she didn’t think he was going to win. Trump is certainly a surer thing. I really wanted her to run with him. I hope RFK Jr wins against all odds. If anyone has the grit to do it…he does!

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If you listen to her Tucker interview she does not come with a pile of money like Nicole S. So she wasn’t going to be able to help him financially. It’s a great interview.

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My thoughts if Tulsi even caught wind that RFK was even remotely considering Shanahan it clued her in that RFK priorities are different and not in line with hers. (It was a really poor decision on his part.)

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I finally had a chance to watch her interview with Tucker and it was excellent. She might be one of the few women in politics that comes across as intelligent and principled. I’m sure some will disagree but so many women politicians seem like emotional nags and I can barely stand to hear their voices (cough cough Hillary, Nikki).

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Kamala 🙃

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An, how could I forget cackling Kamala! Oh and Nancy. 😬

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Or how would she feel if uncle donny was president again.

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I get the sense she is very pro MAGA :)

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And is she gunning to be Trump’s VP?

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I would like to know what she thinks about what is happening to the people of Lahaina. Why all the mishandling by local government and if she was in a position to help the people, what would she do?

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Yes! This!!!

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Why aren’t more people asking this question? I really like Tulsi and would love to see her as our VP or high ranking cabinet member, but haven’t heard her talk about this. Maybe I missed it.

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Why is she a member of the Council of Foreign Relations? The history of the CFR has been suspect for some time now.

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Very good question.

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Bureaucrat rhymes with Democrat

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Oh! And is she allowed to spill anything on the Clintons?!?!

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Watch the interview! The Clinton spill is the best part about it!

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still in my pjs drinking coffee catching up! Can’t wait! I’m buying her book, Joe Rogans review did it for me🫡

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ACTIONABLE STEPS you’d take on our clear, undeniable border CRISIS if you had total freedom/power to do so?

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