MAPA ….Make America Polite Again. Many of those Senators in RFKs hearing need to go to Manners School. Im 73 and Elizabeth Warren’s behavior was mortifying

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She was far from the only one who was rude, sarcastic and demeaning. Imagine if Republican senators had addressed the former HHS Secretary nominee in the same way...

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Yep, people are tired of the political grandstanding

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Very much

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Agreed! She's so unbearable!

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its embarrassing. to the country.

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I'm Canadian and even I'm embarrassed. 😂

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One could argue that our “illustrious” redskin, Fauxahontas, has been an embarrassing clown at least since her appropriating contribution to “Pow-wow Chow” & 1/512th percent native “heritage”. Add in her very white cat lady persona & her “I’m gonna get me a beer” schtick….

How she continues to be reelected is disheartening, if unsurprising.

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Well, it’s Massachusetts, so…🙄

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Sigh, I know, which is why I said unsurprising. It does mystify that such deceit & corruption get a free pass & no questions asked as long as such politicians are of the “D-Tribe”. Talk about unthinking & morally bankrupt lemmings

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Cindi… try living in Mass and seeing he keep getting reelected. It is infuriating.

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Another walking ad for term limits.

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i'm crying 😂😂 i love this

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She is unfortunately my senator, and she is a disgrace. I only hope the USAID info dump exposes her for being another Kleptocrat.

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The first thing that drew my attention in.

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Caroline Kennedy is such a hypocrit. She admonished RFK for using her father's voice in RFK's ad during his Presidential campaign...and then had the audacity to claim that her father and RFK's father would not like RFK's stance on health subjects as though she has some type of direct communications with their dead souls.

The fact that she chose to drop her bombs on the day before RFK's hearing was classic warfare strategy where RFK supporters would not have adequate time to question her narrative.

The fact that she has received money from Merck to promote some of its vaccines just happened to be NOT mentioned by her ("how convenient")

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She ought to worry more about her ner-do-well, unhinged adult son who looks & acts like he has issues w/ pharmaceuticals himself. She must be so proud….

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I feel like I saw a breakdown of her ties to Big Pharma and a few others were also included in her portfolio so it makes sense why she is making a big to do about it.

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Yes. Lost and lonely...she isn't aging well either...I cannot believe she raised a hater like Jack.

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The only reason any single physician or politician would try to block RFK is because they are riddled with blood money that’s about to dry up. There are no other narratives here. Anyone who calls him crazy or is irrational is bought or paid for by the pharmaceutical corporations.

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Spot on! It was blatantly obvious from all of their performances. Sanders and Warren were supremely annoying.

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Bookmarked. This is House Inhabit at its finest. Nice photos from on the ground reporting, layered with insightful commentary and advocacy. JFK would be ashamed of his grandson. Hope he gets the help he so clearly needs.

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Thank you, Yuri, so the kind words and support.

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It’s like Christmas each time I get a notification that a new Substack read by JRK is out! Thank you for continually bringing the tea and good word💜 If you haven’t heard it already the new SR podcast with Lindy Li is juicy gossip. Man I love it when a dem (she calls herself conservative but has been with the dem party for at least a decade) comes forward and tells us how our conspiracies were true all along 😁

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Best compliment!

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Jack Schlossberg looks like Anthony Weiner.

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Bingo!!! There it is! Both likely have small d*cks. Hahaha!

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I think the letter written by a Joe Gebbia to his younger self is telling. It’s the story of so many who once were die hard, one sided voters set on a party rather than the people.

And that’s precisely what is wrong with our two party system. You’re either this or you’re that. But so many of us are actually somewhere in between on many issues and concerns. We are the people.

Without people like yourself, Joe, RFK Jr., Tulsi and so many unknown others we would not be here today.

It feels vindicating.

It looks a bit like more of us will be sipping coffee across the table while sharing in our common ideas and beliefs and understanding more about our differences. And a lot less like rabid vitriol and defiant protests aimed at defaming others for having separate opinions and experiences.

Again, thank you for the work that you’re doing. Thank you to your family who have made great sacrifice to give up their mom and wife so you could help win an election! You’re a gift! Love you!

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I loved the letters. I knew nothing about him. Loved the article.

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YES. It’s like the ones screaming are still loud but we gained control of the volume button. And we’re much happier, more open, more inclusive without them.

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That whole thing seems so stressful. I can’t imagine how RFK stayed so calm with all the weird screaming. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

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The fact that they kept on interrupting him after asking a question is incredibly irritating. What ever happened to respect?

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I applaud RFK's grit and determination in the midst of attacks by both family and the "demon"crats. I would've needed much medication to walk in and face the insidious questions and innuendos by elected officials. Cheryl walked into a room filled with vipers with grace and dignity united with RFK. I can only hope she is aware of the respect and love that that we, MAHAS, feel for both of them. Thank you for your perseverance in the midst of adversarial foes. May THE LORD bless your marriage and provide health to the USA.

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Just think of all the character and love he has built over his recovery. He goes to AA/NA meetings daily....I think the decades of community and unity among addicts has finally paid off. The dems were the addicts...addicted to the payouts and RFKJr saw that in them LOOOONG ago....and with every dedicated return to group therapy...he was sitting at the mic....simply saying...Hi, I'm Bobby Kennedy I'm here to help.

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And JFK’s daughter calling her cousin “ charismatic” and a “predator”…. That’s rich!

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I wonder if DOGE is about to uncover USAID dollars to Vogue ie the only explanation why they kept/allowed Jack on the payroll and to have a platform despite much of his inappropriate behavior

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I came here to ask if anyone has searched Conde Nast in DataRepbulican's database.

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It’s funny you mention the Guardasil shot. I was FORCED…..literally told since I was under 26 at the time that I had no choice but to take all 3 doses. Never had a problem from age 16 to 25. After the 3rd dose, my cycles stopped for 4 months. I have had MULTIPLE colposcopies since then, thankfully all negative. Doctors excuse every time I mention it “huh, you must have already had it”. Absolutely not. Zero problems until that vaccine was injected into me which was told I had zero choice and couldn’t leave the office without getting. Ironic, I’ve since had issues getting pregnant 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I’m soo sorry you were forced in to taking poison. If i may suggest a heavy metal detox, i like Coseva’s brand TRS. Not an ad or anything but a detox has helped a lot of people who have been vax injured. I give it to my senior pup too for general detoxing.

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Same. Ashley, TRS has helped me a lot. I started having seizures after being forced to have vaccines while pregnant with my youngest. I, was hospitalized during my pregnancy, unconscious, and my husband left for a few hours to get a break. I was vaccinated without consent and went downhill for five years until walked away from modern medicine. Part of my treatment plan was TRS spray through Coseva’s brand. 💕

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Omg that is horrible, Christine. They are ruthless. I am so sorry they took advantage of you. I hope one day you will fully recover, not just with your health, but full compensation from their illegal actions. I am so very glad that TRS has helped you🙏 i am positive that there will be more solutions in the future to restore our natural health❤️‍🩹

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Thank you. That means a lot.

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How long do you take it?

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There’s no limit! I started one spray a day and notice your body and any changes. If you’re really sick, you can work your way up to five/six sprays a day. They recommend one spray per 30 lbs of body weight. I received all this info from @safeheavymetaldetox on insta. They have tons of testimonials, info, etc. Good luck🙏

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Maybe you don’t recall, but USAID funded the Occupy Wall Street rent-a-mobs. Which died when they stopped getting paid. There was even a protest movement to get paid called #CutTheCheck. Those rent-a-mobsters formed the Bernie Bros. Who were funded like Bernie, through counterfeit banking, money and accounts in Ukraine. Broken down to make it look like a bunch of small grass roots donors. Hillary, “bot click farms in Macedonia.” RFK Jr blew up Bernie Onesy just now. Then Bernie Bros joined up with the Health Freedom MAHA. And you saw yesterday, all the Soccer Mom’s daughters surrounding President Trump. They want men out their dsughter’s business. And chemicals out of their children’s food. So any real Bernie Bros are now pealed away from the BLM-Antifa rent-a-mob USAID grifters. And joined to the real MAHA movement. And the grifter cash cow USAID is gone.

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I believe Bobby needs to distance himself from most of his family unfortunately! He is too kind to them and they do not but tear him & Cheryl down! The deaths of JFK & RFK belong to all us Americans not just Carolyn!

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Great article! I think Jack took down his IG account! lol

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Please tell us what Cheryl thought of the unhinged Democrats. I watched the first day but I could not read her face. She didn’t even laugh at Bernie. I laughed so hard at Bernie tears were coming out of my eyes.

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