I think it's time to stop asking if Kate's okay and start asking "Are we okay?". 🤦‍♀️🤪😑

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But you continue talking about her?

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Exactly. I love HIH and her coverage of all things except this. She came out and said she would stop writing about it but they keep coming. Leave her in peace!

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I read a magazine article that described the current conspiracy craze as "Qanon for Wine Moms." Seems correct.

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It seems a little unfair to call it a conspiracy craze when the history of royalty, and all of the ruling class, is a history of never ending conspiratorial goings on - ranging from nefarious to outright murderous.

Also, the people who scoff at Q don't seem to realise they are promoting yet another conspiracy, that Q is an elaborate psyop to keep conservatives and patriots invested in the political system (the false left/ right paradigm) by falsely portraying Trump as some kind of heroic outsider who is trying to 'drain the swamp' of globalists - when he is in fact just another globalist puppet like all the rest.

I think if we must watch the all the royal processions, tree planting ceremonies and weddings, we have a duty to pay equal attention to the shadowy stuff as well. But having said that, I'd be happy for everyone to ignore all of them all the time from now on. And I actually think that would be the moral and humane thing to do as well. They're just a mafia family (and half of them were born into it so it's hardly their fault).

I agree the public obsession with them is a kind of mental illness, and it also makes it impossible for any of them to escape the mafia and become better (ie normal) people.

Most of the world's problems would go away if everybody agreed to completely ignore royals and politicians (and think tanks) from now on.

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Omg it’s definitely her!

And please don’t compare my no makeup Saturday market pics to my event pics and expect them to look like me 😆😆😆😆😆

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RIGHT?! signed all of us.

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It’s her. Unfortunately the media lies, and people are questioning what they are being told. I don’t blame them, however they should be focusing other “conspiracies” like our f’ed up presidential election, who is running our Country, because it ain’t abide , and why are we sending so much money to Ukraine.

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yes yes and yes!

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Note That about Ukraine, we aren’t sending money to Ukraine. We’re Giving Ukraine US money to buy US equipment made by US companies. That’s how That’s how ALL US defense aid packages work.

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This poor woman. It's a classic tale of ALL mothers. She gave us firm, specific instructions on when she'd be back. Yet we're all like her needy children, texting her while she's out. "Why aren't you home?" "Are you coming home soon?" "Where are you??" "Can I have a snack???" "Can I play my Nintendo??" THE WOMAN SAID EASTER.

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So true!!!!

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It’s her. No question. The British do not mob the royals like we think they do. No surprise to me that no one around them gave them any attention.

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Also a good / fair point.

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Last week’s speculation was entertaining. I love it when the internet comes together on something but it’s over now.

Anyone still trying to stretch and pull a story out of this just looks desperate and petty. And wild speculation about affairs and divorce are just cruel at this point.

It’s clearly Kate. Let’s let her have her peace now and give her time to recover. I’m sure anyone in her position would love a break from having to be “on” all the time.

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honest and fair remark xx

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It's Kate. And I feel so sorry for her that this media obsession has cranked up to Diana levels. All of the Diana lovers are now hypocrites.

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I think this is a very poignant comment. Let’s not “Diana” her over what could be something very serious she and her family are dealing with.

Especially if it’s something extreme, which would put tremendous pressure on Prince William as well, given his father and wife might potentially be gravely ill. On top of losing his grandmother not to long ago, the queen no less, his brothers very public exit, another royal who recently allegedly took their own life; their “inner circle” must be heavily burdened.

If there is any potential of him ascending sooner than he anticipated, along with the aforementioned? Maybe we should be asking if Prince William is okay too?

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It’s all very bizarre. Probably her. My take away is that William needs a hat at all times, bless my old fourth grade crush

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Yes! It’s Kate. People are so ridiculous

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I think so too. It looks exactly like her.

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I read that she got bangs and they’re terrible so she’s just hiding till they grow out.

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low key my favorite theory. We've all been there.

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Sorry Jessica! I am surprised you think this looks like Kate. I don't think it looks like her - similar looks but not her. If she has just undergone "abdominal" surgery , why the hell is William not carrying her bags. Just a matter of time before the person in this picture comes forward....

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I think the bag looks very light though. I totally think it's her! and him

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I won't say "I told you so" when the 20-30 year old lookalike comes forward in a couple of days and says , "it's me, not Kate!" ... LOL.

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She had the abdominal surgery 2 months ago. You'd be surprised how quickly you recover from what Jessica reported last week. The hospital would have had her up and walking around the SAME DAY as the surgery, at least they would in the US. She would have no limitations to carry a grocery bag at this point in her recover.

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Mar 19
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The question is ...."why was the photo edited?"....

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Because trying to get three children to pose precisely as you’d like them to, while looking directly at the camera during the exact moment the shutter goes off is only a miracle God can perform. Adobe creative suite is there to handle the rest.

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LOL. Jezzus! They aren't toddlers! I would bet it would take less time to take a legit photo then spend time photoshopping your face in from another source and taking "precise" photos of each child separately and using Adobe!

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I don’t think her head was swapped with the one from the vogue photo unless there’s another vogue photo I’m missing, the positioning doesn’t align.

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Mar 19
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Really???? She used her face from a Vogue shoot..... I get little tweaks, but not this....

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That’s been fully debunked

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I also don’t think its her! Her face looks different!

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I really don’t think she would have been stopped by more people as one of IG comments wrote. There have been pictures and videos taken by onlookers in the past of her grocery shopping with her children or getting ice cream. The British seem to be just fine to let the royals live their lives as normal citizens when they are in the wild and not on duty.

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It’s definitely her. People need to chill out about this and stop with the other theories.

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ALSO: even if staged…she ACTUALLY looks relaxed, at ease and rested. WAY softer than those coronation photos where she looked like she hadn’t slept in days (probably hadn’t.)

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I honestly liked seeing her this way. She is us in this stripped down version of herself.

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She’s meeting me where “I can look like that.” It fills me with hope 💚 The James Bond premiere…yeah I can’t look like that. THIS I COULD PULL OFF THO! I’d love to see more of her this way. 🔥🔥🔥

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It's her. She just looks really thin, really really thin.

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I think it’s definitely her. The onslaught and continued trash speculation is awful.

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