Everything about this smells like a cover up to me...they will do any and every thing to preserve their reputations 😒

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absolutely. some kind of small town coverup is becoming verrrrry obvious isn't it?

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This is wild, I can't believe that they allowed this to happen... and if the footage of the demolition starting while the sun was still down doesn't scream "something is not as it should be" i don't know what does

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Live news reports on scene also reported it started 30 mins ahead of schedule and when media was told it would start!!

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To play devil’s advocate, I can see wanting as little attention as for this event. I too disagree with tearing it down before trial but I’m not yet of a conspiracy or cover up. Is it possible though? Yes of course. We shall see.

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I am HIGHLY suspicious of the reasons for the demolition pre-trial. I have a feeling we are going to be shocked when this all fully plays out. Thank you, Jess, for somehow managing to keep up with EVERYTHING :)

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I did not have time for Moscow but dammit here we are!

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And we LOVE you for it.

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Thank you for covering this again Jessica

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And we very much appreciate it! ❤️

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Thank you, Jessica. I appreciate you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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I think this is some kind of huge coverup. It is well known that the university is a big drug ring and the house was used for pick ups/drop offs, which is how I think Kohberger is connected. I think he was a runner between this Idaho college and the one he attended in Washington and all of this was maybe a drug deal gone bad. One of the girls’ mothers was busted for drug related incidents shortly before and after this brutal killing. I think drugs is the peanut butter that connects this all together. It’s all highly suspish.

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I agree and if this small town is anything like my small town and every small town around me, let’s just say the police aren’t exactly innocent when it comes to drug deals 👀

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My sibling is apparently buying his way out of a legal “ problem “ in small town Cooperstown as we speak

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Yes! This definitely happens! It’s crazy to me.

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Suspicious as hell! They were too eager to tear this house down, wreaks of a massive cover up. I still want to know what the roommates said to make LE release a statement that the public wasn't at risk immediately after.

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I’ve always thought the survivors were sus, but w no specifics, except Dylan’s ludicrous story, both of them rushing out to get their identical tattoos, and my really good gut instincts.

IF there’s a huge coverup here… could it go so far as roomies knowing ahead of time?!

Or the lesser coverup of a drug ring.

Either way, WHO is in control enough to keep this quiet?!

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Dylans bf is sus for sure

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This is going to sound crazy but I sent in a tip super early on as there was a scuba diving knife posted on Craigslist that was kbar knife. One of our friends Nannie’s went to school there and so we all got involved very early before everything started to get deleted and scrubbed. There was a whole thread about the cameras and security not working that night. Also there is a pool close by. Anyway, I can’t imagine - I would be tearing that town apart and burning buildings / I don’t know how these parents are so calm. Especially Ethan’s mom and dad like wtf. I find their behavior more odd than Gonclaves.

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The surviving roommates were dealers, with their boyfriends. I think either Kaylee or Madison was going to rat them out. Enter Kohberger, someone known to the house as a drug runner (hence why no immediate panic from Ethan / Xana potentially and the “I’m here to help you) - hired to murder them. Also why he said when arrested “did you arrest anyone else.”

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Would you allow your kid to attend a university where a few bad cops were involved in a coverup? Those cops knew that house was known drug house.

The murders were drug lord style murders. And BK was just another drug user always getting his fix is what he was always driving down the street.

“Hey Koberger check out this knife” boom.

Now you tell me… why did it take that long to call the cops? Cleaning up is why.

Now the house is gone. They’ve got their “guy” with his print on the knife.

Seriously soooooofishy

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Sounds like you’re all caught up! Lol 👏🏼

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Yes!!! Anxiously waiting on all your substack info on this and many others! Thank you for what you do!!! I truly truly enjoy reading your substack!! Worth every penny!!!

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This is just so wrong. That house is Evidence.

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I’m baffled how this is even legal and why did the prosecution allowed it? It seems like they could have filed an injunction and stopped this??

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The house may not support the prosecution OR the defense if there is a larger story of drugs and additional characters here. Prosecution is only trying to convict Kohberger. Defense is only trying to prove their story doesn’t work. If the house complicates either side, they both may want it gone.

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Reports are neither Prosecution or Defense asked for this to be stopped! Let’s just pray Prosecutors have a slam dunk and don’t need the house for evidence!

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Thing is, I don’t want it to be a slam dunk if it’s not the entire story...

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Even if 3D images are available, from what I’ve seen online the layout of the house was unique so the jury being able to see the physical space would have been very valuable

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It is absurd that they would demolish it before there is even a trial date set. This is just going to get more bizarre and twisted.

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Again, thank you Jessica, for covering topics that isn't even touched on in the news!!! That school is covering up something. They're connected to the murderer. Something is not right!

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wait till we go deeper next chapter ....

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did the university always own this house? or is that new?

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That’s a good question!

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it's just weird. we have some rental property. heaven forbid something tragic happen inside one. but if it did, I promise as the owner I wouldn't donate it to someone else. I might want to tear it down because if the horrific nature of what happened but you can bet your ass I would wait until after the trial.

the fact that it was "donated" and then the university felt it needed to be taken down...super sketch.

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Just playing devil’s advocate, but the owner could be older, having owned the house for decades... and didn’t get any legal advice (or good legal advice!), and was tired of being harassed (I’m sure people were looking up the owner’s name and calling/emailing, etc.) and he/she just wanted to get away from all that. And they assumed the university was the best person to give it to (and maybe assumed that the university would make good decisions!). Going even further, I would guess since the house was so close to fraternity / sorority row, that the school has probably wanted to buy that property for housing, etc., so it probably seemed like the best decision for the owner.

This is all just speculation. 😆

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that's totally a possibility. being so close to the school makes sense too. i'm ruined on believing anyone or anything at this point! me and my tinfoil cap. 🤪

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Hannah, My tinfoil hat is bigger than yours😆 Ever since I read, “The Franklin Cover-Up”, I am suspicious of anyone involved with ‘solving’ the case.

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I have The Franklin Scandal on my audiobook list. I’ve been meaning to listen. I wonder if it’s about the same thing but different title? Do you have a link to the PDF?

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LW, I believe it’s the same subject, however “The Franklin Cover-Up” is written by John DeCamp (Republican politician) and attorney who was directly involved in helping some of the victims who were abused and helped bring down The Franklin Credit Union.


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I haven't heard of that! Going to look it up!

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Stacy, look for second edition. There is a free PDF on line . Author - the attorney just wanted the public to know about it. You’ll see the corruption first hand.

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"In the spring, the private owner of the house at 1122 King Road donated the property to the university, and the school made plans for its destruction. After the home was left standing for more than a year, U of I committed to knocking it down and announced earlier this month a Thursday demolition date" - from google. an article published today from the idaho statesman.

weird though, right? someone from the university must have asked for it. why would it be given to them?

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DONATED the property?? In this economy? Or EVER! Real estate tends not to run on heartstrings.

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Yeah I don’t know. Maybe he knew he would never rent it out again (or who would want to buy it?)and just decided to give it to the school. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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This is fishy - and there’s ALWAYS a weirdo that wants to buy a murder house. The menendez house and Nicole brown simpsons house both sold without issue after brutal murders

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I guess that’s true. I was just thinking about normal people who wouldn’t want to buy it. 🤪

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I *think* the owner gave/donated it to the university after the murders.

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The university did not own. Media reported the owner (who has public record of being pedo - seriously) donated it to the university but recently c girl @trucrimebuff on TikTok has receipts it was sold to university - why lie about it?

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I think they aquired it after the murders . The owner sold it to the school.

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The owner donated it to the university.

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This is awful, the house was a huge piece of evidence. There’s no way a video or pictures are going to do justice on how the killer made his way through the house that night.

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