I think you will all enjoy the other piece I wrote about this. It's coming this week. It dives into the Illuminati rumors dating back to 2000s and really takes you back. Stay tuned
I’ve been diving into this for a couple of years now and as much as I’d like for it to be a crazy conspiracy theory, sadly, I believe it’s very real. There’s SO much. It’s so evil.
Can someone who understands legal proceedings explain why these "celebrities" are given the option to settle and keep their names quiet and out of the shame of the public when they should be punished for their heinous acts?? Why are they given any options other than to stand publicly and be tried for what they did - or didn't do if that's the case? It's extremely frustrating! The only way to stop or slow this type of abuse in our society is to publicly shame these individuals! Shame them like the old day - parade them out in the public square and shame them til they can't run and hide. Why do we allow them to pay their way out of it and silently scurry away only to reoffend in the future? It's beyond comprehensible
Because it is a civil lawsuit, not criminal. It is typical to send a demand letter first that involves claims of sexual harassment or assault. This allows the plaintiff (the person suing) the right to privacy of her claims. If this was a criminal trial, it could not be "settled" unless it was a plea deal.
It might be not provable in a criminal setting where the standard of proof is very high. Proving a 20 year old claim is more difficult than if it occurred yesterday. And that itself would be hard. A civil case, involving money damages requires 9/12 on the jury agreeing. Criminal is 12/12. And would likely be heard in LA. Where Diddy and JayZ reign.
Look around this country. Ask your girlfriends - about 90 percent of women are SA'd in some manner, usually long before they are adults. It's not one or two men assaulting scores of women - if a large portion of women in this country have been molested/SAd by men, it indicates that a large portion of men are sexually assaulting women. They sit at your Holiday dinner tables, they work next to you. People abuse their power. Men abuse their power, especially when it comes to sex. All that adds up to what we have today - useless laws, punishments with near zero consequences. The men that run our judicial institutions and make laws are no different - look what they are continuously accused of. These men that run things down not want appropriate punishment and harsh laws to deal with their kind so we don't have them.
Wondering the same. If I had to guess, it would be so the plaintiff doesn't have to expose themselves. I can't imagine being one of their victims for the myriad horrific reasons detailed in the filings. To have to publicly declare it would be traumatizing on a different level. But I'm sure there are other more specific reasons.
Jay-Z is probably one of the most repulsive looking men I've ever seen.
Question though, the article said the lawsuit wasn't asking for money from Jay-Z, but wanted to go to mediation instead. What is there to mediate if they don't want money? Can someone explain this to me?
All of this is a horrifying story of predation, if true, but not unexpected. What I want to know is why a 13-year-old Alabama girl was by herself at a VMA afterparty in New York City. How did she get there? Who paid for her trip? Who invited her? Why was she by herself in NYC? This is not a blame-the-victim comment, but a where-were-the-parents question.
Very sad. Where were your parents? Did they not provide you with enough affection and guidance? Did they not guide you toward other activities? Did they not know where you were? Was no one in your life concerned? Up until the time I went to university, someone knew where I was every minute of the day and night. And yes I had a wonderful childhood and adolescence.
Why would they be concerned? I was a straight A student, was in every extra curricular activity. I also enjoyed socializing and having fun and it was the upperclassmen that threw the parties. Luckily nothing bad ever happened to me. I was just an extrovert and in small towns you started partying young. Irish blood
Now I am confused. "Older man" or upperclassman? I guess I must have led a much more protected life than you at that age. At least your parents didn't let you go off to New York City on your own when you were in junior high school. I think there is a difference.
Original comment meant to say older men not older man. Seniors threw threw the parties and a lot of college guys attended. That is all. I'm not filing a lawsuit, just sharing my experience.
Exactly, Emilie. I grew up in a very affluent neighborhood, it was always the seniors throwing the party's. I think A Longer Name grew up probably a wall flower, no social life and overboverbearing parents, these types of girls grow up to be condescending and judgmental. I've come across these types many times infinity my professional career. She's just trolling you.
That's a bit snarky and judgemental. I had a wonderful childhood, great parents, grandparents, and when I was 13-17 I told many lies to my parents saying I was at so and so house, we all did, but we actually were at a house party with seniors whose parents were out of town. I always managed to get home by curfew. There's millions of teenagers in the world who do this with their friends. It's a miracle we weren't hurt or killed. If you think for 1 minute that every young girl who is assaulted doesn't have good parents you live in a very small, very narrow minded world.
Some people's standards are different and I think you have made clear what yours are. But were you allowed to travel to New York City unescorted when you were 13? That is what we are discussing here, not your adolescence and ability to lie. Bottom line is junior high school girls are less likely to be gang raped if their parents pay close attention to where they are and their companions.
Lydia, my girlfriend and I went to a concert in Chicago, by a 90 min train ride, in a different state, we got home safely, but later than curfew, we were grounded. A teenager is going to find a way to do something they're excited about. She didn't set out to have what happened to her. I grew up to be a productive citizen of society, earning my Masters in Nursing. I tell my students to always be careful when traveling on spring break and always use the buddy system. For you to insinuate that this young girl had bad parents is just as bad as victim shaming. You don't even know her parents. I've cared for many rape victims earlier in my career, the amount of young girls from good families who feel to much shame to even tell their family, you know nothing about this girl, or her parents. You only know judgement, I hope you don't live in a glass house, or worse, work in any area of the Healthcare field.
I am so with you on this. We lied to our parents. They had no way of tracking us. We had a strict curfew and abided by it, but we were wild for those few hours of freedom we had. They trusted us. We were sneaky. There is no way to protect our children from every danger in this world. It makes it easier now bc we can track their whereabouts. However, people can be assaulted or taken advantage of anywhere. Two of my closest friends were groomed and sexually assaulted at church. By a youth pastor.
I graduated high school in 2000 and my sister, 1999. We didn’t have cell phones or Life 360 back then. We had a strict curfew and abided by it. We lived in a small town during our hs years and if there was a party, everyone went. College kids or kids that age would show up, too. We were a little wild. Lots of teenagers were/are. Doesn’t make it okay, but that’s just the truth of it. We’d stretch the truth a little on where we were going or go to the football games, but leave early and go somewhere else. My parents were wonderful, involved and loving. My sister and I were just a little sneaky.
At the same time, colleges and universities are far from a church social. The date rape drug is far more prevalent in college towns. The party scene was like nothing I’d ever seen before. If anything, I needed supervision there.
And to say girls are more likely to be raped if their parents don’t know their every move or every person they are friends with sounds like blaming everyone but the predator. Laken Riley was jogging on campus, at a university, and was raped and murdered.
I believe it's because it's what the victims want. They do not want their names or stories out, and so they prefer to settle privately if they can. Buzbee went forward with this publicly in hopes that these famous people would reach out to him privately for his clients to keep their names out of the press. It's the smart thing to do - to scare everyone into settling, which is best for his clients. That said, if Jay-Z and others are going to keep the circus show going, I'm sure more and more details will be released. I think they've been above the law for so long they live in a world where they think they're invincible.
JayZ and the like belong to the powers that be. I’m not as blown away by his response as the rest of the internet. I think it speaks to just how oblivious he is to the seriousness of these allegations. Even savvy business men with that type of bank roll would likely settle in this matter irregardless of guilt and chalk it up to the cost of doing business. The issue is that it’s so much more than not being held accountable. They are all rewarded for this type of behavior. Maybe we might even say it’s expected? Selling your soul for power and fame is a tale as old as time. What these individuals seem to forget is that there is always someone more powerful than you and they will break you as fast as they made you. It’s incredibly satisfying to see these things come to light but my real question is what did they do to lose the support of the infamous “THEM”?
At this point, I honestly wouldn't be surprised for the news to break that all of these depraved, bored with fame, ego driven celebrities have hunted people for fun. It's been so interesting to watch all of these pedestals crumble and fall. Crazy times.
Yes! Def makes you wonder why a book like that would be “required” reading? Is that part of their thing where they have to tell you what they’re doing?
Firstly, wondering if there is a statute of limitations for rape and that's the reason it's civil and not criminal? Probably not because she was just 13. Also, why did he write the post from a Roc Nation account on X (I looked it up)and not a personal account? Whether or not he committed this act of rape, we don't know, however, there are so many photos of him with Diddy, it's hard to imagine he had zero idea of what was going on. This Buzbee guy is hard core. He has won some pretty big cases like the Deepwater Horizon Spill ($47B); Astroworld Festival Tragedy ($750m);Deshaun Watson cases, most of which were settled. Not sure what Jay-Z is thinking here. I saw on X that Prince was suing him for unpaid royalties to the tune of $78M and then "broke his sobriety and died." Then there's this which kind of says it all-- "Jay narrated and contributed to a taped tribute to Diddy for his BET Lifetime Achievement Award, honoring his legacy as an inspiration in the Black community." Thanks for the great post Emilie! Keep talking!
Yeah, and Ye gave Diddy the Lifetime Achievement Award on stage at the BET Awards. That's a reality a lot of people on the Kanyesposts page I run seem to keep forgetting. People are not ready to have that conversation yet
I think Jay Z and Diddy are guilty, vile and need to go to jail, ASAP. With that said, if you are offering "mediation" in a case like this it does feel very much like extortion. What else is being mediated if not money for silence? A public apology? Nah, he wants money for their silence. Others took it. I get the same extortion vibe.
And as with politics, whether Democrat or Republican, I am so tired of anonymous women taking down powerful men. So I agree with this too. Transparency and no back room "mediated" deals.
I’m not sure what to think of this story. Why are the victims allowing these celebrities to settle out of court to hush things? Allowing them to do the exact same thing to other minors. Why no criminal trials? After what people done to Michael Jackson, I’ll reserve judgement.
I remember seeing the lawsuit Jessica posted back in 2020-21 with Jay Z in it. It had crazy allegations in it! He was trying to buy and move a 5 year old child from her mother in Chicago or something like that. I commented this when you did your Blu Cantrell article. I can’t wait for Part Two.
It’s so hard for me to understand how anyone can have much faith or love for “celebrities” at all anymore. 🥴😵💫
I get everyone’s frustrations around why celebrities seem to get away with these things- it seems so unfair! However it’s indicative of the larger problem- society has evolved to generally believe sex crimes- especially against children- are heinous and irrepressible. However, the law hasn’t caught up with this yet. Marital rape was still legal in 1991 in the UK, and 1993 across the USA. Sentences in the UK for pedophilia are next to nothing, many are out in 2 years back in the communities. The level of evidence and what you have to be able to prove to take these things through a trial resulting in a conviction is insane, and even if you have the best evidence it doesn’t guarantee the best outcome. In the process of a trial, you are stripped of dignity, you have symptoms that develop due to abuse such as ptsd used against you. You are shamed. You have to relive your trauma through a long trial. Yes- it’s the brave and dignified thing to do, but seeing how these things work, I can’t honestly say i’d be strong enough to put myself through it.
I think you will all enjoy the other piece I wrote about this. It's coming this week. It dives into the Illuminati rumors dating back to 2000s and really takes you back. Stay tuned
https://jessicareedkraus.substack.com/p/the-blu-cantrell-conspiracy-did-jay. Here is our other piece on Jay-Z we ran a few months ago.
I’ve been diving into this for a couple of years now and as much as I’d like for it to be a crazy conspiracy theory, sadly, I believe it’s very real. There’s SO much. It’s so evil.
How can we reach you if we have information?
I DM’d you on Instagram back in November but it looks like you can’t see it. I’m not sure how to DM here in Substack..
Write to her on her instagram? Or HIH direct email?
Also, mysterious deaths of Hollywood actors and actresses. I’m now convinced they knew too much.
Can’t wait
Can someone who understands legal proceedings explain why these "celebrities" are given the option to settle and keep their names quiet and out of the shame of the public when they should be punished for their heinous acts?? Why are they given any options other than to stand publicly and be tried for what they did - or didn't do if that's the case? It's extremely frustrating! The only way to stop or slow this type of abuse in our society is to publicly shame these individuals! Shame them like the old day - parade them out in the public square and shame them til they can't run and hide. Why do we allow them to pay their way out of it and silently scurry away only to reoffend in the future? It's beyond comprehensible
I reached out to Tony Buzbee for comment. I'm hoping I hear a response and can ask this same question
Because it is a civil lawsuit, not criminal. It is typical to send a demand letter first that involves claims of sexual harassment or assault. This allows the plaintiff (the person suing) the right to privacy of her claims. If this was a criminal trial, it could not be "settled" unless it was a plea deal.
It might be not provable in a criminal setting where the standard of proof is very high. Proving a 20 year old claim is more difficult than if it occurred yesterday. And that itself would be hard. A civil case, involving money damages requires 9/12 on the jury agreeing. Criminal is 12/12. And would likely be heard in LA. Where Diddy and JayZ reign.
If you google benefits of filing a civil case before criminal- it gives you a list of possible reasons. This helped me understand.
After all these years I'd imagine there's no physical evidence of the attack for a criminal case.
Look around this country. Ask your girlfriends - about 90 percent of women are SA'd in some manner, usually long before they are adults. It's not one or two men assaulting scores of women - if a large portion of women in this country have been molested/SAd by men, it indicates that a large portion of men are sexually assaulting women. They sit at your Holiday dinner tables, they work next to you. People abuse their power. Men abuse their power, especially when it comes to sex. All that adds up to what we have today - useless laws, punishments with near zero consequences. The men that run our judicial institutions and make laws are no different - look what they are continuously accused of. These men that run things down not want appropriate punishment and harsh laws to deal with their kind so we don't have them.
So true unfortunately. We need some vocal women making some new laws asap
Wondering the same. If I had to guess, it would be so the plaintiff doesn't have to expose themselves. I can't imagine being one of their victims for the myriad horrific reasons detailed in the filings. To have to publicly declare it would be traumatizing on a different level. But I'm sure there are other more specific reasons.
Word on the street is that Jay-Z now has 100 problems
Jay-Z is probably one of the most repulsive looking men I've ever seen.
Question though, the article said the lawsuit wasn't asking for money from Jay-Z, but wanted to go to mediation instead. What is there to mediate if they don't want money? Can someone explain this to me?
Here to agree about how straight up uggggggly he is.
Maybe the Prosecution wants them to turn witness, maybe(?) to reinforce prosecution against Diddy, the original defendant? IDK.
I read it as they weren’t asking for a specific sum but wanted to mediate an agreed upon sum later.
All of this is a horrifying story of predation, if true, but not unexpected. What I want to know is why a 13-year-old Alabama girl was by herself at a VMA afterparty in New York City. How did she get there? Who paid for her trip? Who invited her? Why was she by herself in NYC? This is not a blame-the-victim comment, but a where-were-the-parents question.
I started drinking and partying with older man at age 14. It's not that uncommon sadly
Very sad. Where were your parents? Did they not provide you with enough affection and guidance? Did they not guide you toward other activities? Did they not know where you were? Was no one in your life concerned? Up until the time I went to university, someone knew where I was every minute of the day and night. And yes I had a wonderful childhood and adolescence.
Why would they be concerned? I was a straight A student, was in every extra curricular activity. I also enjoyed socializing and having fun and it was the upperclassmen that threw the parties. Luckily nothing bad ever happened to me. I was just an extrovert and in small towns you started partying young. Irish blood
Now I am confused. "Older man" or upperclassman? I guess I must have led a much more protected life than you at that age. At least your parents didn't let you go off to New York City on your own when you were in junior high school. I think there is a difference.
Original comment meant to say older men not older man. Seniors threw threw the parties and a lot of college guys attended. That is all. I'm not filing a lawsuit, just sharing my experience.
Exactly, Emilie. I grew up in a very affluent neighborhood, it was always the seniors throwing the party's. I think A Longer Name grew up probably a wall flower, no social life and overboverbearing parents, these types of girls grow up to be condescending and judgmental. I've come across these types many times infinity my professional career. She's just trolling you.
That's a bit snarky and judgemental. I had a wonderful childhood, great parents, grandparents, and when I was 13-17 I told many lies to my parents saying I was at so and so house, we all did, but we actually were at a house party with seniors whose parents were out of town. I always managed to get home by curfew. There's millions of teenagers in the world who do this with their friends. It's a miracle we weren't hurt or killed. If you think for 1 minute that every young girl who is assaulted doesn't have good parents you live in a very small, very narrow minded world.
Some people's standards are different and I think you have made clear what yours are. But were you allowed to travel to New York City unescorted when you were 13? That is what we are discussing here, not your adolescence and ability to lie. Bottom line is junior high school girls are less likely to be gang raped if their parents pay close attention to where they are and their companions.
Lydia, my girlfriend and I went to a concert in Chicago, by a 90 min train ride, in a different state, we got home safely, but later than curfew, we were grounded. A teenager is going to find a way to do something they're excited about. She didn't set out to have what happened to her. I grew up to be a productive citizen of society, earning my Masters in Nursing. I tell my students to always be careful when traveling on spring break and always use the buddy system. For you to insinuate that this young girl had bad parents is just as bad as victim shaming. You don't even know her parents. I've cared for many rape victims earlier in my career, the amount of young girls from good families who feel to much shame to even tell their family, you know nothing about this girl, or her parents. You only know judgement, I hope you don't live in a glass house, or worse, work in any area of the Healthcare field.
I am so with you on this. We lied to our parents. They had no way of tracking us. We had a strict curfew and abided by it, but we were wild for those few hours of freedom we had. They trusted us. We were sneaky. There is no way to protect our children from every danger in this world. It makes it easier now bc we can track their whereabouts. However, people can be assaulted or taken advantage of anywhere. Two of my closest friends were groomed and sexually assaulted at church. By a youth pastor.
I graduated high school in 2000 and my sister, 1999. We didn’t have cell phones or Life 360 back then. We had a strict curfew and abided by it. We lived in a small town during our hs years and if there was a party, everyone went. College kids or kids that age would show up, too. We were a little wild. Lots of teenagers were/are. Doesn’t make it okay, but that’s just the truth of it. We’d stretch the truth a little on where we were going or go to the football games, but leave early and go somewhere else. My parents were wonderful, involved and loving. My sister and I were just a little sneaky.
At the same time, colleges and universities are far from a church social. The date rape drug is far more prevalent in college towns. The party scene was like nothing I’d ever seen before. If anything, I needed supervision there.
And to say girls are more likely to be raped if their parents don’t know their every move or every person they are friends with sounds like blaming everyone but the predator. Laken Riley was jogging on campus, at a university, and was raped and murdered.
Exactly, perfectly said Casey.
I believe it's because it's what the victims want. They do not want their names or stories out, and so they prefer to settle privately if they can. Buzbee went forward with this publicly in hopes that these famous people would reach out to him privately for his clients to keep their names out of the press. It's the smart thing to do - to scare everyone into settling, which is best for his clients. That said, if Jay-Z and others are going to keep the circus show going, I'm sure more and more details will be released. I think they've been above the law for so long they live in a world where they think they're invincible.
JayZ and the like belong to the powers that be. I’m not as blown away by his response as the rest of the internet. I think it speaks to just how oblivious he is to the seriousness of these allegations. Even savvy business men with that type of bank roll would likely settle in this matter irregardless of guilt and chalk it up to the cost of doing business. The issue is that it’s so much more than not being held accountable. They are all rewarded for this type of behavior. Maybe we might even say it’s expected? Selling your soul for power and fame is a tale as old as time. What these individuals seem to forget is that there is always someone more powerful than you and they will break you as fast as they made you. It’s incredibly satisfying to see these things come to light but my real question is what did they do to lose the support of the infamous “THEM”?
I have goosebumps; tough to read.
Weird times we're living in
Yes, this Is horrible
Why aren't there CRIMINAL charges being filed, rather than 'opportunity for private mediation'?
America is tired of these Celebs who believe themselves above the law and responsibility. Their Downfall cannot come soon enough.
si vis Pacem, para BELLUM
At this point, I honestly wouldn't be surprised for the news to break that all of these depraved, bored with fame, ego driven celebrities have hunted people for fun. It's been so interesting to watch all of these pedestals crumble and fall. Crazy times.
Right?! “The Most Interesting Game” came from somewhere. There is usually an element of truth to the sickest stories.
OMG THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME. 9th grade reading requirement.....MAKES YOU WONDER
Yes! Def makes you wonder why a book like that would be “required” reading? Is that part of their thing where they have to tell you what they’re doing?
Close 🤓 *Dangerous
Firstly, wondering if there is a statute of limitations for rape and that's the reason it's civil and not criminal? Probably not because she was just 13. Also, why did he write the post from a Roc Nation account on X (I looked it up)and not a personal account? Whether or not he committed this act of rape, we don't know, however, there are so many photos of him with Diddy, it's hard to imagine he had zero idea of what was going on. This Buzbee guy is hard core. He has won some pretty big cases like the Deepwater Horizon Spill ($47B); Astroworld Festival Tragedy ($750m);Deshaun Watson cases, most of which were settled. Not sure what Jay-Z is thinking here. I saw on X that Prince was suing him for unpaid royalties to the tune of $78M and then "broke his sobriety and died." Then there's this which kind of says it all-- "Jay narrated and contributed to a taped tribute to Diddy for his BET Lifetime Achievement Award, honoring his legacy as an inspiration in the Black community." Thanks for the great post Emilie! Keep talking!
Yeah, and Ye gave Diddy the Lifetime Achievement Award on stage at the BET Awards. That's a reality a lot of people on the Kanyesposts page I run seem to keep forgetting. People are not ready to have that conversation yet
Oh boy… that sounds cryptic. 👀
I think Jay Z and Diddy are guilty, vile and need to go to jail, ASAP. With that said, if you are offering "mediation" in a case like this it does feel very much like extortion. What else is being mediated if not money for silence? A public apology? Nah, he wants money for their silence. Others took it. I get the same extortion vibe.
And as with politics, whether Democrat or Republican, I am so tired of anonymous women taking down powerful men. So I agree with this too. Transparency and no back room "mediated" deals.
I see both sides of this too. If guilty he should go to prison. But the allegation makes you guilty nowadays.
I’m not sure what to think of this story. Why are the victims allowing these celebrities to settle out of court to hush things? Allowing them to do the exact same thing to other minors. Why no criminal trials? After what people done to Michael Jackson, I’ll reserve judgement.
I’ve been anxiously awaiting your breakdown of this story. Thank you.
Awesome, I wrote two breakdowns. There's another one coming this week
I remember seeing the lawsuit Jessica posted back in 2020-21 with Jay Z in it. It had crazy allegations in it! He was trying to buy and move a 5 year old child from her mother in Chicago or something like that. I commented this when you did your Blu Cantrell article. I can’t wait for Part Two.
It’s so hard for me to understand how anyone can have much faith or love for “celebrities” at all anymore. 🥴😵💫
Jess is posting that story soon!
I get everyone’s frustrations around why celebrities seem to get away with these things- it seems so unfair! However it’s indicative of the larger problem- society has evolved to generally believe sex crimes- especially against children- are heinous and irrepressible. However, the law hasn’t caught up with this yet. Marital rape was still legal in 1991 in the UK, and 1993 across the USA. Sentences in the UK for pedophilia are next to nothing, many are out in 2 years back in the communities. The level of evidence and what you have to be able to prove to take these things through a trial resulting in a conviction is insane, and even if you have the best evidence it doesn’t guarantee the best outcome. In the process of a trial, you are stripped of dignity, you have symptoms that develop due to abuse such as ptsd used against you. You are shamed. You have to relive your trauma through a long trial. Yes- it’s the brave and dignified thing to do, but seeing how these things work, I can’t honestly say i’d be strong enough to put myself through it.
Andrea Burkhart (lawyer who is also on Substack) had a great write up on this yesterday: https://open.substack.com/pub/andreaburkhart/p/jay-z-talks-tough-but-plays-victim
ooo can't wait to read.
Andrea Burkhart just posted another article today: https://open.substack.com/pub/andreaburkhart/p/everything-you-need-to-know-about