This trend of celebrities being so scared of being cancelled because they had the audacity to support someone other than who the liberal media machine tells us to needs to end. Our differences make us beautiful and unique. What even hotter is having a mind of your own and being unapologetically vocal about your beliefs regardless of media pressure. That’s why we love ya Jessica!

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The liberal media machine? The media is owned by RICH RIGHT WING WHITE MEN. Enough with your lies and misinformation.I can’t take people like you seriously when you write “liberal media machine” because it clearly shows you are biased and view those who are fighting fascism as somehow wrong. Gilead is here. Wake up! Call everyone out who aligns themselves with sexist pigs like RFK and rapists like Brand and racist losers like Schneider. She was in a room full of nazis and their enablers and when you’re in that room and say nothing, you are then a nazi sympathizer.

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Yes, you are one that Jewel was talking about. Please get some help.

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So absurd. She really did herself a disservice with this apology. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but she needs to follow Nelly’s lead. His statement was great.

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Man, I missed his statement. I will have to look it up. I do agree, ABSURD! If more of them would quit worrying about the woke-cry-baby-purple-haired-mob they would realize that people move on after a few days of selective outrage. People find the next thing to rage about and forget about you. So stand for what you believe in and ride the wave!

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It’s hilarious, look it up.

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I felt it was more of a “sorry that I hurt you” apology rather than a im sorry I did that. Like she didn’t say she regretted doing it or anything. Idk I respected her a lot more after this because as cool as Carrie underwood is, her doing the inauguration isn’t a huge blow to her fan base. I would say 90% of Jewels fan base are HARDCORE libs and a lot of lesbians and gays etc. so it is much more risky for her and her career to do such. I will definitely be supporting her on her next tour, and i hope many others will do the same to help cover for her losses!

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I agree, she seems to always want to try to mend things and soothe hurts. Her words speaking of finding a way forward together really speak to that, not regretting what she did, but apologizing if she caused pain. She seems to be a gentle, empathetic soul, and she is trying to let her fans know that she sees their perspective even as she tries to guide along another path.

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My interpretation, too. She should have stressed the unity part more than the apology. That is what we need from entertainers: don't take sides, preach unity and try to mend fences of division (ID politics) that should never have been put there by certain politicians (Obama, I am talking to you)

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Exactly I agree! It was sorry you’re upset not sorry I did it

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I also thought this and don't understand why it's necessary for HIH to attack her rendition of the song. Good to know how easy it is for her to turn on someone. Jewel is trying to make progress regardless of politics. We could all learn something from her.

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So, she picked a side, then she back peddled to the other side????? She could have done both. She could have sung for Bobby then explained to the haters nothing at all, because she can perform wherever she wants. Or she could have simply said that music is a universal unifier and that’s her mission, to bring all of her supporters together. Why sell out?

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There was no seĺl out. Her whole point was not picking sides but finding ways to work together on issues where you can find common ground.

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Who will save your souls when it comes to the flowers now?

Who, who will save your souls after those lies that you told, boy?

And who will save your souls if you won't save your own?

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I love jewel. She wears her heart on her sleeve. I feel her emotions when she speaks. I watched her apology and she had amazing words. I loved it. What I didn’t love was the comments from those people that will never see outside their own bubbles. Her comments appeased both sides. She mentioned more than once that mental health should not be political and that she would work with both sides. There was only ONE side that criticized her. I’m so sad to see people continue living in silos. Ugh it’s exhausting. To her sentiment….please stop politicizing certain things. Jewel has a pure heart and is a good person. Good for her.

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Urgh… 🙄🙄🙄🙄 that was nauseating 🤢🤮 🪣 Celebrities pandering the vicious radical left is THE WHOLE PROBLEM.

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Radical left? Are you and your neck on crack?

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Mean girls club “we don’t like Sara so don’t talk to her” but as soon as someone in your group talks to Sara then your little group is broken.

That’s how all this cancel culture looks like… SO DAMN immature. What happened to just letting people be…

Be the person that says that’s ok… there’s still a seat for you here in our group.

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"Mean Girls" all grew up into mean and superficial adults

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If you watch the video Jewel actually just said she was sorry to any of her fans who felt hurt or betrayed, she didn't say she was sorry for attending the MAHA event. Why are you being so critical? I think she did a great job of navigating this extremely divisive moment, and still being authentic to herself.

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I think the mistake is trying to offer any kind of apology at all, no matter how sincere. The woke mobsters never accept any apologies and will only hate her more for it. They smell blood in the water and will eat her alive no matter what. Trying to appease that particular part of her audience that is so closed-minded is futile.

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Thankfully Jewel is a bigger.person than most...

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I don't disagree with you on that. However, I think it's worth trying on her part for those that are open-minded.

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Love you continuing to speak your mind ‘as if you’re at a dinner table w friends..’ ❤️

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Love reading your articles, you are always spot on. But I would like to use this opportunity to tell you and your followers about huge protest in Serbia where the entire country is on general strike. Our entire system is not just corrupt but completely ridiculous and insane. They are trying to install communism 2.0. and people are just not having it. People are protesting for months and they haven’t caused one single incident, despite all the treats and literally being run over by those who disagree with them. What is so amazing about this is that students are leading them, backed up by their teachers and professors. I know that foreign politics might not be your area of interest, but I think it’s important to pay attention and support those who are fighting for fundamental freedoms. Lots of love.

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So tired of this monolithic push for a homogeneous entertainment. For an industry that prides itself on rebellion - they certainly have no concept of what it means to lean into the boldness that takes.

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everyone hating on her so much… she definitely is not spineless.. at least she came to that ball for her friends (Cheryl and RFK)… that’s more than most of the Hollywood pricks could say.

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What’s the point of coming if you’re going to apologize? Apologies mean something was done wrong and there was not.

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Jewel is a beautiful soul and cares deeply for children and mental health and that’s where her heart is. This rendition of “Over The Rainbow” is often sung at her performances and she has a long history with it. She was sorry that her actions were hurtful to her fans (not her critics) because she genuinely loves her fans. Her Instagram photo with Bobby in Aspen drew so much hate from 1/2 her fans, it was shocking to me. I believe she is courageously trying to repair the rift and doing her best. She isn’t run by managers - she’s a regular person making her own decisions. Why are people so quick to jump to conclusions?

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I'm done with second-guessing. Stand strong, stay bold. Don’t let anyone pressure you into backing down. The walk back apology needs to stay in 2024.

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Her mental health must be incredibly fragile if she feels the need to apologize for singing. How many people have been in her audience that disagree with her views on things? Is she gonna apologize to them? It's insane. Be who you are and own it. I agree re the song - I hated it. In her world we should apologize to her for that.

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You are spot on! I don't agree with MANY artists'political views but I still listen to their music and respect their choice to believe what they want! There are people who like her rendition and people who don't. But I did not even know what she was singing until the end and even then- ewww.

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Well said.

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