I AM SO INVESTED IN THIS! So glad you’re exploring it and unpacking it for us! Can’t wait to read.

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I wasn't so interested in covering this until this woman. She has it all and it's crazy to reexamine. I'm a bit overwhelmed by organizing the breakdown, but I think in smaller sections (with her help) it's much easier.

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I totally agree with you! I can't wait to hear the whole story!

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Ok I’m literally parked one block away from JonBenet’s house as I read this. As a native of the area, and a student at the University in Boulder at the time that this happened (and still live nearby), this story has never been far from my mind.

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Lol I can drive by and send you a pic if you want. It is now the only house in the entire neighborhood with a fence (to keep nosy people off the property)

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Yes!! 👀

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Ok I’ll send it via Instagram in about an hour

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I sent some. Let me know if you got them.

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The Ramsay’s still live there?

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No they moved not long after JonBenet died.

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Also, Jon Benets mother died of cancer about 5 yrs ago.

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Another Buff! Wasn’t this nuts? I lived in an apt on The Hill at the time. I came back a little early from Christmas break and there was so.much.media.

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Because I still live here I don’t want to give a whole lot of identifying info but I have reason to still spend quite a bit of time in the immediate vicinity just as then. It was a circus!!!

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Hellooo fellow Boulderites! I lived in Golden, but worked downtown Boulder when this happened. My fam is STILL gripped by this devastating case.

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I too was a blonde haired little girl in the Denver metro area in ‘96. This story and theColumbine tragedy is one that shifted my narrative 100% growing up.

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Yep I’m here too. I just drove by a couple of months ago. It is unrecognizable now but so very creepy and sad knowing what happened to that little girl in that house. I don’t know how anyone lives there.

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It’s for sale right now. It looks like, on Zillow, that the current owners (who are the only owners since the Ramseys) have unsuccessfully tried to sell it quite a few times. I don’t think I could live there.

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Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Nope I couldn’t do it.

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and now Jon Benet.

here for it all.

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I ting that t-shirt!

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My own personal opinion is that their son Burke was much more involved. I read the book you linked a few months back written by one of the investigators on the case - wow!

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Oh good! Then you're well versed already.

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I also just finished the Foreign Faction book you recommended a few months ago. It’s a great book. So much information! I agree with you and it’s my opinion Burke was involved.

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I just read this as well and I believe it was Burke, in some form or fashion. And a mother that needed to protect him afterwards. My opinion.

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Reading this right now too and flying through it it’s so good so far

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I must’ve missed that. Looks good.

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Same. I read the book referenced (and a few prior) along with watching all the specials. The one I think it was CBS that alleged it was Burke made the most sense. As a mother and now Nana of 2, I can not imagine one child or grandchild killing another, but the love one has for their children/grandchildren is so remarkebly strong, I would do anything to keep them safe. I am backing away from my keyboard as I write those words as the thought is beyond perverse, but I would turn in my husband/sibling/friend in less than a heartbeat if they severely injured, let alone killed my child. I am going to be checking my inbox for the next installment like a crazy woman. Thank you, Jessica, for doing this. #RIPJonBenet

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I have suspected Burke as well. I recall watching a documentary, 1 of many several years ago, & info that stood out in my mind, that night the family returned from a friends Christmas party, Burke ate some pineapple , eaten pineapple was found in JonBenet’s stomach. Supposedly JonBenet never liked pineapple. Also this doc exposed Burke’s outbursts , & abuse especially toward JonBenet, & his jealousy toward JonBenet getting all his mother’s attn due to the pageants. Had she also been receiving more attn during the Christmas holiday season? Not just from his parents, but from family friends as well? Additionally ,JonBenet had a crushed in skull which exactly matched a baseball bat. Burke owned a bat. There was no evidence of anyone entering the residence, & Patsy’s so called ransom note was proven in her handwriting. How would a stranger know the exact $$ amount of John Ramsey’s upcoming quarterly bonus? Their house had a full on alarm security system.

The Ramsey’s allowed so many friends over after news of JonBenet got out, it deteriorated the credibility of the crime scene. This of course was the fault of the police/investigators.

I haven’t read the book yet you suggested Jessica, but I’d love too, once I find the time. I’d read this way before any Harry Potter. 🤓

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I think the documentary referenced the flashlight as having the skull injury. The baseball bat was a separate incident.

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Oh I think you’re right. But wasn’t there also a baseball bat incident at some point too?

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I saw this documentary, but didn’t they reference a torch as the weapon? It was the torch that was on the kitchen table after the murder and it matched JB’s skull fracture.

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All of the information on Burke is just gross. Is this lady anonymous due to Burke’s lawsuits?

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Same. I’ve followed this case closely, have ready at least 10 books now and probably watched all documentaries out there.

Ive been on pretty much every reddit and looked at any and all photos and photos of evidence deemed "relevant" (and not) tjat I can get my hands on.

I've always felt this was the case. Burke. His violent outbursts, his off interviews, the parents protecting his medical records/hiding him from interviews, the staged crime scene, etc. Then I read the latest book Jess linked and I knew it was right! It was the only way any of it makes sense. Factor in the defamation lawsuits, and well, you dont silence people unless you have a reason to silence them

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I read this book too and 🤯🤯

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What is the book called?

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Foreign Faction by James Kohlar.

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Ordered! Thank you.

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Ok I’m in. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️Only because you’re breaking it down for us and it sounds like there will be some measure of resolve at the end! I’ve otherwise always distanced myself from this case because of the hype coupled with lack of resolution for sooo so long. So frustrating.

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Oh, I feel you. That's exactly how I feel. And why I agreed to take this on. Because it does break it down and offer practical resolve.

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I thought that recently someone asked for the DNA to be rechecked bc of new technologies, but Boulder PD won’t allow it. Any truth to this?

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Exactly how I feel!😂

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As the mother of a child that did pageants at the same time as JonBenet I have always followed this case . Unlike popular opinion would have one believe many ( Not ALL ) children turn out just fine after doing pageants . It is not indicative of ANYTHING but liking to do pageants . My daughter gained confidence and many lifelong friends . She is now a mother herself AND a professional with an eight year degree AND a happy adult . I am sorry for what happened to JonBenet ...so tragic .

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I agree. I think the media focused on this aspect - and because it came attached to such a dark tale - it twisted public perception.

I don't think all pageantry is linked to perversity. So, Im glad you can weigh in on that topic here with personal insight to counter that assumption.

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The only relevance of pagents is that the media was handed a vast stash of visuals of an especially photogenic little girl, dressed and made up expensively and flawlessly. Such a windfall is exceptionally rare for a murder case, so the media and the public did what they do in such a circumstance - they went nuts, obsessing, speculating, inventing salacious and perverse theories, and objectifying a little girl, all because a hobby and the blessing of attractiveness provided an irresistible visual library that was too memorizing to look away.

Unfortunately, this was a significant distraction that contributed to the case remaining unsolved. (Not the only reason, of course.) It also meant the near total erasure of a dead little girl.

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You have hit the nail on the head .JonBenet was actually not a true pageant girl . My daughter and I did pageants on a National and International level …she loved them ..and JonBenet was a passing participant with a few nice glamour shots . It had nothing to do with her death . I am excited to read the newest theories .

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Loi my

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Cannot wait for this. I was a teenager when it happened and it absolutely was a case I've never been able to forget, and probably the case that got a lot of women now in their 40's interested in true crime. I have long believed her brother to be the killer, with Patsy his enabler/accessory after the fact. I'm not sure if John ever knew the truth, or just did and said as he was told. But I'm definitely open to other theories, and absolutely open to hearing the truth.

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I spent Valentines Day 2005 inside the Ramsey home, and I can confirm that it has a very eerie vibe. Everything about it - from the walk in refrigerator in the chefs kitchen to the basement and the 2 upstairs wings (Master Bedroom in one wing and children’s bedrooms in the other) - was strange. Very excited for this deep dive into the case!

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I was a Junior or Senior at the University (2004/2005), and knew someone that lived there (let’s call him Ryan). My friends and I were doing a Galentines dinner and Ryan text me asking what I was up to. I let him know I was at my house with a group of friends and we’d just finished eating dinner. He asked if he could come hang out with us, to which I said of course. He came over with roses for each of us and invited us to take a tour of the Ramsey house 🫣 With no hesitation we all said YES! I lived on The Hill at the time, so it was a quick 3 minute drive to the house. When we arrived, he had champagne ready for all of us, so before the grand tour Ryan poured us all a glass and then proceeded to show us around the entire house. We went from room to room and of course ended in the infamous basement. Granted this was almost twenty years ago, and I was partying a lot during college, so the memory is a little hazy. But I do remember the basement being very strange. It consisted of a series of rooms and then there was the window that JonBenét was supposedly kidnapped through. Being in the basement and seeing that window felt very surreal. And now feels like a faint dream. After the grand tour, we proceeded to hang out, smoke weed and drink beers in the Master bedroom. It was a night I’ll never forget.

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It sounds very interesting, could you tell us more about this place, please?

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But JonBenet was never kidnapped, just murdered. The basement window was broken & the window the Ramsey’s told investigator’s they thought is how the murderer entered the house.

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Um…. A set up champagne pregame on VD for a tour of the house a girl was murdered in? And this was something cool? Smoking weed and hanging in a murdered child’s home…. Ok 😬. I mean I was young once too - and still smoke a bunch of weed, but something about how you framed that story as if writing it to TMZ about literally any celebrity is… kinda ick? Just a thought….

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What a story! The house is for sale now! It’s on Zillow!

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What?!? How did it come to be that you spent valentines 2005 there? I’ve always wondered what it’s like.

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Yes please fill us in how you spent time there! ;)

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More info on this, pretty please - a Sub-Substack, if you will.

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I’m buckled in! Let’s go!

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Get ready!

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Can’t wait for this exclusive unpacking. And what a wonderful (&captivating!) way to introduce the series and share what’s to come. It is a heavy case, so keep up on your good self care, there’s a coronation a-coming! 🫶🤍

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Thank you, Jenelle! Love this kind of support!

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Really, putting headlines at the end of an article with such screaming titles is very intriguing and breathtaking!

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Jessica! I have been waiting for your deep dive on this! So invested in this case and I have always thought there were so many inconsistencies. That ransom letter was incredibly odd. The weird friends that were there before and after, how they went downstairs and “found” her body after the investigator was going to search the whole house. What is your ideal time frame to break it all down?? Can’t wait.

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This story is so tragic! Being Jonbenet's age when this happened as well as being a native of Denver it always hits so close to home and still as eerie as the day it happened. Jessica, I'm curious if your source or anyone you talked to mention the Dad and a few other men being Satanists and this was a ritual gone wrong. As crazy as that sounds there's crazy theories behind it and one Judge in the area who was privy to the case had tons of inside info that he shared before he passed and the info he shared kind of corroborated this theory that no one wants to talk about . It reminded me if your research into the whole Eyes Wide Shut article!!!. There's this Youtube video from a journalist who is heavily shadow banned but interesting. I'm curious if anyone has heard similar things??


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Yes -I’ve read this theory as well. It sounded like an MKultra “session” gone wrong. Sick people who would put their child through that.

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Yes, I have heard this theory too, but dismissed. I’ll watch the vid you attached.

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I was a teen when this happened. I’ve always tried to keep up but there are so many rabbit holes it eventually got lost on me. Can’t wait to look at it again with a new perspective!

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I think what freaked me out was that I felt so strongly that the mother knew what happened but she was covering either for her husband or son. And it really disgusted me. Then at another point I thought maybe she did it!

Oh my gosh either way I just can’t believe when members of families cover for each other for a murder! I would never, I would throw my brothers / etc in jail in a minute.

This is the one that’s going to tilt me to subscribing! I’ve been dragging my feet but I always enjoy your information!

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Do it... subscribe. You WILL NOT regret it! ❤️

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I did the same. I vacillated between all 3 after the murder. I recall at 1st reading how JonBenet still wet the bed & Patsy lost her temper, which I can’t imagine, but you never know behind closed doors . Then I heard/read it was John, but my gut said no, he just looked so grief stricken, however, I think in some documentaries I watched, or in 1 of many articles I read, during autopsy, they indicated there had been prior sexual abuse😢. Now I believe it was Burke.

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It sounds very sad.😢

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I'll be following this. I remember seeing the magazines with JonBenet at the grocery store as a kid. I always wonder why they couldn't solve the case.

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Just my two cents, but if it is Burke, then they - especially back then - wouldn’t want to arrest & charge a child. It’s been a cover up from the start.

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I read Foreign Faction too, thank you Jessica! I remember when it all happened and followed it a bit, but then thought WTH is going on with the investigation? I had never seen a little girl so made up before - too young to be made up, I thought, and it still goes on. I find that just... unnecessary, and creepy, and messed up... thank you for bringing it up, because I am eager to see where this goes!!

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